nlcn them are always Inlkn who are slowpay nnd the buy hm to com back two um hm mm In not hls manry lml Ialr Hen Mn had lo Irnvcl mnny mm mlm doublan buck lnr cnllccllunsln nl kind VI gather rllnry includnamnny nparlmcnl lmiIdings Iunplo muvo out ltl nnd right leaving no Inrwanllnllz mldrcsu nan Hen gel Iluck wlh lho blll Maybe my dnnl mallw Its 19 can In boy who In 10 holding the LIL hlendu not expcrlcnce menopausu ln lho same sensu llml women do Tho personallly change you dcscrlbo mmclimc occurs ln men when they ranch lhcll mld405 or early 50 whlch la hu wch ndlng age lor the change women Your husband slxnuld hmc complete physical checkup uulhlng ls organlchlly wrung the pllyslclun probably will rcc ommcnu psychlzllrlsl DELIVERY OX dm our son delivm papch and takes hls jab urlnlxsly The problem am wrmmz about Is the 1an mn uldcrallon shown by some or hls cmlomorn vxn ampmrgnw These Ins cw mnnlhs he has become sullen and withdrawn He has lost imam in poknr bawllng and lmlxzt work Is per sunnlily Is totally dilfcrbnl from what was lhrcn years ago Can II he nglc mmnpnuscl About two years ago my hus band began io get cranky and Iniiabiei iie lound fault with my cooking fussed about the way his shlris looked complained Lhnt my hairdo wosni Light Nothing suiicd him During the presidential eiociions he fought with ovaryonci He didnt like Kennedy on Nixon and ï¬nally voted for his own writein can ditfllIeiiooi Gibson My husband 50 We have our grown children and men grandchildren Our lovely home is pald for we have no linanclal worrles and this should be the poets say the tlma lite oxjwhlch the ï¬rst wnsmagi Dem Ann Lnydm Is It pour nible that men so lhrough the mggopymw us pomeniï¬of rrmiml pmplu 19 Dunlop St Elaine Bedard discovered an French cover girl elghl years an at us of 17 cuddien ANN LANDERS auxin m1 wn mr no much mum PARSONS MéfesEauItFmdmg Callstof CheckUp FORMERLY BROWN SEED CO FREE DELIVERY SERVICE COME TO OUR NEW PET PETS SUPPLIES DEPARTMENT Dnu AKnInnl your We want Io bu good kld let her listen to Um mudvnllnging dur lng the rhythm The rest Ike lnmlly ought not be tub Jccled In 1mm that tho dinner Invita tlons be cut my back1m once month Your wlfu II nvcrdolng Hm Good Samaritan bl Um expnnm cl her family In damaging our nmxly llfc Am hnrdhcurlcd need your opinion AGAINST GOSSIP MONGERING Den Ann Laurie my wits has girlhoodirlend who last her husband six months ago This woman is gossip and imublemaken Incl her pres ence In our home serious ir rllanL Since she has been wid nwed she parks herself here or dinner at least lwico wcok Our dinner hour Hard to be spentin inmily discussion Na mam This clniiorirnp monopo lizq every canvasatlnn with her pcliy gossip dont like our children to hear this drivel She hns no judgmcn Whniuvnr and will say anything that comes lo hcr mind Ivn tnld my wifu how feel but she Insists the woman In lonely and need he suppurt hu frlends admire my wifes xcncmsity but his woman rcguenl presencq In mgr homo The carrier boys nre lndustnou youngsters who should be rewardedfor their cf Jarts not exploited because their youth And they are Important young men In my hm couldnt get this cnlumn to many of you wlthnut them so please treat em good folks IDLE GOSSIP Ann mm the carrier boy try lng to be good liltlu business man andhe dnsurves break 710 OIw Griban aha of two pet poodles in her Montreal apgflmenl The modelactressteacher add Mammal IInnlniMNlTo Ann HI lN THE IIHTIER Sou us lnr nll yaur mlnllnu nculs Wu mlum lmnmu nm jnmln Moon Inlmn compqu ulrcllnn lMcrlnr ml ltflur pulnll CALL THE my MOORE SEED Company 000 Among those present were Mrs Jenn Bnltcrsby Miss June Bessuy Mls ne Burnett Miss Kny Buckley Mlsl Elean ar Dolran Mrs Jenn Fair Mn Sandra GHIHnnd Mrs Irena Gmwy Mm Elnlno Klng Mm Audtcy Lovcll Mm Dorothy Merrill Mrs Fay Mlklln Mrs mly Mnkrcn Mm Barbara Nichol Miss Marilyn Mlckelson Mrs Barbara Pam M15 Lorna Richards Mm Olgn Rankin cooho nnlu rounded out ho evening each pcrsan buying or mm two dozen moms scl czlcd mm tho wide variety bnzughl bynlhc members dcllcmu meal hot ch11 con came crisp green salads and homemade French bread was served by the hostess com pleted by Ihc scrvlng tea and coflce Follnlving the buslï¬ess meet lng punch was served by the bergat he Span 90mm nice wnna Missxay inane led in 10 singing of favorite ehrisims camls The exchanging or gift or course Chrlslmns radillon and those distributed were of zrgn gridy The brief business meeting was conducted by he presi dent Mrs Barbara Nichol Those present each donated 50 cents are Christmas basket inr needy family and 25 cent in buy gills ior Ihe Mental Heailh palienls the Ontario Hospital in Penelnng Mm Olga Rankin dneaor drew the winning lidrd for ssohill itwasmnbyMfl Jane raga nl Egiinilm Am Toronto Members of the Beta Sigma Phi Sammy held their annual Christmas party oguther with their regular meeting last even ing the name of Mn Doug Stephens Lemlasl Mrs Stephens HoSts Sorority ed her grace and llamnrlo CBCs 701 IeIeleon interview show as its weather girl dur lng lhs summer CF Photo Simmons Co THE COAT STORE Miss Dummy nmmom Mu nuLh Williams Mn Bully Row bollam Miss Sandra Herbert Min Glarin Prnlt Mu nan hnm Miles Midland Miss Mm McDougull mu om mury Thursday evening Guests were treated lo potluck sup per convened by Mrs Art More and her committee The program was directed by Mrs George Seymour assisted by Mrs Wm Stephenson and Mm NesbllL Highlights olthe oven were carol singing and the exchange of guts from the Christmas tree Gills were mlved to be do mud to the Cancer Society and to tho pauenta oi the Pane tnnz Hospital dmadm 850 was mad lo the Barrie Hons Club to assist wllh the Chrisb mus hamper project DINNER PARTY dinner party was held It the home ni Mm ii Dy mcn of High Slrael on Saturday evening or 193ng oi the Barrie and Allundnio bran dies 0m memnixdlm Bank and guests Convener oi ha party wan Mn James dcr Lucky spot dance prim warn awarded during the eve ning Gueau included Mr and Mrs Edmuuds Mr and Mrs Orvai niscbmugh Mr and Mm William Pauemn Mr and Mrs Ken nIanhb Mr and Mrs James Alder Mr and Mm Jack McDonald Mr and Mrs Frederick Elincs Mr and Mrs William law Mr and The Ladle Auxiliary to the Barrie Lions Club held the an nual Christmas party the home of rs Tony vSamlllmfy The engagement has been an nounced of Miss Muriel Chab Iolle Pagel eldest daughter Brown son Mr and Mn Brown of Caldwaler The wed ding will take place at the harm ol the brides aunts Mr and M11 ï¬aget red Skeet on Dec 29 pm cxmlerAs mm Mr and Mrs Wllllam Gra ham Campbell Avenue at ended the funeral Mr Grn haml mother Mn Wllllam graham Sn Erln on Salur ny Miss Maria Ford Dshnwa spent ha weekend the home olher parents Mr and Mrs Percy Ford Cook Street The annual Christmas Kiddie Party an children of DeVilbis employee was held in the sale teria ol the plant on Saturday artemoonl One of the highlights nl the aimnoon was aviail from Santa Claus who presented each child with am and candy Cartoon movier were ShWfl during the altemoon while par ents enjoyed colleernnd mireah menu in the cnieterla ihe partyrwan arranged by th re creation committee includian mm Carter Mrs Jim Duilield Burt Palip and Min Audrey Blogg FEBTWE EVENTS dance party washed at 11m Embassy Hall Blake streei on Friday evening or staff mem bers ol the Barrie Bell Telephone Campany and guests More than 300 pencils attended the event Arrangements for the party were In charge of the Bell Tale phone Recreadon Club under the convenmhip of Jim Perryrnan Frnnk Hargreaves Jr Jack Lloyd and direclore dance prizes were awarded urlnl the evening fhoï¬l Eileen Dixon or Audi2y dï¬bon PA M5537 PEOPLE AND PLACES egg yolks egg white tsp cream tartar dash salt 114 cups fruit sugar cup flour $5 uphnavarmg Sill quar twice and flour our Umur Add cream of an tar and la to whites bent un til suit but not dry Gradual ly but In the rum Beat yolk until thick Fold Into whil es when yolks are partly blended Silt flour over lightly and fold In Add flavoring mrn Into unzremd Iubepm Bake at 300 degreu for hour In vert pan or coounl Congratulaflom WM Chan Ien Rnthwefl Nnvm Ontario who Is marklnl her lmd birth day lod Mn Rathwefl II mndmo of Mn Don Dick man of Wellington Sim East and greabgrnndmnlher of Ann and Glenn Dickerson mothersol air 686179115111 evening wlll comm at 515 oclock Mn Breakle ho had the marlstmss party or the Womans Auxiliary 102 Air Cadets at he Peal meet mi dents wnwmw evening An Invlfafllm Ea gxbenqu to all 10 YEARS OLD TODAY Andy Howden Mr and aseph Bergeron Mrand erbert Curchln Mr and awrem Glrdler Mr and Mn Jnseph McLaughlln Mlsa Bernice Woodrulfe and 3111 Clark Mm Iril George and Paul Cnmnhn Mm Sandfl Flows and Run Mm Mist Anne Eberhardtwid Demand Dekker Min Shanon Lavender and Jack Campbell M15 Jenn Taylorand Peter Harman Gem no Jimsyn Ed Donnelly Mr and Mrs Blll Dohson Mr And Mm Notmm Clark Mr and Mrs Ed Gamna Gene OCon nell Gemgo Ellis cumsum PARTY Mu Mrs Mrs Mm Mn TODAYS RECIPE Ullan Anunr mm UNVHIIRHI Aim On one hnndyuu um our npccinl Iorwnnl Cthw Inn Account to cuL the mat of payinu bills Chlllt contonly 10f compared In 15 on mvings nccount Ilcmn plnn that outlulu the niancncmunt method of saving money and pnylnu billn Its tho exduslvo Bank of Commerce Saving and Spending Plan 0n he other hand you build your Mvingn whore SUNSHINE CAKE st Palerl wA cuts the cost of paying bills builds savings and interest at the sunw time CANADIAN IMPERIAL BAN OF COMM ERCE 012071260 branches serve 101 Charles Conner one box Angeles famous coulurlerl designed thll Heated dresl or Ialeday occasiuns The sheath II of black crepe with bateau neck and flunestono clasp the sleeve lels Ihaulders has self be at the natural waistline And luxurious border of black fox fur trims the skirt FESTIVE FROCK mum Ann mnur nurnmrunv nunwun1ml Auk nhuul the nilnow Saving and Spending Plan 11 your local branch today And lo make chcquing more convenient we pro vide two mvlccn not given by nny other bank We wmd you an lcmlzcd Malomcnt your chcquilm nccnunt mm mumI You In not handy vnlht Mzu lu hcquing Kit they will earn inmost in your Snvinun Account Dr Delanny further stated II blologlcnl necessity for the ceenagm to lle uwu own ldentlly they dont always want to be repllm of thel mm in fact many at this time ï¬nd fault wth the parents the way they dress talk or the harm and consequently rekct the parents or lhae NM or lmaz lnéd llawx 11115 lime of mlllct and it rectum under standing and mulseducallm on the parents pm Patience and undermndlm m1 ellm ï¬nale all due moblenu but oer cainly help toward easing the situation Mrs Fcldman thanked tha speaker on behalf ol the Home and School Dr Delaney vstated Many teenager pass through the em oflonnl upheaval of adolescence without helnf were that any change II tak ng place However some are constantly In aJur mail the no and down olthl change and adjustment can he verycnnluelng One day they reach the depth oldespelr or no apparent reason the next day the mood um and all sereneo The phyelcelchenm taking blace Inlho gland and reproductive system create mnadlneee sudden anger or rest leunees The haelc energy unh lng them toward adultho lur meetce all aspects of the mn axe Illa Adolexcenceï¬ was the topic of speaker Dr Delaney at the December meeting the Steel Sheet Home and School Amclauon He was Introduced by Vestgate GTliE BARRIE EXAMINER TUESDAY DECEMBER 195 Doctors TopiéstAdolvgscencey At and DecemberMeeting 550 am in nu 1n PERMANEETS SPECIAL EVE7s BEAUW SHOPPE tnmerLo Jle HUSBAND HONG KONG memoryTho Duchess 01 Kent and her Infant son arrived here by alr mm London Friday to join her hus band the duke anarrny cap can seauaneq In this British Crown campy Mrs Pearson Invited an parenlsand members to attend Ihe Square Dance in January his will be mm awning During the business aesslon of the meeting vale warcnlled m1 establishml avsalety Patrol with the malnrlly 1n Iavar smflh principal mem Ianed that man Ihc peraanal Intervlew with parents had been completed by the teacher and the report cards dialrlbulcd Th Klndernarten cards would be giyen mg al laterdgle ll Tops 61v our book And give many hour of Iaxnllon to your family and friends BOOK MORE Dunlap PA HOS Our Solecflon WEAYMOUTH