ur um rmhialnl mm In mumfly our ymu no Ne lurer all Ind Iva darn thlldvm 113 II III Ilmc ulmn nlmuld he mum mm but Influtl hll In Im bmmnunt ll um In lmmmlm ml 1mm drum Now in nu MI hair ml In Mu mm 1m down um um ymml and on without mu Ann luau1 When lhuuld plrrnu mm lryln la hplp lev MMIM WM Hwy awn In rullrze When Hwy rmnnw Whm Hwy mm In lhml will llmn ulun vaxrnll 0le Unlr hil um 41 MIMI hay Ime wlmaul me ward Hill um 01 mum Dur Murk Trll our rlIlX dnn llml mm mm va la lnr whlnunl muthrr II fllwllyl lhtre wlth hrr tlmk book uhrn umrmu In Hm Inmsly mod hrlp And that II md 11 Th you lnaw lav IlIrPHfld Il II My nml In knaw no GOOD OOMINU Duly Arm Landau What doel one In chlldrm whcn my link qucsllnm about an nun who llm In munnn nmnmrnl drlm now cur mry lwa yum wrnrn rlrganl cloth Immu quelyy nnd lun nml dnmll but Job 11m lmm ll Ikel the mu Anvl nod lrhnd rlch old nul Mm mflrrltd Ilul lhlx Inrsul nllrr Hm lad Ihnl lhb II mu Human an that do lrll my chlldrrnl IIIVIK FOR AN 1XILANA HUN Illln km in nlrr mmnnlfly ml nlunyn Mum lfke Indy Sh ll grnrmul In Mr wldnwrd mnlhtr and In nlwnyl hm wllh her tlurrk lmnk um Inmmno In the lamlly um help um youd call Mr In good mil aoks nur present and Christmas cards for all he re 1mm friends business con tact and so on All you have to do is pay lhe parking Mb cu nr Chrlilmu shopping £19 an whichever you yrclcr and Hum In an account of nasal tar tho varlom sclecllnns nnd dtdslam Both of then accusallam am or think woman In wonderlul Invention even II wmewhnt complex and hard In underlland It llmu Also do Appreciate hem and no mm of he year this feeling at And dont think It is al lngclhcr atlribuuble the Chrlslmu mm II wond edul feeling fella to have madam do Ill Ihe Chrhunn ihoppllll excevl your present to Cf JACK OF ALL TRADES And being deeply npprcclallve having all these things done by mmconn who II compclcnl nnd willan In do them you are at count apprcrlaflvm And be In appreciallvz you spend con Ildorahlc llme and cllarl no lo manllpn cw xhckch on Prevlnul columns lubmilled In Ihll page have given me to ht accuutian lha not only hale women but 1110 hat lack ngrï¬dnllaq Sluthe year this failing at ngpmlallnn illflflEcr Ihnn dur Ing lheCri Mr and Mn Ronald Clii Elizabeth Ann Fildey in the lord Grny sign the resist daughter oi Mr and Mn ioiiawinl their wedding in St Eilxwarth Fiidey oi Coakaiown Johns Anglican Church Cocky The bridegroom is lile Ion oi town Rev Jack Adam oi Pei Mr and Mn David Gray oi erborouih officiated at ihe Ailirion The newlywed an Autumn ceremony misled by now rulding at Treiheway Rev Howard The bride Drive Toronto ANN LANDERS Dy HARVEY ELACKBTOCK Tell What You Know Not What You Think COUPLE WED AT ICOOKSTOWN DESPITE PARKING TICKETS Misogqmistl Confessés Wifes Role Is Com plex II in 1mm mwmhk far young Hal flvl br IR hum humu mm Md lulu Amy dunl lwmw pl lulu 1mm and Ive pofltd on Ike mum cwmlm llnm donl mum mm inll nlnMn cllhtr Jun la nlllly her It with out follow It Ill monthl lr mm dallu hlm urIuA mm um the would Mk rml ï¬nally duhlrd In nlup lolnl wilh Ilm dum nml my ham unlll 0th lrfllm In 1min um Anln 1m havlnl Irwbla with my munL She vumln ma in with Me lellmv and only mm IIIIn nw plunumu YMI MHAIIY DATE lmr Ann landcm An nwlul In of mi we 1le milr and Ir you my want to Kn steady bul lhrlr parrnll uninll ll Well lhll mm ll mm Ill uh mm with you Hm uni ï¬rmly can Irml In All Hull vvnhleml dnnl wnl In Ilralulyhm my mnuur Innlnu on bhu tlalml loan my had or ymmI III In by dallnl uvrrnl dimtn Fellow 51 In ll uvuI mlkw 1an II If nellillml1xpnyAlden lphlm Sny mmrlhlnz mu Ill Mr mponll bully nuw nol yuan Penonal npymnnu can be bunmflcr cl anIy puuum The prmn who unl cope with rmhleml nflen hunmu raw en nbcul hlmull Slnppin one wlm Imd do he lmmncn may Iymplom al In amo IlnnnI prohlrm tr Ilml hiyrcmrlllnue lo glv nlu Illpl lo mule Ihopprm nybe they think hm II law Ihnvlng or day II me In Ilubby nppmrnnc hrtnh my hum Mr mml lo hw loll all lcllrupul III we at keeping ll $1 19mman flu AI MI mnlher do hnvc he ylzhl uy IDmclhnlIIM ImflE Every Chrlslmu 13 Inc lamb thing Madam opens her pre wnl and beam with joy 01 in Mat wmled the ex dgnu haw 91d you knowlj Yolï¬ui bl Maui youve Mn ally acmmpllmed lomelhlnz or once But nlonz about lhe um week In January the 1m Hanay didntwanl to lay anything ll Christmas becauscl know au tried nu yau knawlhll my AI Isnt lheknd waï¬led Would you mind loo mpg lyxclganggg Fiï¬ Hi3 55y now deymdowMIlhebfllml canrxdumzu think have It somewhere you ny and Ilart zolux thro ulh your pockttl You ï¬nd an lrhh Swupslnke tlcktt an old laundry ticket membmhlp lnkel Thu Menl Pm Club and various olher lnlemllnx Ilrml but n0 ulc Htlrel Never mind xhc myx ll explain hr cluk and they exchange at me mum vnrlgbly he cut Ind wand cram MUST BE JOAIEWIIERE wruenl Illa will really pleuo mum bl Mum Mu Pauli Wnllls Mr and Mn McKay ll Plle Mr And Mu JnmzI savue Mr And Mu Slew Anlul no Mr and Mn Blnlr Mn Snrgrnl Mmundl Ind Mr Ind Mn Mn and Mn Sinclair 15 Blake 51 animalan In RUEUDH or Sydney Knu mm rpn er the Canadian Club menu In Johnson School nud llorlum Anlmnu Inr tho uptlan were Mlu Horn Mc Gmlor Mu Cnuplnnd Am Mclmn Mu Rnwson MIL Wall and Mlu June Slmpsan 0er momhm nnd gutall present Included Mr accept It for what It So once again let ma any do appreciate women One thing about lhll Chdslma mowing business Ihouzh think quit aufliclent lhal women are an absolutely right about It all Oll hand lhnugh ld any there no reason or them In be qulle Imul about IL Aller they hm an un Mr advantagz When woman dwnfl want Io talk nhaul some hing the change the nut And when she does youd bener clung with her man doeml havc hat ï¬rcmgaflve Ha mu qull xlt or and lake hi5 SOCIAL NOTES Chrlslmn poL luck supper will be held by mnmbm 1hr Barr Vnmnn lecml Alsncln lion al Collier Sinct Fellnwshlp Hall an Thursday evening Con vrncr he mnl Is Mn Bruce Edcy 11 party le commence mo oclock PTION punhhment my Tonoiynow and day qr mental pursuits wclahmty and mum matte Outdoor activi tlel and travel Ire alto gener nusly mued no man your plan argd enjuy yawn mnnm minHun tomarrow Ii yaur birthday the next year lhauld hm some exctllenl opponunlllei for lu lure pin You are endowed with lot ingenuity you are practlcal and peruVeflng Har neulnz lhcsaflne lrnlu you mould to miespecially since Influence recommend the making or practch plan or the Iulm and the galleries In with long1mm sum You may encounter some can lulnx AltaHon in personal reï¬ Inflonshlps so be especlally mm In dullngs with bath anally and lflendselpeclafly durlnz the next monlyh The 1131 ance of 1962 should prove pro plllom tar romance nndm mars ring and early next July will be txpgllplgl farlrnycl So on year Allnr year gndlhcgel nouuxeuln your Qty can cut mun Mr and Mn Jack Culver Base sum was among the gun wha allcnded the Grey Cup pmy held nl home 01 ML Calverts brolhcrAlnAlnw Ind ulslcr Mr and Mn Jack Tyn dall nl Isllnxlon on Salurdny POT LUCK PARTY child born on this day will be endowed with the qualities needed In make an engine nclenlm or mathematical 100 MANY EMIGRANTB CAIRO Reuters Amhari Hel here are becumlng con umednboutlhe number or peo pla pnrflcularly Greekl who are emlzrallng from Egypt Most the Grenkn are mer chants nm or cute proprietor nnd Ikllled technicians THE STARS sï¬ Unnmum ny zmsum i11$ip$lr1otrl ï¬agé QUESNEL BC CPLTak lng poihuh ALchuckl around her home at James Wash Ihnrpened 33yearold Ma Ma bel Hayl mount eye so when sho went hunting In biz xameeauntry in lhe British Columbia rvIlmIm lhedldnl mfu BigBullMéose YOU FIGURE IT OUT DOLLARS YOU SPEND INTBHRRIE THE ilflST70IiTHE mYfllleflfl vENTiisEEN The Dollars You Spend 01111 Town Are Gonelorever Yes the dollars spent out of town are gone forever as far as YOU are concerned BUT dollars sleep at heme voyfrelikélyite see again and againas they go into circulation locally helping to sustain hometown employ ment trade and commerce You may even see them again in your own pay envelope if youre em ployed here Most importantly youll see these dollars AT WORK via local taxes and con tributions maintaining better schools streets parks and other community facilities for you and your familygoing to work again and again creating more and more new jobs for local people lBUILDABlGGEflBETTERBAHHIE She died LMpound bull moon with her 308 calibre Winchesteri Bu she walnat tumlied byjier gm fortune She bu been bringing home mee each yeariarjhe 1m Iix seasons Jhls year her moose had sevenpom 36inch antlers 1qu lropjgy or an hunter Mm may ll5pannd our loot10 Iharpshooler has been Malling axgets ever linen YOUVE GOT LOT TO WIN lhl wu flntnhle me Durinl the whim uh nhouu chum typeol rodent pen Irmmd her home hm unm mums Now the hayher Halide mi another trophyn hear to maka or hir Itvln room my EXAMWEB WANT Ans mom Hymn Mummy K7 iocalpoiicgmen who akindivo 91 hobbym providing tile departmentwilh mini new wing They an into notion when ever there ll drowning or pm lica want loxcruiinize liver bad flxelr dim hm produced useiui piece of evidence many to group vsiruitnonav comma Inn lflfllflnn mu um Willem WIL To Ink mm Ihl mm mm nummvllm Ind muma ma mm am mew lungfl flfzh It you do gunmenng an in mm In rm mu lumen dual lull mun mummnmm Wmmms mm mu mu numrpuu Wmmrm ml mm 32