cmm rm II mummy uva In It Mlml mu dlvvlldm In In IM Muma rm mm tom In mum mm nun munn Alvqu mm 1mm not mmlm mum guwnpunu pm only um In my nu mm um um 1r 111 mu Onltlln no nu ma mo lhm Mum mum mud 0mm Im nutMu dun mmu mummy An 1mm runny Irnl Menum nu dmm mm vmm nub on Cmam Duly thump 11 mlnlan cmam rm an AM lunlu nunum HOW U5 GOT NAM Chnrtollutown Patrlot low month lilo Arnold To nhoc most famous of modcmday ttston Jana delivered an address hetora the tn cully nnd Iludcnu at tho Untvmlly of Pennaylvnnln entitled Amcrlu Ind tho World Revolulmn In 1874 Mono and Mulmur Iownshlps were dclnchcd from Slmcou and Included In lhc new county DuIIcrIn Tho chunI ransIcr dld not lake pIacn however unlIl IBIIO In the meanllme In the earl 13505 part Iho township of West GwI Ilmbury wns annexed by York County After the GovernorGenera proclam ation was issued on Janua 1843 Simcoe became iuily e513 lished dis irici its boundaries then were somewhat different than they are today In 1845 the townships of Coliingwood Vin eeni Euphrasin Artemexia end Osprey became pflflfll iho district but were de iached seven years inier to iorm part oi the new County of Grey It was in 11140 by the MuniclP oration or Baldwin Act that were eliminated and Simon becnmo truo county At this limo also tho council acquired additional authority Erovided for the issue of proclamation the LieutenantGovernor in Council to declare the County of Simcoo to be separate district it also authorized the raising of four thousand pounds ster ling for the erection of gaoi and court house at Barrio Another act authorized an additional tax on ratepayers of the district And as is not uncommon among governments the original levy froved in ruiiicient and Acts and in 841 auth orized an additional debt of three thous and pounds or the completion of the lily triet buildings Simcoe Count was so ugn in 1798 modelled alter Shires in gland In practice however this was only pain Arrangement and in its early years coo remalned under the general control of the old Homo Dlstrlct 1824 Slmcoe received its ï¬rst electoral representation In tho legisla tive assembly and In 1837 the establish ment of se arate district of Simcae was riled Williarp IV Chaptefaz Iman mum at rnu 0qu Immuth um um vumml pvfll NH lunfllyl lulunn llnlldl Iv utmm WALL nilnlu Mun Ann It Mgrunion SimCoe County Is Named After The First Governor The Barrie Examiner warm 1536mm Walls Publish WHOS AFBAID OFTHE BIG BAD WOLF OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Publishéd by Cannéiinï¬ Newspapers Limited 18 Hayfield Strget Barrie Ontario Publishes figuSlalght General Manage TUESDAY DECEMBER uh PAKO Hu shnl 1101an nrnund lllo world flrcd Il YmIrunl 1775 mm mm lrnfmnr Tuynhee MT Hm who at lhnl nhnl have rncirclul no mrlll In 315 lasl Hm ï¬rn pm each lmn rovnlullmu hlrvn Inllnwud their wake Iha 11 occurred In Tubu1M echoes have come full clrrln onto anal Arriving in Upper Canada in July 1702 Simcoo chose Newark Niagara as his capitai Tho ilrsi assembly was elect ed and met them in Sopiemher of that year in 1704 however at Don Dor chcslcra insistence ho moved the neat oi government to York Toronto Friction with he GovernorGenerai led to Mode parturo irom Canada in 1700 lie was named mmmnndornchiei for indla in 11100 but died on October 20 of that year before taking his appointment was than only 54 porlrnlt oi John Graves Simcoe occupies an honored place in the new County Buildings in Harri That address too complex Ind 00 my tntlcd to ho trcnlcd jmtly within the tim tlattons of an culltor a1 comment WM mm or the most profound and oxhnuallvo Ila xcrtaltom on United states hlslory ever tlcltvcrmt by foreigner who at tho nut mt Idmlttctl ho camo under that clasxltlc at on Howcvor hcunuso the men vnrld crlsls ll 15 ppm wrlnlu or Iona llmvly In recall Um no lhvmo Imlcxsor lnynhcun Adder was mm the Unllcd Slnlrs lhn nrlghmlur world rcvulul Inn now nppmed lo rcvolullnnx any where In lhn world Mul pin kwa llclnlly hf Hm own cxlatunm Elected to the Brltlsh House of Com mom or St Mawes Cornwall In 1700 he was shortly thereafter npï¬olnted the ï¬rst UeutennnlGovemor on new pro vlnce of Upper Canada which had been awed by the Constitutional Act of John Graves Stmcoe after whom the county is named was born Feb 25 1752 at Cotterstock Northumberland Eng land the son of John Simcoe captain in the 11381 Navy Educated at Eton and at Oxior he entered the British army and served in America through the Rev olutionary War As 25yearoid major he was named to command the Queens Rangers He held this post from 1777 to 1781 and later wrote and printed or private distribution book about those eventful years Simcoe County also at one time includ ted what are now the districts of Muskokn and Parry Sound It was in 1851 that large tract of land from the Severn to the French Rivers was added to Simon but this regionxwas divided into the Dis trict of Muskokn In 1868 and the District of Parry Sound one year later Simcoe County retained control of the admin istration of justice for the two regions until the 1880s It In an Imnla Inc history By iiidNiYiiE HOOD LONDON ii is truly our years ago thnt London Univer ally erected on Imposing build lng on Gordon Square In it was housed what was up to ihni time one of Ilrilnina most pow criul elcclmnlc computers lil rcady howeverthai device ll out oi date it in being dismant led The building which housed it Is being pulled down in it him will go up nnolhcr build ng lwice the aim Imd in it ia to be housed Atlas new ginnt electronic computer which can approximately $6000 have earned enough money in pay or iiaelt and its operation To do this Ihe computer hill been incorporated into com pany which will sell time on the machlna to lirms which want to have their prohlcma wlvcd maximum cost of approximately $250 an hour ihll giant electronic machine is now being nrsemblmi In Mun chestnrl it hoped lo have it installed in the new building on Gordon Square in London next ycnrv by which time the building will be randy or it Until then ih Univcrlity Horn an name the thing whlch All dcslxncd to do In ma Held ultdmnic nom putation He will Do In mulion lddiflmu In lcmnd Mu lhar nnnwm nl 1000 prlnlrd no In minule Check omry cw wound lhal he dalnn the Job pmmly and that erytth IA In wmk lnLnrdcr Thou art unly In low an mosl cndleu llsl ol thing that Mlnl will be Iblc la accomplish In Ieu Hm that lake to wrlu INA nuance YcL rectum 1n Io lhn Unlmnlly nulhuridm Mu wlll be obwlcle In men yam will my mu LP machine will be In the supc class will make Londun lhe wnrldl most advanced computer ccnlre WHAT 11 WILL DO Iiifore lhll llnw hamm Um Unlvmfly hop Min wlll However remember Baal any drug that is powerful is polen lolly dangerous dont know ingle on which cant be harmful to someone who hap pens to be fensgglve to Such or 11 table things such Vitamin sul phur penicillin aspirin co deine morphine and host oi others cant be given to some people without making them ill Tnera are cases oi such useful drugs such an penicillin causing death and every year wa lose A5 mattei rm the drug thalidomide which recently atlrréd up Iuch roaring can lroveny is one oi the few that has slipped by without its dan gers being foundl It dipped by in Europe it didnt 51h by In the Unlted Stem lt never my Approved for In here The Food Ind Drug Administration specifically one courageous woman scientist didnt feel that sufï¬cient tesllnl had been done So the Us dldnt see muchoi the drug except what was permitted forexpgrlmental use or was booLlegged tram abroadl Idti get this on the retard Im totally dedluud 10 he primï¬ne lhat any new drug ghoul bs adequately xtudled IhaulJ bs adeéï¬atal xtqued before it is put an ha mnket Thereluno Argument nbant that By JOSEPH momma Min Du Dr Mollur lot has been written about drugs that are hannfulm many people hul Ihnvn navel md Anything nbaul dnlg dentists useln ax Iridium Heren what hay venad toflme Th denuu lhDK some ink sum and my had alarud ylnnlnf My heart was pounding 10 and gun knew you could hear It the nextvmom and blacked ouL Why do denim use that undo awayAm left outJhe name all drug you mmuopad Using mm would worry million people lorrwhom would be mgnpletely hymen Read problem wrlHen In rlnln mum nnd dccldo how to his lha qucsllunx Agyfpamxiul Drug Is Potentially Danggerous REPORT FROM UK 3113 soon HEALTH qurylhlqg nhqul Alba Alla Electronic Brain To Cost $6000000 Im an van uglfjh acne mama HUBERT mmpu ccnlre ll bdrm cxpnndcd nnd tvenlunlly About 60 people will be Inlkinx Ann programme lhu men who make this ml at machlnn work In In short mpply ho cunlre II lacklan 1m nxlrnmuml course to lrnln IuiLnblo appli cunll lhll llnnl electmnlc machine ls now being memblm In Mun cheslarl ll hoped to have ll Installed 1n Ihc new bulldlng on Gordon Square in bondah next year by whlch time the building wlll be randy or ll Until then the Unlvcnlly ll conllnulnz to work wllll Mercury the cam pulcr Mlu wlll replace One the mall Inulnnllnl mllnemnnu about Mm ll um Eoulhllfly um ll um be worked remote control Dr Iloblmon Manna he Com pany whlch will operate it um lcmplllu lhnl many Landnn Unlverlflyl much mlltucl wlll be able lo have direct no us the much on their own pumlm 11II principle ll upnhlc gm duvelupmunl Dr flahlnxon lmh 112mm UN dn when mm In Pnril can Allul quelllonl dirch Mud hnva lhu Anlwer within low mnmll TRAINING WORKERS They will locd tho probltmn lnla Ihdr own mnchlncl and Ike lumn wlll he worked out hem Id Dr Robinson Deuth can be closa all our rant curb ourbatltub or staircase Or spelled rand wich or some food that nets of allergy and acute asthma best at drugl can be dangerous loo Our purpose ll to Itudy everythlruz guard against every danger But abollsh the drul that mada you black out No Unless you also want to ahallsh averyuuux else that danger ous Including nod beer stalr lead paints and even slippery sltlewalkar 0r autqmohllen Al to yaur quesli you were unusually sensitive the drug inland and the symptom are typlcal few peoplahave this sepsgï¬viw mï¬l1qns dnnot Rp him inydenusfor doctor 13 the mate of this apexlance tlï¬re L1 tubstitule drug avail Not to RKGx No weve never found any sure remedy fur psoflashl Fall1y omen one shotnllmdark remedy works but there ls maps that can be depended upon In all cases The discus is not Mal and will no make you an lnvalld ll In just nulsance But the worst feature at can mm growth unquculnnably In that they havu been used as shielda device Lo land of crltlcllm and actiona cer laln and term many times And it Imo good look was taken themby another commutes