Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Dec 1962, p. 5

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ummu In nMnIn rm Hm rmL Jr muzllln llfly Mlllde lblu uhhlm II kéllhnlrlllnll and Iynrhvvnlml Thu mrmhl lmupsny Munn IA llmml lnr IBM FIT IMIK TM Armalullnn mu 1mm In nllnw lh rm Eupnlplrmlmt Arungrmrnln have hrm nr need on Win Hm Her Telrphnne Compaq lar lhu hurme of rank ma llm rnmhldr uhrrn lhll not nlvrmly been mm weird 11m nmrlnln mm In run lullnllan wllh Ihn Ilvml Ruper Inlrmknl la Mrrllnln uhrre any ml may hr lrrp wxlnml III hey wnulrl ml hunk lhln up wllh 1er heavy mnchlm ll wnl MMHI In Caunrll III lho cabin muIvl hr nlrlalnrd and Mn WM pmhlrm ll hml lo Ive nnloml nml mull ahead llw tmnpnny would ho wmklnx lnnlxlil IMllrl Inn mlmnled Ilnmwr ullh lho In all Alum It MMh av 51 mathlnof ll anle ml am not want In hun Imw llmu Innda of dollar had been Iron In pm month Hnlh mom lurl rlnlmnl my wcru hurd Inu Ina rrparl DQRVINO CAM uunry Monllnninu Hnnnco whlln lhu Chairman lhln mmmluu Cnundllor Allan Todd wnl mid Ing Ill Nnvcmlwr unlcmrnl ho raw and lXpuly mo wm carrying on Mpnrnle rnnvnr nnllvn nml Mr Todd unused la reprimand htm kl pmy JI means mm mm per cent ol lho current lnxcn will have In he pnld and Um dale or the Md he Years ml lccflun wlllmul penalty ll only weak or so nwny In answer lo cnqulrlu 1h blues 11cm of tho exponscn he entry or educnllnn lotnl nl 1261233 hn already been ex pended to ho ulch mm nnd lhc Boards wlll be asking at their end ho your budget soon The discount anwcd for tnrly Enymcm of axon cont moo hm pnymnnln pcrmillul the munlclpnllly In my all hnnk loans and mrnln from ndrlillon Il bnrmwlnu Unlm payment he prr ccnl unpaid null mm In curly lhll bar to In my wl lhclr pmposcd budget Howmcr the County rule of QIIZMMS has in bu pnld before the and the your wlll beyddcnt Thls man show that lho Inwnshlp willhnvc reserve $2095935 Ipqunsps conllnuc uw Hymn wwnue of 2540107 has alrea dy been expanded or total ol 513 per cent In tho aubllc works department whlch mostly wads the expected expeulllmo was $20640970 and in End of Oclaber the ac counts pald whlch dld not ln clude lhe gravel plnccd hls month or lha new tractor ne mnlml or total of 3151 $5730 which L1 total of 781 per cent The purchase of grader camplclcd lho lnsk meellng wlll he blllcd Ihe munlclpnlily alter the llrsl ml the year and will not he dobil of hls years budget 11 expected nddlllonnl spnclal sub lldy ol 5000 will ll zranlcd brlng Ihu road dcpnrlmcnl up anym lor lhi yupr mm esfimaled imam of $1835356 but add lanai expenditures in this has run he percentage on this an tryJo 1593 per cenL the lam expendllurcs estimnled for 6w ycar 377595135 Much By ILGL Innlsfll nuditars Mk off trial balance at the end of Oct ober and came up with state ment which leaves most of the departments In salismckary ndiuon frysnwhlchisshown MISFIL NOTES delczallon of Sam 01 Freedom Doqkhobors parade past the maln door at pmv Innisfil Statement Shows Big Business mannomms 0N panama AGAIN letter was recelved from the Bonrd of Transport of the Federal Government regarding the docks of the township es pecially the one at the town ship park about which com pinlnt had been received En closed was in copy of letter received lrom arty camping in tin park an residing in Kitehencr This pnrty hunt user told lho Department ol the danger to swimmers there or being struck by hunt propeller while endeavouring to reach the dock Swimmers who congregate on the dock pay no hood to the boats and heads pop up lrom under the water and under the boots The signs plneed re garding swimming oil the dock are disregardedl The department asked the township ollleinir for their com ments on this and nlsa sold that it would be impossible or their Department to keep mun there would the township be agreeable to accepting tho mmmlhilllyl liter consulta lion with the Police Chiel this was not ngrecd to null it was felt that it township accepted the responsibility tor one 01 these docks it would menu that the other would also hnve to be policed whirh would require lot at help The osslhiilly inniilil nveniunliy nvinn to have illcsnvlng corp was not considered There mo mnny FWVFJ the moruoflmmarrund W97btmmbonas and UN mndcrfulvmndorfill tune he played onl every heart in town HELP KIN for the Park Same of these are for the camping space each of the space mnlers is asking for be The spccIlicnllans mr table The specificallnni are In compare with lhasc pur chased Insl year Govggpmsm Docké KINSMEN Thurs ng68 pm lnclal Ieglslallve buildings In Vlclaria after arrlvlng by bus and ferry ram Hope 130 The Mama said they nm Addod Altrmlan On Our Shun TONIGHT AND SATURDAY AT 915 pm SPEBSOSA BARR CHAPTER HURONIA HARMONIZERS Tllli ENHMIMIYVT N0 IXYRA IMMII GAMES SHARE ma WEALTH GAMES JACKPOT $20000 ODD FEllOWS HALL mm mainfiqu mmnlmMm timrumiinmnfi $2500 Conolanéfirm Every Thunde Night ll Kinsmen Bingo Night In our story about the Don Catcher of Innlsfll wu menHoncd the number of do Inga colleclnd nnd lhls wnx Men as 8000 The Euro should have been 800 nm extra dlgll wnl just Ian many dogs even lot lnnlsfll mm wule some type control by lik saving unit might be he nth svmr Io boiler Baldy 790 MANY DOGS an later In an lnlervlew Tuesday he wns relcrrim use of nuclear warheads both In Cnnndn and overseas Mr Green snhi he could nafi any whether policy change In belng conlemplulcd by the av ernmenl along lhe VANCOUVER cmExternal Affairs Mlnislcr Green has told smch audience here that Canada may ho forced to arm with nutlear weapons Mr Green mid however Ihll dcpenda on world conditions Canada has to take her part In defendan the rec wnrld he said he Unlvmlly 50 We dant lhlnk Canada Ihould bent mulrnl cagmlry Says Canada May Need Arms The Orson Welles adaptation starring Rod Stelxer and reeled by Dnuglar Campbell had prcDroadway run in Tur onln slnrllng Nnv and opened In the Barrymore Theatre hnrn WWW In the Diamnre Theatre ham Wednesday tn mixed rc NEW YORK CPD Moby Dick he stage adaptation Herman Melvilles novel of the great white whale will cluse in Broadway run Saturday alter 13 performances it wna announced mgsdag Moby Dick Over After 13 Shows would camp on heleglslallve lawns If the government does not take step to salva their pmblenm CF Wuwhota HELP mamas Fnlnn In no And no than when KENNXSGbRDBié Mr Wlnlermeyer called or redlslnbudon of elmural dis trlclu at present under Iludy by three mnn Independent cammlsslon Ind uld th hlla he need or rcdlstribu No ma seals became empIy through the death at Iho Conacrvntlvo member or Hul lon and Sault Ste Marlo and the lhlrd lhmuzh he roslxnm llfnolorme labor minister He nIsn lnld the House that the Liberal party tx ected tho hm vncnnt mu the HB mcmber lezhlaturc to be filled fllhpulr ynqpe delay Mr Wlnlcnneyera crlflclsm mused avcr most of the palm of the 7500word throne speech which heanld lushMed Ind bul Inevitable net of pullll cal Illa that governments are prone lo come hearing glflx elgcklnn Mme He ellmaxcd hIs speechby movlng an amendment to the throne speech whlch would ex press rezret that lha govern ment had lulled to enunclalu program 01 tax ndJustmenu and Incentlvesr Ior Industry lulled to Immduce lien hour mInImurn wage or men IuIItd to Introduce labormau ngemenl count and IaIled In Introduce mmpreheanvu pre pnld servlca plan medical care Insurance wIthout means rest or all the people Ontarior Allornoon 130 BLOOD DONOR CLINIC This gavemmema lhmne speeches are rather llke suit of long underwear the Liberal leader sald not very stylish but big enough to cover the sulr Iwlthout being too reveal int Ho said all lax supported lchoola separate or public would be able to provide but hlghquallty of education under what In known as the foundation program of financ Mr Wintermeycr said le oral menmen wauld not es lnbllsh scpnme teachers col legex also proposed by the 5901s brief lcnltu members of he legislaturelut October by Onlaflolkoman Catholic blah ops advocated an extension separate school xyslem heyand its present level Ho laid his party would pro vide elementary pnr schooll wllh hurt equitable slum ha tax dollar The lender all three parllel in the legislature have lndlcaled they favor armors ultablu lax ulnar tor separata ement In his reply to tho speech mm lha Ihrone Mr Wlnlcr meyer said Tuesday the Pm nesslve Conservative govern menll proposed legislative pm mm contained llltla that wau sald very clearly and pun cluely and left great many lhlrjgs up 513 TORONTO lCPF Llhgrnl Leader John Wlmermayer hu told lho lexlslnmrog that his party would not extend the Rm man Catholic separate school system In the province beyond It prlesenl lqvel unnun Acmknoomuu Ion agttexjfnc TaxShare CANADIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY TRINITY PARISH All In Earn 555730 pm For nfnrmallon Cnll PA 84134 DONORS URGENTLY NEEDED MONDAY fiECEMBER IO nunwr ar 7m He claimed lha Jim dnnxemu and defcc ve 5pchillon the press Mr Jusllcu Donnelly found that Upper Igmrcd Idvlce Lorenz on tho He claimed he was arcsing grapes bought imm lhem on their premises and with hy draulic pm rented imm them when tho accident uccuncd iie mid pun oi Ihn pres struck his lace severely damaging his righl on and nnsn TORONTO CWMr Jusllco Donnelb Tuesday dis fixed $75000 damage sun brought by Adam Upper Tomb axnlmt Mr and Mrs ggorge lorenz RR Winona The Liberal party believes Dial the vital issue aireciing the neopie ui ihi province am than or luil empinymeni and Although the throne speech mnlnlnzd rclerenm to some 15 cammillccs and mmmlsslons real promised and imagined he said there was on re ercnc la the reullly of the royal commission on crlma nor tnvtha lignllicnnm or II work for the people of 0nth Loses Damage Suit Over Grape Press Tho redistribution commis snn has In yet reported to the House and Mn WIntermeyer has pressed Premier Rahalts or antndlcntlon at when re part might be expeth PREFERS STUDY Libmal leader said the throno speech revealed that this government course sludyto emuso of action that it thinking 15 done for It by committee and not by the cabinet and that It has my pulley hut expediency wm flu largest riding In On mln having more than 120000 voters and tho smnllest fewer than 15000 ha said there are many hundreds of thousands of voters who are not ade quntaiy represented flan exlsls In many areas vthmuzhnnl lha province It is most critical In Metropolitan Toronto 0U Eff Further owners and operators of Industry shculd consider the formation an snclallon of employers author Ind to speak fur mamgemml as whale and empowered mnsull wllh government and 11+ bar and to ncgnunlomallcr cavemen Running the 000 nomlc gmund mlu 01 our Government should also he suggested establish each induslrlal and peculia Ilonal ma labarmnnagcmcn councils aimed at promoting mom mneratinn bolween em playcfi and eylployccs Thu Liberal leader advocated In formation of council of economlc advisers composed pl labor management and agri culture mpresenlnllvzs la sludy all amen economic rend and project lhelr lnd the Mullah lu ure SILGOESIS COUNCILS It would also eslnhlish an Investment xmd development fund and be prepared to loan Crown carpalsums and to sham with private inveslmem In the establishment entch Consumer ln Ontarlu will buy Ontarln pmducls only to the extent hat they an com peutlve in price and quality the essence of problem and the responslbfllly of govern ment ls hauls industry to produce products whlch an compeuuve fir Wlnltnneyer sald skill er gnvemnenla pulley he to assisl the Indusuw of lhe provlnce to reduce costs by In Incentives depreclntlun wrlte all and lower rates for hydro electric power on employment and economic growth Mr Wintnrmeyer said the governments measure waro only nlbbflng at the problem the minister Economics and Develofimant Mlnlsler 11¢ aulay rea believe his own statements and advertising Ihal domestic be Cnnndlnn campaign can treats 60000 more Juhsln Ontario then he is deludinz himself and the peo ple of Ontario Thospecch mm the throne vague and halfhearted about the governments policies and programs In mammalian QNA NJDHLING awnomlc lmwlh of the adiusl men oi our economy the challenge oi tho Common Man kc and the movementlamina ma lradubylha United States of ihaqneed iorwrealen on operation between management and labor ni the need lnr clear cui long range guvctnment policies in agricultural the need or duration equality in elementary and secondary schools and lhn need for comrrehenslva service plnnluf med cal care insurance Mam Private Stock CUSTOM BLENDED CANADIAN RYE HUSKY Themlulu OInIHInlemmeumo You ago Adams Iiulllcd 29 great hikh MCI with mm Llilinlic cluucrixliu And Inn Igwl llllfnl In special oak asks Now Adva In nmniml Hum ram IIISHCSIIO crcnlc he suprrl flavour of Mums lrimlu Slnxk Sobcaurc to try this custom Mend presented in its x1 Ilucanlcr at popular price great whiskies 29 t1 WWI UEAW For ulill Inn In llnl mu Inliq dopedn lion Aner 11va do we have names remarked Senator Farris Vancouver 50mm who Introduced the Each senator chose his om clal deslmaUnn after his ap polntmen and most of them 519 lacked the mm meir homo awn or my The rule was described has day night mmplelely illngL cal rather childish aru Ilcl andsllly The suntan nxesday nlxhl unanimoust abolished rule requlxing them to me to col leagues on1yby their ommal dulgnallnns Thus when senators formuly dwsscd or Mened lo Sena lar Wallace llcCutchcon mlnlr er wilhout poxHallo and key adviser lo Prime Mulls Dlelenbaker they had to call him Ills hnnnrabla unam trim Formley BACKACHE OTFAWA CmThe honor able mmbers at that body the Senate Canada have finally go around to call ing each other hy Inch names altar 95 years Whats In Name Senate Finds Out Air lieu said in reply in Mr Pearson um ho had metred weapons capable oi carrying nuciear warheads not the war heads memsnlves and hat lha mporler had misunderstood This drew Jeerl mm the Lib eral bench and cries oi mis minted nunin This was Ills reply Io opposl Hon leader Pcamn whn asked Mr Dlelenbakcr to inlorm hi coileuguus and the Commons an the subject In view the re mark attributed to Trade Min lslerliccs In Tomnta Monday that Canada has no nuclear arms as far as know Mr Hm was reported to have corrected hlmsnl after sayingrnrlglnally that Canadian maps in Eurnpo an armed with nuclear weapons THE BARBIE EXAMINER WEDESDAY DEC WE Peatsbn Asks Nuclear Hrms OTTAWA JONAll cabinet members know that Canada has no nuclear weapanx Prime Mln Istcr Dlefenbaker sold Tuesdnyv In Ihe Commons Mr Pgnrson also W3 Mk iNfi as NATO oxtn Herrldgo NWKoo allayWest asked NATO laden pqwerri This ques apparenlly tened to another slnlemcnt IIlhulcd hi Mum that Ca nndinn maps in Eumpu nrl armed with the some weapons In NAM Mr Hees snld ha had been asked details about cemln weapons and had referred the quelslioncr lo the defqnce dc par Mr Hens abaul he slulemenl allrlbuled to him lhar sum government departments are loo large to know Una details cnncerninz nuclenr weapons EVENING SHOWS AT 700 Ind MD Now SHOWING

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