Tums Down Elizabeth Taylor LONDON MP Cantun mar flvrhtwlwr llumvm ll Id today had lunml down In pm 11th Tnylora hm In hm playful 5H Alec Guinmu In No IM hm of lmrd In put 04 Taylor mm Irmr In 11w VJ WI lln yldmv Mmlolmlnmnh TORONTO tcp me am report of tha vmvlnctnl 1nd pzz dmflbuuon com mlulon tabled by Premier not harm vropoud 10 new mu In therOnlarln legblnluu $35000 speak Unauthorized Village Lawyer Tellé Committee RINHMOHE Ilmlarli HrflHl mom Mnnhlnl Ilrnu WWII In ninth Bauwnk hrm IIHRI all qu nmmdnl Mir am luml IN Ilrltlth Army Ipalmmnn MM today lerlnh palm um faxMn 10an In Um 1mm kl Mimi mum oil urn MIL IM mkumnn MdNL LONDON Ulmlon Comrum mrmhrrn lnrltnmenl lndny urfn Hue lovemmml In Nmmmmd Ihal Canmwnurnlm prima mulllen munrch mm In 1h varlmu ommmy unllh rlpillll 1M Iirunlnrlrl Matted by ï¬lr hnrlu Taylor mule lhll munAllan In lrnnlhy motion ralllng the nnwm mm llrflnln mer promAIM pmmm lvr mm UNITED NATIONS Ml In 1mm llml mum nhrlw hr ddlnllely dun annual UN IMAM on Ilunum he llnuul Nair rome lhul lm IIMIM ml at UN ImIn rrprmmnllvo on lunxnry mum The Impmml II mm In ammo bllm oppoxlllrm lmm HM European ulla mm In lhr nun lulu SUDIIURY 4GP DchE Iprom mm IM Haul fanMIMI luim Ellml Prolculonnl Mlue Hm hm wlll wullnue lo open with Canada not God Im ht 01mm Iha lllfllI mmr mlulon hn umd brawn member mm lha mmmlnm In Mwm dumped townrdn Hm Queen Ivy plnylnl Canada The mmmlulon drum nmpm and MM God Save lhq Qurcn nhmnld In served lar ermonlnl or lnlrmauonnl acmnkms TORONTO CW5M2 arcemcnl Ilatulu dcallnz with municlpnl iovemmant ac llvluel wan ndvocnled Manday by chan Singer LImel mem her he lcglsinlure or Tor onla York Centre Mr Singer sold here Ihauld be melhod pollclnu Ihe Ilnlum to pment millakcl Inch ml which came before the Iezlsialurcl Itnndlnl com gmm an prlvMI bllll Man Wllllum Lane Plclon OnL lawyer re reunlln the village Bath mid ht commu lcc that lhe village canted out 539000 renovation of the locnl nubllc Ichoal wlthoul provinclal aulhnrlwllon lo luau dchen Iuru yr he x3120 cl Mr Lana uid tho Baih coun cil mm two rmdinu la by law authorizing lha nnavnlium Ind iarwnrded lhl Tropolnl la in Ontario Municipa iionni iar MB had written Qhe vil Inn council npprovlnl lhe pro Jecl whim npprnvnl the ï¬nal plum And lulhorlzlnu lha nppnlnlmmt Ammhlled lo proceed with the plum MONTREAL CF Dlvlllon wimln the movement to luvn Quehcc cod mm the ml Cnnadn nwemd leveln hour In upmfllt ludtr MumI Chnputl nnmmnumtnl Monday at lorlion new nmvlnclnl political panyl Early lodny Hm upnmm movement llnnwmhlemem pour llndenpdnncu Nnflnn II tuned unlamont dluodnlinu Null mm um new pm The rccammendallom will be dimmed hy the leghlalurel mndlnl commltlna an prlvll and election the cur rent session Ind It expected that Mr nabnrll Iubscquenlly will Inlroduce I711 based on the report on nabln rclnthnshlp 01 population 604000 75000 pcraans or an urban constitu ency and 15000 to 50000 or rum constituency and 50000 ln 60000 lornn urbanrural fldlnx WILL DISCUSS US Asks For Removal P03 The commluion pro pa la wnuld set no la riding fram 1119 present six York riding with populations rnnglng ram 45000 650 The report nld tocummgndatons wer baqu The on Mundny recom mended ncrcued myrcncntni Hon or the six York riding lurroundlnx lhe city Tornnla Set up last June the cammII slon laid immune are far rum complete but royall on the Mclropalllan Tornnlo uma Wfll made hecause the most pressing need or rchslrihw mm in outside lha my of Town all recommendations with respect lo the Eu Hm province will be made an lhe misty prozrcsm the report In Suggest Conferences In Capitals 194 Rebels Captured By British Separatist Movement Separates Wont Switch to Queen 9l0b Yur No 296 Ten New Seats Are Proposed For YorkArea or Me Win Ad My ham PA 12 Thu Elephnnl all or IhI Buxlnen NEWS BRIEFS wEdnoï¬umurva out Itmt ML slngcr Inflated that When should he wmclhlng mare Mn pcrflmcllonnry pull hue bllla with chuckl About thclr ï¬lly ml Mm Enlarmmtnl nun Ihould b9 nulcncd denr renl to dhcaurnu lnral raun cHn lrom making Inch mll Clerk and council will con tinue maklnz mlllnku long than are clcrkl and coun cl he IBM inkc Mr Lane nid the village council misinterpreted ihe 0MB letter as final nuiharizalian to proceed with Ihe acluai renova tion and only when the project wul compicicd did lhevcouncil learn it had been given no In ihgrity issue dehcn he In onned lhe vlllage Ihal the board rm Ianzcr hnd lhe power to nulhvrlu the Issue Alncc he prgcctï¬wulmnlready complelgd Zeb Jnnu PC anblon East moved that ha mmmlllco mu ha vllluzul hlll lubmllled lo lhu provlnchll leg lalnlur authorizing the dcbcn ure iuuz Mr MacDonald mid Ike ln lcrlm report II Inwardlacking In In population lormula which should pmvldc bush or more Icknllllc redhlrlbution The legialnlures private hlll cammlllce approved bill In lroduccd by Thomas Thomas MD Olhawa aulhorlzlnu Oahnwa to pay Ihrce llrml $30 000 compenannn for loss or damage In re movlng cnn tacky from the citys maln Liberal Leader John Winlcr Meyer said he pleased with hi repgrl Dnnuld MacDonald leader the New Dcmocrnllc Party and member lrom York South one he IIx member whm riding fluid be nflggmd Fin rcncllon lrnrn HI lwn appoxlllan party leaders Indl talc the recommendations will most likely pm hrnull thu privilnm and elections com mmgee with In trouble Pumas mums The report aid the commu Ilon headed by ML Julflce Armchnrdwn kn concludtd thn reasonable maximum flu or the leglllmlveraucm bly II no membcrl There now are emhen hill creating the new rid Inï¬l II pancd thin session the new Ieatl will not became el lectlva unlll writ lsnucd or provincial election It In ex pected that all three partlu wlll requlre at least four month lo ct lhelr clecttnn machine scared to tho new Elup Wm Examinpr hmpl 0an In Senuhor hlnrkrd nn nllnnmd cmlp hy Dln Malldny In rrrrnfly In drpcmhnl wuully who fill Hnl anur wnl one nl Hm mm Alllml IHIIII In he um yum nl llm Smmrl Wmlxl War Man uni cuml wrl HM nnly M70 ml mm 541th Amrrlra Thu ï¬nnunluc anXonn lu umhly min 51 lo with lhrm nbslcnlloul lo nleAh lhr mice prrmlrr nmI vlnce Scum on prnal4lrnllnlype mum 11m Anchny nllu vnlrll lwy Um IIIIN mnrfln la nmnvo unlin mcmnry lnmunlly lrmn Illn hm lamina Mm open In clvll nrmL TM Ammhly hnn lnlnl mwlhm mu Renxharl omx lhu qu IN major IU MKm Scnrgnl AWProm ldrnl Mapnlzl 5mng lndny nr Knrcnfly wnn lull victory In nawtr Ilruuglu with Prrmlcr Mnmmnu Din ln lhll wul rltnn rcpuhlic Tflrlr dluumlunl wi cover ha Skyball conlrmmy he Brushed by the plenum brcml 01 ml colonlnl mart he two leaders will drvu dncply lnm problem lhnl InMon la tame wrioux qunr rel wllhln he Water nIllnnce and Into nnsmmunll the present cnId wnr liumllon nnd lhc wldnnlng split bclwccn the two Communlsl camps led by thqulMVUnlnn and rd China NASSAU Bahamas AP Prcaldtnt Kcnncdy law In this user hland lodny or summit talk with Prime Mlnlslcr Muc mlllnn dcnllnz both wilh nlrnlm In the Weslcrn alliance and di vlnlnns In the Cammunlst bloc Kwnnndyn plane inudzd under hrllllnnl sun arm twohour Illuht from Andrew Mr Farce mum Maryland cur anhlnglnn Mucmlllan handed the clnrlnl welcoming puny Unanimous Vole Remove Premier PRESIDENT KENNEDY dranch plum Andrews Mr Force Hilsc here an mule Numu for lwu day Kennedy Macmillan Begin=$aheufri¢rÂ¥alls Racial Crisis rLooms ONLY Barrio Onnrfo Caï¬IdITuodly Duluth 11961 Nun ml um Ivlwn II nr Irma wlicam In drhnl mm ulml wk the October crl am Cuba Ihc MmcnwPcklng mm uhlch drcpcnul Inllnwlnx lrc mltr Khrushrhcv hackduwn nur Cuhu llnd lllll China border nnnrk on Indln um lho lllIuro Hrlllxh Amuicnn mill nrry nsslnlnnco program lo In WM IN 31 IIrs ldrnl Krnnmly myn In II Im roml la the llcvrlnpmrnl In dcpcndcm Iuwlvm mw rm lZII mpn warning that lh Iprrml ol nnrlrnr nlrongm mum Irving an lull war lhnl wmlxl lrme meo fluid In lhu ï¬rst In Imnrl mnmfl Hummlnx 1va hi rim lun cm In olrlm Krmmly nlm rrlnl llw Kkylmll Imlllxllc mll lilo puman Inyln Ill pmJA Clrd Ilï¬ï¬‚lï¬mfllfl nnl lnlllll hr hlgllrr Hum lhn ncmrlly hm rllll ll mild Inluz On IIM Ilulmhl Ir Inlil hilh lIImp Mlnllrr Mmmllhll nl Nannu ermly va Wrnlrm Imvpo nlumM In man In hrlp erm xlrlrmrx Munch Lnlhrnllnnnl numul and 1mm Hm anIrnr drlmrnl In um um Vll duvllmle Mm up luv nhomly dum mul mr xluimz in Vrlrm Future mm Inna mlr lxmnnltn mu nnml flur ma humlml mum mllu man mmm qmlAmur lwl hand on the Ilrplcux Iglpllowcgl ln Hm WM talks with Brillsh Prlmu Mln istur Harald Mmlllm nlcyl seek to repair mfflcd lecllnga over Skyhol program and discuss the division Eur Kennedy Rejects Skybolt Plan HAROLD MACMILLAN HERES ONE nlunxh Mme nrnnlnu had llurnmml rmmrnlunnl lml un nunlmt drum In sum Kmmnly nuurnl lhn 3a nuw 4m Inlllflrnl nurlrnr IlrlHKUI In xlrdmy ma Mull mnuy um mrr contl MI an lncmnl minim In lhu he do Md DIM Ilsa RM Unlnn but been nhll mum Hm leflmlIy vltlv Inn uul the mm amt flock vl mam London Daily Mall pnrlcd Mncmlllnn will ask Kon ncdy fur slny execution of II Skybalt decision In lens Ihrce manlhs wuld unable Dril nln sllll In Claim she la nu clrnr power me new lhu six nnuon European Common Mnr kel In the hard bnruninlng null coming up over her ndmlsslun lolholr 1110c an an kclch my Macmillan wm propose puulnx Drilnlnn nuclear weapon flock pllo under NATO control on the condlllon Uan Imidcnl do Gnullo mud Kcnncdy am to cqunl hmpawn mnlrnl ovrr II mullllnlcml NATO dcwrrcnt Iu IIVM In an hamInn lrlevl linn lmmdtau Hm IL Mined Frnnu Im nmm mlulrar mmr Ihon nly Wm Germme and Ilclumm nlm mlghl Alfnlfllhl hrlp Son unxrlly would In Hnrnlrnul Iv man 10 nutlmlr puwerl ring wrnpnm under dlflcr rul flllldllhml mm In 1qu llmll lo how murlu mcd ru urll MW mnrh ran mm In haw II mmulul drIrrrrM on many um do haw In MI urn wlm nurlnu was mm 11w US Imw IQ Aprlldlfll 151 manna yrar 0n drlmri Mu mml Hahnn up In Inudltl Krnnnly MM Inmlu Khrmluhevl mm ham Mn IIIIIIQI build mlwlu that The United Slates has In formed Drllnin ll Intends to amp lhe Skyboll bombcrvbanlc missilc in View of live ml fail ure and an ostlmnlcd evenlual lens of $2500000000 to develop RAISE OBJECTIONS Thl lnlenllnn still lo he hardened Into dclinllc declslonl has ralscd oblccllons ln Con gress and protons lrcm llrllnin lhnl ll would scrap lhclr nuclear dolrrrenl us well 11ml ml In nur Innml In my nmnlnm In the lnlrml prm Hm Inlrml erI an Envnpm openn dclcnse responsibflitlcn and aid in underdeveloped reas Dclcnxe Secrdary nub McNamara 1e AP Wircpholo TEETH mus massrwms thrum 50ycnrold ac munuml pulled the szrmlra Connervnllvcs narrowly nka mom plncc will MM vnlu In or NH Ev urnsMill 62 Social mlll mndlllnlc VANCOUVER CF LI crnl Dr Patrick Achccr pnll lug nlmnsl nl mnny alu hls lhrcn opponent combined Monday smer nn upset hyelw Ion vlclnry In Hm pmvindnl Id In Vnnrnuvor Pnlnl Grey SMinl leil llrnnxhnld or nix years Dr McGurs clodion ulso rvpmrnlcd lho um hydccllnn drlnnl in nine your or 50 clnl Crcdll lavunmrnl 01 Pm mior llcnnztl He YB plnm Mm hula Hrnwn Soclnl lell Mm dlcd Inst summer Clarke sajd he was told the man who he learned later was Allan McMann home res dznt diud few days later The service slallon operator ex plained lhnl he raw the incident while delivering goods mm slarcnllachcd to his garage some he rrsidenls Clarke said he look he be from Lindsay And put it in his service station but has mls placed He said he mid pm vincial police Consl iiamid Vng oi Mnrkdaie oi the inci dent the Ioiiowinz morning AMnnyubiIhnd 12 New hem ncrnllc lnrly dld nu lrnlhd wilh 5302 Ray Clarke 56 whose serv lce station is across the road Irnm thehome retracted statement given earlier to Mayor Sargent at Owen Sound In whlch he raid he ac tually saw the superintendent beating the man Monday he said he didnt see the action but Hunt Lindsay was hnlding heavy belt over thn man and there were red marks and small uantilies blood on the VI lml lens Mnrkdaie Ont servicz station operator Monday ioid an inquiry inig he operation of the Grey Couniy flame or lire Aged he saw Home Superinicndcnl Wes iny Lindsay holding strap over an elderly resident late in the summer of 1959 mum 19min Ihmth lb rubble an mm which veiled in Imlen tally Ind bum in Tamlal rDullm BC Byelection Gusts Socreds Tells Probe He Saw Man Holding Strap STUTFGART Ark AP Joe Knrkur rcparlcd the the or 1000 lccth 1mm his dcnlal labarplnry In Sluu gm Tim tcclh wurc valucd at tum Iimilnr burglary 4000 lcclh Augusta recently Knrkur said 90an teething ring Vow13m SOUND DP BUILDING anmnn pY BLAST Real Caauute deputy leader at the Social Credit pany said Mr PcnrsonJdcuvcred the but sngpch of agree WINNIPFA CF Welfare Minister John Chrisflnnson of Maniloha mld Monday night Hm pmvindal government has no mention uivlng handouts lot and rlghl Ia lndlnnl In northern Mnnllobn Mn LhrIslInnwn chcaluI Frlday In bId Io mm Iman In IruIrIe sea In lhc Manllaha noncrnl tIacIIan laid Iw Iympnlhlzu with II In Illam And IympalhIzc with he pIu whom Imam blood or hem Bu Imu Ionaom prnxrnm In nlIchnlc lhu lim Inn Wcw 1m xivInn awny bnnIIauIn Id nnd rlghl but wa my lo them II you help your rlm wcIl holy yuu and wa hatk tmorurnry nld Ivucd an emotional nnctlnn In new pnprr purl on me lmllnnn pllnhl would do mou harm Ihnn Inogl Vnu hnvv In mlora Hulr ethnic prldc my will lrnm There httle disagree mcnt Axsoclale Defcnce Mlnla tar Pierre Sevigny snld Ihere disquiet evcrywhare In Canada that lhrenten to grow to pm portions that could prove dim ï¬lms to the Canadian way of etcderal government had already laken Ileps ln thr wu necllon Domininwmvincial commune would be called early ln he New Yenr lo dis cuis nalnnalJymbylsr aw NDP In nlpeg North Cnnlre laid his yarly wanlilive wholeheartcd sumtart Imwam establish mutual rcspcmjuwecn the lwo cultures Prawn Hm lpccchca Bu prnzrnm In Ion Wcw bundauu Id Mr Pearsons much turned debate on an inleer supply mo on into daylong discussion on EnglishFrench culture my DISAGREEMENT Opposition ader Pearsnn slatted it The time had dune he said not or extremists and their pauinm but for deep responsible and understanding examination of the hub Iitua tlons The gavemment should confer with the prov Inca In an ellurt to enablish lull Inquiry Into Cénadal binn qu prghlcmsx In nm chum mu um flag Occup mm at mu nay il Um Mm bmldln hm lumiqud evnled to EnglishAFrench unlly orlack it speakers ram all our partle look the floor to ex pound Ihcir beliefs that im prcclous in bridging Ihe gap at misunderstansz between Can adas twlalmalq raga 33mm OTTAWA CPI national mm looms over Canada the Commons was old Monday To avert It Canadian mus come to grips wllh the act they live ina hlcgllurgl coynlry To Indians Not HandOuts Unity French Engliéh IsUged Now By Pearson Nut Mora Than purCopy8 Pagu Eh 1mm ashFor mpleto mammary away two Local Weather Col Arthur Mnultan nmly commander for Manilnhn mid Monday It CAP nllcr ngrre hlx lo Iy nupnllcs to he In dlnns from Winnlpcr hml ll plans rlncd IL 41 mlnula on ordm mm ounun flu mld he Imd hrrn mhlud lhc nirlifl would Ml he nllmml unlil ha nihmliou lmrnma manor of lilc nnd dmlh In Taronln Army mnmin xlonrr Wyclilln loom mid lwn Huh nlrrrnn wa In line raA mm mm Thmnnum Mnn n11an wllh lhrm 150 And Immp Where am dmlh Mm hp mm The need is more hducnllnn was basic prab lam and as well Ihe mavincc must be brought In on discus liflllL lo build good Hm or harm ulm ngmnv FLY The Salvnlion Army has un dcrlnkm Ia fly suppliu In re serve 31 Nelson House 100 miles north at VlnniMï¬ whm no Indian and Hell me re portcd be starving In July lcrolempbralun ngu nnadians in mam aerial levels and In the cherd public serving must accept ha changes which are rcqulrcd la make rulily mu partner hlp Mr Pearson said by him Féarwn and Mr Se vigny he hoped we are turn in com Mr Pearson had said thal Ihe me was past or papering ever the crack it unity argd was necessary in revert lo the principles of mnlcdcmliun our declaralion of lailh In lhde dealiny unflcd Cay MUST ACCEPT Why are so relatively few French Canadians in pram nionnI nnd admlnlstrallvc Job of lhe chml civil service in eluding men corporations and legcgal agenda la hem men Md our bed by lumlmln In ï¬n mm upkllon pm We 125121 PEARSdN