gig M3 HIn lnnllrlmlhm Vlndlm lmndnn IM FAN Irnlrll 01 moml an nudnlnlll Alh lrllu Mrnlnl 5mm nun W7 nml lhlnlplmv hnlhnnl Mmmm dmnynl KllewnorWn Film Wm lmly KM am ll Mhhrnoh urn In mm In llw on Lulu llnchy Alwclnllun mm vnuu mle Frhlny mum dr lrnuuz he hollmn mm lvnml In an ulnmlinm lhe PattersonListon nlfnlr wna almost loo much or the paying Public to lake How will they rum to repeat per ormnnco the UnlonMnchcn duo slmllnr horlng llghl wlll clow tho lld on hoxlngu com and Acml on HA way nut flu warld gnu on no mnllm wry llulo whnlhvr ltn Harold Johnxon or lnucmnr Johnnssun Who 01W H510 lupply the nnununlllnn to Irrlnu down buxing Harold know hell be like Um against Goliath and he hopcs his drlrnslvc Iacllcs wlll lake this place he prnvcrblnl alone If Humid doesnt ital knocked klcklng you ran nsl asurcd the light ll Iurn out sllnkcr Johnsons idea will be to try and outspned Liston and keep at safe distance at the same time in other words hell pattern his llght alter the one lilachen put up agatnsi Sonny lleli jab hook slip slide back pedal bob weave and just about everything else to slay away from Sonny Boy Sonny proved before that speed doesnt bother him In the luant He just stalks his man untll he can unload Ills hnynmkcr Then he llghls go nut and Its all nvrr Patterson tried In oulspucd Union but cuuldnlï¬c close enougluvilhout golï¬ng nnllml Hy TIIII mm rm Thu hug dlenco ln weight could prove dlsnstrous to any other opponent as was tho case wlllx Floyd But not with Hnrold Johnson He has been the nmnllcr man on many an occnslon and 51111 wound up on top Tm luurr luver Ilurn Floyd has rolled to go the route only three tlmcs but he ls much much ensler to hll Hls defence ls the weakest part of the Floyd Patterson makeup Now to the upcoming LlslonJohnson To maintain hls speed and good lighting weight llnrold wlll have to come ln no more than 185 Llslon whose best llghllng wclghl ls somewhere he tween the 208212 mark will hnvo 2ipound pull Top Teams Win In Senior Action Harold wont ind much difficulty hopping on his bicycle Ever since he was chopped down by old Arch Johnson has practicall worn out the pedals Not that Johnson is cowar because it takes more guts than the average man has just to climb through the to es But like Machen he prides himself on his deiens ve ability and has always maintainedif you canthit him you cant huxthhhn It would also have to be conceded that Floyd had the utckest pair of hands of any of the past heavy welg champions Johnson falls Into the same cate gmty More often than not he outspeeds hts oppon en mentioned when It comes to boxing ability Johnson has no superiors Now that Sugar Ray Rob nson has seen his better days and Tom Anthony long forgotten Hagold hasAto rate the best in skill 1n punching ability theyre out even with John son getting the edge If there one Floyd has bet ter knockout average but only becaus of Johnsons failure to assume the aggressors role Jahmon Im bun stopped our times yet has fair chin Hell go down when he geLs hit but the malndproblem is to gel to him Whenever he gets tagge he goes into his defensive shell for the rest of theqlght In order to figure out how much of chance Johnson has with Liston it might prove interesting to compare him with Floyd Patterson Ailhough their respective styles differ somewhat they are alike in helm Allhough Patterson was over the 175pound class most people considered him nothlng more than blownup lighthenvyweight In other words until the last couple at years he wasnt much bigger than John SOIL Patterson is better than average boxer due to his qulck hands and it was thoughthe might be able to outbox Liston Unfortunately he didnt get chapce to display his Iapcypomhinnlions and suchi Thats nod sound princlple but not when it comes to 170 ng The fans dont go for And If the fans dont go for it you can bet the promoters wont Johnson found that out through the years but he still is convinced its the best way The only possible way the balding Johnson can hope to defeat Liston is to outbox him no easy task in itself Eddie Machen had the same idea when he faced Liston but he realized he might have to come in contact with Sonny in order to outbox him so he turned and ran the other way underétéhd heavyweightcixgrgplbrsoï¬vIJston wlll defend his title against lightheavyweight king Enroldflohnson at 8211 mores CivicCentxe in mid Whllo Johnson is master boxer undoubtedly the best of the day he goes hand in hand with Eddie Machen when It comes to an appeal Machenalmost committed suicide because of itand Johnsoncan us uallx he heaxzd complaining of similarnrablems Desplte Sonnys murderous punching powerï¬the chance of knockout is ï¬lm one The last time Johnson heard the 10 count was back In 1954 when he took hls eyes off Archie Moore or one second Moore who was behind on points oing into the 14th round uncorked left hook and nrold Johnson had to can it anight HAROLP JOHNSON ASKING FOR TROUBLE March Faryboth champions It vlll be big pay ï¬ght but will probably do asmuch harm to boxing as did the ListonPatterson fiascn Its strange the people ar rangflng the match arent aware of what might tum up it ever comes off CHATTER By JERRY GLADMAN AI mu llw Muh lnl Wlml Mr rluh hnmIrd mull mm Ilrnlzhl Mm rm hm um lry Tommy Wm and an1 Hum by Imin Imu Huh Drown and Jntqml main ankrr and mu hurl me polull Pmll and moan mm llnm lar Clmlhnnl aim Ml III nuhl Hnu mek Jnr Mulu Jnck DmmIaI nml Ilnlwy th Icnml Hm nHW lmlhnm guull Mnc Hule and hm Duh Iruml lur KilUInrranrrluu mi um Méxmm mm inll MONTREAL CF Frnni Sclkr mangm Ilirmnr Monlrrnl Cunmllrns Inyn In 0an hulh could Ive lalmd lnr ddeumnnn Tom Jnhrunn llml Mk would he lump II It Mm 11 been Ir nmu lhn wlrran plnyrr hnn lnkrn lmm lam Seiko wan pmllrulnrly up mtr Ihn hoollm hmWl Ill Jnhmnn It In Thumlay nlnhll Ila with Tumult anh Hill In anlvmnl Mkoy Lragua umv Nu wnl lmnNI nlnhl HM Snlkr KMII lr1 It MIA um Mnnhcnl plu wm xllmIXy wwmp nlln or II nul Joluumh and ha wu mu nun mm or me tun crlnlnly hr Ihmlhlnl Mu In Inks Hlnl null 111 lhln Hm IF hm lwru vlnpmg Mlh Im IIIJumI wvlut nml llmll he ml 11 mqvnnn hr mu In ummlnllnn lnr ha Ihhmnn Iml lmu lnr III In In Ianl llmu In In Inn ullh nediuu MNI WI Ilva nmuw Jl knnlnr Mnllrm IIIHL llrnl llw tluh WM Kim lu make Irmlr plrggpy Rem urrnll Mel aniénn Vlxnxue team lul Wklk nrdmd our player mm Edmnnlon lnubumh Wlnmul 1cm team hut lhrce mccmlvn gum ln cludinx 74 nhcllncklng lridny nlghl yy Vnnmuvcr Cannch llnynrr man 01 lnllnm in his lint coaching your wllh ludmonlnn Flyers lhl Western Hockey League wank to know Mlmn lwn MI piny than how for Inst week By THE CANADIAN PRESS Manager coach Sid Ahcl Detroit 11rd Vlnu can txpld clcngloqc gull logy be ram Chnvlln nay neg Ho wanu some action Habs To Deal Tom Johnson As Tribute in the in Aus trnlta she clipped nearly 45 seconds of the Game record with tlme at 100 to win easily and effortlessly moi cutamer when we dunned her red and whlta cnndyItrtped bathing null she climbed out at the pool and winked at team mick dlicalyoi Mantra Alu gw us one In luck the chin strap on her white bathing can she plunged in wllh sevon other Her head bobbed up lew feet In lmnl Last July In her home lawn aha pmved herself at leasL fiv seaands faster than any email butterfly swimmer In the Com monwealth with clacklnlnl mm or the 1m yards world mark This meant In effect um bhed either hnva Lo drown or swallow waler lo mls out an gold medal at Perth eymmn myan That lune geslure was taken an lndicallon that she wan conï¬dentwithout exactly my lng 390 handling Ihe but In Ihe ï¬nal coupla nlghu Ialg She was ihe liveloelthren Miss Stew nrl holder oi the world record for the llnyard nndvIWmetra butterfly was all sinus in rent just as she was mnnth ago when she whipped Itnrry field in capture gold medal for Canada in the British ï¬npin Games at Perth Australia She received 146 lintplace voles eight or second and one or third and one vnter passed up the question In many cases soledan merely jetted down Mary Stewart and asked who else was there On point baslsl she received 455 consid erably more thnn nil other combined The voting way tribute to her lkills on lulled ln ballot They didnt have to log memorial lo Put the ï¬nger on the ponyMed youngster who celehrated her 170 blflhday just three week Neuty other athlete were mentioned by the vote who were asked name the three individual periorrnerl among women in order of preference Votes were computed on 831 heels and the final returns were reminiscent oi the great post Scmnd World War years when Ottawas Barbara Ann Scott world ï¬gure skating queen Iwept the pull NEVER BEADED Charlie Rayners Tired Flyers Seek Help After 3rd Defeat mp llopounder was Elven resounding vote or um hnnm by the cnumryx sports editor and broadcaster for second consecutive Year In tho min annua Canadian rPrtsu yearend polln She had the ml loqked np month By JACK smzuvm Cuth Pun Hm Edltor TORONTO CHMary Stew mn manualfact lmla mm mm Vancouver who let her swimming do the uan for her is Canadas outstanding femnlerfllhlet 1961 I12 An 91mm record 156 Ieiect IE EDWIN he candy Ilrlped climbed out inde on SWIMMERMMIY Slgwm of VAncouvcr upper photo winner 01 gold medal at madam Empire Gain In nookiv Tnn neatly mud win and other Vuncnuvor mull um looted by Bob Me Custer nnddy Booms Dav Dulm Jim flnlld and NIH Mnl HWY 1110 Victory mnrnl nnuckl hack lnlo the Noerrn DMulon lumimhlp my In fur lhu um time work an nnurhl now hnvu III painll Stalllo Inlcm fll lltlmunlnnh nml nlgnry Slnmmlm 16 Vllh IM lineup an bclnw narmnl llrenzlh 15 ha Fly wm no mmrh or Conuckl Rayner Ind he wlll choasa 1mm nmona Chuck Halmn Wnrrcn llyne nml dclnnrrmln Kollh Walah um um Mnrcon ll now pl Iljlllaburzh Rnyntr dbndllns or lhrir nppmmncn and when lhw dldnl show he nmmunccd hu wlll recnll Wu hi flycrl when he phonu Abel today WILL CHOOSE No the Homtla Ilny ï¬ns and Norm Corcornn maul rnpgrl fmmxmmmw of thech and she eased up at the ï¬nish to win by about seven few In la 3an Hmo lor hero Thai eHorl plus hrr wnslst enlly brilllunl swimmlng since she first burst 0n the Interna Ional scene In 1959 put her at llornclx of the American League and our Home was in return Auslmua has Hem voted Can lllNlfll 5T mm Ilmy fllndlnl Mnl mm anlnnully Mumrd In llhmu Cwnlyl mm flood Our lvlu GIFT F0 Tllfl EQUIPMENT TRY who Von mm on GARNERS Kporlln lllul $2995 SPORTSMAN ARLBERG SKIS SPORTS ludlnl 0mm WEST Second pInca CP poll went to lnyenrold Sue Hilton London 0nL winner the Canadian womenn class and junior gall champlnnshlpl ï¬ve men put her In the No mot 79 made har second choice nnd put her dawn or third and Iain 201 points lhlrd wu Abigail lloflmnn Muirold runner from Tor onln who still has to nhuw her polcnlinl In lhn compnmllvcly new hnHmlle mack mm far women Shn tried the dlstnnco only mch me In compellflnn belarc har xclncllon mom her Cum team In lha Brflish Emper Games And Im ahead of any other female In the country SUE HILTON SECOND adal numnnding woman alh Id of 1962 In Um Canadian Pm yearend poll of sport editor and broadcasters Sue Hlllnn hmdon lower lam ï¬rst Junior to wln 111 Can CITIES 150 BRADFORD ST Mr Jensen iswell known ioihe ciiizonsof this area ihrough his as socieiion wiih Kramer Moiora over the past several years You are cordially invited to drop in and see Cerl at his new location and discuss your auiomoiive problems wiih him Carl Is wall qualified io help you with your car problems as he holds class mechanics licence Cerl ls handling lop quelliy producis such as Goodyear ilros Ciiies Service bei iorics and petroleum producis You may be sure of friendly Inception and export service so why not drop In soon Earl Jensén We Would like To Wish One And All provod her Um each outing but an injured leg harnch her In Australia and aha flnlshcd lasL FIELD WAS SCAIIERED place on to 17year old Nancy Mamdie of Bram lvn 0m who sol Canadian nauru rocard discus throw but mlmd selectinn on ma British Empiro Games loam nnd mm went to gollnr Gnyln llilchcns Vancouver Olhm named In the poll In cludnd cw Brillsh EmpRre Gums nlhleles In cannery were Iwimmm Pally Thomp son Hamlllpn Snrn Ember Brnnllord uml Mndelnlno So vluny Mammal From Hie on mld was well 5mm out with mmy chvlngonly one or two volex adlan womens closed Ind Jun or 3011 championshlpl In the name year placed lecand the poll Ablxall Ilnuman young runner from Toronto was third Photo CITIES SERVICE wy Com or andlord Am John 5mm Proudly Introduces may Cm CARL JENSEN PIAyerCouh Red Sulllvnn Baltimon fled Ihe um early in ma ï¬nal perm Thu goals by Leon Rochelan Dave Creighton and Flt Hannlgan bmke open llu comm Dan Johns gut the other Cllppm mu the second period BALHMORE AP Plum ten pressure by Baltimora paid of II the Cllppen cum from behind In post Amer lcan Hockey League victory over Rochester Americana Frl day Isnt Rochester goaHa Jerry Nnmarl lumed back 64 shots but finally willed the 13 period when lhe Clipper Allle our nahthree of them within 7459mm spam McNamara wholnfured hit back before the lesson opened made Ml int it In the nets nook Ian Anxom llzned by Americnnl lhundly mm Kitchener scored both Rochel lar goal In lha Hm perind BARBII EXAMINER SATURDAY DEC 21 m2 11 Tiger Lagos Nigeria and Fullmer of West Jordan Utah will each receive $0000 plus no per cent of the liva gale Tele vision money estimated at $100000 Thujflurrla Bay Clly Falcons worked out the tamm lust pill 111 prevarullou or tel mnmw GeorziuVBay lulu medlatc Hockw League gamuagalnst Ihe Grim Terri Tha munch will be néuon ally televised but blgacked out In mmll radlul 01 La Ve niu Mmer lost the mm 11 get by decision In rough 15 ngund bout Oct at San Fran Tiriawiii bé lhc iourih meet in between the twn ciuhs and the Faicnnmwiii he gunning or their third victory Terrier bombed Barrie 71 In Drillia lost 53 in the match in Bar rie and than were cdged mesday night at home LAS VEGAS Nev AP Mlddlewclght boxing champion Dick Tiger will meet exlllla holder Gene Fullmer ln dmmplanshlpflght hem Feb ll wan announced Fridly Tiger Tthx Gene Fullmer Clippers Clip Rochester 52 Falcons To VHost Orillid Terriers CASH AND CARRY LUMBER 249 STEEL ST AT BLAKE 5T BUILDING MIï¬ERlM THORNLEA rlJlmaJ finFalcons have been idle snce Tuesday and coach Paul Mcger hopes the long layoff wont affect Ms clmrgetflhey an presetbuxom livqxame wtnntng streak and Mcger would like to extend ll lara happy Christmas The Orlllia winï¬gngc Barrio second place wnlh Brad ford Mels Express In lha staini hms but it was shm lived Thu lallnwing night the Expreasmen Whlï¬pcd Midland and mnved has inln sole possession of sec and ï¬ve poinls hehlndColllngg wood snipsundm Don Rich will be In ha cagq or the Barrie crew playing up posile Lto Facclle Leo In the Terriers second slrlnz goallu but Injuries to regular Bob Shrupshlre have kept Facem pretty busy Much mar wa xpedad from lonnerMarlbmomarJim Munchic but the Orlllia on ward mnved only 1n spurts Should the line of Murchle Ray Cnlhnun and th Moussean not mlracked Ihe Falcons might be in am longday Following lomurrowa till Iho Falwns will holiday or Ihe hal ter part or week and then travel to Bradford or another hookup with the Explessmm Cpl Jonmn SERVICE PA 61522 PA 807