Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Dec 1962, p. 15

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51 REPAIRS TO ALL APPLIANCES SPACE EATERS Irma Wablng Machines Hut P1816 MrvGooled Mm etc ALUMINUM Window Doors Awnings EAVESTROUGHING Newmrkandupalnwllh nodownwmenc Amwame My No paymendn until ALLWORK GUARANTEED Write 610 Davll Din Newmarm Plum Barri PA 9mg FOR SHOVEL WORK Excavaung Backhoe Clam Drag no Cement Busting or rnklusleeL 55 boom thovd tron loading levelung or bunkflulng Doze wark and tmcklng Goad top soil deliv ered or loaded on your own truck Phnna Slawarx Construc dnn PA 07321 From Item to xmwnunl all the EM low brluhl 11 Jew elry1mm newt Fabulau cll Inntlcscaxy fun lo man of amp to add gala luuch lo drm mnl lull Inllcm ml Irumlcr d9 Ilgnl dlrcctlom USE FELT SCRAPS Tlxldyllu mm talns or Ihl pallcm no ILlmpl pItnn In Allco llrnokl mm 011110 mum Examiner Needlccmn Dept 50 Front Slml Toronto Onllrlu mldrnl Ind Cull In In lrinl vlnlnly PAT TERN NUMBER NAME An HEM locdl mural Nudlecrnn thw Ilm Imnckcd unnum lMlll our new Nmfltcrnfl Catlin llul ovrr 200 lrulr lnyou damn lo lull crocth re uavc emhruldrr quill IuI pathm Sum 15 ccnu now MODERN HOME IMPROVEMENT FIAsmnm AND REPAIRS STUCCO ANDSTONE Copy for Want Ad Secllon mud until pm day baton publication INSULATION With No Rockwbol THE BLOWING METHOD SCOTT MUIR Mrmo Insulatian new PHONE MINESING 111 Free Estimates Guaranum Work By ALICE BROOK EXCAVATING 15AM CRYER PA 61675 Agk about LowRates by Month or Year Telephone PA MALE ififililfiion PLASTERING APPLIANCE SERVICES Free Esumazes PA 68083 BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY mm ESTIMATES Roofing Sidipg lqsulatlon 5351 6133 Bank PA Im WELLS DUG DEEPENED Bénmi rtmini new Bolton Dllmll 0mm Batunhy Dclmlt It Montreal Chicago Toronto Ncw York at Boston Glmel Snndly Monlrul Chicago Toronto at Dclroll Boston New York Quubcc Sprlnxfleld Providenc Hershey Baltimor Buffalo Rachcutr Clevtlnnd Pnuhurah HOCKEY RECORD nmndy mum Sprlnxfltld Qutbec Sunni1 1mm Hershey It Clavcllnd nullnlo ll Plluburuh valdcncu nl fluchcsler Quebec It Springfield Sandy llenhay ll Hulk Qunbrc Providenc llmburzh It nochuter Clnvellnd It Sprinxlleld Montreal lmrbora Mum Full EDWARD SMITH AND EON Painting and Payer Hum Sprpy Emma Monlml Nlnur them film on Tomiu Ulmn Hominy nl Nllnrn Full By THE CANADIAN Pml nu ul Guelph STAN BRYSON REFRIGERATION SERVICE Chvperlou St PHONE PA 4563 REPAIRED KEN WINTERS Well and Pump Service 133 BRADFORD ST PA 80782 mm lfismum stucco STONE QUKBRIK AND PLASTERING cmmes ROOMS ARCHWAVS PAW Fru Emmett Budget Terms SIMCOE QUIKBRIK Plum Al Smith betray 60M Collect Coupland Drilling was 1m 3mm WELIS DRILLED PAINTING Tm PAPERHANGING REFRIGERATION WELL DIGOING PLASTERING wankw Weikm IeId mu LT AH 13 71 6330 1210 VI 26 12101 83 7176 1110187 7515 1010 M71 OIIA Junior nmnmn Awnmw avanwm mroaxn Mialulu DWHB73 mnnnnu7 Auduflflfl ruumnfl zis so new Sunday thtm with Rav and Mn Howrd wm Mm Reward Howard and William Clgmnt all of Tam BOWLING CLUB Team loom Dee Win 50 Cookies 39 Pin Bullets trlvgujh fin Fathers my Paul McComb 300 am 21 ladies dunes Darts Mo Kllllcan triple Betty Comm 595 average lanaNlchohanl team llnfla and Inpla Pin hanger mv Mlxed Mame Dec Team Handing Dee WM 56 Cockle 42 Pin Buster 37 Strive 51 PIn Pulhm 31 Lamb Chan 32 Hlsll Inland M9168 menl flay Taylor 231 633 mm Ilngler triple Average benn Nlcholmn 256 Menl hlgh Iver15¢ Paul McCamh 109 Team singles Ind triplet Cookie 1234 mm M88 BOOM LEROUP Ron Sacha Group met the home at Mn Ollvo Bowen lhurlday Nov 21 president Mrl Elsle Wheeler opened the meeting Roll tall wan any wered by ll memberm $1500 wan donated lo the Retarded Chfldrenn Assaclallan Bar rle and Ilmllar amount to Al llslon llama Building Fund qum wan quilch for Ollva Bowers Noondny lunch and lemoan lea were served by the honest Ind cornmlllee Mew flames Bowers El Ramsay Nevlls and Dexmote Next medlng will be Thursday Dec at the harm Mn bobal Murphy and family Tomb vhlted durlnl Ihe weekend with their parents Mn Henry Davin and Robert McDonald Mr and Mn Cllllord Mum and family Brammnu Ivmt lh weekend with the lalltrl parenll Mr and Mrs William Elley Cookslown Ind Dialch volun teer Ire brlxade held lhclr an nunl dinner Saturday Dec In the town hall Guam or the gaging waft Comma Hon Si Jobnl Anglican Church ChmImus any and congrega llonal pal Ck luppcr wlll be held mday Dec It In um Pafixh Hall Sunday vhuan will Mr Ind Mn George fildey um Mr and Mn Don Lambert Ind family 01 Scarborough And Mr l11ml Mn Ray Dvu Ind hm kin Wiiiiam Cook Bin John Hangman Mn 1L Davin Mm Wanim and Min lune Mo Mlmr attended worknhvp in Siayner United dumb Saint day Dcci in limenzm Ind Explore very happy reunion look Kim Saturday Dec 111 the am oi Mn Simon when im our llch violicd her They an Mu uhman nl Ken more NY Mu Voik ol Tonnwandl MY Mrs no nich nrdl Depew mi Mm 01min oi Bulialo NY HONORED Mr and Mn Vern Abram Toronto men the weekend with the lamrl pmnll Mr And Mn Mel Brlymnn Friday eveninz Nov nboui to employee oi Ihe Dept oi Highway memhitd in lha Val enm illii Coohiawn to £419 brain with An Kidd line occuian hi miremznt mm In lio Irlmcni altar 22 ycarl urv cei Following build luppcr Neal Buiion presented lit Kidd with well iiiied mild hit Kidd lhulktd Iii who were prlv uni Ind mryona who wan up gymibia ior lhelhflppy occalion nmhm mainlcnnnct mzlw err And Vern Kltchlnl nulmmt entlnocr were Imnnz ha nun utendlnz but whim 11w evr nlnl 1m wen phyla cards Employees Wm pmcnt mm Tannin Endlord llallnnd Land lnn Barrie ann Pl Ind Owen Sound dlvlllan Sundly vbluirl wllh Mr and MIL Bum chln Wm Mn McLun Ind Dan Tot onto flurinl lha pm um with Mr and Mn Kldd wen Mm Wlflllm ma nndolla llch In EdJu Ban brldn Ewln Kidd Ind Mlu Mm mad Toronto Ind Mr mi Kallh Com cl Scarboroth SUCH CLUB 11 cnmmunlly mm club met II he harm of AM Mn Rudolph Jenntlt hlday Ivcnlnl Nov 30 Ill aw mm In ply Wlnnm mm mm Icon Mrl Vrman 1mm Ind 11 Blndahr law Jlm Mama DAUEEEN ANDERSON Mm1hfghinale 1121 Mfgr191 rams W1 may will l0 Dunlap Eu Bank COOKSTOWN NEWS Iar TCA and CNR Rmnnlommd Mm JOHNSON UMITED World Wide 77ml Sank CANADIAN NATIONAL Going Home for Christmas Gel ticket and reservations now and Llndl McFldm dd clays lunch wu met by IM 1mm of M1 Kidd who Mahmud H5 70th blflhdzy All the will was In attendance with the ex caption alm mum Pal Mn 849w Berna Edmnr Ion Alla who wlred but with and remix not being 5111 to mend Thou in attendance were Mr and lira William Mm 3997 EM mm mu Betty Ind family MWym dam 194kb Mr and Mn Ken Cam Molly Ind funny Scarborough Mr and Mn Jack Kidd andvlunfly To 9919 nmter we McLean Joan Ind Hr my Mn Thorn Mum al Cadu lavynMr Kldfl helxzdpt an army mama gnu Mn McNutt twin Iqflaynl Victoria Hospital Bu Dawn Dnwncy Mam daugh Ier Mr and Mn Lula Dawney II valiant in tho Rodle or sick Chfldm Tor un UNIT NO HOW Memme nltflodoluw Unmd Church may held that meeting Wadnuday evening Nov 211 file hgmg of Mn Murphy wufihlp WWW em Are you In mm mm rl Followlnl he bmlueu Mn and Mia Irena Mu Mule were In chum dup Ier or The Word ml the War was revlewed 17y Mn My Mrs Draw and Min Irene Ila Master Queulm were yreunla ed lo Wu group or dlwusv alon period alter which Ihey commented on various pbam the eulmuv Mn Draper five mutation on home made Chrlurnu Allan while lunch was beln prepared alter whlch llme III enjoyed The December meet lnx 1111 be at the home of Mn Murphy Wednesdzy evenlu Dec 26 um Mn Colman Mn eye and Muslim wlck la elmu Mn Frank Flsher pal lenl In Slewmn llemrlal Hot ml Wile Mr and Mn Norman Baker Dlwn Pea and Dwayru Ander son vhiud Sunday In Perm wig MfLBnd Alan Gym ELECIION An elutlan wax held In boil um Monday Dec And the pmen mundl wen returned la om Euve In Wilson Camilla Mahmn Junk Edam Norman Brain and Eldnn Ntlfly hler in he 2w nlnz lam crowd alth In the Tawn Hall lo aan bl the council members who Apollo briefly Ind he Wml mum served deudmu bul MJunch OAZY MARY KIDD Funml unlit or Inn Guy Mary KIM Toronto Ind th erlzy who dicd luddznly hurt ulzurl in Toronto Sub urday Nov 17 was held from Hughes mm Hume on day Nev 29 with bmhl It elm 9711 Mn Norman Ryan Ind 1714 canor Anne midnz Mn Eyanl parenlx Mr and Mn William Budd In Wallaceth Mlu K111 VII born on April 10 1591 Coohlmm daunler 1m 1m Mn Md Mn John Kidd Sb was mind school cachet Ind mm for may nan In Orlllla Eh find ma Inleml In mmIc and tunic nuldmr pzlnunL Sh LI lurvlved by lhm bromm lhur of Coohlawn and Evan 1nd Karl Tomato Hanndmrdablomhmnqwnbodbwwub 0nd 1mm group Wh ml am naval Indra PHONE PA 65525 PA 84151 for your Idnd support on Mondly Daumlm Sid THANK YOU RATEPAYERS of 0R0 TOWNSHIP REGINA CmCmflon of lueam national junior hockey lame VIII duh from both PM WW 01 Hehuomuwmpmm QIIEWBW gumcfiem Junior The plan mum tad °31 WWW Wuleru League club £6000 flat This mm providd fir ow annually The bulk 01 the fund $210M MEfi ml to M1146 would equally man so Junior cluumlmmmlud bymmmu UNDER CARA BULL Mlbmolnled Wiener would went flow Jan East West League Urged By Boucher KEN GILLES figjlay mgufls gash PA 515 mm mu ransts FLOWERS Perfect Chtistmas Gift FENDLEY FLOWERS 74 mm Burl PA H91 finnedmoanime 11113331 fiwfiatM 312 mm mm ml mm mg mm mm mmmmmww AIM Mina WU W19 MM Emit Mum 1mm mamno1 Conmlulauom to Park Peacock Slmud owner of Waterloo Holme Yarkshlm or the consistency in wlnnlng of Bacon Hog Cum Competition both local lain In 1982 where he had six firm on 11 mm and lhm going on to the Royal Agricultural Winter Pair when he was the Brclhour lmph winner and also bad name Cham Ion In this class In 9024 it it his mond massive car as ch winner at he R0 wlnnknx In mm lhe Brethour ophy 1nd Grand Chump on Bacon Ilag Carcass Companion lhe Royal He also had Bat Baron Hog Carusn It Ontario Swim Brecdm Hcld Day 1902 Guelph Congratulation are also due Bob Sproulc aim Strand who In 1961 had Inc MUM Grand Champion Bacon Hog Carma Rayal Winter Fair and In I962 had lhru bacon hag carcaml moan All in the am prhc groupl Tin above mull In izrgciy due in mutiny Using Mcadowv brook Victor 330 which is arkcr lcacock prmnl senior herd tin This boar has chitved exctpiiomi mordl on iLOiR with an mac mm 01 on 30 ms filed an avmgc mi con vmion 01426 lbs of feed lequind in put on pound of tartan gain Ind 31 lbs of ad or pound of live wtighl pin The above mull compare will provincial avmgc of all ii0ii lClIl of 452 convmion on garcgq gain 314in muvminn In any manila ha en rm the me mm lmpfimnt tutors Bmdlng Fm Manurmrnl The above win at or IM brtcdln and management The Feeding the Elm 1M dulepfloz th In program Milan SHOWN 15 Dry Sow SHOEGAIN Sup Pig Kuhn mm SMUIGAIN 16 Nani SHUROAIN 16 Mac Gunor Salmon mumnm I47 Nag Fluid wullnllvn we pin hch Am Ind fifélemgfién uérlriilcxl lillm In 901 with Karen 100 and human suuwnm loop Food mum EXAMINER MAY DECEMBER 162 ll TOEDMO cmm Mario oumuam my on twin PL hm Wants Liquor Without Meal ongratulaliond BMW in lam46mm of mint wjjgu mu if 16 TM AlEX WATCH CLEANING DUN MAXIMUM CHARGE 03 ML WORK OPEN NOW ALL WORK GUARANTEED munGAIN mo MILL ANN sum Mm PA mu CUMMINGS AT 211 10 ADAMS FURNITURE ISCOMMENDED BY 102 DUNlOP WEST OF ALL KINDS BCZ ES PORTRAITS ETC WAWA CHMme Mlnbv Dletenbaku indicated HM11 he doc n01 arena In lady dentition hy Britain ml whahcr to join the lturmumgl Common Market He laid negoliztm fur Brit all and The Ekhave Killed ar to am on mmman nix1 cultural will and policia and other qualms fin their talk Brunch bfld wbmluzd by La Chambrn Conunnudu Jenna do Montreal The brld callcd or general lowering of with bev tween Canada the Unlwd sum and the Common Mur PM Doesnt See Early UK Entry LEADS IN OPEN DEAL GAnLES Fla MP Playing hi im PGA Iouma mm Al Kellzy hat on of an air was led field at In the 771nm gamma Gayle Open Thursday wiih an rognd 65 IX linger par DaveHagan rnimd alflod yum gun on his last green to come fin make bequ Away 1wn mam behind 674m Rex Bang and Bill Collins bah ma tie ia€L on OH PAINTINGS BARN

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