31359 Mrs Smith bolhattended school at Oakland lllll Following the supper the party proceeded to Mldhurst Hall for the remainder oi the evening Jameyact ed as master of ceremones The honored counle were recipients of manyheautlinl gills includ ing large mirror from the lamily an electric clock 5in el occasional chair automatic collee percolalor stepestool and other gills from friends and neighbors Clarence and Faye thanked everyone tor their gllts bit of comedy was injected into the evening when the hm hers and sisters presented an act portraying hill billy shot gun wedding The remainder of the evening was spent dancing to music supplied by Mr and Mrs Bert and Billie Mulhollnnd with Jack ljgyes as caller at Toronm and Mr and Mrs Young 01 Collingwmd guests at lhe party on Saturday evenlng stayed with relatives here over tho weekend Mrs SpurriLr and Mn Young are sisters of Mrs Smith an dall lhe Hickling Inm ily were In attendance with tha exccpuon of one brother Aub ny who livean newness berln The Smith family also all allendcd please note the dale of the Jan uary meetlng Tuesday Jan Instead of the 91h as indio and on pramam Mrs Howard Campbell Guthrie will be m5 upcakcg Women 01 the community are reminded of the copper locum mum to he held Jan 10 and 11 This course Is opened an mm CHANGE Candlelight service will be ob mm at Crown Inn United Church Sunday Dec at pm There wlll be special Christ mu music and can Iinzing Everyone is welcome come Ind enjoy happy evening Mr and Mrs Lloyd Councll of Weston were vlsuars Saturday Inemoan and evening wilh Mr and Mm Eowdcn Mr and Mn Dawan VIsi ed Mr and Mrs Allan Bow den and nmlly on Tuesday at Mldhurst Joseph chan 115 hll houm dccornlcd very nicely with lighll um um Womenl mum wlll met In Holly Sunday School room or the ï¬nal Kneeling ul 3M year Dec 27 Mpllu Il ll more plcusnnl to give lhnn to rectlvc Roll call lnvarlle Bible Verse or enrol Then wlll In exchange 01 sills and Chrisl max cake ngmm ln charm of execullve wlll lcalum mo lnl nvcnlnu Lunch commlllce Mn Inlghlun Mu Laughed Mn Morrc Mu Morraw mad Mn Prydc 11mm will be two scrvlcu nl llolly church Sumluy Dec Regular Icnlco 30 and Ipcclnl scnlm fmlurlnn Thar vélon Junlor choir 130 pm Holly SuuUny School duiislmm By ms HOWDEN bowmm BARRIE SHOPPING PLAZA Free Delivery HOLLOWS HOLLY AM TO The member mecllng of Holly Unllcd Church anen was held ln the Sunday School mom Dec 12 with 71 members nnd visitors present Blhle study was conducted by Mrs Elmer Dyer Mrs Bulmer and Mrs RAH laughed ralso took part R0 call Bible verse with Savlaur and gill ol canned goods tea or notice was very genemusly responded to at the Fred Vlclar Mlsslon Toronto Mrs Wart declared ulfices vacnnt and Mrs Johnston presenlod the 1963 slate and ln slalntion will lake place during church servlce in January The Chrislmas story from St Luke was mad by Mrs John son and Mrs Varr sang sale In candlcllght setting Chrlst run When Was Lime was beautifully told by grand mother Mrs VMcgqrdstunl to little gr Mrs ï¬sher Dur Ing the stury Mrs Wm sang 01on Night Another play The Spirit of Christmas whlch had been wrillur by one at our members Mrs Carroll was very well pmenlcd by Mrs Camll Mrs cochrane Mrs Kenwell Mrs McCorris on and Mrs Hunter The carol singers during this story were Mrs Bentley Mrs Callum Mn Bulmer and Mrs Wart Mrs McCorriston recited of his My Iaugheed pres Mrs Grahnm Isl vicepres Mrs Ken Johns 50cm Mrs Jlrn Leighton Asst secy Mrs Ray mugheed fleas Mrs Elmer Dyer assL 133 Mrs Dee Bentley missionary and Christ in cducallon Mrs McCor rislony Mrs Brirnslen Bibla study Mrs Dyer citizen ship Mrs Srigley steward sMp Mrs Fisher flowers and cards Mrs Benflny Mrs Sdgley Mn Cothranc churï¬l flowers Mrs Coll nm Mrs Bulrncr puss Mrs Downing community riendship and visiting Mrs Marrow Mn Collum Mn Srigley Mrs Hunter Mrs Bod gm auditors Mrs Bulmer Mrr Downing pinnlsts Mn Cochrane Mrs Bulmcr mama Mrs Cochrane Mrs Dyer Mrs laughccd ELECTRIC AND CAR SETS RACING Ofï¬cers for 1963 are past presidenh Mn Weaver president Mrs Nellly first vicepres Mn Paul Rus sell second viceprom Mu Eben Sawyu read my Mrs Nellly treas Mn Sawyer plum Mrs Nes bitl committees ï¬nance and stewgrdsgdp Mrs Grenvilla Hughes nom lnnuans Mrs Owen Bell sup ply and nodal Mrs Ross Nemy soclal function Mrs 15mm Ieglqre Mr stewardshi Mrs Kell com gmnlty eggsth apd visiting Dov 18 Hush nuisum ed ncn onY Mrs Bill Kell pm Elam Mrs Frank K21 manse Mrs Nesbill Harry Wnghl palienk In the Royal Victoria Hospiul Wu wish him speedy recovery LAC Al Grady Slaux look out ECAF Station home wlth his unlly orlhe holidays Mr Ind Mrs lama Randy and family were Sunday visitors DRLSTON By MRS HAN WATSON 01 officers which resulted as low president Mu Stan Wat non floppresident Mn Ken Dicker secretary Mrs Gordon Jory assistant Mrs Arno treasqre mug Emmi lanlst Mn 33E Sponagle as Lam Mrs IHEY CANT HOLD Make Home Appliance Shop your headquarters for it to upean people am that keep on ving for years to camel Prch to suit your Christmas budge SWIVEL ROCKERS LAMPS ASSOCKS CLOCKS HAIR DEERE FLOOR PDUSHERS FOR QUALITY GIFTS CANDLE TO US DRY IRONS ELECTRIC KEHLES WAFFLE MAKERS VACUUM CLEANERS HOME APPLIANCE SHOP OF BARRIE LTD 24 Dunlop SL Bunlo Mm All Types anflm Ind Applhnm Mm George Bridge and 1m fly Lelm and Mr Ind Mn Kenneth Bush Utopia visited Sunday wilh Mr and Mn Gor don Bush pauw extended Mr an Mrs Duke he lamily Ind Moving Mmehold mind from one place Io ammm can ha anlldy and uplalllnu Hlll Iha Havanaan apaclal palm Wa ack all your valuable In mam My Mona lull prom lam Sur rhlnnl1 II can no man to an Easlam Canadaa Iaruual me In an Hun nut pmvefl malhoda an ahoncuu la um IMO Iava you nanny snaclal Po mu paddng avallablaln lvamll any la raging Plaan mom Don um wllllwl Nll la Gaol040M mmmbcnnndnmdhmswas Call PA sssoa Hummusq