UN Has Hungary Paléstine Issues UNITED NATIONS CPD nu nu United Kama Amm bly draw at adhurmm no daybut with Ike haunting ltd um another media will be in an 31mm sane Mada probkmL mummy President Zalmlh may at 2111le hag mm WASKIXGToN WP Stud MW mam United sum Mm Rania abzlv damn ha mu rocket 01 late mammal missiles and Mann Instead on PW with mm vhlsflatd Mb somewhat Alana Amerinn net This mm in pmdudinn em yhaus In amhoriialivz nation It il what led De tna Wary Robert 3131 man In claim last man I112 the mild mini pp avar lng the Russians in my1h and that the margin mpcriariiy favor the Us mar varï¬cads were vmmme and MY requiring tremenr don annual of rocket Hams lo nu Ihe warhead and any 31 um lb oceans 1111 Med or develop may in roads vilh an summed 0mm mm 1300000 pwndx an 111 about Him tinm lb reign min American MUST HZ PRUTELIZD Howcm Ike giant Soviet rodeo are djmrnll In salav gum and la lpmport The MAW is that m5 For year flu nusle con umraud on dnelopmcn oi hug mitts apparenlly be cguu cad gm of any Iievéd In lie 10 hévcrgl en Rumz dummy Izafl jq In men destruction mm my auack The LS has buried about 21 Minutemen he hits and bayoublimc modem ml of of Ibzuin vb br Wequ Kr uuimi Ion amidA 13 id lhjnu killed on ï¬rm To be killed In mu um the main inn Nunzzry and Mine win Iaifly dear result on to Canadian bullode manna tr mmrhdminzly amend Hz WUch babyht nm awn Iona cnurl ldvisory opmxon In all UN members should than of UN paro muons Sandy 3k mlriu my paned he minim but Ihc So vid Union and France omed 90 mman In Walton The other mailman called or Iwmmnwnt cl 21 mm mmflln la and vmum Will bcmdarward Lea lxm mm win he pertursz of lime uan Ya Nu BelieVes Réds Building Small Rodkétsf ham us be The DIV am hmly Oil Telephones silo PHMILY WANTS TO STAY In his low pmidznflzl cam paign Ia back up charges that the Eitenbmm administraflnn had bungled 1h anile ï¬ob and had failed la maintain American mum soon alm Kennedy look nlï¬m govcmmenl lalk of missile up declined In magazint interview last nwnlll McNamara uld lhe up tan myth mulling mm lummplue lnlelligenu Amtrlcan mum now say Ihe Russian apparenlly have con eluded that um 01 ulsung giant rude are pmmful nous to Woman 5120 amulc they are loo bulky and cumbersome or zvtrydzy mili lary operations Smaller rockets 5W mil rrLam um lad MB is no internal Map in the American production pmuaxn nutm by which underdevcl oped munlriu would pay pm poriimxdy Inn and permanent mtmbep Ihe ucuxilyymgcfl rt Ila nun haw paid annhlng or the Congo ox ration The Enid Unian nevcr ha paid anything nr Ihe Mid die But Malian ciflm awhile Snviel nuclear twin is described here hav ing provided mmhmfl the ability reduce the the and Mn the warhead without Ledudqg qulet nuclear winch 1111a In Imam mnï¬ mdred In 133$ American Iqulll lens Ima cs bale nu knowledge at Soviet boomer out wl condugied Hut Rmia wax ncll ahead of the us in mi xfle pmdudian Pmiedinx Hz vailtm of line pmdudlun trend in the lwo maiden he esll matarl concluded that lhc mi gay favoring the Russian would widen dangeroust in he yun ahead GAY lian Wait at 941ml mm laid has man simi down in he Soviet mini bum up 11 US II conï¬dent PV They bylhelenmol he mqlm 11 ill ugk yam RUSSIAN IN ARKEAM lar boll upcrahuni II the US tarryin Ihe beavim load Canada has been payint Ila mug cl bdl apgml gm But ol the palmm mmr bqlVram mum gain The other permanent mem bers Brilaill and lb Uniltd Slalt have befn Mplgx pg in la he Vrclzzlar UN wash and 31w malnulnlnz matin genu In both pbm The peclal msian rtcom mmded by SixMary Gama ThadIx Mai to be MIA In May Ind upflltd aha to be nanny In flow of he grab your dzflrrmcu ahlmnll Ihkl wt wk SWIM hMI TM quid lug pflrml pa MM Dun mm but In Hkt Hitch 11 Ehmarrmamm OITAWA CF The accent will be on such whim us keep in line initiative in dealing wiiil the Communist world when Prime lilnizier Diefnnhnktr and Prime Minisitr Macmillan meet in he Friday Mr Dirlcnbnker who arrive al Nassau lonight it expected to seek brigling mm Mr Macmillan on lhe Brillsh prime ministers meeting with Prey ideal Kennedy during lhe hm nmeding days and with Pres dcnl de Gaulle Peril last weekend VANCOUVER UP flee recorded conversation tween wnman and her priest wan nffered In evidence in cmm Wednesday move attacked as hiding at the very aundatlanl utreligion Maximal Gordon Scull aw learned the trial and his deci xion an Inlroductian nl the lap until Dec 27 11 Crown had altcmpled to Introduce recording can vmaflnn said have taken place ttll Elganor Lloyd 21 and Rev Aloysius fravï¬cn Ir flgrpan gglhqlic pfigst 1m Lloyd and her flycat old husband Donald are charged will conspiring la ex tarl 5000 mm Mrs Mary Mo Donalda 77ycarold xghjow WY cey said hal any sugzulinn that record conversation belween the woman and her priest waravailahle la lb 9qu be llrongly can he list Ionics is Cuban crth In which the Ca nadian govrrnmcnl in under nood In have cu that the United 5mm tailed any adtqunle consultation will It alllu belore imposing naval quarantine OTTAWA 4C The rhunm the House Commam lum Ang avrr In the Senate the lull Sliding lnlrornmcd miurci mld Your granting rflamm arr dlvarru have adod wilh mlhple al ncgollallonz or 610310 on the plan The Na Dcmcmllc Party wle mrmbm have mm blockade an diyam bIllI In he Common and nlnllrd 700 01 than lm ahn ll flrm land again special Ilth In dcbalu 5min uhkh wauld hm me Cuban Crisis On Talk List Police Tape Priests Talk Used In Court NDP Finn Against Divorce Bypass Hter IM ll Tlm ll In If xqms Hint mm hem ur Wimmm ope omPIOmise BurkOhmicidinudnï¬rhbruiny Dmmlm 20 1961 How long have you hem driving wilhoul minim bud fly dcmandnd the policeman nw driver out ran Io he rear of hla car and gave low man His dlums was so am lhal he cop was mov ed to em up on him bit Aw mme om he said you dnnl have no aka it so hard It Isnt that serious Inn cried the motor IsL What happened my trailer HANDHUHST Ennlnml MP lrlnca Mkhnr Kent cousin Hus Qurrm almd llm mmmluinnul rnnkl ha nrfllsll Ann loday The Nyrarold lrlncr um 100 nlhcr Imhr rmlrln Irme Med an mum lllultllfllll mm Sandllum Mllllnry Acadrmy uxlmml we Inh Hum MONTREAL ICPI Ono nI Cnnndnl Inrrmost an dualm ha uh uh pnInIInu are more wIdrly accrplcd In Cnnndn than anywhere elm In the world Dr Max Stern commmllnx In an In lcrvIcw on report Irorn lha anIannI Gallery In OIlnwn that bogus nInIIngs llIrIbuch Io Cnnndnl Inmom Grmlp of Seven have an sold on In an mnrktI In Mnnlrtnl nnd Tumult mkl lhn lnke pnlnllnz racket has reached nlnrm proparliunn In Montreal NANA Okinnwaw AP UK Mr Farm KIWI lnnkcr plnnn crashed Into an Okinnwnn ham and burned Iadny uhllc lrylnx to land nl Kman Alr Hale killan lenll Icvrn pcnnnl The dead Inrludm lch Amrrlcnn alrmcn nhonrd Hm plum and Okinawan on the mmnd the Mr lnrcn Inld VATICAN CITY lllruhnl Inpt Inhnn rrimml phynlvlnn Walnwlay nlflll dcnltd report he alryrarold Huhr mun momuc Chum um mflnlnu mm cnnm run only ml hnl have unlnl brlorr Ilnlumr Anlnnln Gullmrrml udd Tho mu II MI In Incl Im in very wrll TOHONTO LXl IIrmlrr nnlmyln nnnmmvrd nimmlay llul lhu Onlnrlo Nonnmlc munrll wlll mnlu lull nrnlr nquiry In drlrrmlne hm In nlIrrl Indnnry and rwlurr unrmplnymenl In 4M Wlndulr mm The prrmlrr lnld lha lrfllulnluru hm mkwl lhe rnunrll la ul up rummlllrn In tnnllurl NI Inqulry unit dmlnpmenl lonunngu mud uhlrh muM 1min ma ol um urn mlvnnlnlrl l7lJHAllll1lVlllP llleturlv Mxml I00 lillkalwllwllla um lvrrmy Iludmll Ahvmllnz unll Amrrlrn Ilnnm Inlay llflmd lha Amulmn mmulnlu hm Aml hunml ml mu Hm bulldth In lha manila Rtmmdl 11w Mont and anon Mm part minul llnmomllnllrm uhkh Mu ï¬nally tlllwrml Ivy polch Ill lhll mpflnl of lurnkawuy Knlann urnvluu In 11m Conga An nmrlal Mld mu In he cmmlnlo mu hult TORONTO HT Iuburlmn Elohim high km NW ml nunkm one nl Iha milmull whool lm Mm In Cam uln mu man Wninwlny MIMI pom luvedlnlm mm Ullltlmu um Mu Slave MIIH VIII who numbm mm Ma lurk thvammln mue um Mr mlnllm and mmdl ma Inn Mm Hu Unflnd mm Amateur Middle Unlan Mummyu chnmphmmlp Int demy mu Imlr harm mm mm Elnhimke amylli mildlnu Ullrfld Hull mu MI In Jail DIVM Aldtrtm Elma Queens Cousin In Commissioned Banks Will Study Employment Problem Says Canadians Accept Fake Art Physician Says Popa Has No cancer Frinth Pmldcnl Charles deGauIle in typical French military fashion Hues Gener al Lauri Norslad Supreme At least Seven Die In Plane Crash Students Protest American Efforts Track Star Arrested For Theft HERES 0N5 NEWS BRIEFS NORSTAD HONORED WITH GRAND CROSS 655w slricé Mir 1961 fnvaslon talled Io liberale lhnlr home MIAMI Fla AP VIII mounting stack US drug and load buy freedom 11m Cubans mid prise by Flge land Jamc Dnnnvzm he man ha may have the answer plum lo return In lluvnnu lo Commnnder Allied arms In Europe war he received the Grand Crass hlghcst rank 1n um French Legion Honor cubg Anawies List Of gupplies Irnlnlnlum ndlnumld or Chrliunm mm early today low hnun after we lmarwlva Conscrvmlvt unvcrnmcnl lur vlvcd lln llnl lwn nun cnnt drnru mallonn HI cumnl ugfllnn llmh WHOM wan In Hm mm upmnlllun nmtndmcnl lo nu gnvcrnmcnl mnllnn In ply ln Hm Ipmh mm In Hmmr Lilaml nanrwnlldrnrr mn unn wnn hemn by uln 41 la Um llw Nrw Dump cram lnrly member Jolninl ullh HM nlnrlnl npponlllon Only Hm NM mrmhern In nrd Ihelr nun mollnn will prcmd nunvcanndnncv In lha 1n PalL1 today DcGaulle made ha presentation Norstad 15 due to rellro won AP Wire phow day after afllghl lu Mlaml Do nuvnn New Yolk lawyer is he chlcf nexullalar or flu Cu ban prlsnner families summit lee Ha ha xald prcvlously he hopes to the men by Christ mas He expressed canllnuln opu mlsm btlnre dnpmlnx Havnnl or qulck trip lo MlumL Inu ilalcmcnl that llmu Donovan said he tubmlllcd to Custm prcllmlnary 1m mcdlclnes and drugs already cunlrlbumd lo Ihu Amcrlcan fled Cmsl lar shipment In Cuba And In Cus ro Kovnmmcnl yrepmd an an alym thu 1m Donavnn had that MIMth with nlm when he flew to Mnml la nhlnln lhe latest list at ml dlllnnnl contribullom Cnslm ha demnnded the cquvnlcnl n1 nbnul 351000000 In mp before he will ro lune lho prlsnnm Govt Survives Motions As Legislature Halts TORONTO CPLThu nlnrlo ONLY NASSAEnhamns APlAn overload of nuclear strategy problems centering nboullhe BrillxllAmcrican wrangle over the Skybolt mlsslle has lorced Pruldenl Kennedy and Prlma Minlsler Macmillan to extend thelr little summit meeting for an nï¬dlllonnl day The two lenders were reported to have some prospect oi compromise which will salisiy both sides in the missile dis pute Their spokesmen said there deiiniieiy was no dead iack But the lpnkesmen xald Ihc original lwwduy conference ilmeiabie hadinot proved suiii clan for discussion of the Sky boit controvcrsy problem re vulvlng about it and the whoia Ipeclrum of mid war ixsuenr While House Press Secretary Pierre Salinzer said commu nlque will be issued after he ï¬nal session Friday WERE MHEE MAIIEM The rensnn or prolonging the confluence Sailnger laid we not just the Skyboll but all of lhe NATO defence mak ters we sun to be discussed were such cald war mailer as In sum mnlh 01 lb Cuban crisis the Chlnem Indlln cunfllct Mos Therc no question that we are maklng sand progress Sn linger anld The agenda was just 00 treat to bu handled in Iwn days PARIS Reuters Presl dLnl de Gnulles omen has Iued note denying Innan press reports that mm In nrcsldunll Ila hnd encour aged CnnadInn Garfield Weslnn lo move Into lhe French markm Hum ndJournlnu lhn lcnlsln me Have llnnl mull ln lhn yuvrrmnrnln hllls on mrM ln mellml lqnn guarnnkn or mmnmlc lrulnpnwnl and up rlrullurnl nlmhllnnllnn 11w rural Impccllon bill In pyuvldu or lmporllnn all meal and Mullry in II mm Inca wllhln um yuu My mind In lh lruhlnlunn urltullmu rummlllno and puma rmmnlb Its Die whole willmm MIme IMM 111 MM lnsperlmn Ml pm vlukn lnr lnpectlrm In ulnnu now coming under Maul Int Iwcllnn Ia ha PM lnr hy the vrpglngl Illa AL loin flunrnnlu Ml pm vldu fur ummm loam In Dnurln humid Ihkll mm In nMnln llnmlnn lnr dmlxwment ms nu pmvlm mm qu lemllnz Imluu Mm 1M Altlculluul ammun llolgd Dmlopmnl Act nub ny hr mm win Th3 note llldz Brilish daily newspaper attributed lq glrgsonh¢aï¬ oszssogi it British Foods remarks whlch have been reproduced by ccrlnln French newspupcrl Mr lesion was said In have lndlcalcd that he had been In much wllh an Aid of lhe presi dtn nhnut Iaklng part In French business 1H painted out Iram good source Um nobody nl lhe pru ldcnla office 1an ever had dl reel nr Indlml contncla an lhla wheel which an prlvnla mm Icr nor any other Iuhkd 11w lmal Allllni the hull ncnlum which begun Nnv 21 rmlrll llmtlly helum midnight when Lloulunmll Governor Krlllcr Mnckny lurn royal uni In unvrrnmrm lrglllnllnn Inrl donn prlvm bllln No dale hm llfll nnmumml lull ll ll upmrd llw mxlnn wlll mumn In last wnrk In Jnmmry MIMT ML IMKKIZI The evening newspaper Purl Ircsso ran Inn splnih headline llrilon In coming to drm doyn prim Hme well in lhe govrm menl Talks Extended Another Day To Discuss Cold War Matters Weston ToBuy Shopping Chain De Gaulle Denies Encouraging Hflqï¬nlcnrrcporl lhal Veslnn No More Than par Copy20 Page Glmldy with mowflurfles Low tonight 10 belowlpgm Kharto nwmw 13 For completu mmwltumito pagetwa Local Weathér cows IdcoIoglcal hullle wllh the Red Chinese and the Variety puzzle it presents Arab Mid dleEnst problems generated by lhe overthrow of the Imxdal mon archy in Yemen and the Eu mpcun economy and the Com mon Market Nuel pruhlems Skyholl and thepmspects new Soviet marked crisis in the Congo gob bled up he Iowlcaderstime Wednesday the mast nagglnx question was Brllnlns resist ance to v5 plans to scrap Sky bolt the missile whichjgllallqplanch tn usg as ll chief lndéécndant nuclear weapon COMPROMISE POSSIBLE Although compromise was Manned in prospect Hill in il aei generated maze of other complicated problems involving the whole Western defence pos ture the growing pressure in Europe or an independent nu clear poleniiaL the Impact on other NATO allies oi lhe pui eame or the British American discussions the niiomalives ior Britain io ihe bomber borne Skyboie and other qypsiio public reialians adviser inldre4 porters he saw no possibility lhni Ihe problem conironiing Iho Western big iwo were beyond solution lie said Kennedy and Macmillan wcro dclcrmincd in see their way ihrough la sniuilon oi lireso problems hm told shareholders at tow paw meeting he had been en couraged by mcmbnr d5 Gnullas stat lo open shuns France and help heal the The newspaper say he was preparing to buy chain of shop In France and that lho agreement would he slgncd Frl uy ParisPrcsse says Vcslon 64 vlsilcd Frnncu Inst spring and saw Frnnmls Missalro then see rctnry state for Internal mm mcrco who had given Vcslnn the green lighl or ncumlaliuns to buy the Snow chain of hqusnhold nlnru quote Vcslnn conï¬rm Inz he was examining inns mm passihllillcs In France but anyan Hm onn Brillsh newsm per upon about hl aclhlliu wn qxaggernlul so my mu posslhlo Mr Vulun had hem In mnmnl wllh another clmln or shop whom nnmc had not been dlsclond hnrller In flu mrnnn wmh dlblllt lItlwnnlq IG lerlm urgrd lhnl nnulncinl Imnspurtnllnn aluny he xml lmpalllnn Tomnlu wulnn lnr nnllh as mum xhmlml ll umnlmy lnrgvr Inn1 Ma lflll runway mmxmllln In Um Imvlnrr mum mu play role In the dnulnpmrnl Nu urmlnre My mnylnu Ixmm and pnmuumn um Ivy lflklnl unm ol lmnlrn nll llw yum lllcnl hlxhwnyn 1mm Iw many Immu nuw nu nur luluhun Krllllflll Mryllm lNl Slur unlu melhlncr mun IIHiKIm llun still mlnlmum mm 71 an hour 14 lnnlr null mm umkm and In hour Hulk huh lluuuulmul Uulnvlu Ill Inkl lmusnry lrglulnlmfl mum In In HIVPd lmw gum MUN In all rlmmnrll lhnl Imh mlnlmmn nln ml 15 ml heer rlluliw by xmnlwd limb my Mum fem mm mm flu rcscnrrh null nuricru or llnpwvnnrnl Dl Lam in mm guy pgmlnfr The Inn Ilmuld ï¬lm mm Inlsrmedlnle Mnndnnh lhll mm he mrhed pmlmllvm during Hu mrmyrar mm In wanton main nnim lhuuM bo de tar maul mums llrytkn uld ll would In msnnnbh Ilk mlhc mlmmum mm HI aha lmurlnl lhu mums um nwm upturn at nu wt