Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 Dec 1962, p. 4

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33 Illllnllu or an 3133 1735 Mm av IIM II n4 mum run lwlm Incl II Mb 1M cmma in nruwnllu oI mmn Urum ll 7mm CHM Mild mm Iorm nml um Mom at Cunan UAW Nnmm hvl mm lamum cumm hm an mm In In rumle mumum mm Toll UH tvnllman my cum punn mm tuna um Mumr alan untan MI mm lumm umm out uranium in mm All no Illm In munn llu Au mm nuwn cuem mu mmvmm nu mm mm Im lo 10 fly lull In num lfltl um um mum mm mm mum mr mm m1 0mm mumn mm cm Mud mumu mum mm yum CAN RAILROADS CHANGEI ihrlsllan Scluncc Monllor The Ive unlnm rcpmcnllnu lmln operating mum on hnvn rnJrclcd arhl ration of hr fonypmdlnu workruin 1mm holwccn llmu and the Milan Barrle Examiner Dec 1831 1047 iCnuvassers got another 310000 In week tto bring Harrie District Memorial Hospit ial fund up to $80000 Department of Highways opens new service depot souih of Barrie at No 27 and the l4th lot lnnisitlt John Kidd ot Elmvale re clected president North Slmcoe Crop lm grovement Association Stanley harp new sanitary inspecior tor Barrie arrives to commence dutlen Dr Neil ilsaurie chairman and Kenneth llobln son counsellor spoke on radio station CKEY on Barrles recreation council Illir nnd lllrs it Fendley shortly alter takiug over noulttertel Greenhouse from illir and Mrs Earl Cox held open lltouse tor more than 150 guests Miss Eileen Murphy at Barrie CGE Works sutters harlly fractured leg while tobog gaulnr Mrs Ken Dawe Installed as Kresilcnl Legion Ladies Auxiliary trs llarvle hnd distinction of iug two other paintings hung in promin ent New York lily art allery the NeWLnmbMncklln iii no Lorna Mc Knight was in charge of Citrlstmal pro ram of llela Sigma Phi Barrie se eded as site at one of nine regional ot 215 YEARS AGO IN TOWN We have seen the winds and waves obey the Masters command We have seen reat civilizations built on His ed monlt on to love the Lord with all our heart and our neighbour as ourselt Yet we permit blanket of grasping material ism to cover our eyes and hide from us the truth which would make men tree and the love which would save the world We ignore His divine yromlses and accept selltorture instead clinging to His et ernal principles of morality and Rustlee However there is still hope So ong as man carries in his breast deep yearn ing for universal love an acceptance of jihe Christ Child as divine gift and recognition of the inalienable ri his at others then the miracles of Hot lehem and Calvary will not have been in vain The vital message of Christmas promise of peace justice and goodwill unchanged through many centuries was never more vital to our survivaL When each member or the United Nations can treat other penile as they wlah to be treated we wlll ave no lron curtain no radar line no nuclear bombs and no thlcwdlctatorato exploithelplesrhur mans The worlds newspa er presses would not be able to suppiyt demand for the food news should medical science come drth with cure for cancer and other major destroyers 9f human life Yet the coming of the promised Messiah re presented greaterstory than would cure or cancer Christmas is bigger than world tensions and more significant than round trip to the moon Agaln Chrlstmas comes to turbulent and troubled world dulled by sense of hdpelessness as we stand on the brlnk at des alrheommunistbondage and nu clear estructlonl As never before we need to revlew the teachings of the gen lle Nazarene and adopt Hls Golden Rule as basic bylawu ln our relations with men and wlth nations Two thousand years agq the Saviour came todellver man from bondage and oppression and to point the wa to peace andetemal life His teach ngs over threw the Roman Empire and replaced greed and hate with love and compasslom brief eraof good feeling circles the globe todaf In honor ol the Prince of Peace than adults and children join in celebrating the birth of the Wonder Child of the lages who brought new sense or values and In so dolng changed the course of history The Barrie Examiner Vital Message icic11fistmas Prbmise Of Peace GdodWill Mm hm mlum mum Im In In Mr Ifiarrip WK Walls Pubflshexfi VQTHER EDITORS vfls DOWN MEMORY LANE Published by CanadiaxpNewspfiperE Limited 16 Bayfield Sine Barrie Oman10 ubUBhen Brian Slalgfit General Manager MONDAY chaman 24 Pua exporlnnclhfi mm llllflly II hmrl tlw rnmlnluInnn re port In Ilmllnu llmt Hnmun nu longer an nrcmnrv on MCI mlfiht and yard onulnm Mmul 40000 In nlrcctlna up mxlnmlcly nncHflh Ilm npunllng unmu 20000 mrmhcralnp wnuh be phawa nut WHIIln law yearn llnsh pay wuuld hr rodml In nnnm up warm In pmrngcr nlnlcn wnuld hn um hul lhu earnings of an Mlhnal rd lhrcvluurllu the operallng cm plnyocu would bu Improved Thnc turtmclilng dungm nu m1 mum lnrrrarhlng In lhc lmh noloykal um mmpvllllvo chat on which almdy have bran mulor way or two or lllrrn decades In Amcrlrnn Irnnwnfln llrm le InnMinn whollmr Hm rall mmlx will In allnwnl kerp win an or MII lull Illrthrr mm and allffirulllc many at lhcm are Elnmlm Inn railroads Ilall mnnngrnwnln were wlll lug to accept rccomnmulnllnm he lrcsldrullnl Hallrami Immnlulon or blmlhm nrmeHnn based on ml nludy gns Garvey of Pllelpslon winner of $100000 sweepstake plans move to Bar rle Due to shortage of power lmnl slreel store windows were relatively dark at Yuletlde but had lots of decanr tlonn Coach lal Emms got llay Frenchy Mayer from Oshawa General In rude or lorwnrd Joe Lalrance llnrrle Cnrllng Club had 100 member Increase ever Iasl year Sully Mercdllh and Jack Kennedy selected Tankard rklpsr lllllon Splera Walter Crnlg Lorne Vlrltlng and CH Elrlck dlslrlcl cup skill llay Mughced Hull reclcc lc presldcnl Slmcne Caron Me lenl Her vlm Eldon lllcliever of llnrrle Tun nery was wlnner nl lucky draw or Judy he Soropllmlrl Club doll aria Rural Hockey Assoclatlori gus Garvey Phclpsllon winner of um mm ices of Ontario Hydro with Fergu son as manager Miss Leona Flood New York violinist gnvo delightful con cert in BCI auditorium sponsored by Bar rie Rota Club in aid or hospital fund Barr Fiyers trounced Stratiord Kroehiers 10s in Junior hockey with Ray Gariepy leading the way Enrrles pornlar Jimmy McConkey comgieied 5k course at Lac Benuport Que ec Ronald Stewart Thornton and Roy Law of Benton orpointed to executive oi Ont ario lurai lockey Association ler Contributed by Loyal Phillips former publisher of The St Pctcrsburg F111 In Mann acpendéht We hope your home can be holiday haven of happiness today as we wish you merry an eternal and an everlasting Christmas This year lets try to accept Christmas or what it ought to mean As much as our mortal cars can comprehend lets listen for the Herald Angeis promises of peace andgeod Willintheinspired carols and the majestic halielujahs Behind the enchanting musical melodies lets strive in our reverence to picture in divine vision what human life might be if all peogle everywhere could follow the star to manager and accept the Prince of Peace as the Ruler of the Universe Tml this is the birthday 6f humanlt nob est dreams Again this year ere are disappointments but the dream cannot die It will nnl die it the day continues as reflection of Gods great Christmas gift toAthe world To survive as historysggreatest relig ious festivaLChristmas must be staged against backdro of unselfish love and lidlike faith ich or few days at least brings all men together in true spirit of brotherhood While the great est gifts cannot come wrapped in tinsel the tangible acts of love and devotion inspired by Christmas continue to glad den hearts and uplift souls through reminder that it is better to give than to receive Behind the pagan trappings Santastill portrays Christlikc spirit of thoughtfulness so direly needed today by both the old and the young Its unfortunate that cynlcs ln these cold and sophistlcated tlmes see tlt to knock Santa Claus and our Chrlstmasgiv lng traditions Ourske mamoth Cen tury world must malnta all these trea sures whlch ln splrlt and in deed reflect the teachln ofthe Babe of Bethlehem and symbol 2e the richer gifts of life For every reason the Yulelldevnhould be the happiest as well as the holiestday of the year Lets keep our carols our candles and our custom unselfish giv ing and our mythical old Saint Chrlstmas then mlirt be more than feast for the minorities andthelunder prlvileged somethln more than an in emotionalfestival rtstmas must ho reverent and grateful commemoration ofthe birth of Saviour through whom God In His generosity saw fit to give mankind another chance 93 In my Nan back In hr day when mu lHrLclnr at School Health Sumr5 nncn numl Hnl mllbrmh muld occur in lo Sol guess Id bchr withdraw the mnnrk about drlnkinn cup and kluing llhzrc nrc ulhcr reason or polling rm ho old mmmunny drinklny cup however and as fur klssing never tell that opposllInn on my pan would haw nny tccl wn IMF 50 disposed My Im not Trench moulll gums ln the wards of one cammunlmlinn am transmlsslhle bul nal cam munlcnblc meaning that you ran lrnnslcr the genus nl whlch than are several varic llu but cunnul automatically nlvo the dlsonso lllqrcby ll mlds llml the germs can be found ln the mouth 00 pcr 0111 us hn not lhe qlmsc Dxls Is not no they assnd basing Ilmlr view an we act that autnxpts by researchers to give the disease deliberately ram one person In another have no luccccdmL and hat II is extremely difficult In grow 1m germs except In lhe mouth My error lhey mm was In attributing the spread of lhe all men Which can be serious one If negleclcdl to such lhlngs klxslng and the use nf mm mon drinking cups number at dentistsv as well dental hyglenlsts and even medical student tell me erred in some remarks Hm pub lishzd concernlng Vincents an gina or trench mouth mad hasten to Ihe gourd atynlghl By JOSEPH MOWER MJ 49 ESSA nonD TO YOUI GOOD HEALTH AllANDAlE UMBER FUEL C01 Doctor Admits Error About Trench Maui fa FROM ALL OF US WHO PUT OUT YOUR NEWSPAPER THE MANAGEMEN AND STAFF OF mm rcmalm Um Mme Dont dawdlc and dont Irv tn mm Wm Treated promptly Vln angina can be clrami up In EIIUN limv my lwn or hm wrtks Neglected II can load loss of lcclh nnd lhe lnrtdinn um spread lo alher lluuo the lion ma mnnnm to lack lhe bnl burden of my Wm yumMlle Vhrro he lnfccllnn has had chance to pcnelralc mom dmply Into the tlssucs pcnlclllln In used but am old by dcntul cxpcrh Hm his or uthcr anll Moucs wlll nol permanently and flu lraublc unless Hm anlng om pr 1m mm nm hnslcfiroallhnnt Inday Is lhe same as that In no days when had good dual mn Incl with the disease Cleanan up he inhactod are the gum removing debris whether Irnprpcd load parlches or calcu Ius tartar along wilh the use of foamlng mumhydrogen pcflxidegr rn pyrqulp We also nolcd that other ac Inrs seemed lo he lnvalved Some luwcring of general phys cal resisllmcc tn lnlccllun and mnyhc some psychosomatic ele ments hccuusc Ihcre would often be more lroublcdlulng mu rind of ilrnimsuch as dunng mammalian mock calizrrl lashlan In clasr school or dormiwry We mado hundreds of laboratory cullures ol the Rnrms hndlound them la be present ln healthy mouths as well in months or people with Ihe disease but mnre pn valeni ln lhe latter which It not surprising or course Insldo rinx Ilvc tha while and ho mm pmpch an Elisnbclhvlllol 180000 Maren The annrily of Mrlcanl llru In dislrlclu vulsllle 1M Hill Irum lhu Irwpl who mun null alum troop hnva complclcly surrounded IMO Dcccmhvr 1961 and bnlh lidns mnlnmln rundhlock on mule lolhpUN men By VERGIL nEflGEfl ELISADETIIVILLE mentor In many way his cupllnl breakaway Knlnngn Province In Thu Congo dlvidcd til Isharply as flux Elizabethville Second Berlin no II THE CANADIAN PRESS Thc treaty at Ghent end ing the War at 1612 between Britain and the United States was signed at Ghent 145 years ago todayin In The American d0 clured war June 11 1812 dcclaring British nnvnlves sets were violating Ameri can neutrality and territor ial waters during the Hrs Napoleonic Var After NI paleons deical Britain took the otfonsive in tho Ameri can campaign but neither country wns nnxinun to can tlnuc fighting and pence wzu signed use TODAY IN HISTORY QTTAWA REPORT lheircnche day and night nearly All we UN H830 mili inry and civilian personnel live in broad Ich luburb to the was and norlh Apart ram oliiciai mnclings andrccepiionx which involve only tiny minority top Kaianxcsn and local whitest than is almost no coninci he tween ihcsc and UN pmanncl UN personnel who visii Ihe ciiyr alums movie lhbnlru restaurant and ban um um nlly treated politely but coolly Fl IL lltlll Maxum There are sevenailrcasanl or an undurlying uncasxncss amonz our palillcinns The most unnerving lo Hum 15 hedisclosurc lasl June lhat VICTORIA and GREY TRUST COMPANY Wm St Phum When our MP5 go hdme or their Christmas adjournment they will have sat in the Com mons for to working duya In fairness to them it can be said that nobody appreciate more than they that these 50 days have revealed our 75th Parlla ment as being futile exercise in overnmcnt thus far Naming which lt has dune has altered more immediate or more ton structive palliative in our na lional problcms than that stupid little Ncpisiguil Eiil These 60 days have been devoted almnst exclusively to partisan Jockey lnz for position with each po litlcnl party setking lhcmost favorable pasture mm which it can dash oil lnta In expected electoral campaign with flying start ll 15 argued that parliamen lary consideration or this pm posed extension at Ihe Canadian Nalional Railways syslem ha price which we must pay or our democrat system Some voice here murder that In aurh case our system shnuld atreamllncd and updated up runu mn But Canada ltseli stands at it own Nepisiguit Junciion today Will it puii all into the under priviieued backwoods oi wr rounding New Brunswick 01 will it one ahead on some new line to prosperiiy amid the puzzling unexplored Jungle oi automation and the translsicr Ige1 Lucky the land which so peaceful and prosperousthat It can devote that wealth gov ernmental talentat the cut mated price of 311000 an hour tajuch trivial topic BY PATRICK NICIIOUON OnAWAThe House com mon has below 1t 3111 093 Oneprlme minister canine mlnlsteu ls nnrlinmentary nee mtarles one Speaker and 214 other member mustxive their attention to nus proposal bnlld new rnllway track link ing an ore smelter la Ncplsiguic Junction 15 miles away sum BlGGEflBETTEHBAHHIE lnmt in Guaranmd Investment Cortificutol Solid Safe Secure urges Stréamlining Of OuryDemocraéy TICK IIOIHII 10 nu mu ma pm Inuml lnr lmm ml In wnu MM lnlorrnl plnllc uch Ill mnnuu IIIMIMI am Ml mum INTEREST Mudy TMIHIIV Flinn Then there is ih prohieni personalities This column llal menllnned lhn every party lcader today real lha hat hrellh oi one more rivals pulling down his neck The Conserve live machine indignant de nies llorlel that resalulionl crllical 0m leadership will be 01 aired at line January meeting oi 79 ihe nailonalexecullve here Of he lmune not any party machino worthy of its pay can sweep such embarrassment under llu mg But leadels are not made em and unmade In general meet ra lug it is the talk In the closed In rooms all over Canada wher lm over two or 309 parly suppyri up an 3252267 Ovlllla trivialmcs Sham eyns an Parliament Hill have not ialled lo nute that former Liberal cabinet minister absent since his detest in the i957v Liberal overthrnw has beenquletly taking the pallticnl temperature among his party matcs Hun Robert Smiling Baht Winters came here last wcck to express his availability Alter live profitable yehn ln business duringwhldl hestmck it rich in the mining world hr can now allurd the costly pn trioilsm nit parliamentary dutyu But he has not neglected the Liberal party in the meanwhile as the flourishing linanclal Cong dltinn oi the Liberal partyrat tests largely thanks to the lund raising success at Ontarlol Lime Unionwhairmanl lion Robert Winter RC And he return here to find talk al leeralNDP partnership tank in ind rm anywu as moot which swells up Into the process democratic revm lulion nub oneul our lqur national parllcu uttered the avenue Ca nadian vom what he wanted this now coupled wllh the guess that the ACV 11 um not sufficiently lmgresud by the un changgd images or ghose paltin to give any one sand worklnl majority In new elecllon What purpose wnuld be served then dissolving the futilI 25th an electing new Pun menl

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