Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Dec 1962, p. 4

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it erl it mum on 1mm aim muIv inifiu WILL LEARN Fort William llmcrlournnl Frcu cnlcrprhc larmcn producing mllk In Ontario who prclsed or mur kcllng board under govcrmncnl regula tlnn and gel ll may not be happy loday Democracy monnx he will of lhc mn jorlly must be followed Illls In ac cepted 1th It seems nlrnngc that blg newspaper Illouhl lpcnk volunlnry means In connection with qucnlon prime publlc lmportanm One the metropolitan newspaper says it in againai fluoridation on the ground ihnt we pose achievin by compulsory means could be ac lev cd by volunla means This argument had been amp eyed consistently by op porlllan groups but it bears iiiiio rela Ilonahip to the democracy they prolesn lo espome Snobblslmess there ls and nowhere la It more evident than at the lntelleclual level It la this more than anthuated Provlnclallsm which keeps trylng to make Toronto bigger and hlndera spread of advanced education ponun flies to centre removed from over crowded metropalltan aeaa The decision of Metropolitan Toronto citizens to fluoridatc the citys water nup ply has been taken with poor grace by some of those In the opposlllon nnkx But the majority of voter have spoken Iand Dlluorldallon will go into effect early 03 Support or university ex ansion came recently from the head one of the newest in Ontario President Murray Ross of York University His suggestion was encourage the growth of commun ity colleges across Ontario to take the resaure or the larger universities Why such colleges have not been extab lished belore must relate either to anuw quated provinciaiism or to an intellect ual snobhishness which refuses to recog nize the value 01 American inventive ness Metro Backs Fluoridation or pumm you In em 1mm mm Imva mum mum mm nus rub mun mom nu mum Alumna lunlll um In mum 1mm nnwn t1 hung nu on fl Community Collége Ideal For The Barrie District lloi 0mm 0mm in min ma hm Mull bid nu mm Prcschiwunlvemllel about not be ex The Barrie Examiner fifiafifiz Emmy Amumd mm or Qt Walls Publisher TWO OUT OF THREEDOCTORSRGBEE imflflmfifl uu Mimfflol min mm An rman ralhml ul 6mm mm vmw OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Pubuslied by CanamanNewspapm Unmet Bayfield Street Barrie 01mm ublLsher Brian Slalght Genera Mainager FRIDAY DECEMBER 4er SMOKING Hrnnllord Exposllbrl the government was genulnrly cun ccmml lo gel lo Ihc bollom of the drug prim myxlcry would II have allowed Ina unconscionable Ilawdllnu that has wna on or nearly llvc yam and mm It have adcd nl this mmnenl lo Imposa fur ther May whllc Canadians mlny of mm Ill elderly and wllh small meant continue In no Mg hlm far dmzs Ilon mnnl hnm Cannnl Ilawa or mice plats people hetero pomlcn with this government decision in Ivor oi moralurium on the application prim formula which Ilinwcd milkpro ducer iflcrnl incrma No nnly mllk product but Iovml nlllor rlnnm wppllurl who have lmon filvlnu more and more conlrol their uslnm lo gavernmenl wlll nvcnlually awaken lo tho Id llnl government control In not me my arrangement may once thought ll would be portant uestions Fluori atlon has proved itsell in other communitlea notably Branttord when decay of teeth hal dropped dramatically The treatment is not form of rat poison some at the dlehnrd oppon ents would have us believe it wil not yellow the teeth make the hair all out or give ul doublevvislon lla emplo ed to relect the teeth of our children tun he ping to uard their health No one object to rlorinntion oi the water lup ply to kill harmtul germl WIlI worry about amall percentage oi luorlde which doctor and health authoritiel any is beneficial and Ibaolutely harmleu Now ifihlrtliévissue has mules perhaps the people can turn lo more Im pofllnl Iqulgsthns pected to handle all enrolments the next decade Dr Ross said More than 100000 people will re uire university glacea in the next elgh years against 3000 now Stlll universities in On tarlo hope to provide about 75000 unl versin laces by 1070 some 25000 short Dr Ross pointed out it would he great tragedy if universities be came so engrossed in lindlng room for new students that they hampered thetr own acholarahtp orhresearch aetivitlca The opposlllon forces or vaguerea sons known only to themselves have been the most vocal Consequently only ole oa11hn gcaple ponld the my ny vole or all ma people could the egg =19 Rather than unlverslly whlch mm In out of reach at present Barrie should asplre to such acommunlly college of ferlng threeyear term ln general am and science degreel They should be in small clilcs have distinctive but modest buildings and campuses should otter only limited curriculum Dr Ross advised Such description it Barrio DRUG PRICE INQUIRY Eldon wu burn Ina nlud on whul Arm nur Hamill link when Ml mm homuluded In ml thn flu Dmly 111mm llumvvd lhc prlrc Ihlll mm mm la null bum luluom Eldon lull flnIIhlnl and had In ult Iclmnl In lulu Ian on lhn Arm nut hll edurnllnn mild Ml Id WIUI MI bonk ropmd up on Ilu wrll whil Rc drew um Mr Ind nl hln Iwu whllc hl unarmed olhlr will mm thorn in lenml lho poems of Byron nml nvnlnlnx and hi Iludld hll my Ihmunh blah othool I11 ur mmndenu 11ml Ihc hurd warklnl chm you Md won mmm merhllan adminMp whch look hlm lo nuhelnr Ln dam ll Unlvmlly Mnknirhmn Dy PATRICK NICHOLSON OTTAWADyou mean he mu guy who never talk at am Asked ha wrcaxllc eleva tor operator when naught d1 redlaus la the new office of Mr Elfin Woolllnml ml and mm amm II Illll In MI rlylmrl Guru and win mlrol lhw nlnr In Iblth ht lumm mm thn Ibo unwr ued hlm Io puud lull In IM mnreril and runnlin mmch lmnmm lthl 11mm Thou Mnmh um In ul thlldun whnl lln Ioluvillol Am politic1 yuan hl tonluled mu know whon mm up nut dont pupa In 59 go ih L1er In Mexim Clly whan Wu invited down hen Iddrm Unlled N54 will hu man him no highly regarded In Parliament II no hll lmprwlvo prruncc not Ill novarIllenl vnlce not Ml npuln n1 courtroom hw ylr In crim Ind clvll um no Iven ha lld lhll In Inl Im the Cnnadlnn drum of burdockbay to public tum No hll mpock hm band on flu lmmanu mm 01 whim on which ht dual In MAMA II II MC man whom win leeklng In tho splclouu and ulc new nlllce he occuples ln madeaver Wes Block lull 130 yards away from tho Cam mnna vla lha new undermund allweather lunncl The ml yel low WIUI an decomlcd wllh colmd prlnln cl lhe Queen and her hunbnml llld wllh Iht wldelyllunl man pholoc 01 Cum Fri lnlnlen In the corner much llflunnl laoklnx leather all but heavy wllh clubl Almau urllh with lmpmllvn hand loolnd orna mentallon 1way hayran cwum Then you In mod 11 Gram Eldon that the Ian Inn of In lnvltrr Ilrmhu out from Mexico 10 In Album toothllll or hlm The bulky booman red headed Saskatchewan arm buy murdzr trial counsel and MP ur Bow River Alberta has won or himselt Irepmlmm ll an averready pinchhitting ora Iar or the Conservative govern ment Ynu name U19 Iublut Eldon can me his dump the party whlpl slg nni Ind hold the floor clu quenuy Inlormatlvcly and em Imameg for Ihe required 20 minutes This an Invaluable Incompllshmcnt In Parliament where lacllu sometime call for motion In In talked out un ulcaxng Ilme Then an some men in the hnuaa who could naver vote or lurthcr conceulonl lo upnntn th3 And there In other who could nut mm or Anythlnz lgalnn heml From lhu Ientlmenz In the corridorl would Appear um move In glve the Janmu Ichooln Muller break In car nomtlann lu probbu would nucoeed In In houu There teem to be majority aympalheflc wlth um though no or tenant necondnry nchooln than can hurdly be IOMI COULD NOT The numb uliool qullllou and £aqnedlhe Inuuhh The Liberal had to dismal the question in clucun beioru Oppaliiion bender Jahn Winter meycr made hil iandoit med in Iheihmna speech dabm 4mm had hard up um with it hnt knownvhelher they ever dld much we ment Culglnly hey did it could hardlybc on mnlmom pal And the PC In upecflnl lhg am trouble the question ever me la voteInd thll do not uun likelyII molt probny would be on an whlch pnrty linen wnuld be 51 with Ihe whlpl being call off Ind member lelt no vote According to their indivldunl mum are ATM Liberal had to OTTAWA REPORT QUEENS PARK By DON ommm Saskatchewan MP Is House Orator S¢h°1993i° Causesnnguishr AM HI ID Illle IP95 uliou mum onmin their Aide Ind preprm or action thmulhuut the pmvlnu But It Ion they My ubllcly committed my mum an hindlnwh pm my orolhtr 39 lodlil chlldrg ald Todey lenior pnrtner in sue mum law Inn in Calgnry ha nalural hi Pmyl but pinchhitter in debate Thu LY ically when MD MP Davd Lewil prepared Lilli election ex renm should be regulated and Mr plld by the taxpayer polliicti liralegy was to talk out till impracticable proposal You gunned Ir Eldon Woolliams Wu rushed into the breach Parry inz queriionl and owing inion mniinn to interest an inn even Libeni critic Jci Pickersgili paid 10 aiienlion Eldon poured out Iirelm of sure which mortuihix hcmn had never henrd beiore dealing with lhe com oi our part elections Ind commented expertly on he trend they dildo To profmIonal poflllcinnl Ml Illka matter was area Inj mm lo any xlndznt ol polb llu hll ulemponneoua oration wu Admlrnble made polle only by an In linen Intel lect ever flown on Sash ehevnn when lamI VThe piece tells abolil all mp1 Mr Robert sawPm mler Dc Vale the chic of the Irish Army vnrlou Canndinn Imbaundorl etc Apparenllvrha doesnt like MI new Job hawwer for it doesnt ha am my land or number ll iny who 7606 fervently hope that he doesnt the qluellinn mm d1 member know bar once may puhll on word on It My be tuned It homo 31 WW r+ Our mum6 hnda 1m return folio the Wesk7 xiewl 19 lem flu dupnrtment hlldl In emu clu In Ihk publicalion mullly dovnted lo the 1mm Ic uylde mm walvel tree th bird and the bees is handed European VIII Hon Keno Robgm QC 0n Iago Mlnlmr of Land and For nut lhcy hive declare unemulvea they will be open to bitter denunciation and thoh ouxhly mmrahle mm until elgulan Jq over 111971 01115151 pronounce ment 1mm Hun Kelm Robert In ngw pm AND THE VERY BEST IS DOW Wishing you the best THE VERY BEST No one can hope In comical Iln 1mm God no mum haw 516mm he may plan removed In Esquxmannm sum of the $1500000 relll In Vancouver she is being filled or helicopter landing deck and new longrange submariuo deleczlon gear Behold ye Mn Ihned lulu the lord and be nun your uln will find you will Nglgn 3213 She anived Ike and lbwlino or major mm aller the navy decided she was ob Iolele She had been in wrviu elghkyem grant its of Made of destroyer scam in the St Lau rent elm being brought up to dale In submarine waflnrt Her demonic mum VANCOUVER CHOne Canadas proud flihllnz lhlpl HMS st Laurent limped Into harbor looklng Ihnhad come of mud best In mu ongounlen Her decks were cluttercd with near her superilmmm Ind must of her muman oqulp men missing Thuvessellnvirflmolpm r553 no¢ wgmre janes 7mm THOUGHT Deslxbyer Eséofl Is Being Updated in CANADIAN um Japanese wa Inner lfr lacked the Uni ed sme bnu at Furl Harbor will out warnlnx 21 yuan ago to day1n 1M1 Sam 200 Jul um aircraft mm mm nixcraft unlmnntucklng Vln waves mud pmdelerrm Ined ubiecflves Then wn huvy American IDS olule Audvgalmout every Unltod state plane was destmyed or 1le on the around Many ships Including the bameship omhoma and Aflzona were sunk The ynllgdnstgtes gecLuod wu $112M 5v heEEma prlmc £13117 Britain STATIONERY leltcd Dunlap St PA 01 yet mm 51 noon vxr cm 1m cuu rum Bonk nnl rgla TODAY IN HISTORY When in acute nllnck rheumalnld arthritis has run its course and the Inflammatory period has ended whal the result ll Mommy In the joint that have been attacked Determines dflleren na lun occur wilh osteoarthritis The two candidom can exist as mixed form of joint diseasa in the same patient In true that we can do nmelhinz tar rheummld arth fllll Wecan by proper can limit somewhat the amnunt 01 damage due while it In In acllve phase Candldly and ndly admit that do no knowverymuch hIn 1k 13 not or want for and study It In asavuze disease difficult to control andtn underslmd Onennrflzflm on ha other hand In condition rather than Ill acklvc dlsem It 45 the term we me to describe 101an um have become worn or dam and Or more likely both It the mull wear and tear Remember that rheumatoid arthritis can strike at any age It is not dlsease old people Osteoarthritis on the hand or the most part ddch ops late in life Bhoan aioinéa hm Del Dr Molnar havebeen in anhan and wheelchair Invnlld or 151mm but am onky 50 Two doctor uy had rheumatoid mum buklwme lo othm lay it In osteoarthrl us ThaVA any It In astev Why It we hear that my haveytound help for rhzumatold but not or ommVJM By Ind large rlieumatuid ar lhrflb by far the wag3 bu not nenrly so pgevalem Here Has difference Rheumalnld murm In acute severe In lllmmntory dlsem T0 YOUHGOOD HEALTH Hence we 10 all can CANDLE TO US mks Home Appliance Shop your headquarter or Km to speclal people Kim Ihal keep on giving or yuan to come Priced to mil your Christmas hndzot SWIVEL ROCKERS LAMPS ASSOCKS IR DRYERS FLOOR Pousuians mm DRY moms uncnuc mans nnucs waru MAKERS VACUUM CLEANERS IHEY CANT HOLD FOR OUAlITY GIFTS Afihtitic Patiént Crippled T3155Ybars HOME APPLIANCE SHOP 0F BARRIE LTD 14 Dunlop 51 nanIo um All Type ul Furnllun Ind Appllancel n8 Azplrln or in equivalent main is effectlve Anything we know both in combnmngt Inflammallnn and using min Heat helps my amicted 501m Movement cm at the en case pain leafs therklnlu mm gradually sulenlnx And 101 most people om psi 61 the um movement In flit mgming past it lessenl In lllls mlumn discuss what things are available In various llls what people can or themselves and what lhings 11 qnlre skilled care Chooslug the correct drugs or an epilepsy pllicnl Is somellmes easy but sometimes very inlrimlg be your doctor do he selecllng Ll hail spent year lzaminlf nwu wann uuu dont know what flood It will do because all hem are pmq scriplion drugsdilantin milan tin Minna phenuronu mesan Inin mebarel mepmbamalez mysnllne and quits ltw olh an under varlou chemlula generic or rude names Apli convulsanls sedativesf tranquilizers many lypcs alH at these and in various camL binallons arevusei lls Impor tant to llnd Ihe combination which best suits each ca Thurs pan the sclcnce and art medicine reduce he Immediate danger from rheumatoid arthritis or there isnt much wu can do deg the dgmuqhgt occumd In many cases log Jhe div comfort waxes and wanes Lry in to keep your mind on le9 min glsu my mum like um advice and gum it In hm ir worh just be name Dear Dr Molnar Plue giv mq ha names Hue drugs you menuoned cancelum epileptic lelxuresMlD

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