Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Dec 1962, p. 5

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llcenum can com wuth cgal inlent ln handing such cues may be delendcd in Court he salrL mollnn dlr acted to the pollce commission empowered the Chiel arrangc in 1115 Crown to act hem scr ious cases were being heard the Glicl to handle such mut Ien ns lmlfic byluw and park ing offences Chief Brown re ported that 240 cases undcr the Highway mm Act speeding and napping were laid by this department many oi these be inz settled mlt oi cnunl lha cod having the men AL tawny rzprcscntcd In Court will be pnld by tho lownshlp unlcn the Wonder in lound gullty and then costs will be added In his lines Another pmposnl would be tn nuthnriu the township mlicilnr lo be on call in cases when the dual tell that legal ixlp might be required llnw ovcr in that case chic llmwn lolt that all use ilwuld be handled by him nnd costs an ranged ior lnhnllng nl smoke was dunner oua and had been ntlrlbumi to Um cause lung cancer and dangerous to hrnllh It has felt that 11th A35 was balm vlol md by making during Um carrylng an cl Council busincsx N0 SMOKING mollun mm up an lypw writer was prcsnnlul 0mm dl and rcmnlcd vole reques ted dcnll with making dur nu mundl mcdin and read What 11mm no mi flu By 365 We William Brawn attend ed lhn meeting of Council on Wednesday night lo ask recon sideration mollon in ropiy lo letter from the Police Com mlssinn wherein Counnu recom mended that cases other than crimlnnl charges in police courts behandled by the cum Mr Brown pomted om that Crown Comm would be nvniL able for payment of lea doll uu fins marge 0132m was felt by the Chic re quired legal handling on the par of the prosecution ougld not be expected thal Actress Elizabth Taylor and British actor Richard Burton pnjctwed in 11de pose INNISFIL NOTES For llurruflnnl III Hm n1 lA mse Illrr pm CrOwnCpunsel Given CareleSs Driving MONDAY JAN pm ODD FELLOWS HALL COLLIER ST Swank 3mm NEXT umso WILL ue Wllh Va and Your ODD FELLOWS THOSE TWO TOGETHER AGAIN MON DEC 845 pm $500 COMMITTE Illillltflllfllimfl NOVHLTHJ IURKEY BUFFET Dml 5cmanmnl mkelnnd iinil and Community Board wran to ask sumo rebate on their hnll taxes as ith cinlm hey are lining big perccningc ni charity work and also thni Ihu hnll hn hem mudo rm use oi certain puhllc mncllnga Council uxrccd lhnl all the hull should be hunted equally and some allowance mmlo to Lakcinnds on current lnxcs similar in that nilawcd nonAlan 131 Strand Chum hill and him an public Wm munily halls and are no sub lcci io iuxu hui Simud hn back payment slill due pro vinus lo hccnmlnn commun iiy hnil This will he ndiusicd TAX PAYMENT SLOW lnymenl cl til law whlch worn due lnsl wcck um or report ed that accordlng to lnslnmlonl made In his previous mport lhe alteration and changes requir ed In the tnwnship olfices and Cauncu chambers had been cam plemd and he rccommundcd that the balance due the contract be pafid yllh thoue gpllnh of $5 lo be hold until the floor pnlnlcd ncxl Epflpg 1n the Essnguwny between Ihn bulldn gs This report wns ncccplcd wilhnul comment Be it ihcrclore enacted lhai members refrain from smoking during Council meetings and members not complying with this should fnrfcil their claim to allowances for the mecllng This was passed three In two with Reeve Cochrnne and Councillor Todd objecting They are liabl lunl cigar smokers ll is doubt ul that the mulinn will reach the minute book and the cigar did not disappear during the bal ance the meeling request Irom the Police hmmission asking lhai sign directing the enlrnnce in the police departmenl be placed out side the township buildings was agreed This was left for Clark Groh to arrange gamma ACCEPTED REDUCTION TAXES ASK SIGNS London mnvle studio Thur sday during promotion or new mature they are making gclher Photographer snapped man tour mum mum TUWMII 100 Ind VAMIIRK AI M0 vmcENTPRiEE They were suspended In 1951 ar unwed cam city In olfcr Inn and accepan bribe In Inlerlcre with tho trun runnlnl of home men at For Erlc The 0110 rescinded the nu ncnslnnx nthr hearing nppllcn lions lnr their mlnslulumenl mm he Horstmens snow 1ch and Imlccuvu Association rmllunz Sherrurd to resume II work an trainer and em abllngvlhommon In wnrk mom or umlw bay TORONTO CPLTh3 Onlnrin Racing Commission has Ulled mime nulpnnnlnnl from Irnlncr Alfred Shnrmrd nnd jockey Georgo 11mm son It mg announced Thurs ny slowed down to dribble and by the and of the year which only law business days way penalty will be nrlded With heavy endoltheyem reuse nppmved the municipal ty will be required to borrow to cover these unless ratepay ers make their current contri butions to the pot early Of course the penalty will cover tha interest churng by the bank lot the loan and ratepayers may feel that persunai expens es are more important lo cover than taxes The sale was completed early inst month but kept secret until now Mr Griffin nnid pre mature newspaper reports lasl October that the collection had been said while he and Mr Biro were still negotiating nearly re sultleri in cancellation oi the en WOODSTOCK CPD Dairy farmer Jack Grmln of R115 Woodstock confirmed Thursday the sale collection of Cuna ghm 913d Newfoundland coin The tniiccdon oi about 1000 coins Including ihom oi Cuna dlnn mint dillan back in 1358 and Newfoundland min in 1365 was acid In Louis Brio oi mu Princeton On to co mwer 3F Race Commission Lifts Suspension Canadian Coins Sell For $72500 the alr as Ihcy appeared on set or first days showing at their new movie The VIPL AP Wflrephnto Vlmpln Dunn Fudt llblood 01 Km IMPERIAL NOW SHOWING TOWIHI AT 100 Ind VAMIIRK AI M0 Silurdny Cnanuow lrnm mm PLUS AéfParliament Closes The aitunudn the govern ment with special monthhr month vote many so it could carry on The latest $330089511 hr January was voted Thundny night after opposition warnings that Febru arys nllawnnce may hinge on tuglvermnenl action on uthflr eh 1113 Crown curporniion that will organize and run the 1967 Worlds Fair in Montreal was set up after Assotiaiebeience Minister Sevignya prediction The names of No new wit nesses be heard were brought out lhursdny by Ivor Sargent mayor Owen Sound whose alaremenl to he homaa board manaxzmenl led In Iho lnquky Tao two new witnesses menA tinned were George Coulis or mer Owan Sound undenaker now In Kingslan penitentiary on charges bank mbbcry nnd Mrs Gordon Goldsmith open alar numan llama when Mr McMann died PERIIAPS AT KINGSTON Coulls will either be brought to Owen Sound to lestlly Jan or his evidence wfll be lakun by cammlsslon at Kingston 111 two will be asked tu uly whether lhére were mnrh an Mr Mcllnnnsbady unaw n¢ m9Umonf he plunged bent Ing Mn Goldsmlth was ro ported to have hnlhcd Mr McMnnn the day he arrived at the nurslnz home Mr Justlca Benncll said Wod nesday he would alvc an opin Ion Thursday on the charge healing He withheld this opin Ion unlil nflcr he hear cvl dance from the er new wil ncsscs Mr Clarke instilled earlier Hm he had seen Home Super lnlendent Vnslcy Llndsny plund lng our lnmnle ML McMnnn with Ilrnp In hls hand and ande dny filled with polltlcnl rancm both Houses of Farm ment have begun tourwag recess 10 RUN FAIR illlcrgwére lhéso nlher devil opmenka In the two Hausa Tbillsdfll OWEN SOUND CHJudge Colin Bennett has adjourned until Jan hearing into an alleged heating at Grey County Home or tha Aged and general nptrallon of the home Charges of beating home res idem Allan McMann 63 who died Aug 25 1959 Wu brought by Ray Clarke service damn operator The xervlco station is hum the marl from tho home Provided PrimeMlnlsIcr Diet enbaker doesnt can nnelecuon In thulnlervnl the MP will elugn dylty Monfiay Jan Mter sltlhu that run lo 50 days In re Common and 89 in the Senate not single Item In more than SGQ00000000 mm of spending estimate was passed despite the no dust the fiscal yenrjs twothird aver Owen Sound Case To Hear More FOR DAYS STARTJNG Olv nook ol Fmaul Pluyi THEATRE TICKETS MI Chrlumll TODAY work load awn um 10 will 030 lip to 40000000 visitor and that 011 enlistme v11 amount about $200 Premier Lloyd who pro posed the conference said rail lines were being droppcdwilh out Mme to the cited an eommunltles Industries and in dividuals on or near the lines Thrdcdslons were reached at arconlerencn attended bx Premier Woodrow Lloyd Sn katchewan Pmmler Dull no Jul at Manitoba Highways Ml Isler Gordunjaylor Alberta and 20 nongovernment organ izations that he saw mum and blood on McMannrIeg Conxlnblu Harold Von of the Markdnle vmvlnclal pollce dc lnchment said undulaker Dnn aldMay told him nomark appeared on the body of Mr McMnnn who dch xlmke law day all the alleged healing IIIIIV AN TIME uwvw Libela1 Senator Sarto Faurn ler tanner Mamrcnl mnyar uledln amend lha ac In the upper chamber to zlve hls any share In hmposhialrassels naw assigned to the federal and provincial governments He lulled nflcr Senntor Mark Drvuln PC Qnebach said then la threeparty deal not caygred by lhobIll In Regina Thursday the A19 hertu Saskatchewan and Man lloha guvummenta decided lo ask at an Immediate mbetlng with the federal government to discuss compunlus abandonment brunch lines lncludlng those already up pravted by the federal govem men KENNYSGARDEfiS MNQUIT ACCOMMODATKON FOR QUIET Author of the mann Paul Marfln IFESSEX East said the government was nlraldo Ial It came la vote because 11mlth be duhmod in lire Commons lhe iinai hnnr brought Liberal and New Dcninuraiic Party taunts Conservative MP5 as they nxain inikcdnut 11 Liberal mniinn seeking the iusiico department lcgnl opinion on which the cab incl relied in imposing the Jung 24 import surcharges Under acknowledged prer sura from wesicm utensil Transport Minister Balcer raid me great miniicy of runway application lo abandon branch Lines will be subjea to an over all review by the board oi transport commissioners and will not ba deail in any maria 91 Works Minister mlou an nounced that National Housing Act loans will be made directly In builder or privatelyspon sored mm mm pmlecu the bullders cant get mart gaze from financin Inslllu nuns designated as NHA lend crs no foresaw summon Iyear demand or the direct Them was no consideration the filed an the economics at provinces and munlclpnulleso This government isnt nirnid of anything marred Thomas Boil parliamentary seem ary to Justice Minister Flem ngi myoncn HID PAM in an Mlnlslnr Churchlll gavemmcm Hausa leadarmade bIdfur the unnnlmous consent needed to whlsk nearly 450 dlvorce bllls lhrough the Commons whlle NDP dlvnrca hlocknders Frank Howard and Arnold Peters were absent Remalning New Democrat blocked the move The bllls remain unpnssed Ivvovmlnlsters made policy statements eurllerg munin no lllllluhy mu pm Rum mm Fnlum Mo II um ST THOMAS CPIE Parknr Held representative of the Natlnnnl Unlnn or Publlc Employeeswm any mlynna who crosses picket line In up ply or 10 ll 17 slriklng city hull employees are fired will do samat his avg peril The 17 members Local an NUPE were In lnrmcd in letter received Thursday tram clty councilx personne committee that they will nnJunger be considered employee of the my If they 99 net rclum In work by Dee The responsibility of any un lorgunale Incidents will rest flme wllhythe pprsunnel com wmz mmRm EXAMINER mew DECEMBER 2x Inez5 bx DONTMISS THESPECIAL SATURDAY MORNING SHOWS at mi and II um Feaiure HEvLAST FRONTIER Those thCirdss Picket Line Do So Ht Own Risk Says Rep meo M25195 mmmom Christmnsl The time for toasting nnd feasting nn occasion or thd lineal wines ChateauGui allow unpmmc selection of fine wines for the entire Christmas season This Chrlslmm will be more traditional if you give nml servo ChateauGal Cnmulun winm ll disllncllnn CANADAS FINEST GIFT WINES Plus COLOR CARTOONS in Color Cinamucopo Thu Royal Canadian Legion Barrlg Branch No I47 Brlnl Your FREE TICKETS WIIICII WERE DISTRIBUTED AI THE SCHOOL Council under Sectlon 89 the OntprIn Labnr Echelon Acldoes not rccngnlle Local an as Ihe l7 slrikers bargain lng agony mlyeeML Parker warned strike wo weeks ago when works Vand parks empluyce members 1115 unluns Loan 35 slapped work to support Ihclr demand or higher wages We feel It Is tlme appropri ate notion taken since then is no apparent way of settling the strike under the Lnbor Re lallqns ActJ said Alderman Thomas Currah personnel com mittee chairman Sponsored By mm mm mm

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