Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Dec 1962, p. 6

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The Jumprr mndu In Vancou vrr ls mhl by cmnpuny hauled by PM Ryan Tor nnlo uhu am pm nmlrr rnco Inundny fill plnnl lo Invndn he v5 Mktl uhrm moon bnhlu no bum yrnrly ol slrrlchy rubber and rlolh bnnfls In hon he baby It hunt in dmrwnyl KM bablu loo young to walk than In exerch thrlr 1m Hus sum llme ll km he hable out lrmn under lhclrmolhm fact II was luvznhd by Vancou wr umndmnlhrr Mn 011m Ponlc who bonnwrd lho 1ch ram lndlnn prncllcc nl munmung lmblu lrom lm banana Ila praduu II he Jolly Jumpcr an em known In many Canadian nmlliu wllh Imnll thndnn but Vlmmlly un knfiun lnAlhyUnllcd Slum OTMWA CWA Canadian company is maunllnu cam paign ta pul some bounce In Amcrltnn bubln xlve lhem runnan 1an on IllaAnd per haps cvcn pravenl lame neuro lrom dgveloplpz IRAN RAIN warklng wife and mother finds horse In dilemmn Since nnlure Lhorlchanxcd her on cnlorle requirements sha must cat to kenp nulrlllan up alorle dnwn She writes My experience Indicate and my doctor concurl lhut In ur dcr ta cunlml my wish 20 paunds cannot consume marl HIM 1100 cnlorie day am all and years nld mummw llm 191 mm funI ufllb Illh II rmrm mu mm In ml More Bounce To The Ounce KEEP IN THE TRIM COLORFUL BOUQUET of muml centred he lea table at the RCAF Womenl Auxiliary Chrlalmu lea baz anr and bake nle Shown In top photo the ten tabla YOU All INVITED 10 WRIT Nutrition Must Be Maintained While Cutting Calorie Intake nun uul our Nu FUR STORE Dlnncr llnn lhc Inmlly mrnl nruuml lmn meal llxh or rhlrkrn pm on Ilnrrhy nod run new nr mm min nlwle MIMI with French lmz an lor flour pmllnxll Tho dlolrr may 100 cul nr 300 calorlu yuu can on load murnlnu men including mil nr Julcc nn mg strip at crisp Dawn lhln lllcc nl tonal lightly Iprmtl and Mnck calm 0n somu mnmlnzl ma rhan mlxhl be rmnl wllh hall cup or mllk rm like Ianll run And WYITDXK Allow I00 mlnrlu for lunch and 1m mlorlcl lnr Mn untr 00 enemy boogL Na Iwrrln having wclxhl cnulrnllcd slrugglo on Just mm chM mull day why not mm your enllng allcm mound aka nir nhnrn the caloric durlnu flu nclhc part the day Under this mtcm mm win he no cnuw Inr nccumuln 1an at aloruue at Natures mosl eunch way dcnllng wim mod is handle It In small divided lands when you go without and all day lung you lcnd lo uvcrcnl dlnncr Aml thus ynu Ihe alnge or lurnlng llm cxcm nod luknn nl Um Vmcnl into fut Working Wives In this prcdlclh mum lune In To keep vital nu lrlenls up and calories down each food must furnish it full share at prolecllve esscnllnls Flrfl however 101 in ndvcrlcnlly you are compllcnb ng lhn problem by skipping hrs5MB and SHRMIIIK lunch WM 00 es and how can dlslribule my enlanm My Inndcncy is sklp breakfast hare salad or lunch and conccnlrne must of my calories at Lllnncr In mnk lug suggcsllana please bear in mind but have to cook or QYHY am Job holder wile nnd molher and 50 must kecp my lmy len to rléht axje Mrs Hilton wlfe the command inz officer RCAFSlatlon Camp Borden pours Ian or Mrs Gray centre Pre sidcnt of BCAF WA while W©©KLW©RWPS DOWNYOWN lMRRlE ON BAYFIELD ST doctor frltml rtporlrd grrnl Iurm with lhln firm over erLm nnllcnl camnlnlnrd lrcllng llml and lnllrd In re lure on Loan calories dny lukrn mostly nl dinner Nu rnlwl Im rnlorlrn In 1500 llny nllvldrd Inln lhna um Tu In drlinhl she want nhlc lmo wrluhl nn alrppul up ml min and hm mmu runny on the lam Hm land The lGuldcx under his Imdbrshlp Mu llcld Mu Ilngm and Mn chs or Inn very nllrncllvn nble Chrlslmnx novelllrx Mhlch lhry hud crcnkd lhcmulvu min In drum Tolnl dlnnlr calories 530 In mo Mr Gm doll nblz Mrs Mitchell loy Tablo Mrs Iaznnskl nnrl Mm llauxlcn ulllllc oleplmnls Teamom on were under the convcnnrahip of Mm Harlem and Mn Lov nu Four draws were made during the waning the lucky winners belng Chrlslmns cake Mrs Lnngevin Pine Courl Drcssnd Dull Mrs anmt HcmA luck Crcs Hockey Sweater Sol Mrs Cnrmlchncl Cedar Cram Christmas Cake Mas Dmhl Henson Bazaar tunvcnnr wn Am Dnvlu Her tabla convcncn were Mrs IL Murray and Mm Hnnson Candy lublc Mrs Prlmm Mu Snawdan and Mrs Immlnman handmade and nanny lnblc Mrs Kirky and Mrs Punk bake luMc Mp larrwn Pym1 £051 The Ladle of lhe Womens Auxiliary held In very success ul Chrlslmns Bazaar and on on Wednesday in Ihc Social Comm RCAF Camp Borden variety of gin Hem mm on salc Miss Barbnra Dnvlos pm scnled the scissors to Mrs Hilmn wile of he Commandlng Olficcr and FL Florence Maynr of Andvrson Park whn Julnlly cu he ribbon Io open IE pmcecdjngs RCAF Women Host Bazaar Mrs Davies bazaar con vener looks on ABOVE Mrs 13 Stewart Minesing buysn Christmas corsage from Mrs Snowan while Mrs Yellawlecs exchanges greet lngl for ONLY $625 FIIHV Alfl UT DROP IN OR PHONE PA 61897 Hy MRS GRAY MONDAYS TUESDAYS WEDNESDAYS ONLY Our REG $l250 Permanent lor The lolluwlng aunlnllonx wm made Akeln Lloyd Wnlkrr Vnmhmnnl Ccrllncnlu and Ed Coop Camping Ilcprmnlnflve Thin Group rccnlml mgmh llndge or work lune wllh lhn Dlslrlcl llrnduunrlru TIIINITV CIIAI nun 11w nu mlhl wlll Ire hold on Hm hi pm In the Conllrtncu mm he Jinch TM wlll he The guest speaker was lntro duccd by Fllnhl Lieutenant IL IL Lloyd CD Vlccprcsdcnl anmwnsnun Dlslrld Councll my Imamsung sperm wns Riven by Group Cnpnln 11 lllllun CI Lnmmandinx Offic er HCAI Slnllnn Cnmp Bor dcn Scum musical mmbmwem prmnltd Iv Sill ll Paul mew CI nnd Mnjnr and Mr II II Dallfun mud slluZnlunx limo by Anlslnm Dhlrltl Com mlsxlnnnr mm CD jut read the letter from the woman who wrote that he and her husband prefer In drive In dll latent place every weekend rather than take an annual va cation likamost folks The Chalrman Major Knhler CD President lhe Nnunwasuun District Councll nskcd Major ll 9th CI to say Grant lurkey dinner with all the trimmings was mm by number 61d Guides Camp Borden Ah my The annual dinner the Cub and Seoul Canada was held ma Mrman Mess RCAF Station Camp Burden with Camp Harden Army Andch son Park Allislon and Everett represented Cpl andMrsW Melvlllc cl Morn Loon left un Saturday In holldny will rclnllve Ln Nlag am Falls and Bullnlo Mrs Welsmnnlllrs llch vlllas mother has returned la the nbnva home to spend the Chrlslmn holidays with her sonlnAluw and daughter helare returnan lo her home ln Cal gary Alla ANNUAL DlNNEn Perhaps she and her husband may come home hysically relreshed every Sun uy even lug but spiritually they must be jn pitiful ooqdillun too bad people be came so acllcenlred that Lhelr major concern finding new ways to amuse themselves Per haps this is what In wmng with our children With parents 524 MOTOR TRIP One qua me Dn hey go in diflerenl church every Sunday and meet all those nice pcopier Or do may meet them loliing around motel swimming pools In lancy res taurant and in howling alleys At first thought It was coincidence Whenever worn new drau or nun or sweater she would lay OhI have one iusl like that Then low days later shed show up in hers Afler while began lo calch on to her sneaky Men She went m3 hunting or lhlngs Exactly like mine alter she saw Please dont give me that oid baloney abnut imitation being the sincerextform of flattery am not flattered tamAN NOYED 10 PIECES Dell New You cant nu this woman in jail for buying clothes like yours so resign yourself She is going 40 con tinue to ape you and than that Oi cnurse its irritating but not worth Ulcerville No two peopie look exactly alike in dress or sweater Its what you put into it that counts Buttercup Denr Ann Lumen What would you say ur do woman you worked wilh had habit of going out and buying clothes exactly like yours CAMP BORDEN SOCIALVANWES Fm BARR EWINER lAiUflDAY DECEMBER ANN LANDERS Dy BEIIY MELVILLE CaVnApe Your Drape But Not Your Shape wlh ell IIII Ilyla romplvh Into saucepan put cup white nugnr In level up of your duser brand of forum 1an lo mm hm hm lbw corn llnlcll Mll n1 lbuclhrr wrll Then add lsp numa cup bolllnu wncr Cook on lap Mow sllrrinu wrll lo rcvrnl Imrchlnz unlll nice nmrlhlrk Add plrcu mler or marfinrlno Till almuld he rrmly then In In your take QUICK nolLlJD COCOA ICING Th RCAC Mess ladics Auxiliary he mg mg Iar momth meeting on 111m 1131 Lamnl evening loll nwad he mecllng orange lemon oz Innarlc acid oz uric acid tsp cpsom 51115 lbs while sugar sullnn wnlcr To the rind nnd julcc lha lemons and oranges add he cil rlc ncld tnnnric add sugar and snlls Tn Ihi add two unrls hot water Sllr until dim vcd Add Iho rcmnlnlnz lwu qunrll cold water Put In covered scalar and slow In mu wm keep for weeks Gct on fire first hing that maves andga home Beg your husband to take you back You have nouflng to lose and great deal to gain Like the privilege of raising ynur chil Christmas mealan and It 13 hoped mallagl ladies will attend SGTS MESS LA Tho Auxiliary will hold ll an nual Christmas Party on Dec ll NO pm The draw for theAlxxiliary nlfle will else be held on that evening DECEMBER MEETING When serving use Iymp la wnlur Dw Foalis Yau mm In be overlooking fairlylmport an detail You are sun mar fled If your husband Iqulr lng the housekeeper about per haps he too has lost sight of this elemcnmry act have been tn touch with friend and neighbor and have learned that alter tell my husband htmd housekeeper He seems to think lot of this woman and has taken her to social aflntrs She has even been accepted by my Msbands mrnlly dying to go home and ask my husband to lake me back but Im alraid he mlghl say no and it would kill my pride Should slay awny and make new lile for myself FDOLISH WOMAN Dar Ann Lllldtfll Afler six years mayrinse though Wu In love with another man Walked an on my husband and lwn children taking noth lnx but few clothes Mler slx months realized had made lcrrible mistake My xweelheaflmlssnd his wife and lamlly and we began to argue 0m night after heth had Jon much to drink he called me chgap home wrecker and locked me out of nut apartment ting such shoddy examples when are young peoyle sup paged I9 an solid values viauld like very much Esee this in prinlCONCEENEI but Coneemcdrflere it is Ind Im dellmed to print it seem strange lhnt so many ample hav trouble Mug one am week to the good Lord who 1m glvoqfllem so many years ASK Fonaivniqaés 4o OI1747 TODAYS RECIPE Inmmmnl Ilnnmrnmn TIIE BETTE Ira us lnr all yunr Ilnllnu nmlm We onlum lnlllmll llI nmm Mmm lnlnll nunplelu xclvclkm Inlexlnr nml mm pulnlu IW SI Irkr WA Alllslnn LEMON NECTAR on Am 51 INM MOORE MJ llll ll Mt Zion WJL WLxlllnk Well near ha main door wnn nn lnlamllnu Mum lnr liIIIc talk and wn nplmltd by Mrs Ed Lam and hrr nxxlslnnu at the Mellon gm Mm displayed by MI MM mu King Mn Iprclnl Icnluro The Cnnndlnn an room was most nllrucllvu with large pl lurc Ihe Mounted Police at the cnlmnm large In flank cd In Wall with Cnnmllnn ple Iuru um lhc Inhlcclolha were pretty wilh mapln leaves in red gum and urnn Thu mnln colour heme was ml while and blue and covering one wnll wm hcnuulul qulll ralcd Sulnr Making Time hundmudc by one am blmcoo County MI 151 Thu mum wns lmh lrull cup nnd hol lcn hlsculu Th1 lcn room was In charge Mn Fergus Kerr Mn Small and MIL Anderson lng mm the co was huge wnulh In the same design each place sctllng was large travel older to lnkl home The wnlls wem accented wllh lataw lilul pidulm Geltruly iLs bulldlngs museums and htnllh resorts Food here was all home made German cakes and pulry served with mung calml Mrs ll Pitcher MIL whiten and Mrs John Darling were dressed lnnutirentic Jup nnese costumes misled by Terry and Sherry Pitcher and were responsible or the Japan ese rnom called The Tea House the December Sumism All articles used in thl ten roam were brought back imrn Japan by Mrs Pitcher on re cent tour at that land Japanese tea was served in small bowl of real chlnn and the menu was delighllul assortment oi Jap anese cookies and pastries The low tables colnured lantern bamboo drapes Ind mas and apcslrlc made one think ol mu brothers across the sea GERMAN CAFE Also 01 special Interest was he German cale called Cafe Ilium min the dircdjon of Mn Jerry Dckkcr Mu Ralph Hunter and Mrs Ernest Cumbcr land dressed ln wailres alter lamlllnr In that country On the lndivldual tables were hand made Advent wrenlhs wllh our candlca each one depleting the our Sunday In Advent Hanging muSumlayslnfidvexl Ham French sidewalk cafe was In charge of Mrs Sydney Owens Mrs Paul McKetvey and Miss Shirley Spencer wllh French waiters Kenneth Inkster and Murray McQutgge The menu oomsted French P85 trtes and order were taken and given in French Exciting pas ters of Paris and other potnl Interest in France were used decoration and table French literature was on dis play Faur interesting tea and c0119 mm were artistically display ed to depict he All Nations idea with each one deslgncd for dillerenl country Al member he UCW shnngd In the success at the day with uulsundina conmhu Mon baking sewlnfi knitting handicrana and other ems and several nunmembers donned lmelyol their me and talent in the Interest ol tha chunky Entering on the man floor visilouwcre greeted by the president Mrs Newton Wilson VICEpresident Mrs Arthur Mer flu Mrs James ShIllon Iha ministers wlfe and Mrs Job Small Chairman Cammunlly Friendship The Sunday School Hall was decoralcd In he Christina lhcme Ms work cnnlrlbuled by Illa Senior Sunday School Class AEL NATIONS TEA ROOMS The new urganlzauon Wm men the United Church Canada thonghmnly one year old is capable at many new and Interesting pmjecls and mong hem was the Winter Fair held In St John United Church Alllslon Dec prIme Important In ma event wax the fact that all lhe organizations farmed wIIhIn lhs church took part In It Including the 1611 Couple Club Mean sense SenIor Sunday School organlsl Mrs Bruce Knowles St Johns choIr memberl and others Winter Fair At Alliston Depicts All Nations Theme son St in Barrie fimenlin her with tho luxurious fur 5qu Mr Vern McKinnon of Mo Proud wlnfier of this Kolinskl stole Mn ardinl DnvldA dinner wnsscrved In more than turkey bullet 200 near who lined up to serve Ihemse ves mm the army delicious and set or their Klensure Convene were Mun McDonald Mra Howard Dawney and Mrs Run Whlle nlde assisted by memherl St Johns Couples Clubv Carvln lhe lurkeyx ln whike aprons mg hats wen Rev James Shllkan John Darling and Ross While slde winked by David Som mervlllen FASHION SHOW est gown more than 50 years of All Nations Dolls showing the dross or more than 50 na ions of the world MissVKlnz was assisted by members of the CGIT who also operated hot dog and popcorn stand dur lng the day as well as rec baby ruling service In the Pri mury department under the dir cellos or the 0611 loaders giant bazaar was held In the hastmen hall wllh anlcles at every klnd or sale including mound of homemade Imklnn BQFEEI sums At pm lesbian show of wedding gown was held In the basement hall under the super vision of Mm Hexb Dunn and Mrs Arlhqr Merlin The old4 59 DUNLOP ST FLASH SAME DAY SERVICE REGULAR PRICES EXTRA SAVINGS SPECIAL HURON CLEANERS SLACKS PANTS FREE PICKUP and DELIVERY AND DRY CLEANING SALE Kinnon Fur Ltd The Kolinsld stole was the door prize given in the grand opening draw at McKinnons new ur store Dunlap St East In Emil Made or the lashlonshuw ware Mlss Cnml Lynn Hell Miss Kathleen Shiltom Miss Car ulyn Knowlea Mrs Gloria An damn Mlsl Sharan Pearson Miss Betty ancr Miss Gem llne Graham Mrs EL Fawcelt Miss Chmlam Hunls Miss Sheila Wllsnn Miss Judy Mb Knight Miss Shirley Gilmun Mrs Lloyd Small Mrs Jinddock Mrs Raymond Coin and Mrs Dpuglas Monks VCommentalbr was Mrs Jamel 511111qu and pianist was Mr Bruce Knowles Several selectlons were snni gggugol St JghnD Including Mrs Cave Mrs Drennnn Mrs Mr Knight Mrs McRuer Mrs Weeks and MI Slum The Unlled Church Womzn St Johns express their appnch anon also lo all those In 119 cnmmunlly who contributed in my way and who misled In making the Winler Fair re success of age wn In excellent con dition and Is now museum piece kept undur glass in lht Amsmn Pioneer Museum The Winter Fairfiwns omc ally opened at pm by Rev James Shillon who Ihanked everyone for their 9009mm and support or the event 35 EACH CLEANED FRESSED PA 85428

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