Hlviylluuu Murray ollnr balm mm Ia man and Johnny llncyk Ilmlnn dried up uul And an mlnl mow Iran umva II Inli ll tor lhlrd will 1M rnxnl sum Mlllln Ind D9 lmlll Gardll on he Imo he Nunlay An hm 5f mu mm ll gull and I1 lmlm mt hum 5mm nml an hive mu wluaru nund nnru rululny and Imlh has lolnl 311mm nut Mnlmllhh um um lmlmlcully lurrnuxa mu will In llalhgnleu The National llmJuy unuurn Inn unnllnrller lrunk Mnlmv llrh mllul annnmn nuly uunl In ll In lu lklvnll Tnudny High in In New hlkl Amly llalhgm In IM lmlhldunl unr lmz lgmlmhlp Clnudo Imvml lwuxnnl ncnrrr or Monlrrnl in Lnml dlnu Ihulnul n1 Ollcngo lllark llnwlu Jnlmny flunk uhm mh Inn nl 1h urnnu lnr Huston Bruin waved Ilm wlnmr In viclary uvrr Nrw ark Hnnxrrm Hmqu drlcmmnn Daul Barkley whn nssislrd on Imlh Dclruh uuuh whrn he fled Wlna donned Torunln anlo Len 11 Wulm In La Angnlc Portland SPORTS TYPE lnlevnnflounl but Minneapolis Part man Fan Wnyn St Paul Omaha Munkcgon With Christmas béhind us new year is soon tn gdawn But letsslall it just long enough to look back at some of the sports nappenings in 19624 Jangary Wuhrn Dlvhlon Buflaln 17 06 9015 Roman ll 10 Cluclund Inn mans Pittsburgh 1017 51 Nil Tuedarn Mull Cleveland Hcrxhcy Sprlnzricld Prnvldcnu Bnlllmm Quebec Tody niniu Hullqu 11 nullnlo Cleveland nl Pfllxhuuh Bay City Falconsstarted 1962 with at 131 victory over OrilliaLakeviews in Georgianï¬ay Intermed late Hockey League contest Mrs John Ough askipped Barrie Curling Club rink of Mrs Emerson WEbb Mrslim Clyne and Mrs Jeck Hamilton todis trict Dlamond honors Ray Gariepy joined Falcons defence corps Falcons Bob Gamer was jleading the league in scoring later in the month with 59 points Vern Adams skipped his Barrie rink of George Dangerfield Fred Norris and Wilmer Bowel to the Imperial Oil Trophy at Midland Norm Young caught one of the ï¬rst big lake trout of the ice fishing Leeasom His dandy weighed 12 pounds nine ounces National and Intrrnalioml Buflaln Enchantr Cluclund Pittsburgh Quebec Providence llmhey Springï¬eld Baltimore Chicago Toronto Dclmil Alumna Nuw York Bostan Nndlyl New Mannml Chlcago Tomlo Detroit New York Damn Wednendul Gun Detroit at Tomnlo Barries Bob McKnight was included among the 17 players Gall signed to take to world hockey cham pionships Chicagos Glenn Hall played his 500th consecutive NHL game Howe scored 20 goals or the 13th time in the NHL Harvey was named NHLo MVP at the halfway point as well as heading the top defenceman balloting Canadians Bobby Rousseau was leading the rookies and teammate Claude Provost was leading candidate or the Lady Byng award Bob Feller of Cleveland Indians and Jackie Robinson first Negro to play major league baseball were elected to Baseballs Hall of Fame Montreal Alouettes signed quarterback Sandy Steph ens Torontos ace distance runner was voted top Ontario athlete of the previous year Former Barrie star Orval Tessier was leading the EPHLpointgetters at the start of the year De troits Gordie Howe was making great strides towards the top of the NHL scoring heap Canadian Press story said neither Boom Boom Geoffrlon or Frank Mahovlich would score 50 goals in the season There was no mention of Bobby Hull Two front oilice work ers of Montreals football Alouettes called it quits Canadian government announced the formation of national advisory committee on fitness and amateur ort Bob Paul and Barbara Wagner announced tey were breakingup the worlds best skating combination Toronto Maple Leafs placed three players on the NHLs firsthalt allvstar club The Leafs were Frank Mahovlich Red Kelly and Carl Brewer Other stars were Jacques Plante Montreal and New Yorks Doug Harvey and Andy Bathgate BARREExADnNEF WEDNEWKY nae 1511352 By THE CANADIAN PRESS NHL STARS BIG SEVEN Amerknn Im Euler Dlvhlm LT AII 11111 97 9138 me 1813 1106 9631 161 Ill W11 ï¬eld 3120 MM 31 1315 7310628 mum 149 By STEVE JONESCU HOCKEY RECORD 910 91 7616 1019 951092 510 mm Fflm is 51 WNW 79 40 3633 7138 7616 Human Mimi Immth Winnipu Hue 114mer wk Washm Cnnlrrtnre clu by Johnny lllgglm nr Invull Inn up lmyc he will merge mm lhn rumn lml lluy cant pmllu whrn llul he Argmllnc heavy wrighl was nblc lo ml tin Chrlulmnn mml nl Califor nln Lulhernn llnspllnl Mllmugh ho never upcnx hln Ind Im has been respondang la Illmulnnu nnd Inkan load hrouxh mgth or Mme lime Imballe wrut lhrcc hrnln optrnllnnl err lum nu ml Sgpl 21 05 ANGELIIS MUBaler Alnlandm anarnnlr knnckcd out mu mo day an null In coma Pmilllufluunfl Dclroil W7 mlnutn Standby Chicago won 19 lost 10 led point 40 Polnll Mnhuvlich Tamnlo and Balhxate New York Goal Mahnvllch 11 Ill Delvecchlo Dolmil BhutanII Hall Chlcnxo Suw chuk Dclrnil nnd Plnnle Mgnlreul Mohavlich Toronto Enlhgule New York Bucyk Boston Mikfln Chlcazo Howe Detroit Oliver Boston McDonald Chicago Name Sherman Coach Year Into Mfle posseulan 1th W39 301 Mchnuid Chicagu rnnksevcmh wilh 29 The lendcu Lavorante Is Still In Coma MHHHUNM ON PM NHL LEADERS ll 18 ll I7 13 APLL ll 11 NHIKR ILL IIOXHIH NIIW WINK IMI nrva Fnuzrnn Hm Inlmlmlnnnl Im Ilnz unrul IHM Mmlllny In hrmkml Mirthnu lelHI lvr Mum In IIlrh and Home nlxl lmuuuy chrlln Mill IIIhXIo lrIMn ul Mmun who rcnlly Iml MI world Junlor urllrlhflzlll lllll In Ilnlyl Du um InI vlll mm Fund ml InwlgM Unumlr Ends II lhi lnlnlq In Sports In Full Jun NAME KATTV LUV ANGELEE AIJMIle umnrr Jim rally nmulay ma alan Mullmu Cnlllomll Alhlrlc III ItI VIII Iry In Ilelmn nlhlvllc lmmdMlnn bond The mnlmtl nllpulnlrd lhnt Lislun mun Rive lnllcrmn Nmnldl ar pay up In 30 per ENII mum puma unlll Im II pnhl Inllulon nmm llnmcnu nnld Acmnllnu to lhu mnlrnrl mumml Iahl LNunI only mrmm nl mnpn hum rr mulch wllh lnllmou wnuld be or lhu uvrlmmp lo Mcomn cnnuurnlly Inrnpncllnlml ur nr lnllmun lo hm to RM Sunny mm Ive mm mm cnnlmd mure Mman on Huhlcr um lhls one Im anrprlsld Illnl Hwy Imlrmm rump In no lam Man lo cut MI Iruu helm gelllng mm rlnl my lnlcrnun Emile nruncuu chairman ol lha WnAI wurld chumplnnshlp mmmillrc added lhnl any male or cmlnlry ncrcpllng an Immediate PnllcrnunSonny LX5 lon rcmntch should he sum pondnd lmm he WM Drumnu dlsplnycd lo report on capln wlml ho Inld were clnum In lho comracl and mid NEW ORLEANS Ml DI npllcn rcmalthcluum In the cnnlrncl Floyd Pannon Ihnuldnt gel mm recup lurinx he world htnvywclgh boxing crown umll he earn by llghllng other dmllcngm World nvxlng Alwcinllon om dnl said Monday Qqafleibacké Star Tittle Different ypesr Off Craftsmen John Wells lawyer or the NFL argued lhnt onto you have laid ticket on dedartd policy Involving the 75mm nren blankoul you would break with wiLh those who bought tickets or the game be cause lhey knew lhey could not see It at hom Weinleld heard counsel or the three mmplninanu and NBC and the NH during lengflly hearing Kenneth hlulloy money or the three complainants said altwave are public property and NM had entered lnh In llleunl wnlragl Green Bay Packers meet New York Grants at Yankee Sta dlum which II sellout or me Lille plnyofL A155 named as defendant wgie Hy N1L apd in 61mm was brought out that H500 llckeu had been sold but um under league rules home game nre not televised wllhin 75 mile radius NEW YORK AmFederal Judge Edward Veinfeid re served decision Monday on motion by three long island men who seek to iorce flu Na tional Broadcasting Company to leievise the National Football league championship game next Sunday in the blackcdout New York area om Emu NJ trainer ul Su Mac Lad harness horse of the year and winner of $56711 He also han dled Henry Adios leading winner oflhe reason at 220 301 Is Top Horseman LEXINGTON Ky MUme seventh annual horseman award want today in Stanley Dancer leading moneywinning harness drlver in the United Suites Ihe lqst lwq ycags Dancer drove horses that won v5 high of $760348 during the 1962 Hanson when he wan 122 races many of them Make Suggests Floyd Earn Bematch avian ls givÃ©ï¬ by Horseman and Fair World hainess rqclyg weglfly Temperulurca were near zen 35111 Packers ldlelar Wm day Cllrislmnsholiday wet scheduled tu resume wnrkoula Inday or Sundays champion shiugnme with the Giant in New York Last year when he mmc club played here qr the mm the Packers seemed to ardw stronger became ol Ihe hcavy snow and arctic wind that swept the training camp The Gianlscnme prepared for the worst kind of weather and wcle whipppd 374 The Minibar might agahi be psychulnglcal tactor but GREEN BAY WixAF Bitten cold weather once more grip the gaining camp Green Bavaackera as they prepare for theNanonal Foot ball League ulle gamgand that mlghtbe good men New Yorkers Want To See Giants On TV Stanley Dancer lmHLt an now lemlvll rxplnflnllnn Um Nu ll NI Inf Ilzm Illll Fullmer hut lha mm lrll Hlmulh and Ihnl he lmd nllemplvd In many lrlrnp fllnlflll mm lnxm Hunpun rhnmpon 1mm Mu 1m ï¬rrilng nlmtnlrmrnl lch lrmlrr IMIAIM Iw Ind nmr rduml lllhnd cram Tum hull unlnnl ll mp niï¬vn lrnm 1m Wmhl Ilaxlnl Aunrlnllml hy damn dr rmler Urn Fullnwr cl Wul Junlnn Ulnl 11m Nnv lhrtomnn tmmnluinn ummimously wllh drew ll vrcnknllhm lrndrr clunmpkm lnllurc lo It lrml Mn frown wslllln lhc Ml monlh llme Hm Thu mummy mn MIMI In runml um mhrr huxlnl lmdln um world Ihm rcognlml mrk Tlur ol Nlurrla norm humulnn Jusllcn Allhur Klrin Inld ll wm Impmdhle In ddmnlnu whrlhcr Hu lMflI rlzhln hm llfln wale NEW YORK MWA Ilnll Supmm aml Jmllu mm rm ukr Mummy or mm In delcrmino whrlhrr In New York II Commluinn nrlnl In In nrhiIrnry and prlrimn mnnnrr when It with drew Mn nlllclnl rrmunman Paul lendcr mlddlewrlnm Inle crlnmpian Thor wm uvm entity hmthm on time In thcr nntivn Saskatchewan ï¬ve were an the Drumllcllcr Mtnm It In lama tlmu LONG BEACH mm MP nnrbunk now lends 4mg Bench by one palnl In Ihe me or Cnllrornln Hockey League llllv And tmidcrlnl Iha disparity Bcnllm lll no unprlslnz Burbank lm lhrce on Beach only has one They Hand to call lhnm Ihe hauling Huntley back In the 19m whm Dan and Max um muslin or Imnan In lhe anlonnl Hockey Learnt The coallllon ell lhrough The NCAA darned lhl MU had repudiated it and um 8M any nboul the NCAA has arxanized lad ernllom in track Ind ï¬eld and At his Den pm conlzr ence Kennedy unsalted Ihnl he two athletic bodiu submit their dillerences to arbitmlnn He has cons slap unher now and named anarbimm even though boll lldel havn not It cegnd the idea 763m ddu Menu Igmd to mgflllqn that woudrclgnrrthe way la developmenk of the best possible US loam or he Imr American Gama In Sao Paulo grail In Aer 963 and Ihe Kennedy in obvioust tryan to force an early settlement the dispute which the White House said threatenlnl the Inrmallon the 1964 us Olygngip leanuh nza i964 suimnerOIymple game will In held In Tokyo HAD AGREED PALMBEACH AP eneral MacArthur as taken tempurary New Fronller assignment the White House announced Monday He was named lo arbitrate bus ale aver certlncnlian ol alhleles lax the 1264 Olgrnpic If gar said Ihe Ivevstnr general at the request or President Kennedy will try In remIr dlspule over certlflcallnn ha ween IheAmalenr Athletic Un she lfaqonal Comm Ammo Amdanani Commission Goes On Trial The record show Starr with 285 pagses good or 175 com leonLand 2435 yardst He averaged 855 ynrds comple tlon tossed yr 12 touchdowns and had nnly nine aerial inter cepted mm who has had hll best season In 15 year in the pro rankx commend 200 an ab tempted passesgainlng 31224 yards He tossed or record 33 touchdowns Ind averaged 360 yards ms and 20 his aerial were grabbed by the opposltlon Time passes 50 ellicienlly lhai the Glants ground attack seems to bewmetmng lhougM of later fust la keep the oppoail lion mm zeroing in on thy quanerhack lha Packers an he other hand hit hardest on lhe ground and use the pass to keep tha mad from getting too tacky lhere are two other twain that probably will he more impor tant In deciding the game They are the clubs quarterbacks Bart Starr of the Packeu and Time or be Gianna wgngi 9mmva No Of Bentleys Counts In Race limb are craftsmen but in dilterenljlsphereig MacArthur ACts Athletic Referee lisxdM ciETsQNoxmvf 11w tauu Hm Mm mu Iml lmmedlnlely nvnllnhh flwre no Nlmnl nl dum Inmrlu rm Maybe lhnlA why 1h llnr Imnl um lwhll IUHIII in Mr Mn mm Hull mm 11 rnmblnallnn Drnllvyl HAVE EIUIII HORNE IMLTIMDIIE MP mm mm Imrm wm In In unlny luculay when In dulmyrd Illa grnmm MINI and drum uni our alal ll llmflro Ilarl Track The flu In llumvrml by mom lllvlrlmon 2n Ilnlw 1mm and he amtrd Invoke whlln wnviInf um lmm Allourlhcr lbe fnlnlly luml IInve 1000 mm or uer of urn1 Inml Dan IHM Wu hnvo mmhlnu and whm flu whrnl may VH won lnltlbrr brimIn In Um no Vuu um In wmklnl Inurlhrr enmhlmlllnn WI may IM Ilka mall nhrn wrm am on he Ice mld WK but Allcr IMM In uvrr we wrng nhnul ll In out mu IM oncllurrl 11m flrnHryI own lg Mimi and cntllu lnrms near Delllll SflAk Ind Ipflld tech lummrr rnlIInl lhrir tram Whrn uln lrr mmu they hrnd Jar nL llvrnln Mnx hm wme mondxencrw lion ncnllcyl helplnz Thnll wlml ulvu Hurhnnk the advan lnnl numbcrl whm Ihu lum Ily mam on no In Mu hnl lho ulhlnnce of MI nephew nuv mm no Lynn 2L Ilav I1 KM 10th And Lynn crnlnv Mu now I2 ll playmmnch of Hm Burbank sum Doug IIuXdI Ilmllar polillon wllh lhu long llurll Gulll Lam Doug Max and brolhcr Rexqu made up Ihc front line of lhe armidnhln cauqu Black Hnwkl Daux Imunad poinu nnd Max 544 In Ihelr ycnn with NHL luml During he mm mason Max Doug and Bill Thom on the line or he Hmk anlu let mom Iur he man number polnu by my one Hna In on sumolo STILL PLAYING Under 11 ruin than inter national federatlom mily ha MU has the HEM la cerfllY athletes 21mm Ills Olympia and Mher Inlenln Nona competition The NCAA ma thzAAU had agreed that the coalition would be the U5 re resenmlve to the Inlemnflm bodlu alter the 19 Olympic games The MU laid 1K could urea In this even wanch lo And um any WINE peruan lo 1964 Ihnuld be man up en USVrépreunliuve In lb mom with flu International ludernuonl gamma 5nd Mamba and setting an ymnasuu In MU lha Chlcngm ihe ICBKUEIEMXM 1113 Black Hawkslaoka pawn framiMontreal Cana ï¬lms with Claude Pruvoalscavr Ins twice Goalie Jacquel Flame had an easy time pm lnz his Ihird shutout this cnlnpaignthn in 19 shotgun In Boston in gave rouki Eon good protecllnn New York Ran wldcopen game The memo uf nxexday nighla games in Ihe Naflonal Hockey Lg xuevmus hnva brouxhl ile Io nld lgk Detroit Red Wings meanwhul climbed Ink secondplace us wilh Tamnlo when goal by Norm Ullman and Bruce Mac Gregor provided 21 wig over he Maple Lean below homo town crowd It was limnzly lhe night or he duwnlrodden CANADIAN mm 1Uï¬derdogsTriumph gs IIInxAll NHLContests DOUGLAS MIMRTIIUR Boston the lowly Bruin rouki goalie Ed Johnslon protecllnn and whipped York Ranger in HUIFIII IIIZTIIIIZR lUIlIIANH MW Hrlhrmrul nl mlclllluwrllhl Iluhm PM May it Eu inn 0m rm yrmmd Hnn llny Ivy Hu lulllnml llrpmlrr 17w ntwnynrrr mhl Mam mm uIlnmv In huyllnl all ryl IlerI mmmmmlllnl lml hm lemma mung Ihrnr hm Inn wIUulmwn am he WmIrl va1 Awwlnllnn hm Mm mulled nl In man or mullcnl an mm In my lvchnlcnl lnmlml In Terry Dunn In lmlflan ml manlh 11w tlnuk ranlul £73000 Itde mm In yrnr TM 711 cumm 513300511th hmHum lmhy wan 00000 midiL Tlm cvrnll wlll lw lhr hl Niall Mllnxlan Clnulc and Auwkm mm Dam will announced Inlrn The IHNF rum nl Unllrd ï¬lnlrl Inn ll mmlr um ol he Krnlurhy IIrhy Innhnm Rink Mid Hrlmanl Alum Mndxlrd mm or Hunt 0111 la he cnlltd he Mid Immlm Triple were nn Munrrd Inr lhnmlnzh hml lnclml pmmm Imlny Um ArllnaIunWmhlnglon IM manualmm Garry Goycr MIR Danaldmu and Tam Mcvle ml out at mid In In Hm ID minum ol flu lhlrd rlod balm Dlndu Ed Sun Icwln wound up Inning Calgary Slampzderl lmd been scheduled laugh Flycu In Ed nwncun nze ny nlghl but the game was pollpcncd to Thurr dny nlghl Buckaroo now enloy nevin polnl tushlnn nvnr made and San Franclua Seals litd or mend In lhe Iaulh Spaknnl Comm In 11 polnu H24 pare Lax Annch look 10 Ill pcrlod end an goal by Bob Sollnxcr but Pnnlnnd wcnl menu 21 In the mend on goal by Mo Goodwin nnd Ken 1qu mam They needed vklorltl them Sunday Herman and may nlxhl to overcome Budumol threepoint edge nut Duck won the In before mm mm and the ond 51 Chrlxlmm night balm 3510 In boll cases their war lnz wm npmd over Ihm en Iorwurd nu La Angelo Hindu an lind lnz Portland Glass Palm mun plan to antmp recap lure he Vutern Hockey Imam Soulhern Division 2a SEAITLE AP Ugh heavyweizht Eddia Cotton al 5231 will ï¬ght Erich Schnvp ner lightheavy weight champion In Dartmund Germany Cottonx manager In nuanced Tuesday night George Chemem said the 1th would Ink plus Jan 28 Schoppner who 15 also the German heavyweight champ gm with ï¬guring D0 me Ian bout Cotton wan unanlmmu ded tlon over Von Clay oi Phila gzlphlg In Ml has light hm Toronlou lane goal was neared by Frank Mahavllch and that gave the BI pace setting 11 or he season The Canadian peppered Glenn an Chicago with 45 shots and so goals ram Donnie Marhall Dickie Moore and Bernie Geaflrion In the openlng The Black Hawks war Id In ï¬rst place with 40 wink two In from nlDetrnil and Tur unla Montreal next with Jollowed by the Ranger with 24 and Boston with 316 SCORES Track Announces Three Big Races Buckaroos Hold Seven Pbint Lead ll TIIECANADMN PRESS Cotton Oppose Erich Schoppner FRANK MAIIDVLICH ilabnmnl anm nu Inln Ilium Tuudny Am Imma IImum Tide Ill dun lo day The Mm are Imumlm mulunlan la Mnlmlnn Iml nmlinl Mill ll ude Inn IluinJxlh Mod lal kmrlllll nmnln nllaLh nml anmgy Mmm Thu Jun Inuit have W1 cmuln IntHIM Eoulhcm TAIL Iovnln In Inc zlnnl Ilnw Deal lnunlma Culim mlnlwma mull Alabama In Im mun Howl Ill Illnml Elm Tun lmz nznlnll lmlllnnn Sula In lhe Comm llovl Dnllnl Tu Md Alhmau mwllnu MIN ImIl In he Fuznr Howl nl Nrw hlcnm Vlmmlln llavlml Illl In lrylnx la nmkr up or Inn pm Inn qul Irmlh70 Al llw mm alflamln In m1 null II lumle by Wuh Inzmn in 19w WA UNIHII Humrr II wrilénu ï¬uulhrm 01 lflrr vul lam Irhml wind up to xmlxm vklmlu 11min 1w mum and In vall Nu tolllll mm In UH Saturdnya mlon III Pm Shula lulu Flnrhh lh Gl or Howl Vulunxvllkv Ha mu Imm unrlharn school ngnlnll Ihe youth In Hue Illne Grry lame ll Monlzamery Mm Imd lhn WM ncnlmt Hall In lho HanWm Ehrlne lame nl Bun Frnntlm fly ï¬ll CANADIAN ll 115 college lmwnll head Intn Iu wlmtup holiday vmk ml an IM with tom 01 cvm lop polbwcnwn event an ap Three of lha contain uh plnce Sulumny and lhe lvu blx US when bowl game will be mn on New Year Day Quebec Kaufman were Morales unul lwo mlnutu 10 Iccands had zlapud lnthe lec nnd Then flon Allwcu flipped one by Cllypm gull Murccl Panic Mlchal Harvey Icmd llllle over lhm minum lulu and Skippy Durchdl wmyped ll uLwllh lhIrdpcrlgd uh flu inrnm minim on In gun by Strum and Maflenon llmhcy cloud the The Baron wen inio Christmas night clam at Her Ihey winim in is rand amen Second period goal by Cal Steam and Bill linsterton prvvcd the key ill they finally mad by whipping lilo Beau In the only athlr game sched uled Providence kept pace with Qucbï¬ mman Ihm palm hack the lender Bl they db fouled Springï¬eld +2 on third ptrIad as by Jim Banlen Ind Ed Mum SLIDE ONE IN Hodge Ind played £1 games for the American Hackzy Leaguel Emem Div xion lender wilhout nuisterinz Ihuï¬out In game No 33 Tue day night he kicked out 31 than for his ï¬rst mutant vlctory over Baltimores Clip perL By 1112 ASSOCIATED PRESS Quebec oalle Charlie Hodge and eveiand Bum Wm llifl lama about heir Clum mns meatnu today LOSE GOYEITE 1119 camera also can lre Phll Gonna hi the llnal pe riod lle mllided will Chicagos Eric Neuerenko along the board and fell to the In In tangle Early examlnallnn lndl mml Goycllzl right ankle had ellhcr nullertd new damage or was broken An Injury aha hlt the Red Wlny Delenceman el Imnavoathun bl leg la the second perlod There wax m1 Immediate word on hlr candl lon hk tworunning his mum total Ioand Ralph Back xlmm scored to round out the Mammal attack While Plant had iiiiie diiii wily lending oil the Chicago shooilng he dldenconnter other irouhies Midway through iii second period exiinb Bab Turner caught iii nmminder out ni Ihe crease iieidinz ions puck and uni him piling inia the Marlin No pen mu assessed against Turner by remee John Ashley who apparently mled Plants wan lair game or body check once leaving the crease Bu Lhe Montreal play fluted around the Chicago delenceman or time making breaknnt alum Plant regained hisleet but collapsed In the loalnwulh tea ands laterHe Will revived by 91 Montreal Irninen and lin hhfg the mama Alfm bmh Into Inmh Seven Bowl Tilts End College Year Goaltender Gets His lst Shutout 031 Then ifmvolxg banged In mum bowl game wllh the up mm 11 Du Sugar Bowl lnlcd Na In ho nation lhty Ire Hmdld to have ball on Mr hund unlml lho Mr mm Mhllulppl Florida Iumul an or We worlmuu hmsday berm knock Inu of la pllc Inln Mg Guilt mnl dlnmL Thrlr duh wilh Imn mm It upeclnl Ir lum Razzr Kochman Penn and larry Duprtl nl Hmldn ha lap nmnm on each mm NUMITIVE IIflIHNG Snmn 300000 prmm In Tam Wnl Mum My on the cum lryn pllmmr liuhlng Indmlry or lllrlr llrellluwl lay In he lhlrd period an Cl land Homnns shut but Hank Club nddcd the clincher or Clcvchnd lha Bean home winning weak wal flopped It ninc Wayne Roddy also wand or Cleveland while Willie Map Barthl ol lhe llIlrd pcrlod wllh and zeal and anur pmhtd valdence ahead 41 All llll 421 marl That wax ll Danny Pollzlnnl nllo cllrkcd lo the fltdl while Elll Sweeney and tinny Foley mrtd or Ilze In tonights adlan the Red Wings play in Toronlo th uhedules only game and helmc la avl ch got Na 21 14703 the Inn pe riod lle look nvaellyx pas nndrllmkcd dawn he left Ildc It seemed he had no angle to sham Bul he liljedjhe puck nlmasl parallel lo the goalllne mud ll caromed Inlathe n21 all nelminder Sawchukl chest Dctmll was shortvhandcd at the time nledj al 1317 at Illa second period deflecllnz Bllly MchIIls 45M shut paxl Johnny Bower and Macflregar II 1032 the ï¬nal period lo up unstained drive by De lmlll kid line MacGregor Alex Faulkner and Larry Jel frey ILwas Detrnill ï¬rst win in our mm and Torontos first whack in six mm WMINAIE PLAY In anmn the Bmlm so don mated piay in the ï¬nal period New York mustered only four shuts un Jahnuonbul two them went In or goalsAndy Badlgnle nnd CamilleHLnry bogging may 011m Bab Miler Jury TuppazzlnL Gnvaendron Johnny Bucyk and Don McKen ney Lhared In the Damn omn awe snub was only lhu clubs mu win 32 gamu New Yorks Gum Wonley made 381M lo 29 or John lan 07 lrlro $2995 When You fldnk OI Inlrly lllndln erl Idxfl Nullanully Muvllud Al Ill1 llmme lnunlyl IMIIIII PM IIINHH FL IA 51$ EQUIPMENI TRY Ulhimnl and Mgcqmgof bell EVERY IIIT F0 THE GARNERS flpnllnl rum ARLBERG SKIS SPORTSMAN CHARLIE DODGE SPORTS mam mm IINT