24f VilltonwiLh Mr and Mn John Mason were Sandy Dem ilcr and Mn Dempsler oi Barrie on Wednesday Mrs Vern Welland and um iy viniled Mn William Gallup slweek Sundayvisilar wilh Mr and Mn Exall were Mn Amino and Cheryl And Johnnono oi Carley and Mr and Mn Gard Cracklord and willy oi Ennie Saturday evening viallon will Mr and Mn William Gnlian were Mr and Mn Don Weir BnnleVinilou during the Weekend will Mr nnd Mrr Brawnley were Henry Piernam cl Selman Arms BC and Mr and Mn Llllicrapi and inmliy Burris mo 1m ll 10 nun Jul Hum crv Hm cm lporh Nllwnrk NYE Nun All Wuu mm Blrlon Ino DICKEn ll Mlhlfll llchon llllu Kinda Exrhlnll Dumbo Im Ind Chlnnul Thai lndlm 11mm IIOIUI Mnllnl Yul numan DICDEEB toolnmuon um any too Lunnln uo pbu um Nm on Lulu Bunr Jo lullmm 00 nunmax Jul Pu Hum TIIUKIDAY DICIMIIIE gfldeb 111n any 00 Run Bull Von am In And 30 nm CthuIll In 590 gum 11 we mm mm van um 99 3a ¢SES Dd Pllydl ggpps 2333 Th Unlonchlb CDO TV Connuulaflons to Vernon ell thw won seat on lag melt By MM LEESON J1me MacDonald ol Rachew ler who was here on business went few da with MH flow In wee ME andMra Bmce Miller lpenl Friday evening with Mr And Mn Nan Dempner in Bar Hgï¬ day vhltou with Mr and Mn Bruce Miller were Mr glad Eng Georgeswlem and My By mm WM GOLLOP Mn Genrzmmrldger Joan Douglas and Bob betray lpenl gunth with MrMnd Mn Ken uq Mr and Mn wmï¬hï¬‚ï¬ 11 you unhr lm Ml mlud pm plus an AM Copy Wlll Ill full To Your THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICI Eno mm Ntlwnrk NYE Nun And Will mm Blrlon Ino rmndly mm Lomu nun mm Scum mu Farrah mm mg ncmpur Room Pamn PAM Mona Rap MIle DRIVEYOURSELF CAR AND TRUCKS CF10 CHANNEL ELEVISIomocMMS NEWTON ROBINSON UTOPIR CARRIER MISS YOU VAllEY TAXI CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE PA 82433 no Nn um turn me Lumx Im Cavalry llylo sun mam moo untu Ynun um crv Nun mu Nuwm 1110 mm um um Want 1m nun nnon ya umnu Mama we PMauMJ amen rm moo Mm mum 1mm Ilale Arumr Clplfln mood um Mm um flu nu ma King crumm Mn mu noun Ablation my ï¬rm Mm wruuuw mm mm lhln Alum nu AudtmL rmomnm 1mm um 71 11 lo Wuum low Auwmu Imu bahsasss um Shep ummnu DKCIMBII £3 néTv am 1m sou In 1100 Jo £2 8232 Wumu r11 EMU Robln non To Tell Thu 111 llln mun Wu NH och inaliiuie memhm and my ladies wishing help are re minded donate hnme baking for Christmas shutin boxu to be packed Thursday aiternoan Dec 20 at the ham oi Mn Jphnsun Pleaml to note Nannnn Shun duann ham and ham have been wired for eleclrlchy and power will be turned on In llma IarChrlxtmas Mr and Mm Franck Shan ahan and family Cruighurll were Sunday visitors at Mr and Panrldge It wfllba mrament ha Lordn Supper next Sunday Dec 16 at Edgar Uniied Church at mm 11mm Tharp preach Mr an at and Rudy Barrie pent Slturday with the lalml puma Mr and Mn Gnnlnnlaldwefl nQNAjIlons ACCEPTED Sandra Mnclaad Accompanied Mr Ind Mn Lawrence John son and KM to Toronla Sat urday The Elrll visited Sula Claus and 11w had Lhelr um 35 99 Hume Linda hnd che mi fpnune tn um her right wrlst bolne whll any 503 28 Mr and Mrs Jamu SlawI1 Toronto pent nu weekend va Mr and Mn Allan Ham on ConggaIMaliqm to Ell Lulu ban Ren hid Allm Wen their IpImdld aucceu In the pljojecu fldledï¬u Jame Andmn 139310113 ï¬undnyu Dye Chanller and Marvin Ab tended the Maple all1116 ago um in Maple an GI SMer aim or Sulan Ind Mml ll null II PA HUI boost mm mm Bun Nlmu amndy Vdml fun All Vintn II lho hmlly ALL ACCWOMH AVAILABLE ROBINSONS HARDWARE Tnm 11 Nun Wumu mm 11mm mummu Kahlil nod To m1 Thu mu um um wm mm NH och Junm EE°£JN Wumu Nm mm mm ITh SIM mm TORONTO Country HMO by 0M EH1ka Emil CDC NI Nu Wllmlr 59° By MM HAYES AND CAR SETS ELECTRIC RACING QUALITY EDGAR Ono day the mule who al wayl Wu wu la In mallflank wlh man IL Now the mongoou in mlnlyinol the but player 111 m6 lullnu kingdom but he dId know lung or two about can vanllom He mod ma Ivory ridge book and Imam he ouldnlgyhlllpn opponch nn owHwho at South and puuycat who ulNorth no to nix mlrump on tho bld dlnl uquence Ihawn no mom lmu thoroughly familiar with ho llamdoublln wnllan gouhl when un puuym bld Once upon am 010 llvnd mula who mum to Ian mum at all nbou 00pm flqm He thought conventions up lhjcuxfor lb Mm knew um the double in Ihm tonlr ullod 101 pm The December meeting home and Ichool was held Wed nesdny night Opened by alng In Canada allowed by the him by Elaine Lalonde Roll call will answamd by What you want the most or Girls In Mm Lorna Howden home mm hospital reeling much Ml er DAILY CROSSWORD anne The bazaar table held on mm nights in been completed an the lad ie will realize Deepest sympathy ls extend ed in Mn CbuleLWllwn and lens in their recent tad bereava mom Mr Wilson wan pinnn ing in open hi golf course in the spring HOME MID SCHOOL Mr and Mn Dell Prim at tended lhn leachm banquet at Duntmon Nov 30 By mm mm Jlm Bell and Rlchnrd Eula of Tomato was Saturday vb an with Mr Ind Mu ï¬nest Bell and John Mr and Mn Elmer Dales ur Ind Mn HAmId DAM Tar anla pen Sunday with Mr Ind Mn Ernest Dalu Sunday guests wuhMr and Mn William sturgeon And Diet were Gram Britten and Howprd Kznl Nmnlo Weekend vmlon with Mr and Mm Earl Dllel werr Min Mary Dela And Hand And John Dales Tomnla am an ladles Hexen Pflut L3 35 mug Scott mm mm the had you can on Dec Bevan lablu plnym enjoy 0d curd nmday night Prim 113m ladies Hdenr Prlut STEELES CORNERS South duler Prézmn ml in marks of ANTEN MILLS my wim CONTRACT BRIDGE um um vxna on 4191 By JAY BECKER The owl played low from thc puuycntl hand and the mom zooau played law also If lhu mongoose hnd akcn Ihe Ace Soth would haw had twelve aaty rich The owl won the Ipndu with tha Hut and belng wlae old nwl he knew tho mongoose had ddnbled he alum became he had the flag henna well an the ace of Igadc and wanted heart lea 60 the owl cashed tho AKQ of dlmuanda and all club mm reducing the puny cafl hand to tha queen IP33 and he AAQo heart Mirthhind openlnmila EDITOR DIES MIAMI Flu AP Dr 2qu Wllflnm Duxknlt editor Ind oducalor In Iho Held Igrlmllun dlnd Snlurday Burke coloundcr of Alpha Zeta lrnlcmlly or nxrlmllura undenu wunulhor or Agricul lure or Beginner and Ball However the mule was new lomed lo laadlng the jack ol nudes with kind of hand no be naturally led the 1an mam He knew ha wax lup poxed to land heart on Ihe blddlng but being very Muir bum critter he wouldnt do II He wasnt going be maycd by any newmuled conventlam Mflrdlag nl 1th hunch urd consisted lhe use 01 widealqdï¬J 9hcnru The nwl hon blinked know ingly And led Iplde and lb mmn zooao Wm mole human neth to dummy Thu mongoose 31111 lident that but lud wnuld beg the alum The junior Chair at Christ Church Ivy and trienda Bl lended the Christmas Slow Hnly Mnity Church Toronto on Sunday Dec Rev and Mn Henry Harper Ind family spent Sunday after noon in Toronio Congratulations to Mr and Mn Don Newman meeRuth Jenneu Montreal to whom on Dec 1962 baby boy wan born ady remvery nillull Mraiï¬rold Arnold who in patient in Royal Victoria Hon pital Harris CONCERTS ivy uhooi Chrixlmu concert Will be onFrlday evening Dec oclock at theDrama Hall and the combined Premi terian and Anglican My school concert will take place Sunday evenlng Dec at 730 ln Presbyterian church Mr and Mrs Kenneth Suin crlnnd and Gary Toronto apent the weekend wilh the lawn moth My George Wiimn Mr and Mn 5mm and lamlly of Beamvflla Ind Mr and Mn Eobcrtand Kimberly Ridgewayp of Taronto vhlled recently 91 Amvlawmnnl Gladys Enamel and Elaine Lulu andel They had their guest Lorrnlna Juneau who luv llna demonstration nnlmlr llYl ing The January meeting will bu held one week latchWen day when there will be speaker immjhe Cancer Soc iety The two ladies sewed lain lunch in gin servlcawill be ob ten2d in theChurch Sunday Deg 16 Mn Alex Bowman Brenda Mix sung the qgekend with Mend ntBenmavllIe Den mm Frank Couzhlln and Ludrlle WlLsDn are bmy 9W 515an VA IVY WILSON LEW WM my Mum EXAMINER mun News 114mm nsmvusnmonu WINE Tm mm pmm tEï¬ï¬ï¬LPEW luï¬l Donn own no mm naucwm AFRO mwmnow WADHINI Vwmvmmuswo xamwmvouuv