Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 31 Dec 1962, p. 4

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Ilul lllo warm nlnr In 700 mu briglulu lhnn nun and MI brlnlllncsu mm 0er good ynnlnllrkl la mmuurl rm llnm and Allllrllmllanl llma dlslnuru up In uvml mm Dr llalml lclllu my lhl nvldrnru II hnud upon in our Iludy mun In Komtm Tlon nrn Ilm hollrnl and hdflthl mm In tho anl My ur Milky Way llmy um volallvrly mlnl nml rvlnllvrly law lnnumhrr IIHLADEIJIIM MINTh Mllky Way the areal Ilnr Inm Ily lo WMflI llm nun helnnxn mm In he upnndlnu Cnur dhu mlrnnumgr INTOl Len bchlnd In the wood near Um nhora we Hillier and 11m nhm loo weak In slump the hike lhmuzh tho bllxuud and rnugh country lurch puny attached them too lulu Sam n7 Bigger Milky Way ummuu Im the nearest llshlnx mum Point Plano torturou 10 mpch 1w EngYivevmnn nnw emped the vessel In duty but Scan perished In tho freezing on pernlums an flu but mad for Uni short ucw mum hm are sale Chmlo Scott Bufln mm Albert mum and George 11m Ihell both 01 Marmawn Nnd died at expaxun alter Lb Mary Wiscombe was driven aground on Cape Couple the wulhem lip ol Lmla Mlquulan Maud during raglan billiard Box Dnf Ship Arriving 81 JOHNS Nfld CPDTho blank than mu Mlquelon French Island all Nawlound lands snulh coast has dalmed three lives from the Newtound lnnd cousin schooner Mary WI In Two other crew mam II NlVMMIlM HEHIYLMI OUNIH le HIE WHMJII mum llll WEDNESDAY Jackpot $300 Shunlck Klmura wyeamld unemployed bullcr was found lnthe badly upset apartment with Fujllo Kuroknwa so Po lice an the limb or the two men were locked if death minim lye qflqqle combat Paiice lined the death at apparent mutual homicide AI NEW YORK AHThe knife hacked bodies of two Japanese lacked In combat embrace and dead about week Wm found Sunday night in de own apulment where pallet said fight to Ike death appur fly 091 glut Schooner Sinks He was quoted then as having said that the undisclosed illness of the Pope would remain with him until the end of his days and as having said we pray that the Pope may live to see the end at the council that he may last until at least the end of 1963 lThe cardinal did not clarity in his message what he had said about the Popes illness at the public meetinl IEGION HAll COLLIER ST He was relerrlng to meet ing wllh members of hls diocese last Dec 17 on Ms relum 1mm 31 adjourned ecumenlcnl mm Bodies Found He said such misunderstand lngs could only have been can ccivpd by those who did not wllness the cordlnlily at this The cardinal said he was hurt by certain erronenu In lerpretalionswhich were glven olluwing recent conterence which answereda question about thc health ms Hull ness MONTREAL GP Pllll Emile Cnrdinnl Leger Roman Catholic Archbishop oi Mon real asked his flock Sundny lo ray for Pope John for whom is said he has great niiec lian in New Years message to Monironl Catholics Cardinal Leger expressed this wish May the good Lord allow him lo guide the destinies oi Peter bark for iong time in came CAPSUIJ NEWS Catholics Urged IToPray For Pope lEGlON BINGO EVERY HORN OF PLENTY QUEllEC lCl Slndrnll Laval Unlvmlly have opened llwlr Horn of Manly cxhlhl llnn In whlch 20 countrch dly why and Id handlcmfll mll ha IOU year of Um uhlhlA llnn held 1nr lhl bout Iha World Unlvorully Enlrlndl In Quebec City lllElllhImllC Tomn llvolncu oath of mm Mic nnlmnl hulluml 100000 yrm 0M IInI hum luund In Ulouculcrnhlrc England The hm boy mud zkl wm lhe Hm chlldrcn born to um Spcclurl chlldhood Iwcct hcnrls who won mnrrltd two 3° Thu wow thn thlldrnn ranged lmm one pnund ounm In on pound ma DUHCIIV wm boih inid lantha ol iho denihsi laid the lather Aivin Spcclor 27 course we wcm very and lo hom iL The was nothing wa cauid do Thu hospital did cvcryihing they could Wu lull had in ncwpl thn ncl AWN mmmummr PHILADELPHIA AP 1h wilo nu aerospace engineer guvo blah to quadrupch Sun day Three lhcm died Sunday night and lho Iourth boy was awomd lu mum condlllon ll 5W Jinn hamefifi Ell11 The Peking unlement said in letter could not harm China and II lender bu servu only to show how dearlnabla and shamelessly those menu hos llle to thc Peoples Republic him have degraded them Ielvu Th Tribe lean mob of laurel plan Hbcnh Europefi It Wu headed Don thouPem Manx 1The er uhlch ppcmd In the Tribune Der was one group of nlirlcnl mlcles that obviously were no meant In bunker genhum omlgn mlnlslry slatcmnnt Issued Sunday said the leltur wax almnd at smearinglha policies of the Peoples Republic at China and dclnming leader alga cylinese nnllan Quadruplets Bom PEKING MutualCommu nlsl Chlna hns branded an onl andout lotgory sallrlcal let published in the Brlllsll lull wlng weekly Tribune recently In whlch Premlur Chnu Enlnl ol Chlnn ls alleged to have de nounced pence mongers ln fillylelllls Fur your hymn ll hum IM MW wuw Both hmelal and diplomatic sources here said they had no lnhrmaflou lo confirm or deny tho report spaper report quoies broadcast irnm Lhasa the Tibetan capital saying lhe Communist Chinese want nu clear force to achieve balance oi pawcr Tha Express say this is the third time since 1960 that Lhasa radio had publicized lha 91am mm mm NEW DELHI AWCommu nist Gains is making elaborulo prepmauam to conduct IL first nuclear test in remote Sinkinng province very soon the In digs Express reports Hint Bomb Testing Branded Forgery Th ay composed nl perhapsmooomom slurs and is one or ihnusnnds ol bll lien 01 lmllar gnlnxles There la theory lhai the unlversa is expanding with all the galaxies mshlng away ram one another The new evidence polnla in similar explnslon oi the Milky Way itself Th udy 600 stars pro duced evidence that our sun and all tithe stars are moving nwny tom the centre 01 tho Galaxy said Pant director the Dominion Astrophysiqu 0b seflnta chtmjtn 30 thousand light years Felrie laid tire Americnn Association or Mr Advancement of Science Saturday The measuring is done through ipcclroscnpir studicsor color fingerprint of the 52am in your Wlnnol 10 Academy warm FEATURE NIGHTLY AT 630 and 910 BEstfiéfiiieE HELD OVER IMPERIAL WISHES EVERYONE HAPPY NEW YEAR MONDAY gm TUESDAY 11V Aunrdll wnl Ilul um Thu anoln drnppod lwo now lnmllcnl omcm by pnrn chum Mm nluhllnu Um mmnn Soon mm In nnownmhllo 1mm Innshy wrve cnmp llvn mll nwny ncchrnlnny um nn lho ICNIE llnd all down belorn wan lorml down because Will 1051 mm mid In lolrplmno Inuvfcw sundny plant lunern nrlrnu Ibo wflk rapped Al law 15 do urm mluw mo In the mud llltfl Joe anor TI 01 Mcdlclno Hal Mld Ma pnssungcr Roy Frnncll lmlluvrn 41 01 in Channel Inlnnds were no In Jurtd when ancr landed lhn plnno undnmnued Ins Vcdnu day about mile ens ol Hny Iver nn llm mulh mm Gnnl Slave link EDMONTON CF pllol laund mu nflcr ourday Air search In Ihe Noflhwesi Terr orlea may no landed hl Piper nlrcmn In lmd wcnllmr hccaun ho wns lost Delegate wind in xpeud $5 000 to hire film bulneu consultant to uxnmlnu ha almdurc operation and bull 3m procedures of ha edem an Lost Pilot Found Safe lald tho only rcguhr posh mdunlo course avnllabla now are taught at lhn Onlnrlo Col lcga Educnlinn by the Uni vcrsify Toronto General Secretary Winston Dnvles snld the University Waterloo Hoe Lutheran University ho Unlvmfly of Western Onlurlo and Mamasth Unlvenhy have been ap proached about establisth such Ichooh The convention nulhorized an invcslignlion inlo lhn possible esubiinhmeni of postgraduate achoois oi educniion Oniuin universities He he govcmmcnl shared In the cost of mule that did not nxceed $3450 and the board paid he remainder Howuver $3450 was nflen the maximum salary because the bnnrd had to pay all of any ad ditlmwl amuunt A555 Magnum mums Jack Fisher OPSMTF assist ant secretary sald the existing gran system does not encnur age bonrds to Mm Ihu beslqnal iflcd teachers Delegulc said that 1119 lovcmmen agreed to tha nddl Hana grunts they hoped mas lhe extra money would be usgd forpLIy incyg gs The proposal calls for an ad dKlonul $300 grunt fur ouch Slnndnrd teacher employed by school board $600 for Standard teacher and $1200 or Standnrd teacher the tedcnllon will ask the Ontario Teachers Federation la present the proposal to the gov ernment TORONTO CmThe Ontario Public Schnol Men Teachers Federation Saturdny voted for Increased pmvinclnl grants to school board to pravide bonus system to Increase tench er salaries President Kennedy won the honor last year bringing Chrisiianliy to new canimnlaiibn with the world and living tho wound that have tom ii for centuries the Popein Roma has helped vasin to recapture lhe Chris iain sense aiviho iamily Tim sense is the core oi the Christin tradition whoso God lives in historyynnd invites ha xifxmiiy of man in help him iorm The Time annaunceménlsun day said Pope John has given the world what neither science nnr diplomacy cnn pmvldg sense of its unity as the human lamily The ma editors added Roman Catholic lender first mu religion to be so named since Tinc started the Mun at the Your nominations in 1927 was pickedhy Timal cdilars inrgciy because oi Mu ecumenical council he called in Rome to iuriher Christian unity NEW YORK AP Tima magazine has named Papa John ItsMana Hm Year Teachers Ask Bigger Grants Time Naméa Pope Man Of TheYear Bu Ihl decision LI not the governments alone 11 gov ernment Hnma leadar draw up lha daily agenda In comullaflon with opposition wk and Home lunden fllay rural In In unanimoul 111mman It WLII learned that In tho lnll lvm week helm Chritunu Mr Churchill dld draw up written program or the Home and rub mmod It to he lecrnl Social Oppnsiliun groupl havn blamed no government win it has been dimznniud in in scheduling oi Common busi new Each dayl program in An nounced at Idiommen lb cveninz Man by tho lovem menla Hausa ieador nnw Vet mm Minister Churchill Thm also may be an ellort lo make aubxtanual channel In the Commons rule ovum mm Ind opposition 1131115 on agree an conflicting suggestion Mm the two ride of flu How he in pan of thn cuan Session which Md Sept 21 and upon 60 working day he am in ChristinaNew mm to ew begnfiexcylbgd an un BLéMEl GOVERNMENT Only 21 3135 mm onflxzivfinmenlmnwnd legislation The abject will be to have the Common devote more of in lime to concrete legislative nc Ion and less to rumbling and Incondnslve debnm MTAWA CHA new con certed attempt to organize the business the Commons will be mndu by he gavermnent when the parliamentary mulan resumcs cabinet Home my Commans To Organize Better In New Year Mnunlaln lrlbusmen called Monlngnnrds wearing dfller en types at clothing carry automan wenpona at trnln lug centre in the central high HEATING FUELS Phono PA M531 Clly Wld Sorvlu 159 Budon PA 855 This New Years EveStay Alive AllANDAlE TAXI lery Rkhudlau BARRIE TAKE TAXI DONT DRIVE THEY BATTLE CENTRAL TAXI Cowluy Promplnm 0n Virtually every pom Ihara WBI some disagreement Some prominent member the op puslllan alked tho government nut to bring forward particular mmum on wme day they wen going to be away PROPOSE MNGER AGENDA Ono proposal heinxr dlucumd ll lnr the government to draw up detailed program or the period betmen Jnn II when the union remu Ind curly Credit and Now Democratic Pmy lea and prg PA 85555 RADIO EQUIPPEO Monday December3900 pm Dram SemiFormal land of South Vie Nam Their dress generally In made up of pickups includlng unl lomlu captured whlla hauling Illa Communist Vlel Cong NOVELTIES DIV Whlll Dupcndnhllhy 29 Mlpll NEW YEARS GALA BALL BARRIE ARMOURY Full Courts Meals Being Served For Party Reservation PHONE PA 82218 NORMANDY FOR RESERVATIONS PA 66752 or PA 87084 RED GUEBRILLAS OPEN NEW YEARS DAY To 7Placo Orchoxm REFRESHMENTS BUFFET LUNCH DANCING VALLEY TAXI DUNLOF ST HOUR IERVICI him by the Home This program lame govern ment member think Ihauld be announced In the Comm and an appeal made to the anon Mon to try lo follow ll nuumlnl that each member the rule book says bound to attend the Iervlce the House unleu leave absence he bun given RESTAURANT PA 82222 April when Parliament would normally adjourn or its Euler recess assuming general election no mud or pred pllated before then Montezuma an Vietnamese citizens but dweer new and linguistic Mock from lhl lowlanders AP Wkephoto The council alsn crillclzcd lha lecrnl members of Parliament for betraying those young pea plo who supported the Liberal party bellovln that parlyl pretended apportion to nuclear 33 In his Indecent haste to be camu prime minister Liberal lender Yemen lrrcndy ln Charging the ledcrnl govern ment will announce Canadas acqulslllnn of nuclear weapons by April 1963 the slnlement said molutlan was passed unnnlmously at the mumlln weekend meellng hm accusing Prlme Mlnlsler Dielenbnker making the lasl prepamllon for nuclear wenpanswllhaulyln forming the Canndlnnpeoplo This shows the young peapla of Canada can have absolutely no confidence in the melan baker guvernmcnl the resolu llofl sald TODAY An lawn as serious as Ms rcqulres lull public discussion and the New Democratic yaulh demands on behalf at the young people of Canada 11ml phblscllo be taken an thls Issue the statement said chum cmme icdcral council oi the New Democratic Partys youth brunch said in statement Sunday night it be liave the government is cretiy preparing to acquire nu clear weapons igy April 1953 nmuun mowmnm grim winnmn mums wmmmmu THE BAMHE EXAMINER MONDAY DECEMBER 8h NDP Youth Coungil Charges Nuclear Force Being Acquired abandon what pcoble had hoped were his lundamenml wing dplun now nu ma Mlhouzh beaver arc uquallc In habit lheynavcrpul fllh or othér nnlmuls bul subsist 011 venemblu dlel oruun mm kc Avallnbla For The Hut Pm The Yur WI New Years Eve JAékéoN mum mum Better Reserva NOWI CLUB PAVALON math

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