LAS VEGAS Nevr AFD Warid wciierweighi champion Emile Grimm took thinkl my ï¬bu chalicngur Jorge Frmndcz oncd lhreo isnand llnai mum Thursday lpreparm ram ended Jar their lEround um fight Salurda night Themyenrwd champion Wm Naw York had but one compiaint Co manager Gil Clancy rccammendcd lhli Emilia iei hII beard grow in ihe flnni dnyl leading up to the match Hm smug 1me nncmnm 1mm me said Grflmh wide ngn he l°31ilz Champ Opponent Ready For Hookup r11 he xlnd thuï¬ 1ch 113m 513d Lean shave oil Fernandez once again pie dicted he will win tha Mlle 1n lhgjattgznnfly gelqvlud boA wflvm wnIied loo Innilwo thy Arguytlnn 49c but him twice and Im do It Igaln They Km me ch than and the dcgl Femnndet 27 Miami Gm flu received gm minions In their two lormmd matches In 1990 whlphwcre pold hum ether gained prominence dnAWA cmA form an In cement of longtem cm ogimvc agreement between dnl twp tgevlnlon gel on telavblng bail League game ex to bu made some ilms nex week 1M was slated Thurme by Sp cer Caldwell president tha1privaleiyawncd CW Tele vhijn Network Limiicd follow in meeting with Alphonso Ouinet president oi he pub licivqwncd CDC LongTerm Agreement Reached By Networks Sllh an agreement cxv ectd In Include arrangement or kwlnl coverage the Grey Cup gum Ind um avoid Ihe billet controversy that marked the ltlovlalnz of 1m wukendl 11an football clanlc In Tor on onto Ewrylhlng going along llnl Mr Caldwell xnld In an Intervlzw In Thllfldlyl clam union at CBC hudqJnr cloned an egg htje Ha kurflbed It In vary good meeting and said he did noylhlm it viouid be necgmry to havt Another personal tel llDfl wlh Mr Oulmel here comucnan gunman The TV president Ind CBC mkuman hath pointed out Hm complicaled mat ter 1n wrklnz out ï¬nal ar nngcmmu but undenwa that Ihe nmaluing point to be cleared lp an 01 data and tachnlul mame Continued from age elght need tno more defenders len Armstrong played the final few games but has been absent tom the ilneup mentl Km Robertson and Charlle Hastings are both com fcuton but they cant carry the load when the other all dam It usually works out that when one or two of the lluellnen are playing good the other arent doing thlr job 111 nu qunnu The trio of Alvln Smlth Chrls Clarke and Chuck Edward Are the blggesl threat scoring wlser Smlllr cleverallckhnndlcr and pln mnker sols up both Clarke and Edward or scorlng ances and the results are lmprcsslver In the Fa cons 108 win over Mldlnnd Chrls and Al each polled three goals wllh Chuck draw lng assists on almost all of them All three scored In last Sundays game JV celua are out for defencemcn of senior calibre but notling substantial has turned up yet Vlth Held in the llacup Alr mlghl get an opportunity to return to the cmnrq Mao Gnrry McBrldu slnr lenwlngcr ls another top goal gcllcr and presently holds donw second place In the scoring men with Smlth nnd Mr tlcd or third Mc Bridq busllpr and mpg oitgn 111th m3 ofjf unuu Maser has been uhunllng tho or no around trying to come with wallbalanced attack The rest of Gm zonal me come from Moe We Low Stod darl George noormnn Russ Cameron Mr Forbe and Sanderson mg Gord Gow has yet to come thrqqgl bl hiyylny glgadlly lmprovllng AL MIUK OOINfl OME DETROIT AWDalton fled mm mm wlvm nmudny mm We Hmluk my the menu omrd laid roach flld Abel lu la xnlnl hum In Inn um bnl SPORTS CHATTER Iï¬Tih With angina 10 01 he 3533 the Bay City Falcons have the polcnllal to go nll the way to the gap They also have the huslle and thats lmll ho provo IL wuknnd doublohudor nunlnsl Bradford Would have bcnrlng on the future and no one known thll bellcrllmn the Falcons now nll they have to do In lam Mllull um In lha Hall Hqu hum Im new only In xonln In umu mm Manluk II nnllvu of Int IIIMKE Mll Illwt Billings Dec Few Mlln hem Dar vll on 27 Narlln In Vrcocl on Snow 01 Rond Thou Iollow alum BARRIE CHALLENGER The CBC 01mm said good dealvof ground was covered In the tension which ended when Mr Oulmfl had to leave or Montreal aq edge bquneg In an earlier lutarvlaw Thur day Mr Caldwell mid the Im portant mm In having an demanding and cwperaflva mixIt and than now have Dunlln ol the hopedlor ar rangement havg nut been re leased but Informant say ï¬lmy he nlonl lhe follow nes It would run or least Iva years and would cover both he Eastem and Western football oonlerencu 1h regular lesson DETROIT nedwmmmsu lulu goal mm mm mm mqmm For we and met the TV rights or Eastern Cnnndhn onlan are held by Tomnwtel evlslon Italian cmTv Qnd 1n the Wen or 1963 by CW John Damn CFTGTV pmldtnt accompanied Mr ll an the Ice get lot pro Thursday 1M proposed that In two nuwom xpm regular lealon coverage and have joint covgh 15 olhg GrcyC ï¬nrcï¬ jade53606 ln pr er Snlurdaï¬ gnmcl Iur ll Ca nadian toolnll lclccnmunder mpgrallvo axleemeul This man crv carml balls Ewem and Western Confer ence game exclullveLv CDC broadens US Nallonal Dob ball Lungu game on Sundayl and hid clccm number at AUTOMATIC DELIVERIES PA 82563 SlMCflE PETROLEUM 55 hm noma Inï¬lltry Canadian callegé gamel on Sal urday NEW YORK APlBuflala Bills of the American Football Leanna Ilgned Dave Behrman Mlchigan Slate centre lhurr day He was their top dnlt choice and also the No pick of Chlcuu Bean the Na llannl Football Lgngue action from chm teammate Baswn Bmlna Irv Spenc er 22 tries mm In that in llrst period game at De Behrman was the locum No NFL pick to bc grabbed of by Ihe rlval AFu But an NFL upokeaman de here that tho Imt waffledxel Weve sign W6 01 our that round choicu he make man said WI too curly to foreign lrgnd Bchnnan from Blrmlnxhum Mlch ll IixfooMlva and 254 pognds Eehrman II reported to hm laid that Bulimia offered more money than the Dean and there were other thing Ian that werent In the contract The EL you it ylgyer gilt AH Bills Sign Top Draft Choice Saiurday and lhe pIckcd on Monday Plnycu are you to go with the hlghm hid Her It zcnernlly concedcd In pro onlball clrclcl that Don An em Rams the NFL have the Inside Irnck on Oregon Slat quarterback Terry Dakar the Heisman Dmphy wumerru lh nnllonl pulqlaydlnl play Baker ll also belng wugï¬i by Toronto Argonauts of flu Cann dnn Football League Spcclallxr Mnynncuflcrn lane analktrl sptclll Old Ynun Sptrhllul in good mlc whm you dwou luxury MIth Al popular pvlco WItr Sptdll 0M Good Lute 50ml Inch lllll mummy hm made Cumhl lug Iclllng pnpular pvlml winlg Nut lmc nuke ll mint In In Wnlkrr SpecldOld mun up DUIIIIIIIOOIOV nann HIIAM WALKIZR SON LIMIYLD nlnvmoJuuol MONTREAL cm Fury Mm coach Montreal Alou ztln and member the Ca nadian Football Leagues mien commlllce saynjha Wants Mmeout ayltem or LM Inna dlan sumo would open the way or some Icrrlllc suspense fln lshcs he sald In an Interview Now we hnva no way stop the clock except or Drona phaney Injnrlul Maia uld timeout would be allowed in tha 1m lwa mlnum each half adding however lm against the frequent grrlaleguu United Slates loot the us game each learn lallmned live limeout in each Mesa also proposed two other rule chug He would like In blocking on punt or lha receiver relulnlng lha ï¬veyard pmectlvo clrcla until the piayer touches tho hall roll Inn night Detroit play er amleorm Ullman Mnrccl Pmnovast and An dre Pranovml lugghu Moss Wants New TimeOut System And he lay the rules uhould be mended tom the onen slve teams lino to puma one neond bola tho ball LI mapped ONLY DEAD PLAY Regarding punts Moss said The present punt rule in nu nnly dead play In wonderful gnme WI one man agalml 12 But with blocking would bu lmmendmu crowd pleaser Ha laid he tried to hnva ha rule amended hut yen and drew IUPYOfl mm Ottawn Funk But Jlm Trlmhle Hamilton and Bud Grant Winnipeg were ugllmt It Moililald lhe onesecond paum by the offemlve line needed because tho cadence switch give the olienee cheap yardage and cheap am down Looking ahead tn next season Mm feels the prospects are bright We have the youngest over all group of impelu dual cit Inenahlp Inlays and homnbredl In Cane an pm loom Our Mumproblem In lha defence We bogged down wmethlnz flares in that department Ottawa Hamfluon 1mm and Winniwl In particular rolled up far loo many points against us Our pantingwnu also pathetic most at the tlmn tabbed or the Muted regul ar Dehangoalle Terry Sawv luck My won AP chpholoJ NEW YORK AHFuture Walker Cup gull competition will be mud on 1311ng matches Instead 0136 the United Stale Gals Anoclallon reported Thurldny nu declnlan mung play belwcen amateur golfer ol Iho United Stlles and Grad nfllaln was made oilowlnx an agree ment with the Rays and An clcnt Golf Club of St Andrews Scannd Golf matches Out In Half The 1963 Walker Cup mulches wlll ha played at Turnberry Scotland May 2475 with our Iahala loummen In the mom lng and clghl whale llnzlel snatcth In the nflemoon ench ay IN MI unnqu Nan rookie wlkh solid an my part ram whole province had his pmflngln the Nazloml Hockey League Thursda gm Detroit cenlré Max Faulknar the ï¬rst Newfoundmnder to make the NHL scored anus and assisted an lhewlnnhux soul by llncmnte Bruce MacGregar In the Red War wln over anlon Bruins It wu lhennly NHL conust lhugday nlEPL yaw Detroit was trailing in iiveminuia mark 01 Jim third period but two main within 52 sewnds by Parker MacDonald and Gordie Haga iieq it ug MacGregor ï¬red he winner with Ian than our minutes play and veteran delenceman Marcel Pronovost Iddedan In lurance mar er In the lust mln ule alter anon 503110301 Perrcaull had been nplnced by slxth attacker By THE CANADIAN PRESS Fdfllkner Makes Gobd Alex Delvecchlo and Gordla How Detrolt moved up In the National Hockey Leagues his seven as result of Red Wqu victory over Boston End 313 However Chicagos Ab Mc Dunald and sum Mikiia remain tied for the land with 15 poinisi McDonald has 12 Ennis and assists while Miklia has eight £09 an agsisisi Alex Delvecchlou assist last night movgd hlm Into third place tle with Montreals Ber nie Geoffrlon and New Yorks Anldy Balhgate all with 13 po 11 Hélps Geolfrlon has goals and 12 Isaiah Bnlhgate eight gnala and 15 assists and Delvecchln Ix 3931 99d 17 assists Howe Delvecchio Net More Points Gnrdlu Howe moved up notch In the big saven by scor lnz goal and an assist to put him in sixth place wllh 22 paints mud up of 10 anal and 12 aim Torontos Frank Mahov lIch holds down but slot with 211 mm on 14 goals and an Ma By THE CANADIAN PRESS McDonald mime Mlklta Chicago Gnoflrlun Mammal Bulhglte New York Delvecchlo Detroit Howe Dalton Mnhuvllch Toronto sundlnn Chicago W011 12 last lied points 30 Polnln Mchnald Chicago and MlldllY Chicago 15 GOIIIIMBPIDVllCh Toronlu mum 1mm Chicago and Dclvecchlo Dclrall I7 sunken all Chicago and Snwchuk Della Veteran Johnny Bucyk line By THE CANADIAN PRESS Th lenders Paula Young Detroit 33 NHL LEADERS lo mxumann Aunmwnn Gnanaem mm Murray 01va md mokio Bub Leller Bbllona goals The lupl was theJmh might or the lucklesl Brulna The wing movad Into second place ln the standings vaulllnz over the ldlo Toronto Maple Lam Firstplace Chlcm has 30 points Delmlt nu 29 Tor onto 28 and lourthplaca Mont real ha New York Rangers follow In tlflh place wllh 19 point and Bruins are lntha cellar with 10 points GET LENGTHY GREETING Faulkner wywnld who Bllhbpl Falls Nfld re celved yumlong telegram signed by 4000 Newloundland walkwlshm balm the ï¬rst gagm this geason The brush cu centre Lpandcd with goal in his scu mna debut The goal turned out to be the wlnner In 31 win over Montreal questién amang sport 111 big gwlougqlapgl lhlg vyin an flaw dlq Algx dur Newspafers and radio and TV muons hi nullve province cant tell dlandern enough about Faulkners ax plalla The opening Red Whig game wan broadcast llva to tha Inland One St Johns newspa per carries lepnrqle story an Faulkners performance in each NHL xnmg But apart 1mm Newfoundland Faulkner haml auxacted much attention In the um lhlrd hi rookie senwn He has scored has been cenlanz the Wings Kld Lina with Mac gregur 21yearold newnd your man mm Edmonton on right wing and Larryvdeflrey myenwld rookie lrom God flch Ooh on In wing pm 110an The Kid Una has been ovar xhadawui In the Wingsearly Ieason mm by veteran llne Alex Delvecchlo between 3+ yeamld Howe and reinve nnled McDonald The Delvecchlo Howe Mac donnld trio is the highest scor lng line In the leagua at this olnt Deivecchlo has 73 Lnts Iowa 22 and Human 911 Sydney NS Chkaxnl Stan mum and A1 McDonald share the league scaring lead with 15 We MacDonalds goal Thunday night was MA nth ol the season and Hawes mung Chicago coach Rudy Piloul mmmed up the Kid Linal per formance so In his mum re canal when he 811 they dont keep any skating records and than when Damn has had tho Jump INTERNATIONAL Plowing mow and other extrarugged jobs are cinch for Uni ruggod uonnywhero Scout Yet for n11 iln power and onllurnnco the Scout is smooth and sporty on tho blghway And heros more comfort by far lhnn youll ï¬nd in ulhcr4vhc1drlvnuility unlla Whnluvcr your jobyoull do bolwr with the Scout AquEL DRIVE on nnywhuvl Canvom In Iocnndl 2whool drlvu CONVERTS WAYS TO DO ANYTHING mlppud or mlan conmllhlo pickup mum wanna FOVUR CYLINDER 035 ENGINE Ml run luck dnéunncn In an com Cam In 030 Tm drlva lha 31 DUNLOF STREET WEST IARRII ONTARIO WHART zplngnuiqs that skate mp Denall has playad two game Im than leansleading Chl cnao and one time less than 1111ng age mmnw ow Thursday nlshlp game the Win ankad wnlvm an Vic Stanluk and the mam forward towconch Sid Abel hi ulna homo to Canada mg qcpnao QNLY men 33 In his 14th sea on In the National Hockey League has cored any goals In 21 amen Ihlg sewn Hewasnt In uï¬lIorm for In lame wlIh Boston Alter ho game Abel huddled with Stalluk or 20 mInulu and than an nomcedthe wnIvers and Ink Staxluk planned to fly home Frl IlmPEV émnik in nhtivg nrLeth Midge gum Thursday nights game SnDs troll Wu seen by only 7781 Inna the small crowd at the Olympia In 11 years ï¬lm snow alarm held allendan dawn Tha weekends games could lean the standings lonklnl Detroit visits Montreal Satnh day night and Chicago plays in Toronto Sunday night the lour leodlng team switch partner as Montreal play In Chicago and Toronto travels to Detroit New York and Boston ploy backwhack series ovor tho weekend wlth the two tea meeun In Boston Saturday to In New York Sunday INN the standinzs loom much diflerent EVERY GIFT FOR THE Nullnnllly manned 35 Our Pflu $2995 Whan You Thlnk 01 EQUIPMENT TRY Blmcoe Cnunlyl budlu Eponlnu Goadn 0mm 50 DUNLOP 81 WEST PA HM GARNERS 5mm mm ARLBERG SKIS SPORTSMAN SPORTS