Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Dec 1962, p. 1

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Em WarheadST 4Canadcti an far manna win Ad Mo MFA Mill The telephone uumbgr to call the Bunny féfhYoarZl No 253 Nehru Sees Signs 3991 Withdfiqwdfl Can Our Telephdnés WASHINGTON CPLA well was and medlum rang 1e mzallflcd military some sayxlhomhern In Cuba v5 delenca pulleymakers are GenJJohn Gzrhart North worried about lhe lack of nn American Air Delunca com clenr warheads ln Cnnadahutmandcr cnllednn alen at all that he has sepn no cvldencelNonAD component tartan In ol lncteased CanadaIlls gov eluding those In Canada when emment tension over lhls issue Presldenl Kennedy announced alnce the Cuban crlsls began discovery theollenslve wenp Th1 inlormnnl said the 0510 0c 22 The cam government dld not announce defence depmmc waum he an official Cnnndlnn alertan to pee be Cnnadlnn government mm any man flnnluhm mllnlclu number can Business or Edam mm PA 68537 ml Mama la the us Eun uu wt we unnaumu government did not announce fffggfibggggsagfifi Kzgggmgfi an aiiicial Canadian alert untlll make decision as quickly hai dfisxgglfir mm waned asaible to acquire nuclear war US peraal oi air defence aqued Rend 1° CHM runs armed with nuclear weap Eumarc missile squadrons and the Canadian interceptor tarmI21zhfrefigflwaififlmggfi Pm he America Canadian air areas were not Mien 535 authorized by the Canadian ov Sucha decisinn would be in ernment to disperskpart ai llne with the established Narth the defence plan to prevent American air defence plan he destIUCilon by BHY SHIP said The Canadian government enemy attack has staled it Would acquire lhln and the net that the such warheads only in time at Canadian air defender did notl war and not during pencccarry nuclear weapons while world disarmament nego paired North yAmcrlcan Mr llatians are under way 91W 31 950 The Informant aald the Amen lcnns agatn pointed tn the gapin North American nh delcnce during the Cuban crisis when US areas were put on the alert or puxslhle war against Russia allowing dts ravery of Soviet nuclei mls POINT TO GAl NEW DELHI meme Prim Minister Nehru said to day apparently than has been lame withdrawal by Commu Ms Chinese troops along tha dlspuled ChineseIndian border Bu Nthru told tha Indian Parliament it was difficult to my how many Chlnen had wflhdrnwn or where the with drnwal wal taking place He mld lho process appears to bu going on In various places Nehru said the Chime were beginning their promised pull back in the renr oi their lines while in irnnillne Iradiiqu they might have lhinnc am but had ily wwmwn lndlnn llama Mlnlslcr Lnl Ba hndur Shaslrl said Sunday in dln would not hold border lnlka wlth Chlnu unless Ihey wllhdrcw to he poslllons they held be ax0150 Chlnns Nov 21 com Hra proposal callcd or the wflhA drawnl Chinese troop bcxln nlns Dec lo 12 miles be him Hun nctuul control on Dec 1959 Th wuuld Icnva lnrucrrbordtr urea in nquhcm munkhfibxuimcd by Ihdin In Chlncw hnnda Thu New Ch nn new ngcnty reporled In Peking Sunday that Chlnm mo had begun lhelri wllhdmwnl mm two polnls an thn disputed harden The agency nnmcd lhe osiuonl us Chlla and Sumqu crh REPORTS WITHDIIAW Mhru unld the Chlncso have nflmd to hand auxr some skk and wounded whomn10 ho lmlng Illed Cmu Wndnudny nudlhll mnnrilrnrl Inn Vwmn balln McDBnnri ulliéc Clllnm would be nnmdllu mnndlng Mr Drew ll 5th ol Um McMahon lnmmlnml lb rulmnnl 41 Mn Gm Jnmu lnlk IthL mme with MAI Gm Mlml anum IL Mmm lu Qlll NM U21 mmmnn ONE TO REPLACE OTHER IN BERLIN iencowmry nuclear wenpons im lego paired North yAmcricnn liir iDelence and upset the Can adnUS defence posture the informant said my Amerienn authorities 1150 the wen reported concerned he nir enusa the Canadian government risis did not give authority or us on nuclear hembnrl i0 uae Cana wnr dlnn airfield while carrying dis nuclear bomb load during mls their alert yairoia mm mw Suhednr Pratnp 51m he DMGmhwul Rlfles 110 com mander said Immcdlalely wa rdl discovered our mmuke we up M14 cncd fire In The Indlnns mid lhcy ulsed four allnckn wllhln seven nI any bug yllh lhu mm thclr GUELPH mnon some Draw Cnnndlnn hlgh commlh nloner In London will VII Guelph Friday The troop brought with them he tin eyewitness acounurol how Chinese Imp disguised Al Buddhist lrlhcsmcn led 11 mt prlw attack on Indian poafllonl My 6g La Pass 14m month which Ixidla recognizes the gumL 01 the granderL Repnm 1mm Tezpur Sunday said the Indian Army was out touch with Chinese mo and sourch them were um 16 to any or certain It lhu wIlh drawn had hemp The mums uld between 10 000 Ind um Indln troop trapped bchlnd Chinese llnu nave returned 5er in lndlnn nos va Indian held lhnlr nre lhlnklnz Iho Chinese were rqfu £5 poslllronnelll The lormbr Guclph mllllnry nfllcer wllI nllcnd tho nnnunl afllllcry hall of lho lllh FltId HDKImcnl fuel LLCal Colin McDonn ulllcnr com mgndly Dray lllnomrnry George Drew Visits Guelph Man In flnlln nn mlml In Ilnlln mm In aruunlnl himell with luqu you run Hm In lnllnmlnl OWEN SOUND CP Dr Charm Jnlmet 51 eminent Cnnndlln authority In nuclear madman wal nccldnnmly shot and killed while hunting nlana near hero Sunday Police found 1113 had adny afler Dr Jalmet mlssc ran detvnul with Mend hit summer harnu here Pallco Md Julmcll gun found besldu lhn body nppnri enlly hm discharged whlle he was cllmblng fence Dr Juimeii specialist lnin lernnl medicine wnl preiexmr el nuclear medicine and med ical dlrecior oi he department oi nucicnr research Menin ier University in iinmiilnn iie we also chic oi medicine fi Jaacphe Hospital in iian on In 1an Dr mm was dele zm and speaker for Canada ma Unlted Nntlnm nlnmlc en ergy conference In Geneva He had been cnnylng on with unclear research In ad In Swllmlund our year ago Dr Jnlmcl who hnd came to spend lhu wackond alarm counzn hnd loll now or Mend usklnz hlm Io blow lhc car horn aummun DL Jnlmct mm the bum He II lurvlvcd by Mm Jnmcu the Univmlly of Toronlo and two duuzhlm Hll wflo dlcd hut yrnr Specialist Foimd Shot Hunting mmmnmlnnl Ilm Mu HIM wlll lulu cuminan an Army ll Fm Mr llmmn an IM wluphnln BLENCHER ENTERTAINMENT WAS THEIR LAST RESORT By THE CANADIAN PRES Fax and lluorldnllon nns llkcly be major drtmnlnnnll n1 mldcnll most Onlnrlo com mnnlllu vulu mdny la Avlccl munlclpnl nllklllll lar oncrnnd lwnymr lmnl Whlln lho an expected la mhlw llm vnlo In mnmunlllu bardnrlnu thl Onlnrla nnnl Eric lluorhlnllon may wrll campemnlu at lhu lunu lrulpm lhmrldnllnn plch mllel Mn Landed in nu plnl lormn MM edllorlnl pnplll In many rnmmxlnlllu whm Hm IltCHfln canmnlum would all wm mm Imn mnollhumlll Tornnln nml Wlmlwr Irml lhn III In rllleu when lhe quellinn II on the lmllat the Grey Cup which the Bom hcrl won by deleatlnz ho Hamilton llwtcm am In moushwhvrn vyouhmnt the byes51 1ch or the mar urnbut when the score bmud disuppcnra thala the lust Almw kvernl rIlIu Mn allnfi 1m war on Humlny mull ml mmlu IIan VI Mu lmldlnu rclcrrnduml un Iwn yrnr mm lor munlrlpnl ulcinll clone lmlll II pmllctnl In Turnnlnu mayoral rnro whrro Mnyur Nullmn hllllpg 70 In nmmml In hln hhl Iur nn unpmmloulml tlllh lvm rnr lmn Iry oulmllrr lhnnnld Ruhr mmlllr 47 Humhlnllnn an mm In nil I7 Imlnldpallllu In Mellnpalllnn 141mm marinabut when the score This was11m balm the baud disuppcnra thala the lame wnl called wllh ulna lust mm mlnutcl find 29 seconds re Tha hardy lootbnll an In mlnlng In regulauun time the up ncut mt nchuntnn ThlnzlflHGJMflinzflo drug with Hrs hnplcr lho farlho upyorunl inns now 1Mz Grey Cy gqmo Splurday 1th he goreyunrdym gong Thu Krnrfdsiand an ho mm 5110 sIdo at tho field was lhv Close Mayoralty Race Foreseen lls Phillips Tries Filth Time um thing to dlunppcnr heavy log aclllcd dawn on tho Canndlnn Nullunnl Exhlhlllan Stadium Nut ihéfilnyrim amp But the fans by watching ha maxkm on lho Aldcllnu could tell where lho play was They didnt know wha had the bull mind you bul they knew Wlnnlrex Blue Bombers and llanon TigerCal were out hero Iomuwhm Then lhe murkcrl may cured sun the nm were no calm They wnlchcd the llghlcd uguhoard MAY Ill CLONE ln Ulla Ham Clmlnlll Whlllan II mun lur annular worm mm unlnn luwyu Ham mu and mu mm ml llJ Irm VWVIII many mumunlllu amnnl um lxmdon Innl Mill mm demon uan we rum Bhrrlo Onmlo Cnnadu Monday Dumbr 1962 Thcnfllnns could Me Only polling Infield Thm the Icarcbanrd dlaap Only one lhlng loll In do yelch Winnlm fan who Togomp c9 Iluod lo lacs the cum behind hlmflbnngmwrcu same wring drinklgflfl arlho upyorunl inns now thal he uorebunrd war gone But Hamilton Inn climb ing ho stnpu In an unsurn mhIon llvnned lhlnss up Wlnnlpcg Inn on an Male lent made remark about Tlcnlu The lnynl llnmillonlun hmw his bag of popcorn In tho Vcstomcrs lace and received In loud chI In the law In re lum the final played Saturdaynnd ngay at lprnptpzl Brig Mum rum Sydzic lodny ar Inter kw hcld valu Inst Salunlny anm In Welland HMurdlIy approved flmrldnflun hy mm In 3791 and Sunday mnvlu nnd mam by wltlcr mnralnl nrncw lyrlxluu rrlcclcd fiundny mom and movlu Summer cullnxm mm llm TDmnla nru mmd vlvlnrlu In lwn Mumkn lowmmp clccllmu hul wml dawn la 10th In in lmmhlp bankran tho slm 11m Tarulllb mm Wm rc tlmal In Mum and Wood Towmhnv mum and callnu mllmckul links In llydo Iuwn mn Mar lrnvcnlmrul gnlncd tonlml Hm CW4 mop lquenlnd In delight and the boredom was broken yelled ml nngry Hue Bomber lnn Ill lho palicu nlflcm and their capllvc disappeared down the plain haw dyn llko lhnl lle lIlnmmtd Ml hat nfinlml Ml BIL coat me 500 buck to come hm lhla wrckcnd nnd what do they dal They slap the only lhlnz can Ice Iollcc arrived manly and nulmd lhu combnlnnll from their mull ONLY 18 mm Um nyILImu PARIS Reuteraunnnrdo dn Vlncl Mann Lisathe iady with Ihe myltcrlouz smile1 hiQJAuh an Jmfld Jam vcny here over whelher lhn painting thanrldrbe sent on loan roaming mould be 7m Unitch Smog poss an Amari cnn tent was mind In spring whenvIrcnch Culluro Minister Andre Multan mid tho mniler piece should be lhu common pnjglmonx of all people Slncc then It has been sug gested thodmlnltng be dlsplaycd at the atlannl Gallery In Vnshlngton and the Mctrapow Inn Museum in New York Clly clthcr early next year or at he bcglnntng ol the New York Worldl Fair In ma Lady WithSmile May Go OnTour OTTAWA CmTram mm or Hm puma loday nlmply romcndoufl curly row pnnsc hy Cnnndlnn mnnuraclur and foreign buyer In his dcnnrlmmlll bl uIxwn The export campaigndubbed Opermlon World Market II 11mpan up ns real Iucm ho mid In pm Ilnlumcnl reporting developmcnll Halter Canédlan Football Dengue Cammhslaner CF Wixephoto Mr Hm called um blunt opcrnllon Ila llnd ever under taken by nny counlry mu really delhzhlcd wllh Io way Cnnudlnn Indumy in ncllln bchlnd us ln ml export truffle prmyollun laur nrt oprrullnn tour or Cnnnd nn mnchlllovnnk luu Imam by lorrlxn buyers nnllnxml Inmrlu nhnw vllh larclzn huan Imunhl lo an onlo lo we and buy Cunndiun fort prcmollofildrhu plinficd or next lprlng MIIDKINIE HAT MIIL nnhvrnl an wrll muth hum mflluuul lo 5ch Ilnmu mu nlr lodny Mr Im Ilhlrr Nu Adnlr plnnmd Illll my 0n bow lo pul out he Mm lrrrlnncu llrollihlcr lmm Tunl who Imn nu lmprw AI In mlnnulxhlnn John lwllm hlm wnl rnllrd In luy all company ulllclnln Ellmlny Mm nlllrr Ilemfll lulled In wmlun Um mlllwroni and MM mm 10 Mall inn hemlnl lnr nl my lo mum up Muhmrnl In Imlllo he Mm Th0 dull Irv eluded lhp min 11M Dlllflsl of mm on em puny am our Hm whim mm the we um IMMIan demand Ivy be In wu VIA 1m Il Imam Hees Delighted With Support For Spring Export Campaign Anlr flryanrohl dmduil whom man noan Mmmpllxh mm mm rmllrr lth yrar whrn ha qmnm an all mil Mm In In Hnlmm lmm upon lmlr hm In um Runway Firefighter Is Called In Dense wall in tensity western Dense wt 03 conllnued tn wait in yarying degrees of in tensity amss muthern and western Ontario today There good chance ht fog Tuesday although it Is not ex pected to ha dense or wldw spread as an the weekend The weather omce indicated that the weather system responsible or the 02 should move on In Fox inaomhern Unlarla was blamed or llve traffic deaths during the weekend an and hls wife were shrunk car near Chalham an they walked home after their nwn un crashed Inla duch man was kllled in Owen Sound when hl truck went over bank Port Colbarne man was killed when he ran In rant lraln and boy dled In Toronto when he run In front car The fog is caused by warm alrmasscs tom the south be Ing pushed north across chlliy Lake Ontario and Erle Th3 warm air plcka up malsmre and blown Inlandl By THE CANADIAN PRESS Weathermen say he general rule for he mg to be pushed back to the lake durlng the day time But the hlnnkel has been sn heavy the last few days that has rcmnlncd over me land The weather ofllce mld it has had reports at dense log mm Kinguan and in north as no miles north or Pc erhurouzh Toronm last week and flights were routed in London or Mon reaL Landon nlrporl cnnnot handle DCa jets and those Imvcllcr dmppcd at Montreal cnnllnug their Mp lo lhe Tar nnlo area by lrnn GROUNDS AIR TRAFFIC Passengers whn Jnnd at Lon don are transported east by bus Bulfalu and Nlngnrn Falls nir poru closed Sunday and nlr mm or Ihnl ma has been made consumer goods an 01 law confcranre Ike dlpflll menta mu trade commissloncn bmu ht humu from nround the war nnd Hnnlly cantcnnca hm In whlch Canndlnn produc on will Inlanlow he lrnde cnmmlnioum Io discuss upon unlcs possibllluu IAIII IRBDI Mulr mind by nlm Al Medkluu HAL Alli yulvnlny Hum llue mm uninsl well llre burning Ilflfl FINAL 1p Foggy Wédther IS Blaméd For Car Pileups Petty Crime NotMori Thapic pen CopyH Pngu Local Weathe my log Sumy Tuesday Law at Mummy rerouted In Rochester and Syra cuse Londonthe blggest 1i lle akpon on the TCA route mmjn lhan2000 passengers have been handled since Thursday Waltlng mum acilltiea have been mid to their utmost Several provlnelal pollce de tachments nnld they hnd no dun how many automobiles hrd been smashed In their areas 0n Illghwny 401 Saturday nlght was estimated that more than 40 vchmes were Involved In on pileup Slupping In the Welland Canal came to near standstill Ol llclals reported early loday that the worst log stoppage in years had halted all but three shlps from clearinzme canal ln the issue ham SHIPS TIE UP Seven ships were tied up In the canal other were at an chor in Luke Ontario and nine were waiting in Lake Erie Occurrence of crime rose in Toronto as break In arllsu pursewatchers and smashand grab upeclalislsuscd the fan as gg ygy men Olhclali at the To ronio weather nfllce said their de lot of people seem lo thnk the log In our fault one employee lamented And they take the limo to call us lull us why hey Ihlnkn us BALTIMORE Md AP Unfled Nation SecretaryGen ml Than believes Sovch Prnmlnr Khrushchev does not want war but that the Well docs Ml seem apprccinla lha full ligniflmnce this ad vance mm Smllnlsm Ha callcd or and take an bulb Than dealt with EnsLWexi rclaiions and the Unlied Na Iions in locum at John Hopkins University Saturday in mid In hls prcpnrcd lec lure In lho Mo 40 um early 50 the wllfltal syslcmand theorlcs such as the Inevllnhll fly warprcvnlflng In the Savlct Union wcre lncrmslnkl regarded elsewhere as sum lhreal In pomch and economic symms In 01h pnrla tho world In my view the lysltm muted and mulnlnlned by SlulIn mnmfully mm 1m and ohsnlcsccnt Thant Believes Russia AntiWar hum runnhn made Eur mm flaming Ind all It llm lat I1 yearn CF WIvrvhnln

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