Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Nov 1962, p. 7

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Amung the guests were Mn or and Mrs ll Ilawnrd and Mn Miller and Mn Jack Brown 21 and Mn Mrll Slcclc and Mn flan In Mr and Mn Walls Mr nnd Mu Ernest 1011 Mr Imrl Mrs Gm rue Cnldwcll Dr Neil Lanna Mr nnd Mn lulu Mr nnd Mn nelnrnva Mr and Mrs Noel human Mr and Mn 1Iunlnx Mr and Mm wmu Mnjnr nml Mrn Grmw Dr nnd Mrl llunlun Cam and Mn Curluriuhl Mr and Mn Tum Kerr Mr and Mn John filuwnrl Dr and Mr Inul Walsh Mr mu Mn Emhurmn Mr And Mu Arno lnrkwn Mr mud Mn Jnrk Mr and Mrs Songram Mr and Mn 11an and Mn nnd MrL Wilan directed the evenings artlvlncs Ladies In while with sash and man In the kill provided an cxhibfllnn of lrndillonnl Scutllsh duncu ncludlng Lqrd Mcmyl Reel Mums Vcddmm Pclmn clln The Union Plnuuhmnn None So Pmly and Thnrc Nnc Luck Alma the Dust PipeMnlar Tom Km wm pit er or ha dancers The Oflicers Mass was gnin decomlcd with mm of Scol Innd and lhe cross St An dmw or he Scotllsh night held In the olliccrs mess of Grey and Simone Forcsler at lhu WWW Mei Lurckr 00 Vlhn PipeMajor Tom Km wn pip er or ha dancers Relrcshmcnl Imcd Included lell Hm Gncllc punch T0 SKIRL 0F PIPES éumsmns TEAS wen the talk the wwn yestcrdny mm eastslde to weslside Shown in top photo at the ca tabla the Christmas tea at v00 lawmanI1 Traditional Scottish Dancing Highlight Of St AndrewsBall IInnmiMme III Anna Fl IA HIM THE mmlm tar all yum Emlmlng med W9 mum Inlnmu Hm Jnmln Mauro lMan rumplrk prlwllun ul lnlrrlur mu Print palm MOORE Myl Tlll TIIE Pollock Mr Cralu Dr and Mrs Scy mour Mn and Mrs Edward May Mr and Mrs Jnhn Steven Trinity Anglican Churdn um mm the left Mrs Dalcnn Swan Mrs Finmm and Mrs Wollendnn Above wailing to have their 1amth on their stocking Bakod to poiaction mapped or platedon Iv mina 1mm blacum Peek Freans llb4 package now joins me tnmous oz Peek Frean Dlgesilve In gill package Canadas tavourilothe best Digestive biscuit ever baked and Mrs Jan nqw In new ONE POUND package son Mn and Mrs 11111 Cnld well Dr and Mn ELI Bil key Mr and Mm DG and Mrs Gordon Emcry Mr 5nd Mu flan Ilurdyall ol Barrie ML Jlll llccC Slcwart and Ray Stewart of Toronto GREEK LIBRARIES Then were 1250 public Iibra rlus In Greece with 175000 read 11 1M1 for Santa flu Polnscuatea are mm the 1241 Steven Roberts Karen Taylor Terry Johnston With them convoner Mrs SM Examiner Photos Canadas Favourite Dlgestlve Her sampled by The Exanunex unmet mowins the annual eventf CBRXmKASVTEEbW Red and whitewere the main color used In decurations In the tea room Carrying through tha Chrlsunax theme tradition tree decked out in bright shiningjred lights enhanced the white and red nolnsems which adorned the walls centrepiece of red palmet as and middabra with All red candle adorned the teatables Presiding durlnl the afternoon were Mrs Hellfipresi dent oil Slmcae Presbyterlal UCW Mrs Frank Dnlzron eld er of Burton Avenue United Church Mrs Maxwelli also an elder Mrs Lloydilosler president of the Burton Avenue =UCWfMrnrW afrITalf elder and past president the farmer WMS Mrs Cyril Cook garter president of the tanner 5EVAhfifiaiiPéeChfishpésEvent Held BuIthAvenué UCW Mrs Davis sncla canven er did IpltnrlidJob of ur rangemenls and 13 in be com mended for her tireless eflom throughout the year Her com mittee or the poinselule ln eluded Mrs Spurn Mrs 0Renlner Mrs Dabsan M11 Blogz M11 Veilch Mrs Mchlan Mrs Magee Mn Parr Mrs may Mrs Mallenley Mrs Ferguson and Mn Reid tum lug The bazaar tables wéreiladen wllh selection lb delight we vglse shopper One of lhé booth held special gnracllon lor children mothers amld laugh wd hyislgnus stockfiggg 9nd hay ing lefiers Just so Sfitavngit 19ng laid 2h conven mime table OHCIZId 119717 eclahh varier of homebaked goods mpg9 whlch jere 150 uomssas Theronmswere gally decor aled vim bpughalol evergreen and palngeltal atknunon Ave nue United Church yesterday amoon The occallon marked the annual Christmas teatlhis year called lhePolnselta tea bake sale and bazaar Tea time was from to nclack Com vener waxMra Bru flesh and tha even was byqu 550 Cyrll Cook and Mrs Wlll Llllle ln charge ol plmm with he lullowlng asslsl Mri Alienl Mu 0p hrl nurl hi 1n v1 PERMANENTS SPECIAL mm mimsnu iqu EVES BEKUTY snows PA um pamplcie Th famous Bake Table of Burton Avenua Unllud were un der the convenershlp Mrs Goodkllow and Mm Cor rlgnn and 1h Iqflowlng nssis lama Mré Melson Mrs Sdnandlen Mrs Hoskin Mrs Berry M111 Hop kins Mn Semmens Mrs Hammad Mm Kai and NEW SERVICE Santas Work Shop finder the supervision oi Mm Henry oi AdehidntSL was brimming aver with knitted gqods labiq centres lays aprons andnnvel ties and lhase assisting in Wsbnuarvmnywerez Mn Grace Orser Mrs Pack Mrs EmmsMMre Ci swam firs Eoynian Mn Wye Carol Muglc Was supplied by Mm Frank Gorlng filth Speam assist Mrs Roberts and Mrs Norma Juhnslan organized the Baby Sitting Service or the first part of the afternoon with Mrs Funecott and Mrs Goadlellow looking utter the Int ter half 89 that guests might enlnythelr cupof tea wtthuut worrying nbaut parcels Mrs McQuade Mrs Agnew and Mn Wnleln conducted Ctgecklng sgniqe um uulmesun The Fish Pond was operated by Mrs Cyril Cook and was place when ywng fry could spend anywhm tom cent to cents and get Am prisemmthetenderfisprleF Dont know whelher any of the male visitors noficed he miy do hanging over the Fish Pond MnJW Guugh Mn Wm and Mrs Ayerst opalsled Candy Tnble which has be Ten Tabie Hostesses Mix Rubbed Amber Mm Cook and Mrs Rqach mararr Wildfir33ndMrg JamiesonE ArmstrpngMjl AHerr IngtonyMn Jaunelt Mrs Sykes Mrs VBfley Mrs Moore Mrs Falrwcalher Mrs Hunter Mm Harl den Mrs Webb Mrs Began Robertsun Swain Wye M4 umy nea er of Burton AvenueIUCWu waa asslsted at door In the receiving of tickets by Mrs lam yd Steele san ahd Mrs ACfl Finminl representing the Ive gruups Jo Trinity Chute mug whQ spon Iored the annn hr 1ng uesls nt thoTea Room Mrs Faster Mrs Maxwell Mrs Green MrsWex Little and Mrs HE Clemenls Mrs Nesbm conven er was In charge or plannln promalion and advertlslng pnd Mm Renlner cocanvener culminated allpluns for the bauar and hate mom and kit en imdel TrinilyAngIIcan Church oqawhitejfll designed Icing sugar centred file ea table at Trlnlly Angflcanlchurch yesterday Mlemoon ed by all whipped frosted ml ma candleq andvsumjnmgied py pins boughs file unlqucrchurch design was created by Mrs Joyce Sewnrtfarmurly of Bar tie who spent 20 hourswmjking on her musicrplece Mrs Mp5 Calthy and Mrs AuHaughfon werei in chars of head lable deuor T131 um Presxdmgic he mama dd Lug lhoafteméan wefe Mu Ray mfih rs Swan Mr Cbnvenfirs were ReplicqxngfieTfiniWChuréh AddrfiéllfdbléAtlAnIIucll Tea 1000 and one ways to ui your fancy Comb Brush Setffipray as you would your own hair As Wig Tiéket cfinvener mm Rollnson when pommillee wurunder lbeconvenership of Mrs Lang and Mann Heap The bake tables wcrIaden withyles cakes cookies hume mnde breads and rolls In charge table were Mrs Mx Gosney Mrs John Seal and cogonveners Mm Eric Simpson and Mr Wink Exell wide vaxlely of QRmMrand mintwere on display under the convenership of Mrs Fish er andMfl William Wollcndcn Dwaraflons in the bazaar room were chargehut M175 Ree vie mused er imaginaflpn in Wading mimic mange ments bow and théjfiuamgf amnufinl Large ml poinsa as ever greenJiuughs and hugered r11 ngxsigdorned glhe walls ofxlhe gues are Mra Rea hnnorary president andMrs Read president olmllringty chGulli MCKINNON FURS LTD kn Youluilc invrm Io VISIT coil Tmfie uunp nu Palluflnl In excellznt nlm mm mm 13m To Wear us Hat Fm 1401 Can of Lanolln Hair Spvay Our New FUR sronis The Iirslcdilion orLEgamc wntnlnlng pnlillcal vcommenu ashlah anqspons news qua described as succéss studemeditmi Ian Chambers It will becom monthly prune 35 mums iliiiféiifiwmir ms mung with Its English noun ternunSqquk Box DARTMOUTH NS CPD student vpubllcalian printed end tlmly in Frguch has made It uppeurnnce at Prince Andrew ugh School here Tea hostesses werejofivvlehed by Mrs Don Magew The bnby mlhg servicev war In charge Mrs Rou Gram and me Thompson win wnvener of advertising Mrs 35 Wake hostess School fHaé Péperfi Printed In French

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