am 31 IPlanned Cuba Attack Thirgeenl Are Arrested blflrrlvmnl lunllze and IN lvmiwnm llrxvrml mmn lhn larlll lnrrlun Mmya Ilmu In llm lnrlllcnln cunllvlnnco ln hlm lhal mu lur l0 nmmrul In lug llle enlnl mm Ilm wetl Ilwu mm mm llml will 1mm wrllplnrwl olllrlnll vnl Krmmly will wank pub In suman nl Elnmuuu An Mam nl llm mnlmnmlor My mlvnlsly llw nmlllenl rm muml him at Ml lull mper ml um ï¬llmum llmvlm II plnnhlnl In run flung Ilsunl 1JFKS Support Needed To Clear Stevenson Only II Warm up mm Olruwul ltulrrnou In MN leI her diploma In New urk may lm lmpnlml WASIHNUION Th luluxr ul Allln Murmur Ill IIrahlml ermrllyn nmlmnu dnr Unllnl Nntlom mm Imrlrr rlnm Imminlnly Io MY rim ulllrh My Km nwly Mmqu ran vlnp nml cun lmm nunnla monpnl down an Ihï¬ Mun Imml nl Mnrnlhnn be low dawn Allmry pnld 111m MLnnlng ldunlilicd himull 13 xpcclnl lnsnlclur llu mm nnlll moo In Caslml nir to he said We him no mum and be Innn no other nnllACaxlm Inc lion llmnlng Ellld nu he ml In cell mm In mnlu In lho Nun oCaunly Juni Later Hm npnnrcnl loader 01 ha group Gerald Pnlrlck llrn ninu 25 La Anldm CnllL lnrlmnlrd the worn olhcr mmrllln nppaxrd In Culml sro rngimo lruinlnu lhu Mw pm Thu menWu Cubans nmonu humtam Albury they mm rncrcly lmlning no me Wir nrml They said Hwy hm hm doing ml or he lnsl xlx mgnlhs wilhaut Inmtcrcncc bury the men denied the accu mlinn Bnl Albury and sum cienl cause to lurn them over US dislritl court In Miami Fla or hearan lnlcr an or mal charge of conspiring to violate ho US Noulrnliiy Act They were hcld under H000 bold cnrh nmdlan ldcnllï¬cd him Icl as William Dempsey 210 WlIllnm 5L Slrnllord camv Mnnnc haltlc mtlgucs they were picked up as they boarded an armsladen bual Mnmlhon Kcy about 40 miles nonhmsl here All but lhrounrc Americans KEY WEST Fla AP girlccn khaki clad men 1n dding Canadian were an tested nxcsdny on Hny is land In the Florida Keys and accused preparlnfl an armed expedition nuajm VCubn Dalton Palrolman Allen Hertz loll copnu he Illa saving of Andy Bari centre while Detective Angus Cather um and Detective lnspcdor William Ellcnhurg right 95H Yur Nn 285 ariast mufï¬n 57 For Examiner Wamï¬d Tele nhono PA mu The telephone nilng pa for the Buslness 0urTe1ephones BACK TO THE BANK IT GOES Involanl Imam hm Mhé qunllnnl IN rumln lnln locvq ho mm In mlnnml ernly mm yuul nl pmmrm ur don on of Musltlnnu IIan was vlrcprclldcn he MIAIIO holnra wlirinz In IDSfl wns llnlenlnd In In elu lun Mrnm Incnl CHICAGO AP Thu Chicano Fulcrulllm Mmlcinn Tun dIIy mislul Jnmu Pclrllla prrAldom the union oh ho hrld for 40 mm Pclrlllo who 13 year III prrnldepg llm Amnrlrnn wmu HOME MW llnlyx Communlsl partyllu vlngul In erm Eumpo hlunlly condemned Icklnu loduy nnd pledged mlidnrily Mm Mmmw Glnncnrlo Pnjouu am llnlyl 0p flcdx tumor to Chlnrso dalmatian nl Illa Ilullan Communist congress hero and 5114 MI party unanimously candemnl your unjust position LEOKOLDVILLE AP Tho Ccnlrnl Congclnso govemmcnt oduy daimod capture the norm Knlnnxn own Konxoln whcm about 1500 gondarmcs 10an la Knlnngnu President also Tshome hnd bum holding oul xincc Fobrunry Gm Jnscnh Mnhulu announch his rcnlrnl nrmy troops pcnclralod the lawn Ins Frldny nml Hm It now under his Nnimlu Hut diplomnlic circles hem umughl ll hkcly the Knlnnunns hold the Indian on the cast hank UN Lunlnbn fllvcr No Name Key Is an lsnlnlcd spot of lnnd near Mnmlhan ac ccssiblc only by bonl llcnnlng ducrlbcd II as he dcparlum pninl not only for hl nmup but Im others in trainlng In the area We and um munlflan lhmugh Hands and from sympnlhclic orgnniza Hans Hennan snld But we didnt haw cmugh uasJast night to not even halfway In Cuba We were merely golng over or manoeuvre at No NgfnonKey Musicians Oust Union President huat carried 15 rifles live pis tols and ammunition two plus tlc mh npd hand grqnadc Italian Reds Boo Peking Mobutu Agpounces Capture Of Kongolo whichu Tipped by bank when Earl 68 withdrew $10 000 police called on Bari his home andwen shown his life savings Bari said he was airaid the Russiam would in vade ihe Uniied States and he ADM BTEVKNIDN NEWS BRIEFS The nl ht mtlclv whlrh tumrd Immmllnle nllenllnn was mum ml slevuman hml dillanlml lrnm llm urnnrnl nlrecnlrn wilhln llm urrullva cnmmlum anlnnal rmilv Tmlmil Incl Drlnhrr val NM hlnvwlmhnulxl lm Im pmd Mum Cuba to block In my sluvmnnn Imublu hogan lululrly Eumlnv wllh Hm dhrlnwru In ï¬nml NEW York In an milclr In lhla mnlmu wrrkn ullllnn nl llw Sahmlny Hrrnlnn luxl 1hr mllclr um ulllIrn Iy lluulu nmlru Say lrgmhr hr ll hnlmmmun Tum and Inn mm at Befa Krnmdy Aml Iny Slrwml Al ny 0w mhlnxlnn nlllur mgw Hu llmzmluc Mm II mmlwl II NMIM Ima nrrllrnl mulqu ullhln Nlumu llw mlmlulltmllnn hml Haw mum Inlmnm mm ha WIIHE mm Inr dlsnurte Intn1 jn pullrymuklnn Mmuld nnunynmul hul nmmr HI nuflwllnllvr nlllrlun hlnh olllrlnl lm inlrrprrlul uldrnro llml WI unlunnllnn Mum bn krlcumml Iuy Iho lun Mm John Dempsey said Tuesday he wroc In hls sun Just cw weeks ago advising him In keep your nose nut Inter national siluatlnnx The only sun or Mr and Mrs Dempsey allcndcd smu 0rd Callnulule and helm going to Florldn was member lhe Perth no lmcnl mllma where he qualiicd us cop pornl after summer course Wolsclcy narrncks Londun Onl William Dempsey has bcnn living No Name Key since last summer when he went Florida would lose his mnncy Con vincchhc Russians had no plans Bari watched qs lhc money was couned pollca headquarters Today was back In he bank AP Wire phaloLr Says He Approved Before Blockadp Mn Iï¬viuhillcllly in lmn IL llollmlln NI INIIRI lhnl In hm mom mp lulnrkndp vrncrm HM MI NIH lulul4 mu Tmlny Kmw Nullom Amlmumlnr AIHAI Nlomunn HIM my Ihnl he hm nmvmm Hue naval Mmth Tuba ll ml Ihreo unify lwlnm um gnmnmonl 41w rho In gymu Il llnw lvl 50va nmlrnr wtnpnnl In Mnlnmml anlnylhr leu Ilnuso drulrvl Hm mm and durumd Ihnl hlownmn Ilml in Int Illnmfly lun pnrlnl Krmmlyn Itclwlnn lnr lhr lelmkmlu Irru Murlmy llrlrn hv llnm nlw mm mm Mr Mlulrly rm llursllnu hut Ihnl HawMon would Irmnln UN mnlm Imlor hll wmn nubmcrml ohjvct mm klnd Ho discloxed llmt 0w water was calm and Hwy trial In mw back In tho nonh mart docldod lo um ammd but did um um lho boat mum no rowed backwards Mr Snider alt that it wnn nlmu paint that no water unrltd to rush In Hm hum nl lllohhack of ma ham Mr Snldm mined mm the foursome had made we lrim mvund 10 buy dunn lhu Ml emwn 51mm about lwo oclock He Milled In ll was Round pm Mm lho bong Much lhe csllmony was commml nruund the Inc that than were hole In the Iron sum that sorvd or no umul purpose It was discmod mt wnlor must have nmhcd In these lmlcs when lho our men tried lo pnddio back Mm nflcr nhcnring on the bdlom pm tholr lolwmpowor mo tor nonr Miner Palm mend some sort or remg niiion to 17yearold Tom Var day the Central Collegiate stu dent credited mth saving the lives three Barrio nrca man who worn with ML unmet at the time at the incident Coroner Dr Frank Shannon suggested also that the jury Md return with some mum mendntimm so that inrther suoh tragcdies might be prevented It Seems that boat can be registered by going to an ofï¬ce and Just filling out niece of paper tho coroner comment cd in histagwnmnuan alter hearinz one nnd hull ham lestimuny fitness who mined included 51ml owner of flu bunt hut upset near the south sham of inner Kcmpcnlcll nay Bmcu Maycs 52 Cookslown Roger NcMon of RR Barrie Ddocdvc Ron Pickurd Bnrflp Ely Police who identiï¬od the body on Sunday whm It was dimvcmd nnd mhom ynv 10ng up nun Snider 74077 of Ynncouvcr The Jury recommended lhnl every bunt hnuld luau ctrllllcm ul seawormlneu and that all opernlnrl nlpow or beat should be requlred lo have npcrnlm licences It slronxly llllul ml the Barrie Pnllcc be pmvlded wlll pnwcr but Im rescue work ln Kcmpcnkll any ll decided lhal Frank Blrrnll mule aimt had mm in MI dcnlll about pm on 81 by drownlnl Helme he jury retired lnde libmlc men Auomcy dhompsun urged m9 lury Io Mn mm worn the bark Darrin OniarlorClnadg wddpudny Dmmbnr 1962 mean cnrnnnrl jury tadny commendbfl Hatï¬eld Tom Varley fur cool clenr Ihlnklng In an emcmenny and prompt ncllon In nsculnx Iurvlvnrl In Oct ll Mn lng mlshnp In Kelnpenlclt may Coroners Jury Probes Drowning old IiillerSmogf 11m urml wrn Kuhn IIL Inn Ionmun Mmlrlcu Melnd lien Mu Hnflmm WheyIn Jmuu llnrrln and Net chm Mr mm In mnmmndrr at UM Ilnnll laurr Mundmn Cunslnhlo inninn Selwmd Hm llurrlu cily pollm lcsllliml that lth puran ml the hay mm the ncclxlenl Imppcnul ll umkr Um Juvullcllnn ho Hnnlu clly poler Hn mld It In lunwllul hy lho pmvlnclnl polico and In qu of emer Romy III own pulvnlo crnll WI DI It Funlnr lulimony mulul Hml I0 bonl lrnrcllinl About 20 mllm ver hour must have In rmk no Imml lmr lo nun ho Inmnxo lo the mn Inr Hun mullnl In pmgwldor of Ddwa Dent Lintx mm the one who on led hot anybody um mnly or llctnm and not one He nnld lhe nccldcnl Mum nol hnvo hnppbnttl lhc men hml um All Men In lho back end Th1 cvldmcn wnl nuppodcd by pllulournph An nulbonrd motor slmllm lo lhn one In valved In the accident was also introduced In the lcslmony Constable Picknrd explnlnrd lhc lost lhnl have been under gona since 10 ban was re covered For one our men Ilmilnr In the 51m hose 1n volvcd wcro pul In lho bout an Mnnduy and Wm found that water lmkod lnlo he had he lml hadnt known he walcr when tho men worc would have said It would have been loo In swim Tom lhen old the jury lhal lhn our pcoplo Uncludlnx hlm salt decided no lo mm ha bout bul hung on lo the aido inslnad owed the men lo share It was about 200 yards was told by lathe to call the police knew my moihcr had already mound It and knew that the police bum was 00 big We had mwboal up on the beach mm out In whom lhoywere and dad slny 9d on the shore to reassure FIN went out immi znte myaefl and hero was no doubi hat someone was calling for help 111 was about 705 pm know it win In west erly flirtation near lhe bench Wm quite dmk walked down he bend and up Mn 11th saw nw mm In hadnt seen anything In bolh walked down In the bench lhm Ind baked vuthtbnbay and saw what looked Ilka 102 lom Varlcy who Invst Baysuir LodgeV told the all owlng story It was about so on oclock and Just slaan do my hnmmmrk Some duildrcn came the door and said dont know joke or not hm lhqrea some yelling in the bay thn juror asked Mr Nev lulI il he lhuughmha situation at ï¬rst he mply was No called In Frank and he aaldhcwasOKlcalled again and there In no on mm said Mr Snldcr There wen life presmcrs In the boat but they were unwed bwcause the boat went under so fast the boat wiLh Mr Newlon ballng and the other lzmce mwing backwmï¬s fflle bent then paninlly suh merged and upset When Ihis happened one man held on In the bow at the Inn and the other three ha sides The boa stern as completely un other three boats stern derwatm ONLY 16 Hnwnvnr Ill AFDC mum rlnm In Manny nhl Jodaln mm In Wuhlnnlnn ln argue lhal ï¬rtan II flu AFlrtlu tnnqlllullnn lulllll whh unlnn IMlllu unnule ml be lppllmhla In lnnmln Mm UM klmuld him In tonllol mer mrmlmMp lnrlmllnu Inln nallnnnl unlonl whlch hm lhrlr Imadqunnm Hi Im Inlmmlnl wld Mrany rrjulul lhn Joduln luv Innin Inlnlnl Hm AFerIO mumm on mm clur MLJun IHL In at or Ant pail Dll IWGIUMI un an Ml dlclllon IM alum mm mm ynu Mylo opavrn ume but tho to hrmlm In Cumin wu umlmluml ham lhnl Ja dnln um lbw mum MI mmnlalcl de ml mt mm ulldnulm ukmm null Jodnln vmldonl Inc Cnnnv Han IJIMIrCulllllll And Mnnny hm ha M141 held conwlrnllnl Inlkn Tummy whlrhJmloln lnlrr llmrllml rxrrllcnl and rncoumnlnl erlhcr ha nur many would IHICIMO llrlnlln lhclr dlmxr Alum WASHINGTON CllClnluln Jmluin nnd mm Manny nru parted In hnvo Iplll on In mnnd by us Cmunflnn Mm lrmler ml lxpnlu lmlwocn anmllnn lultmnllnnnl unlunl ha ulllwl In Canada and not In the Unllcd 5mm Adair noted fur his success In cxlingulshinn all and nnluml an fires mld them me lot utcchnlcnlillc like lhn Incl Ihnl lhi well connected In two pruducllvn mu levels th know what wlll happen lho lowtrlcrcl connection crupll in Join lhu imam flnwlnu new Meany Splits With Iodoin well cnllu ln ihe your Tcxns hauler lasl weekend The Mum on he Pendant domllln llcldwhns bun burn lng for Iour days Name 011 Cam any am of our ï¬rm whlc hnvc an Inlcrest In lho Eel cnllucï¬l In he flycnpnld 111 ï¬r is mean Adalr his nee rad from the heat ald lucsdny MEDICINE NAT Allu CPD Fire at nnlurnl gn well soulhenst or here canlinund run ning wlld today and Inmcdvlim llghlcr Red Adnlr my he cant xuuranlco he can put ouL WILLOW WEEP FOR SPRINGTIME Dnmlcllnnlhnm appeared cMnd the Wnlcrlm Hm The at warm sva ha alnrlcd puuywlllnun ylnumlnx In the Kllllfll cl dwnni Dnhmnr WATERLOO CP no luddlmflynhunnfluer So mc Iho punywillow nnd dnndcllons Lourdua Has was raped and lung to her death from mo of llstory Imminent house in New Yorks Mama at Brnoklyn yeslcnhy AP Whopholo This Fire Mean Says Red Adair THROWN OVER mns KENNEDY MOBBED human Mm mum Kenna In drum mm which broh poll gm the rim lw mlv New vaklllbynk Ira cm Ml or panama to My PM MM Um ncquilch In coun mm wry much Hml ehth would have done wilyoul you anndlnn Club lunchcan that lhls were dorm lhc private slnlinns nnd the CBC wuld ovenlunlly uncr nlo mnllmly lndepemhnlly or arm number The Mpnrnllon wnuld nrcnlly slmnlily lhc rclnllnnx hemcon ho two buard CDC and DIXG Ila summed that pchan of 2130 national hmadcnsllng covorngu with own stations Instead of having lo depend on privnle nlmlnles wnuld by Il scll ellmlnaln over me your 0m annr complcxllics ho Cnnndi dcnsllnx synom OTMWA CWCBC Presl dcnl Alphonse Oulmet loday pmposcd eventual eslnh llsllmenl ol idunl broadens lng system In Lnnndn whlch In allocl would place the puhllcly owned rorporallan aulxldn lho mgululory conlml cl lllo Board llmndcnsl Gurnmors Those lhnt did rumble cauli nusy lhraugh lhn Icy gloom lulu London wm pacch wllh Il mnst unbtliovable Jams Nn commuter lralnx crashed oulslda London and injured lhrce Trains were cancelled or d3 lnycdsomc as much as SIX hoursall over the cqqnlry ershnvc died In hospitals and in homes Chan on lhc rnilwnys city streets nnd roads muunled An Aulomohllo Association spnkLsmun said Visibility ls down nil in sornu London Irons mi AA patrol in Londons llnmpstead dlstrlcl reporlcd to hqalzgqunnqgs bylmdin van Hm Eirds are walk my gym DISRUPIED Tho fronting choking gluom appeared to Mill wnrsl since the killer mng nl 1952 lhal lasted more lhan 96 hours and caused at least 4000 dualhs In qudon alone LONDON 1GP sullncnl Ing lmdaylbng killer smug causlng widespread death and delaysbhmkcd musk ol Brllain today and wealhermcn pre dlclcd Il may cling an or nu olher 48 hours About two years Ouimet Suggests Dualf Air System Tfahsportation Disrupttad Even Birds Bre Walking HERES ONE NolMon Thln per Copy20 Pugu mm clmxdy today Scandal 3W wnmnvw 40 lull mm um In $50150 Local Weather Jumvmmm Ii mm norer mlfl Inc um Mu Ktmï¬ly In 515 WNW wlrml Wu um 1n Cunndn Ian rnnuc master plan blueprlnl or bmallcnsllnu We new In muhlim dour longmu xoah nml obkcllm Inr lhe ayslcm uholu In Mtll at mh It parts Mr Oulmcl said he rcccnl Grey Cup lelovlalon cum Irovmy which ha described as ho hallo In Canadian brand cnslinz history nuggcslcd Ihm mny hn mom for Improvement In lhc Cnnmflnn system llu augncslcd um an Inquiry pcrhnps 0an cammlsslnn he luunchcd as soon In In ten lhlc In determine whether he prcxcnl synlcm cnuId bu mhdl NI rcvlucn or rllmlnulo built In conflict run almnlily Ms opnrnllnn nnd ndminislrullan Jhi should he lullownl by at rimllc review of tho rnurl MUM Isslrm Eventually the mnln con cern all the EEG would be lo regulate and recommend ro gardinz privalc slullons In said with 010 CBC wall uin lo nmwcr dimly la Pnrhnmcm on all in nahmu but wilhout lhc Dream inlet rclnllnmhip bclum BEG and CIIES icUl CONTROVEHSY will 011 last great upnsuru smug was in 1957 when 1000 perscns died wilh chest and heart amicalinns during lhreedny slcge Exactly 10 hrs 1150 lb nil wa 4000 and by some ch mngcs 12000 in an eightrday pep Against Hm latest smog ban donm including policemen put an prolccllvn masks and warn shay their work as best my Relnsing to face he acked trains in dresses many saw reta rlu and slenngraphers came Ithdr nmces In blue Jcaxm apd Ihick swpalcrs health mummies that babies and old persuns shglfld hankch at home The slluallnn ls pnlcnlially scrlpus said spokesman for the Medical Research Cannon 5ng parllcularly allucu he very young and the very old and people willl weak hearts or chests hallcd Car drivcrs bumped nlnnxz In lonl agonizing lines Thousand abandoned their automnbllu Landon Alrpon was silent Planes due at London Almnrt were scattered nll over Europe Nn civil aircraft have moved Ingmpge Ihnn annulus