Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Dec 1962, p. 2

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thu or the ma would at my gauntlet IndnommmL hr tho 01 In on meal am mm mm In ml Wm 1mm DIM My vu WM In flu yu In no lam 1mm 21 35 but In ml IN Ind Mar lo limb Jay Royll Vlalorll Hospital amo IIII um planup equip year wu and on North BI womInvMumzbym term In her mumme bunny Mn Lucy 11 of North Fly bailey24 lullmnlxlmm ume ilummui Hr Chit Ink Woodcock Ip zllcg nllon on In III In in run lfllhflhdnyl M501 writth zdm Millard her hurl flopped balling Ind lb nu film in Rayll Vidal MPHII Arminn Amn an Enu to It no rm anonm Cu William chmman flrc Ind mm an OS figure wasnt being mod nmrmakln vzno mm but llmply to am my mm 114 gunko aver the noun boulevard patina AM my lama nld Ina ullml bb In mm to 1m out the commumn boulcvam part In problem and um be In war of lhl run Mil llnl any at rt dam It bit to sum matoflm He uh would be good public ulallans man permit lug boultvnrd plli ling became It It nuch and no became am in lavor boulevud partinx Ha auefled that the S5 figure be difficult or ha admhr W910 lad n9 Mn war 11 mam Ill lunhcr taxing the pawl us timid be remov lu huge tram melt mould RVH Helps Save Life Appreciate Groups Promoting Barrio or Dammit mum Mankind boulovardparklnkanNJ AWL ha 1m media the mm mm mauled mm but am war married or um Md rm prawn the gamma BinI City Council has pained bylaw Inllwrizinz 1h city to ymceed with gian to cut down about 230 do trees in the oily but In next problem mm to In what lo with want new likely Iha1 when the exan cut down the Irm dur ing the wlnlcr men will be bout cord at wood lei at madly in dime 11161111 rnen want in avoid me pouir biilly being 1ch with all Hi wood the lame timeth Irm loo me it they can it may Ind they do they dolll want 10 lnvoiv ed will print enumriu City Cauncll hu weed but not qnlgynwxly flu The Illunlion camé light when AM Murray Mill liked nvl no not GINA MIMI Ma Dal MarI IA 01 fun WIJWII XIII mil Anlunu Mwnm tn nl hm Immu om VTIMBEB Overnight Parking For $5 Charge Problem Wham Do With Marked Treéé TODAYS STOCK P117613 Comle l7 Dull H4 Buni tolmflo not lltlAIrl mu mind Na lam um IM Igloo cm Imau hm nn mUmML nu mu llflll anflac manage Min her hurt but In land the new plea of equip man defibrillator was and Thin used to than the Ir ruuhr hurt but to regular hurt but Hospital midh Mid he do Ibnllaloy ll Ml required wry onul but ll ll prelim to know II II on hand when In ocular don m1 Mn unable he hmpflnl win an Ambu mm There an award 0m Royal Vim fluvial An Mm mincider lent IMI Mn Mm an the ml her Journey to Toronto My carry on her Dreaming Thlx In of mum my luck hmpfld allch um Dodm opened be that And mums her head In normal luno It Wigwam the hem it Im lubed that no bani vud wrung would be Allowed In any sud mldcntlal am on the boulzvnrd betwm the curb early 20 far pa reported The cheque In drawn on the mum Hallm dl in wkeslmy and nude payable to 1111 Martha box 359 glued by the Police say Th woman ha lech mm llhnotkmwnmmuy cheque no mmcrhowmuy WWWu All banks and mudmu In Barrie are warned by City Po ice lo heft very ardufly Elm lmnl to phat 6mm ed Germany aqua made out In Mrl Mum menu Jim gaupl Hde 31 mini polkaKat 01 on nelntm mum is luv the tree experts cut 1h Iran dwm stack the wood and have trained by Public Work employees during the winter Police Warn Oi Cheques maimewoodtarlmthh coming winter It was agreed that the intent rm int but mane Wm Ham alarmed come that he had yuminquiries About this 14 W11 Ml wouldnt cm accept he wood units 11 has delivered in 11 to II Ind Mecca all ready or Ire 0n Illfl bask council Mmllled wntltwwldbotoocoulya premium auuumscmififmlaunnls Innml ml hrflmv Tum YrM IL TIM III Yum Unlol flu Wlhll GIN uni1 um Carp mm hm DAN fulfil Dnl Tnmnlu Imnmmn Tum man Aid Cumming filmed council last night ummm Wu nnautbreak al rabies InWard and Asked hat the do 63ka elrlzlve npegla maddmflan to um mm mm mm Th my minus mum lion nid ML Cmnrnlnz Ind anything In our ex should be done to that stopped Alrud least one do has mg lo dmrqycdlbecauu ll 156 1351 and other rum mllrr old The Emilan lhu Idotlndlabedzdmycdlnd In F0091 were to keep ll qu cl lmlcad lculnz p1 know Ihl them In rabid dun runnlnz loose llnyor In Cooke alarmed Md Cumanz that 5mm con sldcrnllon Mild not only In Inn In Wad but lhmuzhwt the city In 1mm hi the lily can dld no rcad llmlm 0mm luvs Ilnady uktd that dog thalw fd Inuch Allow run 51mm Cold nrctlc nlr cov To gt Cam antigth Rock rmpentum In well below ma nmnllht In Northern Ontnla Whit River mirth nt Lulu Superior ported 19 below zero Frequent mmunlu Irroccurrlu Gmulm Bay More lm Ind ranMama drlltln la lomut or thll um today Ind ch nudlm Scanned mowtlunln Ind umllnulu cold mum lomul tor nu reminder at Ontario Nurthem Lulu Huron IOUUJ wattm leoulln lIy rulom fluxMom drlvlnl umln lwdyAwlllI magnum um ngomdlnwfi hank monqullll Indy 63 rmdny MIMHIMI MIL 111 nrr cold wlndl northwest Eknvak7aéln 1mm Nun remarked flail was the but my of mm since Elm mm 113 WW 6239 fieWa gaudy 1W boil the way they mid Me Mr Nash 505d that this lack gaming Iaa Mum Wmeumm Reports Rabies In Ward Hfll 4ng It all llnrttd with Md Char Iu Ncwtm Laying that he nor oughly enjode wolklnx with ev eryone be umlnted with on mundl Ha plld particuhr commtndnllan to Ila or In Cooke Ind lm Job II dam duflql 1m flu yum Bath agmd that wmcthln hadwbedaneaboulthe nr blLm that has had delzga am at council and even had com nil vlullnz the tile earlier lhll year AM Frank Hersey apposv ed lhe comimcflan ol the cum on the rounds um 11 would have In cm c2 rumm way and he clalm um U11 wax Jew Barr Clly Council look the Int cw minutes of It lcnxlhy Icahn 1m 1th la conlrnlu lute each other ha mayor he Idalnhlrmvn the pm and lbs 711 MN mu al In oulnpohn In hll mnlu lnr Ihl mlyor loo mmmtnded him or waMrrlul and 14 round would look lnrunrd moth Kcfllflll new In When he mnyur null man he said flunk all you Inrmlm mucll or your co opemllan And dont fly lhnl m1 Imauu ll Chrlflmqn The coovvtnllanr hm hm nod Mouva IM yur M4 nun1 you full Ippm your 1131 pm In nlflm land lllo lln Barrie Cily Council has de dcd la cred cm to on compass deep mm In Ihl vae Skeet Park area cost not In exceed 360 The decision wax reached last night amr Aid Charm Ncw ton and AM Gerald Robcfll two mi mumivu crow ed ram on 1h leue AM Cummlnx and AM Mnrullul mm In with Inr rlbum Mr Davey said We have organized and have been oper Llinz nbout so Hillelen ymzram 1min and we are sure you have some llul ht into lhe pmmm space an equipment to be manhnlled Ypeople ware quite heav lly Lumlved In the United Appeal amigo which Willard Klu Russell Davey necutlva mercury of Barrie Young Menl and Young Wamzna Chrkuan Association has qued 17m ares report on the new building program Everyone Did Good Iob Feel Councillors And Mayor Around Ravine To Erect Fence mini shown slur WEED the change homo In loot Reports Progress Of Building Program garrle farts guard Employ READY FOR SKATERS Council unnnlmnwy Izrw um Mr Wny hm done In good job on tho board Ind decldod la Itllrr enqarnlulnufl Mm to thank lhe mm although oflen they are reluctant to have he puth how all me uh Hurkflmtldomflwuonl have hem very phased with be level of repqflgl In he mrr llnku nI Um my mum Ienlnllvu on Ill Elmeoo County Health Unit wu Ilnn now wllh IppvaL Md Ncwtau oblezled la the lance because he said that ll anyone ever dld get lnto dll litully ln the ditch Ihen the cue would only am as block ade 14 any lile laying ellorta He called tor more lur reach Ins recaullann Al Roberta umrlcd that the fence would only be empor ary mmure unlll council would be able lo do mmclhlug mare concrcle about allminallug he prgblern The lance will be hull between hamu In the area and Illa mv Ine thereby upstatan lha humu mm the park where children play In Hm as child ren havn had ha ha or try En Ito eras tho mvlne lo let Lo lie puri Ciiy council Int ninhi nrcmltd with ml in minnniion Wuy cnnirmnn oi liu nnrrin Planning flnnrd Hr Wrny Inlownrd mmdl Ivy lellcr um his Ind In mlgn bmum he was leaving Um flar llu Work Camdlnn 1mm Elaclrlc In mave Amlmllnn Grmrnl Elocllk mul Itllrr canarnlulnllnl Mm hl my Ipporlmerul 1m ur Invesiizalians with national office oi the YMCA and YWCA and similar sized Immunities indicated that our total needs would Include nu administratiou and Itcepiiau urea adult lounge gums room and club rooms youth department at club rooms cruit room game urea fllen we came to he largo volumes of work and sou1 sellchins decisions related to an new building prolram Itself NEEDS zg led on such graluylng suc Bid Farewell To Wray of Bnyfleld mm The house ll for use of skaters on In bay during the winter monun We are all vllully war the 31m the 1m wu have In before We an equally Aware of need nr Inch ladflllcl or Dania and lhnl next Iprlnx In the but ma mkla the job that mm done Ind dn FIRST EDIHCE Thls hon reduces our pm ed Hm building unit In ho olXowInK lwu Ilafl 0mm work Wino Ind workroom and recepllnn munlcr lobby canlroom lounge game room two club mom and kltchm cue hulldlnl service mm and phyucnl ml Including an ax omm mom lemmlnz pool and olflce Imsls Wilmer lockm and showers general purpose mom kitchen swlm mlng pool and shower areas Also included are special ncllvilies area gymnasium storage space and service areas or lhe boilers lurnaccs water tanks The board of directors then need Ihe Ink sculnz cam palgn goal and cutting lha build lm cunlcnu to it The principle applicdwcre ll easier to use adult area or ynulh programming by rchtdullng lhnn flu other way around to lhe yaulh dtpnnmenz would be held buds There are gym and larger mtcllng areal In the city whirl we hope to cnntlmlc la use so lhll phau cl our building must be wllhhcld An Indoor pi and lhe rel Iled change and mpcrvlllan an arg up nxlrgmglx Igpger nry fan or our lxru bufldln Thuflpoulblllly Inlet add In luciljllu we must presently exclude We submitted this in lhe building and iurnishiuga service and it reported that the total huiidin as outlined would cost abag $50000 Willis lhll wax happening another group from Barrie was asked In determlne respom sibla ya courageous goal or the new building campalgn in the light 01 resources of our cily assuming that the com unity fully mld on ma need or Iacllmu Ind leadership thn YLJWN mama V1héywcorncluded that goal of WM ahuuld be ill the Hm my mw Stall mm emumu can bum um you wilh flu but In Me lllt Ind lnwunct llnvill you to all dlop In my firm CHARLIE HEonnm um mu mu nhi Now all that Encoded 13 Ice Ewniner Photo wuwlnmmlh uuq mm Jam jP1reisident Relates achqmbéisifffifile 111A Ccmmunitv orvcommunfly batten1mm Wmcannot aflord to have all deslrahlechanges afi oncefbut we dn envision the Mn commlunfly we wnnt and will wo1k gowgrdslthat go The Chambers annual budget $16000 year is derived tram Incomeandlees and ex pemes are paid or salaria of staff film advertising and committee expenses The Chamber now has no aornmittees actively engaged in promoting particular aspects oi Barrie he said The commit tees are membership finance Fort Willow committee tourist promotion public relations re ception and social retail mer maniuactmem buildus exchange National Affiliation committee Armed Services liai son Provincial aliairs tax study Winter Carnival salel develop ment clinic fluoridation bulle tin telephone answering clinic office and top management sem inar in the new year and the most recent the Buy in Bar rie committee Mr Sarieant briefly outlined the operational pluses at these committees The For VIHow Commute ls trying to devdap hlslnnc site This hlscorlc site is the one Iha might help pull Ihe Chamber out of financial hole he lndlcaied Earlier he mentioned the In ance commluee and linked that Snevtlable mle of Chemfi her 01 Commerce to create and malnlaln leadership and also malnlain and hnproverlhe community welfare This was expressed last night by Robert Sarjeant president 01 the Barrie Chamber at Newark 1y Ys Mens Club dlnner at lheCeurRail restaurant The Barrie Chamber wnsnrl slanted almost 36 years For few years he said the Cham ber lapsed but in 19 the Chamber was revitalized and 13 today respeded force in the commuglty yvith 600 members gaugomgmas Angul CALDWELL DRUGS LTD 66 Dunlop Sm TRAVEL ALARM CLOCKS ELGART 595 WESTCLOX 995 ALLANDALE DRUGS LTDé Em Rand Hindom dulanl lor woman man and hlldrnn Ll 795 lo 95 795 II 79 l2 Ponmni BODY TALCUM mm COLOGNE AFTER SHAVE TALCUM PROELECTRC SHAVE AFTER SHAVE LOTION TOILET WATER DUSTING POWDER BATH CRYSTALS SPRAY COLOGNE BATH SALTS STICK COLOGNE plnk Ihavnr In nmovu hllr Ian Friendship Ggrden Also ley Shutmum by Sunburn vah bull ln llghh Ind Lady Romlnglon moduli THE BARRIE EXAMINER TUESDAY IDECEMEER 114951 L¥ PHILISHAVE COOUETTE slandor porlumnd VARIETY OF SETS FROM TO PIECES 150 UP TO 900 lADlES ELECTRIC SHAVERS FAMOUS NAMES IN SHAVING COMFORT PHILISHAVE REMINGTON RONSON SUNBEAM SCHICK OlD SPICE ELECTRIC SHAVERS for MEN TIMEX WATCHES SLQANS PHARMACY ROSS DRUG STORE un llkl lmh flown GIFT SETS Mayor Les Cook has agreed in request ram Ald Funk Hersey that Inquiries be made man olfldals the SimeonV CountyCity of Emle Emery ncy Measure Organization lo lee If some local alert system could ho ullllzed In use local emergency Ale Hersey said he was makl Ing the request because of Ike recent near disaster In Cornwall when chlorine gal leak from large tank hospitalized hunt dreds of peogle In that eily The sand he would make he inqulrIe not telling you to buy In Barrie nor arc we telling you how much to spend In HITv rie were merer suggesting that you Invest some money In Ear He he said Mr Sgrjeant emphnslzod lhal money sneak In Barrie remain In drenlnllnn Whether you an In the mall business or not it affects you your tax rate and employment and Mun emplayv menL In cos n1 53 W2 as everybody to get behind us in nnclnlly and support the cam paign You can gain and ya can do so by suppnmng since he Winter Carnival pro ch got underway he Cham her was slowly galng tale financial hole and nnb last ycnn the Chamber began go climb out OK Speaking or Ike Buy InBar rle committee he suggested We have the same recognized problem as do other cities our size that are close to thebig cum It in the lure of me big was M9 Ha mild the campnign was eh active to dale bullhat it sliil needed mnney ta carry on In The mane spent out of Bar rig is as why Seek Data From EMO by Shullon 150 by Shullan FA lHW PA MOO PA 021 150 LSO MMPJI 75¢ 995 795 715 L15 115 225 225 L50 250 200 115

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