Trees Origin Not Deï¬nite 1x yonnwm bauan on In TV tunIeoclcwr way Io gram Ilno lmnullur Mnmlmu In In lInLk make hlm map with rltk ruck ulm padding Mmmuu 15mm lnclm lnncru 70H ynllcrn Elem dlrccllqnl Thluylln mull cnlnnb lnr Ill naucm no llnlnpx ultimo lo Alla Hmkx mm 1110 mm Exnmlucr lelrcmll Depl From sum Toronto Onllrla ruldtnll Add rrnl um In Print plainly IAT TIIHN NUMIIHII NAME Mir DRE 1061 nine Nrodlrcrnfl Show fllrl Imorknl nrcruor kklrl our new lelmnfl talnlngl Ilul nwr 700 Imh alyou dollxnl la Imll crochrt wean rmhrnldrr uulll lluI rm pnllrm 5cm mm It your trees and shrubbery are lopsided dont be discourag ed Jar they can become lym mclrlcnl by uring cw light imz trlcknYou dont have pmnelhcm and advisable noHo do so Firot taster two crew eyes to thacnds two lhofl narrow piece wood and then rccurcly tape there to tha top at your tree and tnstm the ends recurer Into the ground with wooden pcgs Then astcn your string at outdoor lights to the wlrcx rather than to he bunches ol the tree mnnlng them Int straight up and down the true than arranging more string of llghlr In grncctu hope merely by draping the mm wrlzonlully aver lha wire tame Tape lhcm the win lor support Thui has always been var iety oi opinion amonm ex perts an Iolhemnsi Impoflnn qunliiien in choosing tree with needle denain ni iaiiage dc 5irabie color shapo and ance tradition and other miscel laneous Incigrlsuch as price availability and case oi decor niion being considered In lame 9m the enmity fir and spruoenre ¢i1e most popuiar varietiui In muihzrn IOniarin pine fast growing e1 with many enmiiqni auamlu 7me is the tel most commonly used In recengyean tree growers are paying rumh more mention to pruning and shaping trees to meet presentday standards and market mmremenls There la nollllng quite like colorfully llghled evergreen me In translorm your home lnlo Chrlnmas alryland well due oraled lrce outdoor can create hall symmetry and mood by lhe carelul use of lighls and color The Liradiiianal usc 010mm ma reel associated with re ligious feliivall according most historian date back in verynncimt unm In th America many credit tho in irodudion of the evergreen tree as GinMme aymbal In Hes ainn midlcrs who crossed the Ailmic during Ihe lime oi be American revaiutlan LastMinuté Tips 011 Tree Trimming 11ij technique can also be Dull mm um Ir By ALICE BROOK for CHMSYMAS TV HIT im Hulqu Flows my mama EXAguNEn MbNï¬AY DECEMBER 141 11 used over wellhaped trces to accent hclr symmetry Slrlnx lng light In lhll conical pattern emphaslzpl Ihe lowering nym melry larï¬e auxgreen tree and adds cans derahlc depth la ROV SMiTH PEGGY VANDERVEER GEORGE COLLINS Its lime for gaily wrappcdprescnls and warm greetings far rejoicing in the meaning of Christmas At his happy lime we extend our best wishes to all From The nagomlm and SM SMIIH and RUTTER RE yégr oyarall nutfloqf décolauan Anathcnway lo dmrale your trea the scattered llghu method where Christmas M11 59 strung round and mud me SERVICE 00 Hwy PA 64511 LEO RUTIER HARLEY JIM COLLINS VHENRY5 FINA ems Emu mm mm BARRIE The Dangerfield Motors 233 BRADFORD SIREET BARRIE M527 DANGERFIELD MOTORS LTD The Management And Staff Your Chavmlol Olkhmobflo Cldillnc Envoy Chuvwlfl Twck Dulor pack He spoke not word but went gtralghl to can Filled out an order the best deal by far Hawsprgng to his new car to the team gave soot bundle of car parts ho had flung on his blck AM looked like peddler just opening hl whistle And away they all flow like the down off thistle But heard him exclnlm em he drove out of Happy Christmas or all and to all good nlght and He whistled and shouted and called our can by name Now Dodge Now Corvair Now Valiant Now Chevy Nay Plymoylh Now Prefect Now Olds Ndw Caddy So onto the lot the coursers they flew With the car full of toys and St Nicholas too As ran between cars and was tumlng around Out of the old car came St Nick with bound Heygs dresséd all in lur from his head to his Idol And his clothes were all tarnished with all and and all overuthe 10 Not car was stirring from any spot The cars were placed in long rows with care Innlha hopes that business would soon come theie The saiesmen were loafing with dreams soft bedsu W131 ylsioris of bonuses danced throï¬gh their year When out on the lot there arose such clatter sprang from my desk to see what was the appear But an old old car and eight tiny reindeer With little old driver so lively end quick knew in moment it must be St Nick Morerapid than eagles his coursers they came headsf And the boss in his ofï¬ce and standing near Had jyst settled our wits from very hectic rnaltel Away to the lot flew like flash Tore past Ford andystopped by Nash When yhat to my wondering eyes should Twag the night before Christmas