9am Yoir No 183 By EUGENE LEVIN VATICAN CITY APPPOPS Mn 19an the strain of ill ness May closed the lhst ecumenlnai mundl today wnh phase ol LhaRomnn cabana ecumtnlcal council odny wlth an optimistic look the 1mm He said he hoped the council would conclude in work in year and that he untlclpalcd wnuld bring bencllts or Chris tlanrunity Th Blyear4fld Roman Cath ollc rulnr addressed the 1200 council fathers In St Peters Basilica Itng thelr 1m gathering be low ulnamonth recess but my end SepL II uu Pope John told them they hnd mudu good bcgtnnlng In the counclls worknnd lhcn he ventured somethng he had never dune heteroan expres Elan possible target date or the conpcils IconcluslgqlL nu um wum Man prelim have am he round could last years at its present pnce THINKS DIFFEIIEZNTLÂ¥ The poï¬lm made clear he fligflzm differcplly mu There ls hapc he snld that the concluslnn walled by all our lalthlul chlldren may be COï¬ncilCbsed By Pope 9Month Recess SERIA Bruno Reuters Two plnnelaads laugh Gurkha troops arrived In this Borneo aullnnalaltaday 1mm Singavore alter sewn yursons were re ported llcd when armed reb els seized conlml Frldny of he Shell 011 Companys Serla re flngricst The Gurkhns were an vnnce party of eight plnnplonds 230 troops dispatched toqucjl the rebellion govemmcnlmokcsmnn In neighboring Sarnwak aald order had Men reamed In Bruno Town lhn canIaI but IhnI tho IItunllnn In SexIn and In Ihu nearby town KunIn BelnlI mi malncd xerIous nnd mIIlIIuy rc IIAIurccmenIa were an lhclr way are mymngsyan Rebels Seize Refinery Control Troops Sent To Queli Riot He and known casuallle 111 um revolt totalled seven dcml lncludlnn one policeman ll wounded Including our pollce mop npd 90 pernonsunrrcslcd lucu Ann North mica pallco an mcmbcrl rebel group Our Telephones For Examine WantAds Tele phone PA MM The lelgphana number to can on Iho Buslnesl ox mum Dept FA 66531 TM Gallium um wu on II mm hll In the heavy Inoulnll which conml Saul hulk Onlnrln ynlmlay blorllnl road and flamm ABDMINRBLE SNOWMAN reached In the glory of the cumatc Son Sad in the of Christmas in the content ycgr 05 Trentx yum up Thu centenary year would be 1963 Thu Councll mm me mm 1545 to $563 The council Inthcrs card nuls patriarchy archbishop and bishop assembled from nroum the warlddevated must at their ï¬nal sasslon to pon tlticalmass celebrated by Pnoio Cardinal Mnrelln Archpriest SL Peleï¬ run Pope John did no go to the basilica until After the mass He is conyalcsdng from an aggra vated stomach dlsurdar poss lbly an ulcer and serhu an emin th doctor visited him just beinre he wan to the basil ica rune crowd of 10000 in St Peters Square cheered when the Pope Appeared at the window his study tn the Vatican Inter In the morning Pope John recited the Angelus blessed lhe crowd and waved to them Armys mum Irrnnnu The Popes voice but usual Hrmrwss But he was pale and appeared ï¬red as he walked lnto the buslllca unaided and mounted lhpm to deliver My speecï¬h Latin changed ï¬re Weston near the Bruno harder early today ap pnrcntly In connection with tho revnlt mobs boarded planes Brillsh sources Slngnporo anld Britain was pulllng sell In position to fulfil trenly nbllgnllans In Brunei Bril ish colony since 1335 and um lnrgcsLulemduclng enumry in the Commanwnnllh uflcr Can ndu They aim claimed lhnl Sul tan Slr Omar All Ill was In pnwe tar Dalu SclIn Mann all was In control thu capital Brunei Town where heavy fighllng was rcpomd The lnsurgcnls believed lu be men of lhe pro Indonesian North Borneo anlunul Army nunckcd the Sultans pnlaco late Friday but were bcnlcn all Firs hint at serious lrouhlo came when pnrly about 100 armed Insurgents nuackcd Bru ncl Town pollu smllon They were driven nlf nflcr hard light Ina hyckn Ind Mrphm vlm Tim lrhlrnln ul llll bumh 1mlhum mum Mk nul unlnu lhn nlurm In bullul lel unawmun CF WIIY phmnl an marrieaï¬xammvr An mnce rcscuu ream todny alghtcd the body of one of a7 mkncrs Irapped some 650 cot underground by mecndaul cog mlno explo Rescuers Sight Bodv0fMiner um uuuv WM The mscuo party mlnycd word that was still some dlr lance 1mm lhu body and Iden Ilncullon could not he eslnb Ilsth lmmedlnlcly According to Us 51ch Car rnllon spokesman the body uy about 4000 not from the working am or lace at the tunnel when the blast cruplcd at 115 pm Thurndny The spokesman said It would be while More the menu unit could work way In the 03 mis mm mm wife nsst mine armnun Roban Minn get latest report 01 uml Fulc of lhu olhm rcmnlned unknown as Ihn mcum muz xlqd lo may nu mlnu aIllclnl look new lhe discovery la hundlul iolnllm and Mend standing Y4 REMAIN CALM Adnm nmnnkoukl whose son Work 19 wzu among lhnan upped mld the group ro colvvd ho Intoranlon wlflmul vlslhlu reading Vlml nskml lmik Thu dlxcmery In the third day of roundmocha op crnllnm by Ipednlly rnlncd clnllbmnn rtscuu uulu III In Uï¬ Slccll llnhrnn No mlno lurnled nhoul mllu south wuldul yummy tun Olllclnl Ilumnzovlhnl Isnlltd mlxlum CAnnucuAELs ya Mrkup41Exérbitant YIrAWA KinThu wlmlv Calumbln lllvrr lmnlu In lrllh Cnlumluln may well hewmn mowr mrrrly Ilnm ol walrr fur Hm Unllnl 15mm or pow nml nod mnlml umlrr Inc or tnnqulm hruly my Columhln mile 19 Manuxlunn The lnrmrr Cnnmllnn rhnlr mu Hm lnlemnllnnnl Jnlnl mmnlumn ll Frlduy ulzm Home mumnm com mlflw me wnmlml hy lulunl unvummnl my be Xnyul pcmlluu mmnmnruln lo Inwlrmrnl mo lnnlyn Mur rnre In vrncwvd lrdcrnHw UVH Ilhgunlngn um Under mm drnll lrmly nr Wham 11mm aver upnmllnz UJ IIprnnml or flood rnnlml un lhn Calumlull cnn nlvmh all nnndlnn ntnrau rnmcny munlrlpallllu and Imuslrlu upnml In nodpmnn um Fur lhll unlu uhkh vumld uvnla mm Mlllanl ul hum nl Inmmwnl up rm nlly In Ihc 111 IN my or Columbia Critic Says BC Storer Of Water let Barrio Ontario CanadaSunday bulmbar I961 gal and coal dust mucking all the hhm Fortyour other mine were warklng 1n dlflcmm tunnels landing tom ghgmn All were unharmed was he second explosion In the 15year history when The ï¬rst lust Ins October killed lwo miners one operadnns from members or rescue team yesterday tomocn as men were rapped NI prohrllum lhm II runmpcnmmnly provlIon or nululpurkcl txpcnm or oper ation nnll nplncrmtnl ol yumr Inn and mxno vnfue unlim lunl of cumpcmnhn for ocu nnmlc an la Canada ulnlnl dlrrcuy lmm Cnmuln lorgnlnu nllrnmllvo um nl llw Itnr Rluf One lrrnly nrrnngcnwnl hth lmpmvldnn and mum Aim In lhnl lhu Uï¬ nm or llhl nlmuly dalm II will pmcdrul lur Ilmllnr prov Mud on he mnl vhm ul llw lnrillc Imlhml whkh In Lnnmln nnrl flow nmm llu boundary lulu Almln Allomuy General nob Bonner above Urlllnh Columbln Ink Maulslrulu Vll llnm Evnnl Nclwn 10 will no to Ollnwn lo Invullunln Um poulblllty lnrelun mum lry ncccpllng nrlllsh Culum blnn mllvn Sons nl Frcrdom Duukholmn Cl ercpholn hurled vulm AM why do yuu lm nightly awry llmc BMMI mg lllpfnlfll£l lr polllnms mm mm ml you mm mm do you T0 OTTAWA mrnllfd MrNIuahlan HERES ONE TEN SAILORS AND VGVIBLI TORONTO CF Premier Rohnrls has lndlcnlcd that On lnrlol lcglslnluro member will no llkcly have lclxurcly week In whlch lo do Ihclr Chrlslmns shnpplng in the mine after an explos ion Company amclnls 1mm right AP Vlrcpholo flle promlur told lhc Hnuxo Friday mm It probably would unlll Dem ID or 20 In Re much lcglnlnuvo hunlnzss mullnlo out lhn way below lho ChrlxlmnsNcw Your mess Ha nnld lhu lemon which omncd Nov had begun wcck lacr lhnn normnl lMI year and In pmrozun by Ihu lmdlliunul vrel¢nslcr mm It will ncccunry tn Ill lnlcr bu 0w Chrlslmnx Session Sits Near Holiday The Man llkcly would ro Iume In lulu Jnmmry or cnrly February ha mld Tho rcmlvrn cnlculnflunl lrmptcd Dl lander Donald Cv MncDDnnlrl In Mk ha nonm mcnl wm lnylllfl la ml mm pkloly In mulblllly mm elccllunl SYDNEY Auxlrnlln Reu lcra 21yeamld Nor wcglan girl nhlpwrcckcd on lroplcnl island with 10 Miller aald todu when nsked ha been Mame nnl be IIHL The boy have been wonderlul mu amd nclunlly Ill been qullu un FinnAlumna lhu Koolcnny Hm lnlo Hm Cnlumhln Immlr walm ln Cnnndnwnnld Inuvu lungmm UB Minna Ilvn uwr Innmllnn chnlco wnlrr um In pvmr and Mom cunlml 2m ughlnn rellm In Avril mm llw LIC wlxlch helper up Hm lrmly wan mnklnu hll um main vubuc uIlunncc Ilnru Hwnl lmw mu Th9 zcnrrnl 71 had called his rcllrumcnl ha xlcchlan al Allrfllfll nml lull no liquid Mum In lxlme Mlnmar lllrlcnlmkrr whn um um um uqll up In mu mw Illa Alanmenu Fltdny came in lhm plllk ma mmlnled mull Ion In Lllwlnl Lander lumn Ind Nm ludrr DmIIXnI 11 1mm lollnwul lecrll Alamm In flu Cmnmmu Frldny mul out 01 urdcrlo dolmll um ï¬qlulqyln ML llohnrtl lld nul reply um vllfllmm Whlll Mumlam My beau and mum he Ihm Inv smmenla edcnlnchlm pun nmalm lbw llmnclnl Ind pom muml LONDON ABFor lhe ï¬rst time in Ive days Londoners awoke today to clear aldea and Ihree log The smog Id 106 person dead and more than 1000 In hospital withchest andhenfl nllmentm The cos the our day pull of dlrt and darkness was expected to reach 512000 000 $16000000 and possibly as hlghfg £9000000 900000000 Hrlllsh Europbnn Alrwnys lost more than £160000 The airline cancelltd more 1th 300 flights other nlrllnea also were al fcclcd lhe closure at London Airpqrt yr 9ng days hundred ships were wailing in get into Imdan docks many oi lhem since many Another 21 vesseis have been waiting Susi as long in get out Lioyds he big shipping insurers esti mated Iho wailing would pm duce massive i111 Ldndoh Skies Cleariï¬gaini Smog Is Gone Scotland Yard mu hnl to wurk out the cos of the mate robberies which made Lon don bandit dellghL with pmcUcnlly everyone wearinl masks and thick log to cover their tracks the crooks staged series of smash and grab ragdl bank the and Ilmllnr irlméa Confuslon descended on south western 10 Frlday heavy snowfall blankcud the arm or the mend day cufllng hfdm and telephone services oslng schools annrllng high way lmfllc and lsalnllng um n17 pangmunlllcn Weather orccnsls seemed to indicate the mm which sinned Wednesday had blown liseli out and prediction for iha weekend worn or imminent snowiaiis and rain with icmpcrniurcs Foncraliy dropping bciaw irccz nu polni The CimihnmCcdar Springs disiricl wnn hardest hil An en limnicd 2000 leicphonc wu rendered unscrvlccaiile and hundreds of Kent Counly resi dcnll were wiihunl hydro power DLpnrtmcnl of highway snow plow cleared uii the main Sécond Day Heavy Snow Closes Schools Snarls Roads By THE CANADIAN PRESS NEW YORK AP Sovlci lroom ln Culm wcru rtpnrtcd ho cngnicd Hm cunnlructlan un urn orllllcn llona and additional nlrflcld hrnughaul he Inland this New York Tinch mys Vnrhlngtnn Ilspnlrh by Tnd ï¬zulc my Muller report on 150 nrllvluus dnlcd Novr In wux rarrlvrd ram llnvunn through nnllCnslm lulelllxcnco dmnmlu mhllnu nan 51mm ml uhlle lame Sovlel mllllnry rnmpl hm hem clnml nXI In llmllon were lhnt mnny Snvlcl lnlln mud mlvlsm remnlnod In anlmz lhnl Imshim Ken ncdy lflld ho had born lnlurmcd hy Moxcaw Um Smlnt cumlml room In Cuhn nlm wuuld Im mavul 11m Timex nnyl Hm numhor Iurh mum MW bo lloml In In lmlMcu 5000 ml lama mm Construction Is Reported 11m mum Mmmml lhn nlury myl lhnl 1h muslnnl wru nnw mmrvnlmlhm nhl In ulmn umA lu meniny nnd Imprnvn lhrlr denum nlnmx Hm llnu nmvenuannl nnnnmtnl WWW4m mum ONLY l3 By pQN mienr OTTAWA CHFine MP will undertake tho task 01 stud lng tho pomplex eehnlcally tangled Hold drugs pom aides and weedkillers The House ol Commons unnn ingously unread Friday to set up thecammlllee But Lib eral amempt to have the cast of drugs Included in he Invent gallon was mledout of ordgr ï¬nally undiluted tha cammmen will consider and re upon the law and gran ces relnllng to the control the lnlroducllon markellnz and me drug and the danger nrlslng mm the contnmlnallon load by the use chemicals to kill weeds mum and other pests The 15 committee members hive not ya been nnmed1t ls Ilkely they wlll be chosen next meek alter allApnny can sultnllbï¬ HAS THE TALENIZ mm There appears be plenty mva to choose mm among tha pomlcluns committee well vtrsed in he auhlecl Commanx membership Includes 73 mules lram Chnthnm but traf Hc wax moving slowly 11 new wnl movan ens wurd Friday night lnlling In London SL Thnmnl nnd Wood ltcck but highways remained open 75L Thoma reported henvy nnowlnii wilh ilmiicd vision There was some drlitiann ihu Woodstock men when OIECMH prcdld winds mining to 35 miles per hour Saturday DIG OUT CARS chcrnl can blocked by ihe heavy snow and ahnndnncd Thursday night warn siili bcinl ug out Friday night on iilgh nyn and 401 in tho Chnihnm Windsor disiricls number at irnnsnor drlvm worn iorccd in spend ifhurldny nlnhi in the Inuwbaund Amhcrniburg men Mos mud nth In Essex and Ken counllcs dcclurcd holiday Frldny nnd Iho Ichcd ulml openan at Lamhion Cen lrnl Cnllcglnle in Sarnlu Wfll postponed nm Ilorml were blamed or at local lwo death Frxdny mm An unldcntlflcd mun wnl klllnd In mfllc nucldcm on lllghwuy 73 near Aylmen OnL hum pallcu laid the road was nlippcry and bluwinz Inow ru duccd vmblllly llamlllon mnn WM rcporlcd dead Iull or hum nllnck Inflated whllc lhOVEIlll mow In nrca dcpnrl mm or hlglm crew mohll 1m nll cqulpnmnt to clear VAWA om 1cm mam Inld Frltlny nluhl Hwy lmd hmkcn up Imnl flwluc rlnx Mlh he uml HTrnruhl buy llll urnlml nu Hm Ilnxvlnmhr and nlher pvrumu wtwrm llw um and 77 Four nlx mlulll hunted wm plrkul my wcm About In lcnvo nr Inlnnry um um Inkm lu Mull Stu Mnrlo about 15 mllrn Ioulh nl ham lmnum hm In 1m In ant Eighm Slaying In Boston Area IIOSTUN Al lolkn In Iuhuvlmn Wlnlhuvp ma rnuhnuln Ixxlny will Mlnl Appear in be lhc mm unmlml nlnylnz maltr Ilolon women In Ill mnnlm 110 lalul Vlrllm Mnnmrrl ndlznm l1 nmncrup In Ion mum nrcMImmn mnprnlmn or qun he llnmnn Culhullc Voulh Orxnnlmllmu l4Year01d Boy Is RingLeader MEXICO CITY Ml Cuhnll auulmnu Iank 91 mm ml with 20 whom ulna Cuba lhrn mmhlnv ummnl lhr Mustu In Hm um Culmn rxll nrunnlmtlon mmrlal lndny le Mml fluvnlnllonnry Dlmlnrnlo bum hm In must nl lhu nuwnm lnrludlnl ulx thlldrm mu klllrd The nlhm rflurnrd Cuba um um nilcd the mm mm uhl AUnunA 0m polktmhniml Duludo oftlclnl rrhlny mm mud Iwo mllllu mnunl Mimi III meal cl pr mod Inllo hm um icd 1n mm they In near here ImImIal 101qu mum mi km and Ethnle Alumrvlm ll lle mum will hOmnnr na mu IA Student Group Reports Sinking Marital Patienis Coaxed Frpm Hiding Liberal Ruled Out Of Order Inflttempt T6 Include Cast NEWS BRIEFS rl II mm nu mm ll lhe mum mun glued up ham Anénmuy Demanded lbs mm Nov Mrm Thin 7c pelj CgpyM Page 01mm with mwflunies to 0114 gym éu ï¬e cwé Local Weather yen 33 faxmen ISx medical doctors three denllm two drugglstag and one drug manu facturer Paul Martin LEssex East sought tho inciusian oi drug costs in the in Iliry because in matter at has greatly agitated the Canadian people Ha wan backed up by Douglal New Democratic Party leader who xald soms drugs are sold markups as high 7000 par can ï¬nd qrug mEnulnctï¬rers are mnliing orlullnn milks Spenker Murcci anhcri re jecied he proposed amendment hecuusov it might tend lo widen line scope of the original resolu ton Health Minister Montcith aug gcsted that the quesiiun oi costs might await release at the re port by the restrictive trad practices ccmmisaian on the drug industry But he did not ruleth the possibility ot the cammittea tackling this subject anyway up comm len to decldc whether market lng in In terms of rmrence would him in the costquestlon Mr Monlellh mid he belleves that the term relates to the whole process of mung dru on tho market with proper an gunrdll ms OVER BOARD Inolï¬e Cofninhné buslness Friday dausebyclnuw study thpnnnylcmlnent hm tn game flu AtInnIIe Development Board was resumedbut It amounted In dice to anolher chapter In Iha genera dehnm staged Ior Ihggedaya gprlicr In Iho into the meal of the hill amendment which have been signalled iram all our parties in lhn chnmher would hnve come up and with lhem palsihiy crucial voles Ihcre in 1mm ngrcomcm ruling out such voles on Friday when many MP3 uro iwuding home in thc wccknngi In tho llnal hour olFrldayl gluing them were only 38 mem ber In nuandnncc CLEVELAND AF Rosl dcnll ol northern Ohlo und wcslcm Pmevalmnlu Mrklcd May lho munumcmal Jul dining nut from me of In want mow storm in yearn Iran 38 xlarmtnnncmd dcalh worn rcporlmL mas cl lhcm mulllnz from hum nt lnck whllo Ihavclllng nnuw of mm mm Incddclnls In Ohio nlond lhuru wcre known dcnlhn Thousnn nl molmhu ruck drlvm uml hul amnxcrl warn drama by he norm llmt Ilnrlcd Thursday dcpcllml up In 21 nchu wow and nunl dzflu ql flap 11s 20 Tho loflmmhs round muse ln armhoqu or tmwranncy fled Crou ahallm up In puhllc bulldinnl Olhm maul 0r mm huurl ln lhclr whichs Ohio Digs Way Out Snow Storm hgi