35 murmur Cari Govnu who purchased ï¬he Crumery business in Cree moro mm Frank Gray will bu igniting over passesxiuu on Dec Tile Creemora Creamery bhk jlneu was ambushed nearly 50 year ago in the building which ind previously been hotel gHotel proprietors recalled are age and Robert Maxwell owners were Mr Stewart turd Mr Caller The late Josiah Kolh purchw ed the business in 1921 and in rm secured 1h Iervlm nl ank Gray young man who ind racenily acquired butler makers diploma at the 0AC Guelph Mr Gray purchmd Ihe Milne from Mr Koib in ms By nmm Auxlllary to the Canndlan um held In olflceunl the Novem melllngnllawlng mlnl which includedn pot luck an pmldent Mrs Hazel McIntosh president Mrs Cflf mun Gowan ï¬rst viceprawn 15 Harry Conner ummd $Mrl Viola Styles secretary tum BSm1flIrecordlnl Mrs Jnn Falll reg tuur Miss Ethel McLaren at Arms MrsEmle flab gum executlvo Mm Don Can ruthen Mm Alice Mnckay Mound McKlLflcm KW Howe and Mary yahoon The pram Ital Frank Hare Walter Subject Magkny 9nd C1em Penallnn are do bl regglned Mr Gown la Crecmm boy He married the former Get Montgomery and they have our chumem For the wlnur months In underst than will be no chanle In llvlng quar tm Mrhlnd Mu Gray will mush In their Apartment over umh DICIMBII 100 lam HUI ll Pin 11m4 If Emu spam Juan lubllu mm no you an mun DICIMIIII 1m Tm nuan ma um Mural mo Mum Prw noun DICIMIII Promor mauny nu Llwrmu Naw wmn lpem munu but ran Thqu Th mm of cu Tnllll Nagy39 22233242223 nmluv mcmuu us Mmm Julan mm no man am Koch lhuw ruuul CIC rv Nm Wu or om Nm numm abln in um um noun Hm antnl rmr Noonmu mun evil Drum mall limit 111nm Younl Know Vuew olffqerl egg 313011 Mlh Mac An Nun Wulhlr Spam mm mm on Pen1 uwn CFTO CHANNEL CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE lhe Crearï¬ery mid Mr and Mug Gown will wide at their mm home touchy the ylllagetu George Llayrl nee Mary Evelyn Rllchle were married Nov 28 at St Gearuen Anglican church Egg1e I3y quler Dyer Mra Lloyd 11 he daughter Mr and Mm Allan Blmhle Creemnre and her hullsd la the sun at Mg and MIL Amol Uzvd Mn William 5mm of Or Ingeville vlalwd wllh her moth er Mn Walker on 85k FPY Fred Well In spending few days LnVDelrolt with his nlsm and ramlly Mr and Mn Del bert Eflls 99d bgqlher Ken Mr and Mn Walter Nemn ah vllltlng wilh heir daugh len In mlllon thh wnek Mr and MIL Danaid Dalton lndlamlly Ire movlnl to thl Timmanl héuse on Welllnuwn Street Mr Ind Mn Wendy ltlooremrqvimu temntsnreuw In In the Presbyterian menu ML and Mn Bmceflm In new occupgtni thelrngvl homg Paul Duunn has returned his home on Edward Street alt ar spending the pun two momha at the 001anin Hawks TomiPalmer andinvali us may Ia yondon Bob Couller Major Salk cull ed on Mn Ind Mu Elwood Jenna and Mrs Harold Ar mzm Mm Clare ieidl Ornnlevllle visited Mn Hamid Arnold an dag this pin wegk George Davis had the mly lortune to lose cow thin week It had been loaded on truck or market and while he truck er oped to load law mare anImas it escaped Whatfllth chasing It In try and catch it the animal became lfllhlentd and mad It turned rrn Lye lla non Pm Chlflln 100 Dflulh mun 0m IMO Country luneucn ILW CBC TV lel 11 Wnlhel 5901 NW XLIO MIMI Cllllnl mummy numnzx 1m 1m hum am Mamllll mum Party New nomvu loom Pawn Pny Nnondly new mm mm Benny mumm rmnuly aunt Lore Van Show Tmny semen um mum mm mm mm uummm llnund mvxncm an In SIM Nm Wumr apart 1m rummm nu Sory cl 21 Am My mm Sou mm um Cm szmumm Tm ramm Yuu cnc TV New wmnu mu mm nm mum om mum of the villa Mr QM Frgqerlc Algen tunn Dnmino Ind In 11li mum 1V Ilml anllnl AI You lmpl In Caulk Um lm Un um flanl 11 lunuI mmm nmnm um crv Nm crm spam Nmm any mm mm um um Wnlhu PIN nulnn um TORONTO IVY Melaau who impedalntbrhli car The now attack huer dran In the trunk and bmlu ngck It xiuk law Iromchls community attended the bake sale and bay gar at $4 Judes 11mm Wednegday Member at Ivy Wameni 1n slltute and friend lrnyelled Amman Khundny Inclupon and along tour of 1981mm Hquy glam Rev Henry It Mm Grace Dunnlll Mrl Eaten Dale and Mn Henry Dlvll aucned lhn lecture at Irlnfly Purlh Hall Barrie Nam 26 Thenew erend Falrwenuzerwu mg speaker Slyudent aacherl from Lake shore Teacher College at Ivy thgolllhll pal ylukjrgJaM They are alaylnz at hum of Mr And him Fred Nam BAKEVSALE The WMSot Ivy Presbyter Inn Church met AHhe home oi Mrl Gordon Cochran with 16 present Mrs John Ovchrane apened the meeting with read ing increnu our Work in God Hymn 435 was will The lcripv tur reading Wll taken irom Ania ghnpier vgrga 3012i laugh tiom we 01min taken and dedicated Diocesan qipterpapquet 9n Dgc Mn Cochran Introduced the xpnnker Mn Ramon whose mmher Mrs Gauley was pm aldent in 1901 Mn Eamon gave an Intelulan nddml on Mmlnns Mm wax Vieadflfrmiï¬ar gang ycnnegy ln lnginqg uh Norma Cochran and Chlpchm Ian hymn Lmle Child Like Me mi Cachrane wave talk an Scrlp Cure readlnx Hymn we was lung dellclom lunch was ner ved and all enjoyed chat over lea cups Euchre party wu held Mrs Hogï¬s Monday evening wflh 10 rabies In play Opening leadulna of din mgndsu This hand wu played lwa years no In the Intercity elm match bclwccn 14 Angela and New Vark Considering that be cum Included the nut mm Ihal wuld be mumbl ed hc mull oblnlned ha nu lrhlu where lho hand WM played Ia quilq tmuknlglm The blddlng open lend wm txuclly he MM ll ball Inblcl lhn Hm table wllh New Yorker holdlnu Is South cum drclnrcr ruflcd Ihe Ica dinmnndl and lad he Hgglnf jpngux ï¬llivllflfillnfl play had more in In lmnr Ihnn appear on Haul Declmr wu hm DAILY CROSSWORD yearn Mrs VWIJ back JllS 0191 VO Em dealer Neither Ilde vulnlmble Mn 1091 at LAW may In lfxdudl ll mlan Datum luflll ll Alum Immoral It Inky bonlx AW 10th 81 IM Chum amllm run Ibbr ll llmkh minnow rlur lnubllult 11 luck of Na Iuur TAILM lIocd mundtr out Not Mdmflul pileId mun 11 IA yumon My Johnon Illllgxb Imam flglmu Thu biddlu huh Amos imma KNOCK loath Wen North 1L Dun nu CONTRACT BRIDGE gxinoamz 9x KQIG KOBE LP or Ocular MI 1015 D1 ATAA 09+ 5mm By JAY BECKER MfluFIuIPépe 1m gnu milI laxtuna to all on the verandah last week nndhnrther back Shams remnvcd by ambulanc In Royal Vlclqua Houpllal but ll 1mm again 91111 batten mug41 of hat mwnucl Monqay pnthy gunout 10 the mes bereavc on Wednesday nunmoan lot of work was put into the quilt but not of tea durlnxï¬ha ammwn pad mqu the volunteen Mn wamc Ania 6mm but Mr and MaiManda Miller mm Spuday mu Mr mu er brother Ind almrlnlnw Mr and Mrl Fred Gibson to Benton Mruand Mn Allen Miller Dorothy and Bella Mtllérr Ind Joan Spec vlslted Sunday with friends and delivan Alllnon mum Ron ï¬lflflewmth Eur WMCFMM Dick Vande mmn Robert Kale has retur Md huge ml Ayn 394mm Mr and ML Jack Ellls wen Saturday awningwml ML and Mn MHlford Plan Orangevilla Ind Mrs Roy vCIllke Grand Vgljey Mm Gripe arid Mu Bailey sludcnhlcnchm are staying with MacArthur Dnhsan thll week number lronn here at tended Em Township nomina Hog matting n3 Ivy Mrs Douxlnu loudcn and Mn James Davidson Ban1e spent Nesdn wflh Mmfleclor Tum bun mmle and4min Louderl spent the weekend with the 1V5 Spa33 Mvely all weather brought nut goodvcrawd euchre players Thursday night Prize winner were Mu Amum 09L Buckle Maurice Miller Mumca Baldwlck Irene Cole man Clara Terush Helen Hol Blll Mquqgen fllqglce Vechte his lo catch the IlngIeLon men or Jack In mm hand mm mule Mme to two rump loam Instead othe hm he would olharwlae Inn by leadlng low ade Nola that In In actual and IJIe defame can mks three spade kick regard In how South plus the Em took lhe king wuh me not and mlumcd low cluh Soth wan wllh the queen and then 1ka ha king 01 hum with the Ace He was now able to dlscard Ml remaining clubs on the queen of heart and diamond Ind later lost Iwo lrump Mela to make tour ngde doubled 111mm mmury when VIII 15 um the mend mm the Lou Anselm declnror dld one trick mm He also ruffed the ï¬n mnnd4 bul ltd lha len at mad an Irish two instud the Hub East was owed ovcflnh the jack th ha ace and Just A5 at ma 1m table underlnd Um ace of cluhu As mull South didnt Ian club rick Ihll lnhlv elm and mad llv tpudu doublzd 1min only trump lrlclu lhll table docllm ren mncd lhnl Ennl opening bid Included three um Ind ha therein did not lead tho klnl Wm mull have been nlrnld that 50th W1 lrylnx to put Iomelhlnx om on hlm Ilnce he plum lho Jack on decimal1 ion Tamman mumm upon drlcm Swim Imam lull mm mmuin Julie npnnfauud 1063 IL in mu Filly JIM wth In PENNV FOR wan mousNVS mama lawman mommy 1m luggmm flint flï¬iï¬g An