Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Dec 1962, p. 3

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Anqu lem worn Allllflml mm dunlrr llnzrr mrm MIN Hut and Ill mnulnulmmu my swing lilmvnlc qu Jam nhl lilmvnk llnymr lnilay MIer MIIII In Hnmly Ilwlp Mun AMI Mmlfill Ila Vfllll llrymhll thlmn Humour lid Mumw Huron Jlm Clmkm Mlmflni wnnu My Mimlnn rm Urrhnni Mlan Howl lullrr Him nlnu pr Elu n13 I7 Land In kw an IM in Id Mfr Ill MI 01 rlmmnndl or mum and rumhm Mm mum deal and Anlrnmen flaw Intn Mll unukro during curly Drcrmhot In what bellowd lo lmvl Mon Um Inrzul nmwrclnl nir lul In nvInHIm hllwry my me pmllclpnllnu 1n the Inn9 any uprmu lrlp allcml an mum 1y Mlllnlnhlllfl In nuyunn who lmunhl mm llm companyflnnn lindnr BETHEL PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Sunday School ll am Service mm Christ mu Day special servicn mm 10 11 mm CHURCH OF THE NAZAR ENE Sunday School am Services 11 mm and pm Sunday in lllllcru Public School ST MARYS ROMAN CATH OLIC CHURCH Sunday Mn scs am am 1015 am and mo am Saluxdny Con fessions pm pm and Mn pm pm Monday night Muss preceded by Christ max carol 30 pm Christ mas Day Continuous Masses from 730 1030 nm Evening Devotions Sunday at COLLIER STREET UNITED CHURCHSunday 11 am Mom In Warship The Festival of Nine Lessons and Carol ESSA ROAD PRESBYTER IAN CHURCHSunday 11 mm Evening service withdrawn lo worship at candlelight Service in Strand Presbyterian Church 730 pm ZION PRESEYTEEIAN CHURCH ANGUS Sunday ll mm and 515 pm Candlelight Carol Service WEMNSTED PR TEHiIiN CHURCH Service Sun day in Johnson Street School WILLOWDALE UNITED CHURCH Sunday Steel Street Pub School at 1045 am Area Men Get Trip To States More Ihan score of Chris maa service and masses will be held 13 Barrie churches over Sunday Chrlslmas Christmas Christin Dav THE SALVATION ARMY Sun day 945 in Sunday School 11 arn service pm cnadln light servlca Christmas mom Ing aerflm ST ANDREWS FRESBYTEIL IAN CHURCHSunday Service at 11 um Christmas Eve 11 An hour cam and mad 150 owmg st HunChe and the times of service AMONG THE morn lhnn 1000 ml lnklnl part In lhu nrlfl were linger mien my Rprlni Don Jacobl flay Ens Curlll and Harold Caldwell stand on the truck 0m Reeve Kcn Glllcsple Churches Prepare Special Services SNOWPLOW FOR 030 TOWNSHIP 11 chic In llw Uullcd Blnlu well Toronto Canndn In 11an mm some 00 mm on UnHNl Mr Llnu thmlcrcd lnnu cnny flu vhllun lo llwnukee 0n llw Irl two ulnyl Hm lrl ol Althrlnu and mm In nmcnl lnclmltd laur ol lhu mm nnyl plxnll In Mllwnukm nml lnrv culled Um Land I7 lnwtr 1y MIIIvChnIIxmA 0n the lhlnl dny lumun wlnnm went Um murnlnu In Mum and hen now back to melt ulna an In nllornnnn Si GILES Christmas Service Sunday am Holy Commun ion 11 am Morning Prayer pm Fesiivni oi Carola nnd Lawns Monday Christmas Eve Service Juan pm Mid night Service of iion Com munion Christmas Day nm iion Communion 11 am Fam ily Service ni Holy Communion ST GEORGES ALLANDALE Sunday MIL iion Com munion 11 am Morning Prayer and Chrislmn Preparation pm The Chrisimas Story in Lesson and Cnroisr Mandayx Chrinimnx Eve service ii pm Carol singing followed by Mid night Celebrniian oi iioiy Com munion Chrisimos Day 1030 nm Holy Communion nnd Fam iiy Service THE FIRST CimiSiiAN RE FOMIED CHURCH service Smidny 1030 am nnd Christ mas Day 1030 am WLUNiTED cnuncn EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH Su Elm Sthoo 01 um Christmas Scr vim 11 MIL Special Music by the Choir nmi Sunday Schmi 930 am nine year and over up to nine Year ll am Cami and Candlelight Service or inmllicl nnd iricnds pm Young peop ics meeting 730 pm LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD Sun day Sunday School 945 am Bible Class ll anl Sunday Smloe 11 am Monday Xma mas Eve Vuper Service with choir selection pm School Sunday 30 p111 THE ALLIANCE CHURCH Sunday 915 am Sunday School 11 21m Momlng Warshlp 7rpm Evnngellsflc Service BURTON AVENUE UNITED grmflcu Sunday 11 am and um am Morning Ptnym and Sun day School 11 am Morning Prayer pm Annual Carol Service gm CHURCH OF nor lnkloy Ixnllnndy Ahb Mndlll Wlllla Reynolds nob Munm Jlm Clarknon Wnllcr Downay Dan Orchard Mer vln lnrkcr Earl lnmcll shah hands with Henry That Gentlbman on the ex treme rim is Arnold Milling uunnm CramI Imm humI Tum nlli rum Inll Lin VlII Mmrmnn urn LIIHod invm MIulnmnlw with NEW In no 3m ANgucAN 21mm 0F when MrXWNON Hflfi LTD For Flno Fun cnr drlvcn hy Lawrence hunmpmn 5mm Sle Mnrln Mich panel Inkk MW rr mu pnxnmncr lxnldrnlle 1nd Imam 1n the SixMlle Lulu vlclnlly on lllzhwny 1m almmy nflcr flve oclock Bill Elson office manager for Barrie Public Ulfllfles mid to dny here wlll definittly be no Increase in rates here ML Slrika mid continuing high Interest mu lncrcnscd task of wages salaries and sex vices worn actors contrihub ing to higher wholmale rails In 1m municipal ulllfllu cclyu not luring $1006 sumo snld hcmlrun cnlllxinn early this mnmlnx on Highway 10 Ion pman In hp wand Hm Mil nml may huvo Injuml Ilnlpnrly Ike and or Inn yuan um actual cost to Ontarin Hydro supplying power rampulcd or each municipallly which then 112chch nu relund or tlmrgg amnll mnrgln bum Into 0w Lululm mm that dchfll may be nvaldcd In lhu mamfly 01 cases Inlcrlm whalcsnla mu municipal utllluc an establish ed on he has of estimated coals for the coming your 11m driver of lhu true In mum pnmnurr Wm lnkrn In Um msplml wllh unxlclcrmln Inlurln unumuor In In Tlmmmon Vthlrlc complnhml mu Humidor nulh Villklll wm lnlAI worn 11m Mtlllrnl In nllll undrr In mllznlhm Vlclurln llnrlmr ll mum Tummy He snld This slnblllly at lhu wholesale level has actually been nccompnnlcd by mind Inn at lhr rclnll lcvcl becausa or economics achieved ln mun lclpnl dlstrlbullan rcsulllng In pan from lncrcascd mngu by cuslomcra The adjuslmenu represent Iota lncreusa of 23 per cent in the overall wholesale cast 01 power to the municipal uufluu NONE HERE He said The cos of electric power in Oniarln has been rm mnrkably rlnhle over recent years Based on 1063 esllmnm of actual cost Um average whoksnle rule to munlcipnl ul 1mm will have Increased only 31 per cent In 10 years Less than 10 per cent of the 355 municipal utilities supplied with power by Onlorloflydm will have to Increase rates dur lng Um camlng yEar Hydra Chairman Ross Strike said yesterday ML Strike madn the lorecas when commentingnn the 1963 interim rates or municipnl IIhl 11125 which purchaae power from gntgrio Hydro on wholesnle flSfl total of 15 uumm willpay higher wholesale rate 15a an unchanged and 35 are lwcr The malority of utilities are expected to be able In absorb the increase without passinle on to retail custamm because of economics resulting largely from higher consumption at pow Two In Hospital Mler Accident Power Rates Wont Rise Here PUC Declares EUIIfiABiEQEEiiffghBAHHIE Smut Muslcr Jnckmn Flm Inninlll who by Hm way In mrclnry of the Buxlnm Mtnl Hockey Team In Innll Tawmhin mid 1131 ha ha Into mud lho Innlflll scuuu Mn 011m or evnlml play grqcng ghm mp nlmul Thu Seoul ha Flnl Allnndnlo Troop mvc bun Ink ng SI 1an Amhulnnm Course or Hm In five wtrh Thom wlll be Mr more week 01 lrnInlnl Mlcr Um Imlhlnym The Inn cmlully pnulnu lhclr cnurm wln cclvn lhdr Amhuinnro Ilndu and will he lrnlnul In emu lrgqlflm ld lurlnx lha nu lwa weekl hockoy prncllcu nm In llnn or the Scoull my number who will gclunlly vnrllclpnlo ln Hug hac 24 27 71 an January with Mayo In MardL Particl pallnx mom or nunlo nm are First Allnndnle Second lnndnlo Strand Durrlc Fourth Darrin Flflh Hurrle Slxlh Bnr xlc nnd Seventh unnle hoyuln Innis arm In than Digslnrsl Mcnl lcnmm iamia nunfnntullm Tm In Ilccldnlfixnlll lwo wch prnfllco pulp In nvrf HOCKEY LEAGUE Thn Scout Troop from Kem pcnlcl any are prcpnrlmz to lna Scouting Hockey unuuc Game wlIl be playch an Dec Imlrr In Iho yunr lh mm thh nml nxlvrr lmml will pnxllclpnto In lmxkrflmll our munrnL By 1111 nutmom Barrie Examinur Runner Best wishes for merry Christmas irnm District Com District Council president Doug missiomr Ma Wilfred OBmdi Mooriwuse Scouts Squadmn Leader David Reid Wiii Cooper and Linyd Cock Assistant Dia Lricl Commissioner Bob Ayrel and your caiumnisL Major 08de wnnlcd to any In or this column at this of tho year but Instead said Extend Chmth grch lngu In All who have dcvclcd lhclr time to the muting mnvo ment Thu Includes thou In unl arm mu muster cub mnmrl raver crew lenders and glrl guide leaders and those not In unllorm the member 01 lb vnrloul group mmmlllces Barrio man was charged WM drunk driving byAllstn branch the Ontario Provin cial Ponce early but night al ter the car he was driving um od olf the mud Mdfll€d over mm Patterson 2m 1m BanXe is In jaiL Apassenger in his canflarry Fairchlld RCAF was taken to Hospital at Camp Baden broken pelvis Apparently the boy split up when westbound car ap proached is young Waison erased the street he was in direct collision line Cool thinking and quick man ouevertng an the part of the dxlver of the eastbound car Robert Earl Benton 19 20 Lount street prevented any serious in lury liqtrleq to avold til boy The accident beamed about threequarters of mile north at Ammnnan the mad Ink Caqnp Borden investigating 0mm were RC Beanchamp and Maurice nineyearoid Barrie lad coped serious last night while he and buddy were phylnghockey on Gunn Street Brian Douglas Watson mo Gunn street this morning is sul lering from bruised hip alter he was struck it car According to vesfigaflng of ficer Raipil Barry tho youth was playing hockey on the North side of the street near the Oak strep intersection It was dark said Constable Berry and while the centre of tho street was bare both edges were moypovlereq and leg Jury nu muu mm um my put canlujl gnly puke his car la certam Int Aflegular pol ca warnings have been Issued to driven to use much more caution thnn any normally would at Lime of mac 11 Ydufli Escapest Serious Injury uhagge Man Drunk Driving Cliagge Man SCOUTING AROUND rlul Tmop Allnmlnlo plum Ngw Yearl wlshu come next Tpe qflzgr passengeFWa Ini Busy Holidays Fer All Trdops he Incond year may hnvo pcrlormcd Inch valu able service Thu Icoula under Um dlrccunn Scoulmnpter 1J0 Cook Ith year have at cred 500 pound clnlhblz and 100 pound lays wilh mumy Hwy made from prepar an IGA handblllxj cl Ed Tnchlr hurt wlll nccnmpnny Scaulmup Thlrd Barrio Troop Al nrlllow and rum flu clnn mull an our day cxcurllan an Dun 21 In six mllu north of Hing lplgl Ian Inlcl about 21 mlch nurlh cl Inrry Sound Emu Mundan lhl nullng will wa ann Law Slava Guner Econ Vlncfirltqr Jyn 0rlnu1 Trnim Jhn lml nml me Ynlu VDicy will have to Inowxhne mm lung Inlet lthr dtw Ulglllm inf lg lho 1ch Scout Mlku Ktlly lnnrlh II rlr ncnlvcd hln Amhulancm Undue Inst wrrkrnd MAIIKKSIANSIHI mm Barrio Troop hnl seen to that lho Indhmu 1115 Mnllnguml Reserve about 200 mile went New Llakeard will nnIlw um uklenu of Santa CInus The lrmn hill Ilnflrll Faun llnmo Dumlnlan Mmluman hlp Cluh under lha llrcdlvm manu Morrlu lluldwr and undrr Hm Imlrudlnn him llnrmdlnc Tinm vitmlwrl In and Paul mnrhl lnul Hm remn Drfllvl Ian lull Mfkc rllufll nLng la spend weekend at the Sgauy Camp 135 Oshawa Last week the scout of Sec ond Ammdolo brought ood and prepared hamper for needy family in Barrie helping out Illa Salvation Army and other ur vicu clubs in Barrie who are performlng similar Christian scfvlce at Chflslrngq mo ny not the new zmup commutes m¢mbm In Second or any reasons their Mme art as Archer chairman Ran Kelsey secretary kcnsurcr Earl Mc Muster first vice ruldant Bgynlan 59nd vccAApreaIdfnt other mmmllleo membcn Tam McKnight Frank Goring Mu Hay Mm Mnlltniey Mr Richardson Mn mm Holma nnd Mn Jnck Webb Barrie Police Chief ngnmm and DImlct hyper Int for District of the OPP John Claxk May issued joint appeal axlull motorists chi area in cwperale in prevent lng neddenu during this Clum mas season 111a prevenllon of accident on sixeels and highways is an operation requiring the assist ance and wapcratian oi evary oneff said Chief Tschirhan We all have moral rexpan uibilily to do nur utmost to pre vent accidents In connecuonwith this In pctnrClark stalled flaiiy that traffic squad has been in structed nottoissue warning but in carry on their duties in germs of the inliextepl oi the aw Chin Tkhkhan said his de partmem would be carrying mg with the same policy PRMELHON Onto the Int duties Mi Marcellus Barrie secondary school teacher has been appointed to the post of coordinator of Vocational Train ing clams inBzrde starting in the new your classes will enable unempioyed persons mm timmghmxl this regim to further the education Mayor Les Cooke announced in appointment and the back to school program today Sn om operation vnLh the Budd DI trig Collegiate 39m Thorium gt glaringam ls mack Firstly itAwill om giaduauon cum3e térpéébii TIN llrrnlrdnyllme hockey pm ProVide Unemployed Trade Opportunities Dunlap IO ifMoithistsr ToviBeyEIXtra Careful MA 100 CNHSTMAE NPle WILLIAMS JEWEllERY instinct mm ScEénd nmlo wnl lnvralcd Wednesday nigh Tenderloot Smut nob Maxlny WM In 11w hospllnl la have hln IOMUI and ndcnnlds nmovcd nlunK will an opcrullon an lhumb Scnulmniltr Dnvld Held Flu Edgarwreporlrd luccmrul Chrlxlmu nrly un nlrnlny mm The mu llml Ihe mull hnd lo cock were In Ml upln Inn lho hut qunlily 5cqu John Wyndham wnn Um rlw lnr the moxl orlxlnnl Vnr nlinn an Chrlalmal mu un nrm mlume wllh conlrnpllnn lhnl mcmblrd tone mi wllh 1qu Hahn and had alnglu hum llm lap and red hul Ian over IIII non When but lun mu pruml Ihv wholu re nlln Illup am In word Im lulph becamn plnlnly mun Flm Mldhum Troop II loohlnl or Emulmmm Any nna Inhmkd In lhla wnlllnu ll mod lo cull fiyll Kmlhh ll IIAIJI Hm PA Iwuv¢rflw is consid erably greater thin your as them mm more unemple and 1mm nccdy families Altar no list or uulumal hamch wnl complied ht nlc kelflo appeal so far has netted more than 11000 com pamd wllh last yeart final total of 3191117 Ice malon for Fourth II Doc from lymph 1139 Slxth filrrlc Troop findfllil Clhrgslmna Party Wtdnuduy an mi Amendments to the inwlhis year now provide mandnlmy drivern licence suspension of mm months upan conviction Im lcnvinz the scene of an ac ddeni person in convictcd of impaired driving time in similar mandatory suspension of three months or six months if property damage or injury re suiia mm kaflic collision who perhaps have let school with Grade Sewn or Grade Eight certificate mesa people pmvldcd they an unemployed the Lime enrolment can Nazism or the dam being owned and bring theh academ 1c nendaxd as high as Grade flew nd aspect of sea pm gram will imporala commen dal work enabling persons wiLh Grade nine or 10 cartil icnle to go back in school and mdcrtake to gain commerclal certificate alter one or two years of Andy Once the program has been Irme established It hoped that trades trahflng can be in corporated int he nnfidpated Wflm Gum mums The Salvation Army Kettle drive IUll down Hula but Mr Jim Gillespie said this morning May and Monday should In some tho best days Th food was mm to the 1l Stan by 0w Ladle Imle police officer lbs mucflan life and property and WI certalniy Mend to see um the publlc LI protected from the minarfly of drivers who refuse to respect IIhe all owe perm Ilsng wnyl wdilnspecm Clark fiexe oftencel certainly chum lot at Inconvenienco and embarrasmen mm per son ooncernedmlanz with loss of driving privileges In many cases it caueshardshlp far the amily€ the law enforcement of llcerg Jointly commented The project is no Ill and miss vulture Those people who an unemployed and who consent to the enmlmnnt must attend lbs classes for xix lumn each day or flva day each week Mr Marcellus who wfll work alpaer 11th 1119 Na ploymcut Service will be r8 Salvationllrmy Kettle Drive Still Lagging Behind 61 Total Moat driven are aware that mm The Major bald Wu hnvo hm very good mponso or lay this year and Wu expat that people will come and call my offlca Mld rccelvo mm or the children mu charge any lb toys are brand Donation apart mm kcfllo have not cvrne up to last years mnrk Last years donations wen 637 Md two day ago um years donallons were $7502 Mn Gillespie sald All his money spent over the Chris mas period and Uwugh the re mninlnz months or wellnm In Barrie and iurmundkng alcahnl Impala and 11de la destmy baaxchuman qualifica lhma tor nah motor vehicle 0p eralion The Alcahallsm Re search Foundation has made ex lenslvo tests In Ihe use at al coho by normal persuns and their findings reveal that the average Impound peraon should wqu at law two hours befora driving car after he in cm suined two alcoholic drinks correspailalnhlyfl lgrger Elm and not simply excess Pallue record autos the pro xcqr mm lamlflca were ML Roughly enoth two hnun sobering up time should be eddm ed for each additional drink alter the second one In other words alterflireo dflnko well four hours More driving nflcr tour drlnkh welt six hours cw People who are 7540 pound lime than the Impound aV erase should wait one hour more khan the tlme given People who are that much heevler could deduct one hour provided that helrwdytjyhased en fled mi at presmTand KIT ed that he Hut Iheae clam wig berg sped early In 1W Officials nm hyping in mm with dim oi nppruximnieiy 40 persons made up of about 20 permnl in much at the lw court The senior gnvummenu have already pmvided Ml endorxata inn of the ambitious program and all that remains to ho done is workout details with the 943i boardinlregardgu mum mu um The éliicinla are presnully ex pluran the feasibility oi tapping the abilities 01 local persons to assist in the Instruction lhu people who will lake the course This will include persons pm enuy engaged in the tenching profession as wall in industrial personnel ilie undertaking is this only program 01 ll kind between Midiund and Toronlo and there fore cnrpomlcs lull arena sponslhlé orilhe prganlzhtimo classes under the Federal and nglnclal training proggan ficiflties hat are to be prle worn wfin nun SHIVch hln III Ill flunru Chum my Lmr Am Cu numb JOHNSON and CO Dunlap IL nnniu Tel PA um Mayor Cooke do huroby proclaim Wodnesdoy December 26 1962 as Boxing Day In 1110 CW of Burrla mm mu non um PUBLIC NOTICE coon7 MAYOR At this time our palice de partmenla extend xxlslncere wlsh to all cldzens or Merry Chris mas and sale happy and pro sperom New Year they laid Vince have indicated diamlb lnx Increase In flue number cl arrest or people who nrn drlv 1112 while they movlmpaired by alcohol We 15 not wish in be idil joyu particularly during the holiday season bui it it with cancern ior Ihe naieiy of all citizens whether driving or quiking that we penl inJil motorists and estrianx to drive and waik mneiy cureluiiy pndAmnsiderately said inspew tor Clark Nopoiice officer want in 5W motorisia Chrisimnr or that iii 0r her lamiiy but in an eflnrt to protect the in mean public we willpunish iendm toiha iuli xtenioi the law said Chic Tuhirhari HOME FROM FRANCE Raybum Haltzhaucr non of Mr and Mn Holmauer 01 Oakley Park Square ha 111 rlvcd bomelmm France for the unrislmu holidays Rayburn ls attached tn No Fighter Wing RCAF minrvlllc France Collllr SI SullI 302 PA 66583 BENTLEY AND COMPANY WISE ADVICEp1 Um bulb Ilormnnm Pollq la you ham And my my In you wont In um ll ulna IMMI mm yuuucmmnd tall OWL MARCELLUB

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