73 pm um um ID OI CM uauu nthnu noon on 91an Icon manam my allcr 21 yum from Barrie Colleg blc board 111d place were HUM by Judge Ardzgh and Major 10 Roam Two mm mmrmllcd for by Hagiunle Hm Hrr mum in nulmflelds lmplcmtm Iarchouu Chrlmzn Endeavour Unlon organized with Dr William mdnnuon reman Albert Young mm Mu ll Caan unmet Blow dated 70 YEARS AGO IN AREA Barrie Nonth Advance Doc 15 1892 Mayor Cretwirke refund gran two or unlm during year luring mud of work formerly done by mayor now done by Ike polka maglxlnlt Scum Iowan resigned chairman all 49 mn service as chairman and Judge My 13 um lzry aflcr 21 yr mm Barrie 91 1m In the pm It Im that such lam were either very much weaker and more matMm am It mun mm In M1 Mn 04 Milan Iollhn arm nun Dunn mu Alan any hum luauum Mum CIAu Incl um lluuv Cum um In nu ma Ivnkn nu The Selena can and usual does often will mam claim the justiï¬cation air commtn ln Ihe publlc interest Jul here legal flak lg beueonxldcred aerating$727 mam 7712352 onï¬cr inn 1th divtogo John Olondonl chkly uys at or expose someone for an alleged matter like used to do in the old days of jouma In before the turn of the century The tnqulrer anally pm lessen to know in great detail what is wrong with the person in quertton And it usually tums outlthat this indignant crusader is not prepared to back up his or her charges in court of law Or even in rtgned letter tn the editor There ix the Law of Dbel in this couna try intended for the protection of the in dividual The editor as well as the writer of letter is vulnerable under this law Even if fully rigned wrrcspondenee l1 published in good faith it can if it con tain some mtement deemed to he lib ellous get the publisher and edilor as well as the writer into difficulties The ï¬bllsher is usually In ier difficulty us where jury fin against writ er and new aper on the score of libel the judge is ilzeiy to penalize the pub lkher more than the author of the ieb ter on the ground that the latter prob ably didnt know any better where manifestly the farmer should have Newmapcr editors are Mien asked whqu gafursome individw The Law Of Libel Acts For Protection Of Individual The Barrie Examiner Km swmqmc 91mm Hm BE BACK ï¬arriv Published byCanadlyan Newspaper umm Bayfleld Street emu 011qu wanmum ï¬rm might Gem ramp nmnqnzn 11 92 am DOWN MEMORY houn John 1le new hotel Kym marl mmpleflon Tuurnham mind In or new 1mm hm Ivy mm ue Igaln mom lull blast mul set robe and drlvlng mm by hi mn ngaflon Om Slnllan Thch mem of 0m Amndl volcd again nub milling local opunn llqunr vole tn people ticspur pdluon damd by 400 ralcpay TI and 000 other ruldcnls lleoflal mm It look now llml mallcrn will on In the da HOHIIHIUDD Ind lhrn thr umc nl rcglme In lawn cann dl WI be continued with It male and mud and lllpunwlnklrlnm WIII noth Im wake nur pmple nul of mm mun Ifipal szrx lrolumr all of Tumnlo 1m mn lccllng Hu cranium well In the Nam ngllm 010 Town In and Inlhmz bumpoluuy lo lhrm Jam Pollock Irll oomnwn in mum to Inland Idlord rumn I1A ll worshipful matter of Allnndale Orange Lodge Barrie Tanning Co Ltd incor 1rd conccrnlng the Integrity of publlc offlclglx Some ma be correct Mora often they are no 51er forward challenge Ind crttlclml may elmave and here the Law or Lllul provides uoundrcl with llttle pro tccllonl There in Hill ample opportunlty and means for attacking an evll or Injusllcc tltcctIVcly wtthln the lm There are people running around al my complaining Why dont THEY do wmelhlng mm the they In their mind could be the council the police or logalgempager indulgent than they are today or people in general and writers in particular took good deal less notice at them if we read the literature at the past we find its author laying about them with tine abandon The attached each other with vigor and de ended themselves with uai energy The extension in scope figure Law at Libel has bad devitailzmg eltect upon the sturdl old English or tianadian tradition polemic and la en We admit that something has been lost but so has something been gained No longer can vicious or fanatical person malign the character at another and get away with it Newspapers cam not claim urcaponlibillty or what they publish rimpiy because lomeone else wrote it The personal attack la consid ered to be bad manner in this day and age it it is designedly ottensive Such an attack on person unable by reason at position or ofï¬ce to make reply is targemptibie Hr Cum hm hm at ll mlmm mile lo mm mm of Mt Milk II IN Mlfl 1wa mm III ill W1 unqu nuny Ihlrh dnm unlovmu tad um 1004 INI on Mr nmu Good mnlnq mud mm In Int Ind and Mm loud ll mAmI and mm III lhnl ll lmh nlrr um lam Won mgrme an IIIJI nd Mjoljm ma my Mlvkmflnl nurnlly unlmn llwwwlvn wold lmhmmmnmw lhln lbw Willa Mm In or mum Ilwm rluu man aw mm Alum1 III lulu lnmloum wall In pulmly mlmu um and In mu wand mlvlre lo Du Ina dumal IXKDUNI In the lud lma Rwandlnl an Ibo Ibo mlrmml III um um 1mm IIWJl pulnacwm Ind outspoken mL dent Ike Amnlumalz Em unmw Unlnn Ind rather navel Mu Io pul More umnl hundvtd Influxlrlnl mum when he wall In Ibrm mnhrrm held In landon by flu madden Dewkmmm AF million In mark IM beflnnlnx oI NaIIamI Prndudlvlly Yuk In In would In In Ium lha wortm llvu low In mm nl Ihdr Imarlu Ind alIIcu Ia Ihaw manurmenl MI In run In plnm Human HOOD IONDON William CMTMI Megan lnd wppolgn yrgL New Yuril Mammalian Mu mun has oolledlon of we mullcnl Instrument lame przhmoflc am my Imumu Ym ma um Ind the ulvlfln lb lard llldl In will as lo nu Ir dayExodm Itll Tnnl ll God will banish In Ind IUJ brim dd midiu ben ausu them Ind what can GOTMM fly term mmuan um Ally 1116 pub mvhylmcwl or mph 50m Individual an luv reflstaucn to 1111 welulmmintmuJe in outed by reinledlan Thu Im 47 ï¬lm in In nuumuln Man at Ibl emu scatter REPORT FROM ILK teem In awn or Dial air me it mutated am be due cm at mmlderable joint pain along with Ill other bad eflecu Finally Xray of flu alluded 101mg int enrme help In was Inc there In dufcrenl characteristic change visible in gout arthritis rheum alald thrills and the prevnl enl mteoanhnlls nr lemma live arthrltb which mother ng the mlan of saying that general war had uar has changed an Mal thrudme Hamid 7176 11 hadsemi recent Win to detect ammo urlc add which ends la be present In can of Knuly arthritisMull waded by ml other worda 109d em or lyphflh are Blood em or lyphflh are BIBLE THOUGHT other mare specialized luli which are less common ï¬llefenl Moo lat med Blood lam can be led 31 $11wa rm pm ve rhpum aloid thrill the man crippl ing Im ll being An lulu1min dluasc The lest will be mum or other loam blood count to detect anemia often accompanies Ihal lent since Admin oltcn present in rheumatoid anbri Thgre are lam noubwséum Mum Inllyjnd 01m readily cor mm or flu cue LI porlanl could cm number 01 um Especially mm mulldmu amm pr other who depende nimble hands mm and man who were um fled or fear crippling Inh flu but dimmed Alley ure lul damnation that he 1cm ymaoyydlrungq their vary Not Ill painful Int 111 ll however me mu culnr dimmer example Baum An 111 and Injury or qug mule dheur Warm of Ailments main pain Ind Mean of mu rygocmuu paw joint Would Get Wives To Show Managers IMP Mommy Dear Dr 11min let 10 lflhfllh If la what MIMM lCv Yes there are metal though no all one wlll Idem 13 Hgdl ormnylhflus lanl T0 YOUILGOOD BETH mn invszvu Is Not SinglenDiéease 31y Maw cw Miriam Mandy look In bul um 10th um mm In In m1 umn min cum Nwllnod 0w Ida on mm mm ho lunatan and mod mm Pllalnlll NH AW lhc 00m udlnl 3p km ll lhll Nlllomfl lroducliv Hr You Canmmrr In ï¬lr lulln Im IIMMMI 1h nnum Iran Ind 5m rum MIMI Md Chairman Blul mnpny nl Wnln Ila mm lhmmmuvt In In runny to team Ibo in on nll In nut the uld be plum Ml huh on the mm at MINI coll Kohl Mug If human oi lho high am And our wnripeopla no unA prmnrtd Ind llllnfnnmd Ihl uddm blow dlkhuu or lulu no longer requlvrd at dun In an lrlalllmul em plormcnl could an un lll arm mllld wruch when pun mm mhcrwlu Imva pro vnilld Them II no mull num brr lmlud unalan Indy In III uuuula and la Mr Cum called Mr In In ltmlra avcrnmml Invrxllullon Inlu mill lrnpllullom m1 prï¬vlfml of Autamnllnn Ho run II whiz Ill kn speak Wm both Indmlrlallm Ind union leadm and man luau wu Inn Habenl hnlr may cull Nulanplflqal Board um The Auocinllon de ask for more money or munlcfpmu But money was no IIIimport In It ll nqueu nu worded his way The 12va ll urted to In mau In mm wheel Irwin menu mummy in mm tlon ol we went to which school en rolments have exceeded uln llon math and In recozn Hon flu mimic mnunulnl to larger than Ihl cod lulu run We Thu ll flanl talk And In happen when we all in lerml of rum ll in mud In lone MAKE GAINS One would my um munlerIl move 12 un yenT Also mm 007 rarity in brief was commendany Iaflle point ll xubmmed brlnl whlch ml mild in tone was not asking or the moon and which uva long or the requLsts to many group Itoand liner body the Auodauvn ol Mayor and Reeve one the want ollendmll did no make loud requests which II did 5w back up will ream or REAL BRIEF The nmialion dld not com in unamln was not ind or whiqinx TORONTOll you ever have to do business heroemit member of delegation or mm anallyyou an take lawn the Ontario Municipal A6 Iodalfon The anodltlan was In whfle ago on in lama visit In the cabinet And mm was mode In haw to do business with the mammal mm beneï¬cial va Dr Molnar What an the maï¬a meglwnuuflfult wu recommend me form yumMM EC um medlclu even by the Pam Flumdtlm mum 11w om 33x J33 luv of umm um um lmt my It ma You unL mm see In um 111mm when Nd cyda mm eamull your doc tor An Antlblotlc clum by mouth kppfled lo the mg can help cut short he may of tile Ind prevenrmm am we can um Medium QUEENS PARK Presentation Model For All Delegations DON OflEAllN an med imbuMnnnx mu wu talk Around here Many people and many dcleznum dont do WKKWWKKIKKIINU Wlliwul Iubslnnllnl backing the government might be ln than to and ii and Ill is lnwoflam obviously highly responsible or nniulian nsklnu ior it it will balm Inon In go ahead 1111 LI question which is mauve broad and very Again naked the govern menl La make study lb preml luucture local lov emrnent from the county sys temmlun Ihmugh lo metropoli tan areal wan Ike weigh 01 the an aim behind mm will Wabany come mner than it olhcrwhe might have mush ch mmllwmnotbelhh asked for Instance Ihal here berIegidaLlon to provide or minimum standard malnlennnce of dwelling prevent nelzhbarhoodl from bromntnn run dawnl The zavernrï¬ent here hal Hal ready been considering axilla lIon an lhla point ll Yuunuur was 01 lanzuaxe other than French gflghwhatv£hm1 CA onsumersCaas Once while bilingual youngm thaws up but can usually tell from the round of hl voice which languue he tun bl more familiar with um mother home Is French but who lpeah English fluenIIy Im winning instruc toliuand llmhnva mum your my mm 111 Santa Claus can often tell at lane whid lan guage child speak Some umn My to blmlquickly how do youn do or Commem by the upmlion on his Inca know WEI lawHe 90 mm You 1nd no problem 11 Santa are all bl my alm like chil dm and mast ol them are family mm man In ghe Na Santa ernque In addtown MONfllEAL cryaqu mu up to narlhmznzmm lamum 11 mm cm am bilingual pmblemr nu to In Santa cumu and flu kldeuln Mailb bligwgmt Itpyel an NOEL cm BE SANTA Too Dolom Wray The Ross Caldwell Singers Sunday Dec 23 at 530 pn CKVRTV CHANNEL ridlmad Presents Ollllléy Jllo Statistic 01 um labor mm are alwnys approached mm the negative angle by lizllng the number men and women unemployed and wean work Lut mnnlh fewer ware unA employed than lhe revlaul November but what more nnk Is pug there wm lliOWmémVJabl than one year 11m blx lnuease In In lum ber classilicatlvn which also Includes consirucllon materials and mppxlea looks mm vivid and mean more to when we that It reflects an Increase in hnme building with mm on the connmcflon at new dwall Inga in Oclnber soaring 174 can above last year Ila camplfllnnl In that month mu ml per cent up and or the whole year to date runs 109 per cent Above has your Average weekly waxes In manulnclunng Industrles was 57755 in September up rum $75011 year earlier And many more Calmdluns were at war earning these higher wages Look for mmgle at the statistics at Canada wholesale trade Sale In the Inst nine months nI lhir year were an Impulsive per cent higher than In the same period 1581 The break dawn of that total into hell diflerent trade cute garter rhnwa that 16 of them achIeved vances ranging Item 17 per cent Increase In hardware sales In 103 per cent In lumber There wnsrun Insig nIIicnnt reducflnn In the rule or meat and daIry products and an understandable drop III 53 per cent in snIes coal as more homes twitch to nuw mated nII Irentlng In mums Indicator pre ed 11ququ by on udgdgm nuuvul maiden here are Issued day by day 111 lb bulletin the Dominion Bureau Sinï¬sflu These Ruffled ranks of gum and column of percenIages look dryu dust to you and me but they mu out merry lune jun nnw In our bulinen tycoons And they reflect cash In due pocket and belly well illzd or every Canadian HMliER mums aomu mmWAéThereia healthy ring conï¬dence in ihe voice niCanadar busing leaders as they oiler eadrhther the tradi iimmi wish or prnlperous New Year The rtaiirlicr Iww pouring oi our electronic bruins thaw thei lhil wishioi year 35 he been amply iuiiilled 1m shape up In retrarpect heinz Cmdnl malt eroln year avert Andthe iren rui wilicarry ur upward in he ng rungprosperoul new mavenm nmwu vana dium were at work drawing these higher wages STORE SALES RISE The statisticemay round re mote but an immediate result at more peapie at work and drawing higher wages is that retail sale boomed Cimih store sales ili October were 56 per cent higher than year ago The many linkie oi the busier cash rexieierr also reflects cur seats the lhiriorwarfl impetus ncreaeedv money supply ior banks and loan companies are now much more nenmus ml hm Todd Featuring By 2le NICBOBON mnmammu healthy rlna conï¬dence In the voice nfCanadal busing leaders as they ofler eadnhlher he trad umml 35 QITAWR REPORT L111 lmgnegl judiutou Yeér Sï¬Ã©peS Up HS Mosthospeious may Andespecially it hands the grand accolade to Trade Min Ister Heer imaginative drive to boost exports under the head llne Where the pawl is really big Hun George Hees export drive the paper says ha done more than any other to create respected Mme fur Canada abroad and to tumm Canadians Inlo Ihe prnmabln ways of International telling Even that weekiyoewspaper of big business he Toronto mandal Poll reiiecto our prosperity Now is lilo season In beJoiiy the dividends sing merry songft carols its from pageheadiine Sieel order jpads ieil happy story and Housing gets more zip too and Another good year or many companies in 1963 it pmcloimlo The Financial PM ha nevnr been very friendly to hi government but now it read airnnst Conservative party pro agando shoot on cabinet islet commented to By THE CANADIAN PRESS ma Pierre and Mam Cum discovered radium ma Gem Charla do Gnulle wad elected llm president of Frnncel Flflh Republic was mad 0min slur salu id October were 56 per cent higher than year ago me many fluids of the busier cash realsï¬eu also reflects cur Jncreaaedv money supply for banks and loan companies are now much more generous and money In much less light than lwel ghs ngy Th Pilgnm Fathers ship The Marllnwer anchored belore what In today Ply mmflh Mast 342 yean ago todayIn 1820 Some au thorities hula it was on thin day that the Puritan ï¬rst not an American soil and not at Cape Cod MN There were 102 persons nbonrd the Mayflower who came to North American to Keck lreedam worship They had tailed from PIY maulh England Sept Dec nmz Cana IIII Allno Holloway TODAY IN HISTORY