Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Jan 1963, p. 2

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ACitYWithQui NgWspdpers Has de Effect Q11 mommy $51K TM lflmflm mm unmme mum mmum 14 aImm In um rm um no 1M Am In nu ma Wu mmu tunIn Momle mum rum NunMr run le MImm 1h lmlfllln Pun IMHM AIIMI Full ltulfllvu up my MIT FFW LM it EM Fugnknfouum mum mum inn333$ 05 ml tummy mm valve Awfmmm In cm Alum mu lung unn fimn Vnmy SPECTACLE Klurxlnn Vhl ASlamlnrrl Vhrlher no onla we wnx nulflrlrnl nmvmullnn nr nnl Mnynr Whlllon Decr 2331 1937 Locomotive lender and three cars CNR Train No 46 Tim mlns In Toronto derailed near Callan der Englncer William Park of Allan dale Injured but 70 passengers escapcd Bay froze Dec 20 Aaron Car ley resldent of Harrie 08 years and 82 In Simcoe County celebraled his new blrlhglay Lucius Christmas Pannnlee lnlernalionally famous cherue swindler back in San Quenlln pen or another term clalmed he was once banker In Cookslown Canada Major Knowles speaklng al lhe annual dinner of Grey and Slmcoe Fnreslers Inexlmenl In llnrrle Armoury declared that returned men In not want another uar but would not shirk their duly If our nnllnnal Inlegrlly was lhrenlened favlain llaikcs wns loaslmasler Nel llcllrlde mnploycd as llmekeepcr wllh llllslrllcllan company wax an eye witness of lrauedy Vllllll look lives of elnhl men hullrllng hrldne at Port Slan ley College oolhall Mayors of It day are bunch of pansIts declared llunh llull llilclrle slar of lhe Vnrrlly learns or lollll He Is nallvc Elm Mflhmlnd ma mu mu Im llvlnvmM Ulllht m4 ynmom 90 mm mm wl mum 1mm nut4 Hum rum mum1 mun mmm mm mm mumw mm mums HIM Mum In IIAIIV KILMVN Alvnflllll III mum unmu nmmm Mun 5anan mm hy mm It nm Kl II VIHHII 25 YEARS A60 IN TOWN Grade 13 is the equivalent oi the iirst year at university and there is an econ omic advantage in having the student take the work at home rather than going to some distant college term where the cost of bed and heard is added to the cost of tuition and other things And there is the added advantage in that it eases the sirain on already overcrowded college facilities particularly during period when our population of young people has rapidly expanded and contin ues to do so In recent yeir rade 13 students have not received their results until near the middle of August only few weeks before university begins This gives them little time to consider what courses they will take or even what universities they will attend in addition the issuance of scholmhips on which so many students depend has heen delayed Hon William Davis Ontarios new minister of education has announced plans to streamline the Grade 13 course ovcf fiveyear paring But newspaper does much more than satist the hunger for news It serves as the communitys marketplace And new the sellers in the market lace in the two citles are assessing the osses resulting mm the interruption of this aspect of the newspapers service Sales are down in both New York and Cleveland in some cases by more than 50 per cent at the busiest time of the ear for sales Some shows may close ecause of dwindling audiences Mer chant alter merchant has tried to bolster Strikes have halted publication of newspapers in Cleveland and New York The effect on the readers in those cities was apparent the first day the presses were silent Available co lesoi buts town néwspapers were ckly sold out and often resoldatblac market prices Thousands drive to othercommunities to pick up neivspapers Civic aencies are going to the expense of runn ng off mimeographed sheets in an attempt to at least portion of the population know what is happening in the way of administration These agencies along with business service and other organ izations and the individual readers are relearning an old lesson There is no substitute for the newspaper in the dis semination of news in civilized com munity JCIIIIIIILIUII tut 1mm in uumeu cum munity But newspaper does much more than satist the hunger for news It serves as the communitys marketplace And now the sellers in the market place in the two cities are assessing the losses resulting mm the interruption of this aspect of the newspapers service Sales are down in both New York and Cleveland in some cases by more than 50 per cent at the busiest time of the year for sales Some shows may close because of dwindling audiences lller hanl alter merchant has tried to bolster On an average weekday the news paper reaches 86 per cent of all homes in Canada 80 per cent of all adults 72 per cent of all teenagers and saturates every significant consumer market De partment stores spend 87 per cent of their advertising dollars in newspapers Supermarkets spend 85 per cent of their advertising dollars in newsgapers Drug stores spend 73 per cent their adver tising dollars in newspapers The rest of the budget is shared by all other me dia combined by radio televlslon outdoor billboards magazines direct mail and so on On Grade 13 Examinations The Barrie Examiner Walls Pubusher maul biuvnu OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Published by CanadianNewépaperé Limited 16 Hayfield Skeet Barrie Ontario DOWN MEMORY LANE blisher Byian Slaight WEDNESDAY JAN 11951 sm gheral Manager INDIVIDUAL RIGHIS lloglna lmdcrtlnsl Al what mgu Im the lmllvldual lhc rlghl In my to community Ihln you shall nnl do lnlrln my HEM an lmllvlrlual In Iho Inld of the com munity planner all no nllen In lhls lay and 1550 lhn lmllvldual rlghln olllw prlvnlu llllllllllr are lurzvrllrn Tllal Ilwm llfllll arr villwr nnglmlnl 0r numl l1 nllrn al llw Iwarl ul ammllmra luillrrh upmml mmplalnlx lgnlml communflv vlannlnl wlwlo I1I5l nmh alnllrallnn nl rcnsnn and mnlml shnuld happen In any cmumunlly wmhl ho Imul mmlmh la have occur In Ihu 1npllal rin or thin rnunlry makn ll lluuhly IIIIIUHME llnwa nnw nlnnvls rondemncd or her lack of selfcomm In hynlull assault Inn follow rlcrlrtl Jam whole sonlld incltlnnl can only be vlnwml Usumllnu cclnclv cnmplcloly duvnhl nfn jml rnlinn vale and graduate at Barrie Collegiate where he pln ed football Donald Caulter 10 Thornton killed when struck by auto on ilighwny 27 Sleigh riding down Sunnidnle Road Raymond Keeteh 13 had narrow escape when sled went under Clelands Bakery truck Frank Beatty returned as move and Orville Todd ns deputy of inntstii by neclamntion Hell removed telephone 0105 mm zaheth Street and Emu load Vin Shuter installed oiiiccrs 0i Barrie hrnnch Canadian Legion George Jnmes was resident Ty Ar bour Victoria lnrbour tormer pro appointed coach at Barrie Cnlts junior hockey team Some of the badminton ladies have adopted new nltlro it black velvet swing skirt jumper style with black satin blouse trimmed with dainty pink button nt0r Alex Cowan onlclnlcd me at lnslnllnllnn of olflccrs of rinthlnn Masonic Lodge WM was Lou hccd Henry Ferry wou Hrs prim hmullful lea wagon In Vhillyn drug store Christmas conlusl Mrs Waller Haylixs gal xccond lunch srrvlcc and Mrs 51101er wnn lhlnl cloc lrlc hcallng pml Moreover the move should give of licials at universities and other institu tions concerned better advance notice of how many to prepare tor And al though there are hot spells early In June quite often it usually gives student chance to prepare for his examlnatlons under more favorable temperature con dlllons Students teachers and arents will be happy that an effort 15 he ng made to rectin many of the shortcomings of the Grade 13 course which have become evi dent In recent years One of the first changes to be lnstl tuted in the new plan ts to advance the time of writing final examinations by one week Under the new schedule the tests will begin the first week in June and it is expected because of this in have the results announced early in August This will enable student who plans to pro ceed to university or some other kind of higher education to have more ade quate time to make the necessary prep aration At every age from the teens to the oclogenarians 71 per cent of the readers cover newspaper thoroughly Each of them picks up the newspaper 24 times an an average during the day This only confirms what has been shown in survey alter survey The com munity relies most heavily on its news raper to generate commerce to stimu ate trade Here are some of the facts or Canada sagging sales by greater use of broad casting but hashad to cut backbecause as one of themsaid Radio and TV ad vertising can be useful adjunct but it cannot substitute or newspaper adver using Mnrimn mm mu hm mm mm been mend mm mull Thu dommunln mulu rlm lhnl lllllrr Irenlly Miami Mn emlul mm and Ir uylrd IM unllhly wary um lln lhllhh mannaIr mu Inlmn mliry mlhl nun Ike mlum lmumumln hnvlnn Mun Unwind Illml Fur 1qu mp ulml ml during lulu uliplmnnnc prvlnd In Inmlan rul llnml mm Mn old Iclxml lrllm whn Md Mxh men In mrmml Ila mmde Mm In um nn lanlllh ln Hy MM Iv lllllcrn Inlmmnllvm about Hug Arum Io hum nmu mm In Nul Duh ul Cu Inlll mndmu Qunen Vlc Inna nml mum mum at he llvludl numnnh nm Duke of Maxim hm ls mad Ilnlcmtnl mm IMII nnylnx lhu pom were Illnled In curry lnrnr wflh Iller Iml nun In lulu lmprmlnn flrlflnh ntuaplpul unrully who IN mm umuuuu Klnx Edvard VIII award In In MI Barman mmmtnl mun tnluaun llmo Hm In had wnnaml Imw nonrly he dtdwouhl mm mm In lhc on ho hum puppol manrd Ml wflhi In lava thl wu pmmd an lm by In IHHUMIII llld unuuu mun nrllllh pullllc Cqflflyflql vumn The report conlnlncd In lhl lulu olllclnl vnlumo rm lured German diplnmnllc doc umenu publhhed Pridl Gm mun tmluulu In Lon on dur Inz lha mldmos nppnrenlly tonvlncrd Hill Um Edward VII wnl ldmlrer lhn N131 chum tmnndrn lpuudunym ulunm Vlllllm Cunnvrl Inil IM documenll raven he du hendumnz Ind nullh Cnumlrg rnndudu DOUG MARSHALL Clnldlln lun Ell erlcr Must Informed nplnlnn 1n Bril uln has dhmlucd nonunsa the report the Duke Windwr KIM Edward VIII nvnred III IHIIHCI wllh Null Ggmlny The rad unlnn workers who use range mm 27 lo 51 are mending lhh May course which belnl held at the ycanfld Mlmnden Abbey Bucklnzhamlhlra Adult Educa llon Connie LONDON Large employ oi labor In bacomlnx more deeply concerned about their in duslrial relations and particu larly the part which he nhup alumni plny in keeping time ulnlion either harmonious or in stale oi lurmoll nm is why six wellknown large firms employing total of well over 10000 men Ire holding ml mun coung of lecture and informal discuninnl or group of shop lewards irom lhnir planla mi are paying the whale cost of the venium And extcp or hunk and lime out lnr we meals these shop stewnrds arc pulllng In when any In In Intanaiva pro LINK WITH NAle REPORT FROM ILK Workers Are Studying Indusirial Relations By MCXNIYRE HOOD Most Papers Dismiss Report About The Duke 01 Windsor damage EVEKYSHOWFLAKé mamas RoM HAYH1WARELALL DIFFERENT saemmm rrnomsm THE SNOWFLAKES Howmnny 0mm and In lcmlllvo Sevch Cobunu won dcrl lhu Manchu Gunrdlnn may be ellan Impelme wrong Mn cd lmpmsinm ho run mule ol mum public Inlun nver Ifn or nvcr um fllll rrInUons th lhn Unntd 5mm Severn ncwxpnpm my lhe documtnll underline the ncrd or Western government to 51m lhclr lruc nplnlonl again and unln Fllppunl onlp can lend to Many wrong condu myI The program broad one covering many npccu cl In duslrlal rchallans Strike action the rcdundancy Impllcallons al automation over lhu ncxl live yuan Ind occupalloml disease versallons In private cvrr cock lnfls and calm Th le ilrmn involved are paying subslnnlially for Ibis xv vexImam ln lhe training 01 she awards but they consider ll mnney well xpcnl The fee or tlve days residence and for the course ll $31 Apart from thin hp firms whlch like the Illop aluwnrds prelcr not lo be named are making up he wont lull Wm nnd paying their film to Great Mlmndcn Packet money also pald by the employers yarles from 450 yer week In $450 day least one man was glvvn curls bluncha by hln employm la put in hll own bill or expenses BROAD PROGRAM mm ledum and Normal dlncunlonl MQNEYV Wain SPENT 0M1 mlflovM Ml IlaIII MM III1 FEATURE SHOWN AT MS Ind MS PM mnu SA Weummm JOHNle CESAR RPM 3mmme 1N And they thll In IIIII Ihln the hrllblueu of flu llmllmenh llld they um um many la riuhlenulntu II nun Ior em Ind nunDunn The mum God who mks mm God wlll make la mind in llml clmml day Mum olhm hnvo bcm mud in no he light by lhnlr Ilm One nur grcalcsl almn get lam clear Ihlnklng lhal in nu governed by he emallunl that the nclory nor can tll and think the membcn the group have seen haw the moat lrlvlnl Ihlng can an of hand when employerl and unIons have no dear why communicating with each nlher and undcnlnndlng uch alhcrl WWW The course opened by James Grifmhme Im Lian ally Labor mumbcr Th lwu organizan tutors Thomas and Coker are lrom Sluugh College Allhough In the informal almasphcrc the Icrm tutor Is mlsnamcr Suld Mr Thomas Slmllur courm In his one arc In he heldIn February Ind March and nlrwdy mail of lhe slum have been lakcn tar bath nu us We ave mm some and wranulcn wilh nu holds bnmd across the lablc and not cvcrv hing we have learned In In cmplaym ndvanme In know la mam nbaul the law In it affects unlom and the men than we did at the begin nlflz ul the course On the shop stewardl In summing up his than on the course 591d are among the controversial lapfcs on the daily up lo pm ngmda Tape recordings are made of lh apccches ol the they new nm In that they can kw lheir awn speaking null and mannerisms and redily them On member coxArmed that he had made his lint Ipecch and aund no orduL We were bl Iuspldmu lfld skeptical at am But he let ture and discussion have come somelhlng ol revelation la mm of us It good mm ogmlvc II ulhm see BIBLE THOUGHT Inan 01 06 In mm Mm Once In cu or oust you can lpetd thawan by making mun Inc or finger In warm NOT hobwater would not be abovc no degrees whlch will 1ch mildly mm In you Dvnl lrusl lhe vkllml tense warm an or eat so boot Ind Inch of funny once you reach Ahellcr Alain dont shah ar rub AM Dont expose flesh to hal dry heat uch am 91 animus pipe quzen hand an In lucked under an Irmpil your on ur wmmna Ilul on the way Fm 1m ears noses china chain the other likeliul places cepl feet can be cavzred But dont try to rub yaull damn the Hub and Accomplilh nom lggt P0511 ml with snow What Dont try to prick the bIMm Wait until actor can do In undu Iterlle condition buam he damaged flesh is vulnerable la intentions which otherwise It would throw all mporary one and then havlnz him mu main yau lo on The reeling thaw lng and refreczlng doe hr mar damage than allowing him In remain frozen longer In lhl int place Ih fly needs warmth Franbfle remember is mutual Inning Particles waler in lhe lime turn in Ice The fin mm I1 waxy lp earance Dee er ranthno brings mulling bue dllwlora Hon later turning gray and then butlertnzl In he wildenim rush lhc Iufltrer lo real miter 11ml nothing to Numbness or loss of unsallon he In IIKH When badly chlllnd flesh begins la let em lartable or evrn give an Illuslon al belng warm look ouL This isnt case swing mum wind against the cold WI the bcglnnlnz lroxtblle run midi GARRYRE QRIIISINB 0n the other hand children and Moran young mm malth became they dont rec wine or out bravado lam gnu lreednz In the name with cold Evzry hununu umn we read about hunter who die heart attach ilnt unly the exertion They overtax then1mm because the body ha to work hardn la my warm lhnuld be obvious but know It Isnt lhal finial cm dlLlau fl important the matter of mime and Irmlngane named Math and Wham to fad cum Ilulnsl lunat des who to out on wukcnds and try to play ad hole loll Alur they at lnlo condition they can we luch exercise By JOSEPH MGLNER MD IMPERIE TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH WEDNESDAY Jackpot $300 IN ll NUMBER REGULAR ROUND SHARE THE WEALTH DOOR PRIZE Frostbite gfleymernbez Is Bctualheezing lEGION HAll COllIER ST PURSER do We aciually need these WM 65 TODAY ONLY smuu um mum quummw coma lEGION BINGO WEST SIDE STORY When Japan annexed Kora In 1919 it nphud the lmdaliy tic mum at ccanamy with aphach mum And In more rigid min No Imaklpz The dentin my kids III my mum blood uk Ind mum circulth ENE most want In aim to N0 alcohol It nu until flu mm LI and Ania it do mm normal drawn palmnu Dcnl drink Ikohol Mar to lng out late lke cold or mu In it In merenr minted cold we like Warming 11 who can lead to death wfiib Mdnkqlwgvlve the We without barn we Mm 114M THE CANADIAN PIE plated Ike Jimmie Ink with only mm Kahlil to mgr 29 miles In heir mow mam Vania Ramon was laminated 1141111 my Mom 1171 were dlmvewd by Louis and ancoix la Vercndrye azo today4n 196th mt man la mat such but ney 51m Capt Robert Scott 46 year pruimly Sir Ed gmgd 1114 his jaw Nev 1m bunch of bl Royal Mint wu nubfished in Ottawa Jam m1 The Canadian Law of COPYHKM came into urea 39 year Ito todayin Mu Thc law makes provixim lar Iflowln remaining vrodudim or reproduction in whole nr in part in my malerifll form mm writing music drama and 1855111 cilia at Ottawa and lama Ont was it Jan 163 Sir Ide Hillary int was HM Ev mrparaud AS IIAS BEEN THE USUAL PIIALTICE IN PAST YEARS TIIE RP GULAII SATURDAY NIGHT DANCE FEAT URING THE 503 URL TEE ORCHESTRA WILL BE DISCONTINUED max JANUARY T0 FEBRUARY DUI DATES INCLUSIVE WELL ESE YOU AT OUR BIG VALENTINE DANCE SAL FEB 0d Plou 318715 Club Puvalon TODAY IN HISTORY NOTICE

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