mum nHNNllcmur my ml mum am nu Inym Iha Mm rnnulluialrd by In rr mm II KNnIn his Mm vflhnul luv Dcnnh Mm 1mm QC nlm Inn mm DemII 1mm lm or the Ru Iimc In It Immuld lun In RM ll Callminn and MAM nan ICI Wiltabate LONDON CF The want klllcr smog In 10 years loomed ll lethal fauniaflI grip on hm don today luv 106 known dead and mare than 1000 la bnspllall Recallan pmvloux ycm pcclally 1961 when 000 pcer dlcd nullwrlllcs cared many HI has Ilnl cam wwld dim Smlllm Yard nllrlbulrd no cases ol Iuddm dcnlh ln Iha London arm Thundny lo mag lllosl ol llw vlcllrm dlcd ram numvnltd hcnrl or that can dulam Dense palchcl pmlxlcd In ram he llrlllsllrayllal ml moat plnm um um linnlly Itoptd wnnly Ihrounh lhln blue lulu ln mldmornlnx Damian lI llke an null com rlcldi rlngcd by slowly clcnr nu bell xald xpokcv man at Illa nrllllh Ilulamoblla Alsnclnllon 9m ya No 291 laleh cgmnany wrinkled with touch nl pounce lldeplay Presldenl Kennedy hurled two chequu Mullins $13333 to Ca nadlan telehflsoone al our 11 bemllnnnl rede men plckcd out grouv at 400 or special lumen In the complex ï¬eld of mongoflsm and mental Mid him silverde trophy Dr may Unweflyn Barr london ML stood by he pm ldmt Thundny night and called on young Woundms everywhere to accept what he consider the greatest challenge or nilï¬nding tho cam 01 what he described as developmental 1111518 the scene 01 car haKncéranh that took plans shnrlly alter am this morn ing milha 7th concession of For Bumble Wm Ads Tele mann PA mm The telephone number to can at the Human 24an II PAW In wart min The Imman bound Mm boutoneqw when itmn LdvishflJKIBanquet Hon0rsi ResearchlMeniaagggu VMblUly me to I50 yank London airport and wenlhtr mm mldAM ghould lnugup In 000 yum lnlcr on at am clvll nlrcmu hnd brrn nhln in of mu cl lho airport In houn Our Tgléï¬lianes WASHINGION OP In Smog Kills 106 Sickens 1000 CrndISng anothp an shim MZIAIJD DENNIS mar ll ronulluialrd by MI In rr Nib Malmq QC all In Icuulllcd by Jury In dcfem organic mental defeat causing human autierinz in mm dfllemu ways The polluml aldrplzy came when Anna Stevenson us any hauadar In the Unlled Nations waned Indirqu l9 lhelpgb iic conimvmy Lin has whixied around him since magazine article written by two rewri zrl close in Kennedy accused him of having advocated 50 line during the Cuban with my iNbiANIPEACE Ena Township equzrler mile mi nghway so Mn Lucille Elizabeth Prentice Noting 1112 Kennedy brotheriwlaw Saruean Sn+ var in head the Palm Corps Slevwwnwlw wedded at the ceremonial dinner and Shiver has become the world best nlennnn Instant peace Nation were crying tar Thornton was on her way sun agbaund In the 11msz Estuary dawmher mm bow don ware mam Ihan 170 Ihipl many carryan Chrixtrna tood plum badly nctdcd in lha DIP lIonl maps Heavy fax wn um rcportrd in the enalcm counlies at Nor 101k and Suï¬nlk wllh vklbillly an the roads Avcraanz only 23 yards Ice an highwnyl In many am him made dxivlnz hamduum The wcalhcr forum was hazy prcvniflng in mnsl pam 01 the 11mm hm Imlll nluhunlL The prediction In lhnl nut and on Ihould lclurn during ho nlrjul only In palrhu In lhc mulncamrn part of lhc caunln CHURCHILL WINES Hus new ofuae Ion Sir tvï¬lrultm Chnrdlill mm la rue myumld wnr leader ml 15 hour at Ihu Suva laid with Mch Ohcr Club an admin dlnlng group ha htlpcd 0qu yrm no He came an In um mmk Ill Imlla and tlgn bury on mm Em man It Kann Illa Inn Mend Dmnh mm Cadmium and ml OHM Soon he Unlwd NAM would be or me ve crying or it Ihll pan Kai Stevenson said um In juk ng way along will mix lion at Kennedy mm ndor and did actor Eremflnpodulon go cad helm at 1mg hercar was in collision 11 wrnvbuund mjwurk gain on the Way In Slam Iaidhawmgladmbeam bet the man as But it known 0111 51m Inn has been deeply by the attack wblirhed In he Saturday Evadug Part no has dmltd the gumth The maiden min Mural praise and mppon or Ml work at the UNbIl KEW never 1mm Barn lo Mea hasuugiï¬cauyï¬mled 351 Staml publile in WAICII BYPLAY lot nportcrl came la the steak and wine dinner not no much to the award winnlrl to watch the tryplay bdwzen the pmidcnl and flu man who twice tried to become presidafl and lulled Kmntdy applauded Stevensons speech and Shiva praised him as mac Amer Imn 1111me was no yldble display of anyheépï¬allï¬talm be men he maiden Ind his UN rmmlallve ONLY l4 unlit DI la Chmlmu hm Iavym Ihn MW him IRMA In Denali II MI lrn or lint um In It nan lCl Iltrphm 51m 09mg diï¬dflxm megabarf 19 CTV ï¬end Fears Proieét Freeze flaggingS a3 £35 38 aravsauisézs ugguiuais 335855383 ESE 228 Mpnnnee who TGIGANTIC MINE BLAST 6533di National Railway The wamant car was north WMWMEW 9° away when itmmhed Illa the 1d m7 am the Mummy ecu pf the Edyowned CBC Jr 1331er In Inmview that crv weng of CqreTrqin Crash Teacher Escapes Insoluble lime ll said he opposes naming 112105 In the CBC wilhcut any line limit for hiking anion on HunL He nho opposed withhold lnz mum on nppfltaflms or steam Italian 711 Caldwell grainy an Iml this the time at pd vau cntavriu to lake up the llackl be bin 11 Wm ha mammal wmfld mm private enmï¬u BUDGET SLICK Under the uncut Mm 101mm austerity prom3m $5000000 was 111m all In 196241 CBC opcnmnal Ind capital mendlnl budget mull the CBC Ind to ur tafl or ltrnpmarily poflpone mum prudent Hr Caldull taking mm of the nutcrin program said he nun do not oppose the CBC avamlan plant lam they are lied to Manta um limit Wcll the our mum in the CBC mutations long It doesnt mean litllnl on the mom we SUMURY CPDMore ban nan no nyumld Cann dLm dumbed one of mt rflldml New In Unlfld sum hlalory wnlmad in mm Halal NY lo um In hil Jud Elbert Mid lM Canadian how palate Todzy Gram Drum man apparmlly hll In hurdle when nun an hll Int hmdk quilted bun charge Ilurudl Indu llmul mmr rmvr 1mm hll name Fl unnum through Tarmn Mamul Na York lkvnly ills Cam and Garland IN In in nmdnl In ma Inn In lulu mm nunbunt SM Wmde Huh nub11M immulialtly mu New York that Dunl urml NI llultfl lame hm gmnnt am an lnlmuam nlly Imn Whamand ll yml In jail EAL HIGH Raffles chuitted Free Man After Career Rs Iewel Thief Dank In Inva In WM MM 01 min and II innl 7mm in In mmwflifl NU Mk mun Sandal lll Whits nab Wrangler on Drnnh am man It Elba Gullah Canadian had mm Iï¬dmfrlui nurnmuday maylnl mm nduslrlul Farm Dmnil IMOtable Hu urapparaulyrw¢ried inanauamptmmiumdiml but1 it aimed aver intn command nearly not pfwalf IE Ember bomdtnamp 11Caldweflunflnedlngm crallmmdhhmw Mlapansanplanl 1besewer amongth dkamionlnaninfamalnwd mMï¬mDrAndxfl Wmmkmmolflwï¬aard oleadczflvaemm oudunmdmmn tdlwdlwtlmmlhlBBG that we always alarm them 31911 whattexe dolnlï¬ WANT 10 EXPAND Mr Caldwell said CW want In expand number um Sam II network and ï¬ll in Ibo blank Fire or six mm basic nations were requlnd and the CW wa anxlgm lo have mange In 51mm Knuthmen Ontario Madam Kitduw and swim arms CW1 basic nations now are In lhlilax Mantra OILm Tomato Winnipeg Moose Jaw Calgary Bdrman and Van mu lle indicalzd that mate broadcasting mum could be cmhlhhtd mmflmlnz lhe ML dilion of Empowcmd CW by lmumfllcn during the L111 year at Amhqrfl NS Com wall Ont and Regina In cilia when the CBC LI wand 11 on the CD would order um the unlan Malian hen avch Io flu CIV mm Such was the an In Sashan when lhe privatelymd CFQOTV on ht CBC Mimi Mr Cnldurcll also lhe when also aid lhe CIV uniqmon purl opgr miéuf wuld mum devlk more allradlve In ad vmixn and bps apple be In program and wider div lhal umed Mm the ham Hal flu Um of MI until his but hum he erhmzr 19b baln mm um nl palm lhdll nu made um minuer Io be lbw WI my wibmw ml Hum mhmm Thursday More nmuilllnl Drunk Mm hm maximum Iim manul Jud loom dlxhuud ldm rm mm Imllur Ilnlonry 1mm one at Dcnnll Hum luan who all saw villm In told the wt Wrdfltoday Hui he Clvwn had HIM la submit urva any no Dmnl had nu lxm mmmiurd la Bur nth W0 Hr Hakm 53M Mull dqwlun mm Hur had Mil llkaL thn anwv nur IMxe 13M mm no Itva min In Ibo 14 Dani and bowl no print lake some idling and mlWInnmHM MM will racial um clunny in nhlbflitr um mt MI In VIIall undid In ad W011 and bdurvd Ind mm to ï¬lm mm and rum Mum Mwlgng M30 Mi min an mummy mu MEN mm OLD ST NICK PLAYING TRICK NEW DELHI Baden Prime Minister Ndml told Par Ioday the Commit Chinese have not yet withdrawn mop mmnalnar darnlm mm may VIIit wlndinnlrmtflnulnmm midwachmuwerewflhdnw ugh the rear but in he mmgvagweywmdiflhm NehruTuld there had been three Inddtnu In which the Ellfl WWW to aner the ceaseï¬re the Sina aim NW at Reds Bémain InMainRreas WALLACEBUEG 0M CHboob of puzzled cmr union mead aver lb face 090 lchool dzjldxcn OITAWA CPI111 mnidm Mk may be Irma Importn or Canari uun the conference La L11k at next weekl NATO mammal meeting In Park hy nnned Acumen Indium Thun The Canadian dzlezauan Med in behindIbe Icum complain about lack Canadian government ded don an acqulxillon of nuclear mm at CAP alr glileim Ihmidiyh Iwa Sula made lheir appearance In the annual Santa Claus pa nd Laud1 Maul Brigade Gravy In Eurvpe But Inlmmam said the mat ter Ill deï¬nilely ml arm In the formal meeting Ike mlno him of the 15 NATO countries The question nuclzar arming one or private arrangemenu bclwecn Ihn Unlled sum Ind oath of NATO sum Th befuddled youngxterl unable to dininzulsh thch wan um tmposter d9 child In Pd boll with nwwballs None them is bdived On ban hi1 lb Expect Complaints Onvlack Arms Deluxe llinlxkr Ilarknm and Exltmal Mlnlri Mlnkbcr Gum will leave or lhe am ltmme Tuudly by CAP plan The meeting will bu hdd Thumb Friday and Salurday BULLETIN GENEVA Ballet nut uh my men mm II Min In nuder mu Jul III In nu mime tall Illa ho Wu do wm mm II Ike l7uflol Ilnmumm minnu nu 1ide minim mlummmml who mascuans PREPARE FOR MINE vxchs ulna $310 fee ol CARMICHAELS PL AP workmwey Wee 31 men trapper deep ï¬nder gmmd by Almnendm to mine explosion US Steel Corporation which operate the Rubens No smine salt recheck of It records shuned am man missing total of 36 menwere believed tapped am Thu men have not been limit from xince thc uplorlan 115 pm may nebula crew had sane dimly more than hallrway into the twcrmllo lunnel mm the nine Mt after more than 22 hour of digging the mum1 at desrperatc but held out hep he miner may be nun W3 hope the men bun barri pdugo mm the 114m gas Lyn mam Penngylvgnlg Fortym athen wofflng In anqghey seenox the pit turned to Eh13 hen43i leagua wbq are sealed 650 eat 81an by deadly and tons mbe um lefl marina hanging like bum mildm nusly 1117139 tunnel1n concrete wall buckled by the Nut Tlme are looking mm 11 barrel of thutlun mid me union nflldal mu than he melanin down there could cam mule explosion nzzvvum Lnuum vigil in up ruuled bum jaunt L9 the THE CANADIAN PRESS Snow was III IIIan IhIn mmInz In extreme mulhwm em Ontario when mall bIlv lard nluudzy Inlcmlpud com mmIIcaUm and blocked sev eral hlzhwayr 1114 weather uIIIce In Tomnln said today the mowIall II bclng caused by an Intense Itorm centred In tho Nlngam PrnInn Ma The arm II nmlnd la lose ILI Iach gradually wIlh lmnflmlu or occmlonnl raln 10mm Ior mus pan oI wullr em Onlaflo flle wenlher ofllco uId the dorm whlch developed In the CamIInu Wednesday hat bun puponxihln for heavy lnnwfflIIl LA nI id ln the Chale um Thurb day nigh blindlnz mow driven by wlndl up to so mllu an hour ml vlflbmly la pracflcally nII Am closed Highway and mi lhe unwound Inns of High in wl Polln uh km pal Imgrr vrhlclu were Wanda up to seven ed 01 wow and Hum rampart had hem blown on Highway local xuldmll Niagara Stonn CentreCauses Héavy SnoWstoms Rain Wind Situation Desperate No Contract With Miners Mlmpt in man mflml Milena unwed in Mm um um Mm Tm wn um luppod mu at many Ike chifmui NWMori Tlnan icpor Copy20 Pugh Vloqal Weather mlna shattMlnIlm tried to mgtorg pug grievigg famine wThe him was krona in the lbyeguMltory 91mm bena mine Evann who Is directing the up eratlanshlamcd on cam binanon gas and coal dusL demlbedvn as one of he mendoux nature The Mean mlne ans tho worlds Largest sou coal opera tions located about 50 miles southwut Pittsburgh prof dncu coal or US Steels Clair mn Pa works where pro used mm coke or blast lur Thu fluttering blast occurred at 115 pm Thursday aller uoon lhe Frosty Mine sham It drops straight down 525 feel mm the suflace At this point there onedawnward doping tunnel without bundle extengt mg or two miles to His wnrh In face The hum ï¬rm gradually from 625 eel lo 650 Thall the int where thl 13 E33 exit mn there lo is ace Mine amdah am 1er com In up re mine shaft can Iain large amount of carbon dlaxldc indicating lhere 13 Hr In the blast ma Rescue team proceeded paufloufl musr PIMP AIR The major perlem for Ihl gespuq temwgs pump llhl rem tenmxvTvu to pm In bad alroul 71nd Wlflln soch wauï¬sei T117 62m Hon dull which had buckled under lbs bust IlaWed progress Imlde corrugated nu mack above the mince Ioma three dmen ulnllve all the In blue winuy wguhu Jar 1155 described the Alarm asllhe wom In flva ycnrl Pollce warned mldenls to keep oil the ready mm mm ln nunsoaked Toronto polka Npmed more than 100 accl dcnu an drIvuI InIIed to make mIIIcIcn allowance Iar aIlppcry tuxInca PnIIce wId InjurIu were IuIIered In 40 per cent 01 lbs nchdmu Skeet Ilghls In the downlo area wmtout or 17 mInng when mung wlnds knocked klnIIlon urIaI on In overhead wlm 11w waalhcr human Id Izm alum over mosk oI lhe prov nce wIII mnaln In lha mId MI today droppan la the mdcmp mark In lhn North the new and lower ltmpcrmum nra llkcly re main Iar cvcml day Windsor mlcd under lieu n1 Wednuday night and 58 inches of mow covnrcd lhe dry Thursday The snow wu whipped In mm by wind gusting to lonlilca In Ian on and ruml nmu bclwccn Windsor and London New wllhuul elm klrfly or In short time when 1w bum up on Hydra ll aviation r1 thfll mlm 11M lumen Cam In In round mull mm mum mm Chmfll 11ml 1an Fm