By GASTON Mr and Mufirank Mid an lamin Alherlun spent Chris mas with Mr and Mn Thoma mm Ir and Mrs Robert Kendrick in Nnrlh Buy for Christ Bmwn of Shearwater NS vlslled his grandpamls and Mrs Em Canon for holidays Christmas visilurs with Mr Mrs Ernest Ellsmem were and Mrs Murray Bell sucetsvme Mr and Mrs Ilsmere and Mr and Mn Nick Ellémm Barrie and Mr Ind Mrs Dunsmore utmen Hill grout number ol people are Main to he Horseshoe hills east of the village on the Med onle 0m lawn line Mr and Mrs Bert Caskan Ind 55 Betly and alarm qunl Christmas at Vasey Mrs Susje Coward was in AROUND SIMCOE COUNTY We are gla In see our store npcn again wlh Mrs Hammell In chums Runnl Ottawa spent Christmas with his ar enls Mr and Mrs Ru Grenvcs 7M Hid Mrs Handy Crew Hill spent Christmas with Mr Ind Mrs Max Cralg CHURCH ENTERTAINMENi 5L Johns Church supper End entertainment will he theld Jun Mr ahrdr Mrs Ram Hodgsoll had large family party or Christmas dinner Mrs lhlda Richards and Mr and Mrs Runnla RichardA sun of Taronh spent Monday Mrn Hoggsoy Mlss Church Barrie and Norman Buldwln at Toronto and Mn and Mrs Harvey Prints and Gayle of Paterboro ware sitar with Mr and Mn Cure ï¬e Baldwin Hunle Glflstmii ï¬eék Mr ind Mrs MEI Snlder had Christmas dinner with Mn nnd Mrs gears nldcr an Mrs Ch Bmwn and family Were Em Caslona or Christmas Mr and Mn Lewis Can were Mr and Mn Hurry Eahs and family and ML and Mrs Fraser Cur and Susan Torunlo Mr and Mn Ralph Lalnnde and children 01 THURSDAY JANUARY Ilnulv nlmulll Im In Ivrun lhnl mman mxlu Ilnlruwnln ï¬lm can hug cum to 1m nwhlqnl ï¬miluwn dhmvtryul 41m dam 1055 um 00 um Tnmnllh Onl NpteIIIIPol he Int llmn nrlrnm hu cum llnw hulin nulvohnm lllh lha nblllly In nmlnk hrmunhnldl Ind nllav gum Ind llchlnl Thnuumh nvu bun nlllved with lhh In mmlvn lubshnn right In line vlry ml lhnlr nln hamn wllhnul Iny lbmmlun or rnlmm ram um raw whiln unlly rr flvlnl mln actual nducuun 19an Wk vh nflrml vow mm mm rAlInl npnmlwn ll Ink It at vlvul mumom ck gunMoe Science Now Shrinks Piles Without luin or Discomfort ï¬nd Sulalam ThI mum Inn And MM AI ll Shinh MW un nnwhrallng 5133an mNEst JANUARY no In In 00 on on so in LII mum no Dan fluxlu mul culck an AM mumm mun Slrll ma New Wnlhd 590K Tn Fllnulanu In sum uy rnm 50m Pnndn flln Ncwrmllulnc Yelr um um cm 1v Ncw wmnu 5mm Ne nu nm wrmuu CRAIGHUBST yaw tnmr hn nol rind ly lul Pillllll Good Hamill sumo mu Nm anplr noun ram rmy Nmau fllpnrl mm Cum mm Is No CHARM rok rrlissanVicn Lcrhu Voun mu sum ram Fully nun 7on Yon Bur Chllllnll 5pm nanh spun um um Dnmll Mum Army wmlm Hm Gun vm nml DRVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS Md fury Ill flrllvrlvd To Your va CFTO CHANNEL CARRIER MISS YOU CKVR CHANNEL VALLEY TAXI PA 82433 BlgBay Paint and Mr and Mn Cleo Leland and lamjly n1 Anlen Mill Clowe Womens Institute met at the home of Mn Gordon Shellswell There were nlne member Ind two visttor pre rent Roll call we giving gifts lo the patlent It Paneling Hos pltnl There were 11 boxes pooh ed or the community Mrs Fraser read of Chrlrtrnls cus toms Mrs Stanley Evens dtx trlct president told Chrisllnns story Carol Shellswell won the draw Mn Ken What and Mrs Don flmmpson were the hoo tcsses The Janulry meeting will he held It the home of Mrs Harold Vrlght Roll cull wlll be an Item MClflldiln Industries Lunch will he served by hlrll Nonmn Dwinnel and Mrs Gordon Shellswell Mr And MIL Merle Slum and llmlly Hllibnrton spent Christmas wllh Keith 1m Miss Rulh chkling or Barrie culled on her dster Mn Keith Lees Dec 26 mum Christmas visitor with the Harold Wrights were Mr and Mrs Sldncy Wright ol Callinr wood Mr and Mrs Max LIV lngmnnnd son Lloyd Hemnl Livingston and Mn Murray nI Guthrie Christmas vlsllon wilhrhm Dicker Wm Vlncenl Hayes Edgar Cecil Hlyes of Bar rie Mn Dicker Illended Christmas dinner at the home Mr and Mrs MunIce Hnycs afldelr and at Normn Dough er Christmas callers were Mr and Mrs James Dobson 01 Owen Sound Ind Mr and Max Bev erly Glenn Bani It Ken Dickers at Alvin Cairns were Mr and Mrs Graham Summer and nmlly men Hill Ronnle Summers mining with hll zrandpareplgfor Hg hpliga Mr and MrL Almd Perkin Ind family enjoyed Chmlmas dinner will Mr and Mrs Elmer Hubbard Allmdfle Ind will Mr and Mrs Junk Perkins ol 0w susesamrri Mr Ind Mn chkBaardslll had Christmas dinner with Mr and Mn Normn Mummy Barrie Ind hi1 chum mum in Inmka Mllnl In You hwlt II Cull un 353388388383 SSEa ml rum In null JANUAII IN Huh Julu inu oo MM nu vvmlM nuln um Illuln mun Null 10m mu 10 so 55 00 um Inn 100 no Tu flulfll Good umm sumo Pm Nm nomy Kaol Pum 11 Noon my mm Milly In My urn mu mnl Manna mum elm baru You Tull Thin Sum lml rem rm mum mun hill than Khan mm or rum m1 III in Imam rnumy um um an1m mike and son 1113 By MRS LAVENDER BARRIE TORONTO nn Unlauchlhlu cm Nun vmhu Swm Non Mam rmpm Tn Plyurn nilvi HIIIn II rint mm mm All Man II Tambmm 1mm Nm mm Imam SW Holden Nam mu wmumu Numk Hum all In fllrlon out Tommy Amlnu mum mm CBC Tu ImI niM loam Al You In rmnm Hm mm Nun III in mum In ml mm hm II Mdltl LIN CLOWES had Christmas dlnmr wihMr nag Ants essor plug enderx were bf and Mrs Alec McDonald and amily Banla Mrs Thnmns Chase in and children of Bremplnn Mrs Thomas Chase Sr of Lcuslde Mr and Mrs Thomas Spencer at Turnnlo Eldon Lavender New York Miss Gull Honsbeh gar ol RCAF Edgar and Jack Campbcil of Erindale family spent Sunday friends In Tmmmdfhmw Mr and MmL7McAIee aid family spent the INIslam WiUI ï¬ends In SI Cllh Opening leadkin nl clllhl thl cnn delta me dominam home in he play of many hands Hm Is llriklnx example ha mums the ï¬ncipln invnlvcd Mr and Mn Cunning ham Alllsmn spam Christmm at their hams their 50an law and daughter Mr and Mn Graham Visitors with Mr Ind Mrl Beers Wednesday wen Mr and Mrs Pociuk Camp Burden and Mr and Mn Sign950 Angug West dealer NorlhSoth vulnerable Soth so In our hurls on he bidding nquenco shown West opened Ihe king 01 club Ind East ï¬nned Vlhu up when was played 1mm En xclumcd diamond Dcclnrer on wxlh lhe nu drew lwo round or humps Ind wind haw xpado toward lho queen He hope Wu had tho klna In which can he would be IN to dlxrnrd dlnmond lolcr Hawevzr lhu queen lost In the tin had back came di mood South now had In Chrislmas Hora with R0 at Brockwell were Mr Ind Mrs Brockqu Jr Mr and Mrs Mervyn Brockwell Slay ner Mr and Mrs Brock weu and family of Colllngwood Mr and Mrs Valkom Ind amin at Afllstou and Mr And Mrs Walkom and lamily upgdu Mr and Mn Luminan in and family spent Chrislma with friends in Tmpnla In ew an son and daughterinlaw Mr and Mrs Mice Mrs Denney icil by bus lo visit her soninlnw and flush ler Mr and Mrs William vie South Camlina USA Sh was accompanied by another Mrland Mrs mm bert Mrs Margaret Wren Mn Kerr and boy Allly Vnsmng Sunday wilh Mr and Mr nzrnbun were Mr and Mrs Mice and lamlly of Durham Joseph McMeo and Mn and Mrs Turnbnfl mm QHHZ 108 West DAILY CROSSWORD ME and Dgnmylpgi mug blrd ll Nobruh Joseph Mayne In Durhgm cILY llflmxll 0mm llflfldllh yuw color in am malth lo Flnmu i1 vim in mm Jun1 momm Iwowlnn munlh Thurnu 11 NM llmul 311mm hlllhllnm nmml Anny fum mamlwr Mlmlr 21me uka mp so mx ii iul cum umml rflrcllrm Fndlhr VI lnlvnl imam In mum Mlnlll vawm hum OWN um yuan QAH was Thu Mddlng By MRS MAY DENNBY ACROSS flcnmy Indlul TUNIqu BAXTEB North CONTRACT BRIDGE LQI um 54 must mum mm on gun rnlLI 10de 111mm him 20 Arman upon lsryn Can hmlhlr AMlunnll nu ma 0A at 114m foolhnll By JAY BECKER Klan DéJohn Strand spende few days with Air an Mn WEIR Dedam could have and should hav mad he hand Ha Iaich apply the princi ple mentioned before Lets go back to trick when he ermr was made an spun Chxlslmas with Mr awn 1+ Gal1w Jr Mr Ind Mn Elwood Gaul spent Chrlslmls in Barfly ll lha home of their sunlnllw and daughter Mr Ind Mrs Bob Cameron Mr Ind Mrs Wllllam And rews and boy of Ottawa spent Cmmmn weekend with Mr G°J° ByMfls IRVING CAnsoN Friend and relaLive here during the Chxiitmu haiidly in cluded Mrs IL Siephens Dsh awn Mn OConnell Thorn ton Mrs Kchoe son Phiilip daughter Anne of Brechin with Mr and Mn OHnilonn Mri and Mn Brooks and iam iLV Mm bullion Biii Ind Di me Ill of Tumult with Mr IndMrL Rush Mr and Mrs Adrian Viisnn oi Alida Sank Miss Joan Moran anuntn Mr and Mrs MacDonald and Wnyne Barrie with Mr and Mn Gerard Moran Mr and Mrs Him with Mr and MI Murray Carson Mr and Mrs Pnniing and family Barrie with Mr Pauling par ents Larry Stone oi Windsor Fnlher Ranch Stone or Tmonia with Mr and Mrs Stone Mr and Mrs Clarence Carson and family with Mr and Mrs Fund Saurin Mr and Mrs Canon wiih Mr and MrLA Glikn ll Sunnidaie Comm down one loxlng spade dla mand and two clubs South ahould hara ducked lha duh lead in dununy knowing ï¬ler was serious danger the ace wuld be ruffed in Ihe light he hlddingl If West hen played lha quten dummy would duck Ixaln and if Vest mnllmcd will still andollwcr club dcclnrer Would duck once more nlliin Iha lrlck in his hand mese play would bring South In In tricks cnnsisumz spade und npade ml later In dummy ï¬ve lrump lrlcku two diamonds and club He would lose two club and with luld Dodlrer can own In nicks loan II dummy came down However he could no xn nhcnd unul hl live 1am lhnuxhl la lhe mummy of one lha ticks gelling away In other words he say In himscll at he um uhul can paulbly but me Mrs Hannah Foslnr Utopia and the Rncher family spent alï¬ï¬‚mll Day with Mr And Mn Lowery Mr and Mrs Glul Jrentemlned law Mde on Sunday evenhz at squat dunclnz class led In Bea vey Carly Bird number lrornhera mund ed Christmu Cummunion Thornton mum Church Mr And Mrs Grass and baby spent lh Christmas hali dny with reiallves at Guelph Mr Ind Mrs Dame and boys Villnwdnle visilcd las Sunday with Mr and Mn Canon The nnswnr In Uul Ens may be vnld at club And that play In the Ice prtmulnrely wnll Jeopardim he contrnd Tnc nut slop In lhu lensonlng nuo matically allow Km tricks can be prcwrved by Um nimon medical mm West win he Ilmt lrlclu nnnda VII 20 mm luvArr mm nun IlTo all Tomom Luci vmux xklll APTO IMnluo AWN ILCupld H1Alk Ihl II Drool 40171001 urnr Alida Sank anuntn Mr would and uh Mr and an ML and mum mmSe uaw your LEM m1 SIGN mm mm 50M ééuivflljggï¬gï¬a M33 mmnm WMWEI maul AT mm GRANDMA ANHIFORIWI COOK MEAL OVER THERE Wll Lw5va ffAKl M01 HEARD You Tau ams meos suns vzw 5ch WHAT mu vou 5M 5H HA5 vMiLi Him mz HARRIS EWIINEHMWEDNESDAY MN 1m ll KW Wt mm nu ma warm Jig mm 77m