7ï¬ unnl 8E UPH IHEE fl BILL LEBOEUF JEWELLEHH DIAMONDS NM 0mm Lanny No mm or rural dmu DUNLOI 51 WEST IA 1113343 FILTER VUEEN mm mm qr Lqunm Mn M7 an imam boMIIM Wk Hm vnlua Winifllmï¬ 7m73mh II mm MINESING MofORs Ford Tractor and Equipment SALES AND SERVICE PHONE 103 MINESING mmuuunmimnnMI CHRISTMAS TREES DIXIES AND DECORATIONS FLOWERS AND PLANTS JEP MoisflfflAnyfhing Good tmdluan on own Hr Mill Will at Ind of wn Plcknv IL lmzlt ï¬eka lwud MRI our una hum or mt Apply Human Avmu BanI Dll VOLKSWAGEN Mun Hunt condukm mm mm ouL law must P1171 Apply 1mm SWIG £131 man In door Hnmmbll HID CAIHGH Inboard I11 In Ynur kndnl Nlllbhor 19 ll no mummy Dan Blrfll Tlltvlonl YOIKIBIRB run or mo elm maï¬a mm yhono 0511 Mon and mm paullrymen an chow Dams BULLETS Started Ide to lay Ind day nld chlckl Order now or early order discount For service or help on your mulll7 Problems all Craig Hunter CRAIG HUNTER POULTRY FARM LTD mmm PHONE 71 Moron CARS FOR SALE AUTOMOTIVE FOR LOVELY GHT FARMEks MAM LCaxre New Ilalland David Brown may Farm Equpmzul I76 BURTON WE Pfl 82373 QASH TRADE TERMS Am MAchEE BEASLEY TURKEY RANCH Wtanfpi anal3303313 CHARLES CHURCH Fem 511mi 525w 1955 1963 Models KM FILTER OUEEN SALES POULTRY cmcxs DEKALB PULLETS On Any Car In Our Stock For Inlormaflon and Transportation PHONE JIM DICKSON PA 8414 Want Ads IF YOU WANT THE BEST IN rnmn KILLED TURKEYS CALL IA um In Au Phone mu 56 Johnmn limit PA 6m NO DOWN PAYMENT MOBILE HOMES PHONE FA um agzzmrs SELL LIVESTOCK hi C211 We invite you to shop at the following stores for Christma Suggestions GIFTSPOTTER Here Is Your Christmas 11m Tool To MC 11 Duan Dmlc IA 00505 13 Dunlop 513le IIIImIVIfII FIRESTONE STORES ZIlm1mflflllllï¬ RECORD BAR 106 Dunlop St East mu nus My awn md mmltlu 1m Oral Winn hard and that mum dined pipe Ind mkm mp Hall hm 2mm4 My 5ka mad gnu quality Mlltnhh bar mu rupvlm Room or ml WI IJ IllFl Hum Ion Hubris llnumm LPI Hddiu do own 5am Fltrm HIaym mruuma swam r1101 MiNW Q5105 Mord comm lmllvln hum nwnuu am lost In In HenHy nl 1011 Common at Van Around Mukl sullnn wllh mu toll rem on mm mum on kn cu mum felo phmu Mmll mm PA um taunt LOST FOUND MQEnoMm 01 mm win not be ï¬oniiuvm any am mum my mm without my written Conlan DR umber 1561 nudly Immon It 110 eluted an memzea in mum PA mu LEARN HAIRDRESSING Governmenl Chmurea Schnal Thorough training In all hm ch beauty culture DERWIN HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL WOESLEY 51 PA $5561 WING no udlu drum blown ll Ibo rhllflnnl IP DIM fluumbll Telephbnl PA Hm lllrmoam mfbeémuux light blue in color Anlomauc ransme sion 1900 miles £2145 Six cylinder our doorudan loned chan and whim cusuxnradlo many mall ex tm loo numemu mention $2695 um um poinnvn an mum hllrdrnur 15m up yam 11ml Women Apprcclnlo Mont LINGERIE SPOIITWKAK NOR ACCFRWIIIFS HOUSP 0A1 IllUï¬llï¬ whuéwtu beaaunu réa 1m onl 109 luggesï¬ed adory 1962 GALAXIE 500 Fan door ledan six cylklder Incarnch transmission two loned blue mi while cuswm radio may bells winchhteld washers vhite wall Hm V9 low mileage guns PERSONALS DIXIES SMOKE SHOP Four doorjmi nil pod wig VB 11pm Human mall pnoe 1962 FAIRLANE 500 1982 GALAXIE 1962 FALCON MOTOR cflsron we BAY CITYS CHRISTMAS SALE OF V1962 COMPANY OWNED CARS To meWho Quality 3962 399 CHRISTMAS GIFTS Appllnnm 10 Davin bn Thgse Cars WOMENS COLUMN BAY CITY MOTORS LTD 45 BRADFORD 51 moms PA $7931 lu our Lay nway JULI ETTES GIFTS TlllllSlMAS TIMES SCOTCH PINE SPRUCE HAIHAM MK mm mmw UIIO STATION In 771 Ila my Mum mm ml llillia 51 Mary Bl 1m IIÂ¥KK WIGGINS FURS DUNLOI 5T PL PA I456 Itmuuuunmtu GIVE HER COSMIZIICSI mm or mm of Burundi ELIZABETH ARDEN FAMIHGE mva AlllHJlY IIIAN MHI rrfloml ann CHRISTMAS SPECIALS Permnncnls Only 3300 lshnmpoo and Se 175 llaircul 75 TROPICAL psAgTY SALON NEW AIRPORT Melbourne Australia In build In new lnlcmnlloml nixpart 10 be rendy or Imfflc by 1967 our major export er wild Irult Banavisla Cold Storage Company at Bonnvhu and North as new Fished lefled ol Harbor Grace no lecled about onethird lhelr 1901 total Ills year Fishery Producls Limited of 1min col lected only 510 paundl Total production or in sea wn was about 1500000 pounds compared wiih 3000000 In 1961 Most oi ihe crap picked by iumiiy labor 45 cents gal Inn and the hardier berries that did ripen were ion late in be harvested by children who bthep ilqd Mufiltdlifl Mimi The berries are lrnzen and ex ported Jo tha United sum where they are mid mainly In lhg Boslpn arm ST JOHNS Nfld CF Hall Newfoundlands blueberry crop tailed In ripen lhls year because of wet weather and luck at sunshine during the summer in hag jmu and mu ed min In our ï¬nhhfllt department Mull be Iblo to NM mesh lnkllly Inclined Ind nmlllu with lacquer lpylklllom Good work uu mum Ind beacon wme um um pnrtlcullrt Ind wuel mm In no Bum Bune mum SINGLLMAN muted for dnry live ln Must be nlllhle Permhem numclon Apply no 71 Budl Enmlner EXPERIENCED Dllry Yum Hand pmmbly manled Elmulu Mel on hllhwy Good unam madman on mu huh Um Wflh Box 71 mm Mner runn Excellent oppnrlflnlly lnr perm wm hmwleaae ol hun mm mm mm pmlnl Blend employment Good wnrklfll condillnnl Ind bench Wm 11 In engine may Imu Required mm wlulnl to work mm weaker16L human yam 1nd mum Ayply mm sum Norlh men pm urzgwuou mme up large progressive canadim Compam requires execuuvo type sales Prspreuntaflves ago so woman tramz can be given before leaving your present llon Sula ex perience help ul but not essen tial meradvancement amt mm 51 ry gumneed permnnu 606 alter ambit Give lo NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 4o OWEN mam mama Lack Of Sunshine Berry Crap Poor lor ymï¬urxdmn 5Helm ages 2935 years in the sell Inz fiekl large company uqukes damagedmi thuslv uflc mienmu Else one anadas Must mu uflc salesman to sell one anadas leading mmr Must be willing to work some ev nu Guaranteed wage 1mm 85 loï¬loo per week with gamma Imus plan for good elfort new car will be syplled by the employer Hospital and medical plan benefits to Boxflo BanEa Exnndner rim Ir Em This mymg Mama SALES REPRESENTATIVE CUSDENS PHARMACY FEMALE HELP ll For Vmr Dump um aflhr EQLDEN OPPORTUNITY An accwlm Inc Imonz ex pzrll mm you Canadlnn whcnl no no Um when ul mast evtry nlhzr Ilmduclnl nn Han becnum lhc mu And unndlrd prurrlbed In he Vlnnlpu 0mm nlw pmnil whm Ivnlunllng Ibo when of olhcr cwnlriu Dr Anderson rccmlly appolmd head of tho Nch agriculture dcpmmantu re march muon hen hat for your icon lo IL lhal thus unndnrdl 010 hlghci pm 51171 Dr AudenJon well knawn In the min market Mottow Vienna and Tokyo ha ll homo In Canada on lhl mrldt uprated xrnln Iden Thu mnln purpou of lhu In bamwry ll lo no lo ll um all Cmndinn whml mom of which inundcd or upon he has Canadian vmduccn can pmvlda 11m lnlmmlary alnmd yearn IKO now hm mu WiNNiPEG CPIThe gun Aniccd standard Canadian wheat recognized Ind necrpmd by markch ail over the world cslnbiishcd inbtxainry lucked nwny in lhe Winnipeg Grain Exchanga building hm wuh Chaï¬umu wn over Gal came he hard way Frank Marxcllle mud in he th minute overtime Dnve Lu ciuk Gus Morison Jack Dang as and Ted Power scared lhn onyx Mylo Bob Bchmghl Cnrl Hall Bill Wylie and Lloyd Mercer scored or Gall Wylle lied Ihn score for Gal wllh only 31 seconds loll In regular timcl Ohalham Maroon moved Into Hm place In lhc Ontario Hockey Association Senior standings Salurday then tell back In mm 3pm aunnay The Maroon went to the In with 54 decision over Gut Terriers at Gan Saturday nlghl This dropped Windsor Bulldogs Into second place but thdsor easily defeated Ga Sunday at Windsor to go back an top In the other weekend game lhlrdplace Woodstock Athletics remained two point back of Windsor wllh an 34 win over Sands Ram Sagurday 11th Mung Canadian Wheat Standards Set In Grain Exchange Laboratory 9y ace humlliallon and even uln ll helegally desig nated racial classiï¬cation colored Eur Alrioan ap pears on the mall green plas llc card bearlng pholouraph and pegsqnal particulars Yer the local press says there are about 20 000 bordcrlhm cases In the Cap Penlnxula alone and that large number have not yet VHPPUed or thah Identity cards though tha machinery or obtlinlng them has been operating or seven Years He satd they dont dare risk classlllcaflon or thelr awn sakerand those at their relatives Many have been sending their chlldren to while schools living In White areas holding down My whim mixing wllh while Mend and enjoying while saga amenities Appylng or cmdvcould radically change even wreck the live they hav been llvinL Their while flandard Ialarle and meirway 1119 In the guise of Europeans my be gale CAPE TOWN AP The South African Kovernmentl do clslun in make ldentlty cards compulsory pocket are starting next February has lerrined Wusanda people who live now on Ihe raclal borderline fllg enjoyed yvha pan alrwhltu Chatbam Marodns Mové Into First Place In OHA Standings By THE CANADIAN PRESS Samla and To Be Classified INSTALL ndkriï¬rr rm INITALMTION SERVICE DEPT PA 66418 HO Dunlap St Borderline Blacks WWII MUCH Imrmr MUFFLERS Cl 1M Including l5 will unlvmity degrees and rccwgnlmd mom the but In tho world 111m mnln Insks are cr lormed mm technlcnnl grind the vnrlmu lypel and made of when to muh and lrnmnmn lhcm Into brand macaroni need all and mulling barley Ono annlylis and trading of kraln In nigh can on lhdr way to lurmlnnll Imoer ls Iaie II he ECO Mercer Ari Sullivan had three goal or Woodstock Jerry Shingle two and Tom Wilson Butch Grnhnm and GooseLand on each For Sarnil Dawson Schreader Tom Clark Paul Crnwley and Andy Mmauguu mred Windsor Sunday he Bull dog and Manon were llcd an we period plny Then Windsor caught 104 piling In lix goal In Lhe last 20 minutes nu Benda Windsor Bud Marc Assclin Tam Wnlker Jerry Scrvlss Parry PM Samla and Woodstock both were undemanned or lhelr Elma Ramsv using 10 vlayerl and Alhleuu 11 Woodstock look the win with our unan lerEd thirdperiod goals Sar nla now has won only can gums In II this season ANOTHER DIE MCKEN Wu Germany AHA miner injured by him in the LamloaMeep Adolf coal mine Friday died at hll Injuries Sunday It brought to eight the death toll ram ha ex plosion slx xcrioully Injured men were In hospital 11m mine at Merksleln near tho Dutch border the largclen Ihe Aachen coal basin and employ 2269 LISBON RemunAn explo xiandl fireworks killed twb men and injured 21 othm In Pleado in northern Portugal Sunday reports reachan here enriy tnday laid FIRE MISSILES ROMEHMPFNU Nikeï¬aiun NahXEuudo research mum KILLS HIMSELF NFSHAMKNY Pa MP teacher apparently doxpondent because hecnuld not control classes stabbed hlmlellv to death Sunday Police reported The body Charla Baker 53 social studlea lnumclor was found by wile Thelmatn the bedxoomof their hume faker atteaï¬hn ï¬nyzo Kean aughl ea or High School DURANIE CHARGED CHICAGO AP Comedian Jimmynuranle was booked on two tralflc charges Sunday night All his amamhfle mack another car which in turn hit police car In duwnlawn Chi cago Durante was charged with following too closely and driv Inz without driven licence He posted 325 band pending ap pennnu in traffic court March in we ECO KILL8 TWO riotrlhe 56w goal 10 scored three Iar Bud Illllman Jean lin Jacques Begin Jack Costello and 53 scored one each whv scored twice second period to He led GallLond locllod On Blyflold $0 In Downlown 3min 11an ml aim ll wmpllulcd by he need In mm but new strains are wmpaubll with Ihe breadmam prlcfleu nl lor eign countries no matter what mnmvd or recipe used mnlml the quallty of min Iced variance sown by Cann dlan armor while the third bulc lundamenla And dove mental mearch 1m new and Impmvmi vtrriulca rum al mldy Ignawn llmlnl TRY EXAMINER WANT AD PHONE PA Mild recent zovamment order expandcd the Honolulu devel opment corporation placlna it Iormnlly under government ad mlnislratlon and authorizing lhe milllnry rnglma lo ramm atule ar sendlute unmarke the corporation Ila recent acqulamnm Include Ihe Dunn Flva Slur Shlppinl Llne the Slate Pawmhop Mun agement Board the government llquor lhnpx he phnrmnceutl cal Ind and Ike Mandalay Slate urnwon andtheir lam cl now encam pum ï¬rm It In the bnln child uyearold Briz Anna Gyi righthand man Bumux military ruler Gen No Win Aung Gr I119 chief econo mlc plnnner In No Wina gav emmenl Like most of Burmfll yeadlnz ï¬gures he Social The Burma economic devel opmznt cnrpnrallon whlc yknned five year use an co zclve 51mm mifllarymen MAGNATE DIES NEW YORK Aprchum Dale mulllvmlmonun In vestment banker Ind utulllu magma who built one at Lhc most valuable val col cflom modern art In th US died Sund followlnz heart attack wal pm deflol Wnlhlnmnl Nadaan Gallery Art and lumen of Metropolitan Muleum FOIL AHEMPT SALT LAKE CITY AP Utah State lewn ofï¬cer tolled an attempted prhon bruk by live Inmates Sunday capturing the cnnvlclx gsllvgyrygtrer cut ting lhelist ban belwun hem and logcavered prison are outside Four prisoners had one through two sell of ban lb wan nilljn hll cell EANGOON Hurma APDA onetime army commimry ha mawbnlled Into ha dominant buslnul unit in Burma odny Plan for Its continued expan sion Al governmentcontrolled cnlerpride helghened fears of nationalization among buxinmmen In human warn auccelsiully Rd mm Sardinia by Italian technician Inn week it was announced io day The Italian deience minla try and in Italian national re learci council said the missile climbed in height 1420 mich One Wu launched early Friday be other the night bo ion limuiianeouaiy with its iirinu in gins United Sinus FLYEB DIE POISON MW AP Mn JunniinEllion 46 Poison who wan lame ior high altitude fly Ing died Sunday herhomu on Flathead Lake And will bl buried in San Diego Camusm held tin womenl 1h plane ni ciiude record 01 19000 tee in ma1m piloting Iohvrw power plug Chief Business Govt Controlled THQS soxsoxsoxsox Especially ForMen Who like To cooas TOYLflNn EM tlu may ton Ind xlfll or flu wholu Inmllyl mm Meologlml battle with the So vie Union communique tram lha central committee of the Worker Commm Party sald there can be no comer miss with lmpedallsm also echoed Pekingl lHICkI on modem ravlsionisla who laid are vlcioullyv trying to emnsculale the nvolullonary spirit MaerImIgnnlnlnnfl TAKE SAME STAND TOKYO AP The Noflhv Korean Communists have llnud glupg1d de thnn In In TflEBARRlE EXAMINER MdNDAY DECEMBER 1962 nla National Chrlslmau Tree 72100 the spruce tram Colorado ll teal11mm 4m Illa Elllpse park be tween the White House Ind the Washlnglon Monument Smaller tree Ilna the main nlsle the annual Pageant of Peace dlxpluyl Prclldenl Ken nedy olflclully npem lhsex lllhillon todayl AP erepho to CHRISTMAS LIGHTING TESTED INNISFH 5T COOP Bulge pg End for CHRISTMAS Fm munry 931i ma Ior Flowm PA Mm