£33 Hm Chrlnhn mull um hm one 09er II manm who Id In on lawhlp Hr Fnmrllhcr con llnue mm In mmllnl Churchllnul In hrhun Full um am Church And an Churrh Alone bu may My lhnl lhll an Glmch bu Iulttmd dmnlonl mm mm In one lchmnnr Ilrmcll Dr lnlrwulhtr Th Chrlulnn musngc lay Ihnl God who made the warld hnl MI ltII tlu world Io In own ro bclllen Ind Idlcnm but qu coma InIn Ihe world In Illa pcr Ian Jun Chrln lo hrlnl rwpla hark lolllml Chllll An helluva than only am ntdcrmcr who wnl In the world nl onn pnrllculr 911 Ind In one particular llmn Everyonu nerds Hrdtrmrr becnlm cv yam II tnlnmd In Iln and no II only on ncdmmer In Jguy ï¬nial In emphnmlnz the unlquenm cl God he Illuslmlcd his point hy lcllinn how he propheu nughl nunlnst he Idolatry many gods The canclullnn he 11qu draw II lhnl mm ll nna God lo be worshipped This one God In tar nll became nu mun have Gad In wrnt an lo my lmple w1 dlulpnlu Ihulr margin and lose lhclr mu lhcy du nol wnnhl God Can Icqucnlly every rlxtlnn ha duly Io brim Iha muuu nnu God to whle world Ta look at Chrlnl nnd Chrlpll mluhm ln put mnteu In HR whal ls the fulfil and mp5 01 Chrlsln mlaslon Ihe world Ind la ask what Chrlu mull ha to fulï¬ll Ihal mlulon was my lhrulasgecu cl hll nddml He mind Um the whim mnnl or unity is GadIxaal in the rchmpllnn nl lhu world God crengcd variety cron Iurcs an thnl Ihny may ulll mnlcly be drawn logclhcr Into unlly with ï¬lm despite their natural lendcnclu Io divmlfy he said nev Eugene Fairwealhcr In MI Iddreu Bl TflnKy Parish Hall stressed lh hm unllics ma Chrlxflan Mission on ways of nlesmanshlp and some the Aalcsmen the average man might run into the cam cous the ignorant the polite and tactful the saleeman with pron duct knowledge and the diner ent mulls that can be achieved by every ammo pcmnallty AIIITUDE Aller the discussions were ov er ML Hoffman then began his delivery on the theme of WI Mn airman said 1y tub ject could also There ll Room Tap bonus to many an out by poor ntlltudea Wu have had ennugh of the high 953Fm3 He Iold Ms andmnce um ad vermlng Is largely mwnsible far mas lalcs nnd working It 9119 Lolpomllzle Ham or man production But the Speaker Stresses Unitiés 01 The Christian Mission as Charles mud Hoflman pmldcnl or the Radio Sales Burr can Mr Hoffman also and as moderazar pane dlzcusxion Ihn took place far two 10min ute periods Member at the panel Bill Shnw 8111 Henry and Bob Dun can briefly commented on he le my 1th yer shown Minus Myersan mended the Rclall Sales cum yesterday afternoon the Collin sum qusz Good Liirstené MakeSGoodTSGIesman THE GENTLEMEN respon sible or ymegdnyj tumu lul mall lach chnlc mix lEASE EXPIRES FRIDAY NOVEMBER 30 Con Bnyfluld 0nd Ron Sin EVERYIHING MUST BE SOLD BIG DISCOUNTS MCKENZIES ESSO Wlnflmm lllmfllnn 5t Cubrim lnnmlo Felurbnroulh Tnnlnn Klllnlm Munch Nnrlh my Sudhury Hullnn xmnl rem Trmwcrllmrl AI lnlllhl hlth Friday lndwr SI 11wmlul London Kllchrmr Cnplnln mm mm lnlm ductd Illa weaker and Robert lllllchcll llmnkcd hlm The laur lh and lusl lcclura ln ll urlu Chrllllmlly ln Todays World wlll be held In nlnlly Purlsh llull Dec Wm Tho llcvcrcml Mr Phlllp Jellcmn wlll Ill book The Lï¬ircï¬ In ha 65 Anny An nlmmlIlnllnn hlgh pnuuro centre wllh lnr and um wulher can ï¬ne to ha ha prmnry wralhnr influtnra or must Bulkm Cunndn Northern Gtorllnn Day Rama IImnnml IouHurn Whil nlvtr rulonl snull Ste Mule Norlh Buy Sudhury Manly nmny Ind warm May and Frldny Suulhrrly wlmll 10 15 Dr Fnlrwenlher concluded by myan lhnl people should be concerned aboul he Ecumenical mnvcmcnl because Ihe on church should be seen In oe bringlng the lrulh ghoul lhe ne deem one body Ind one cllowthlp or lulu all mankind mall needs church Ihnrc In the lilo ul Ihu ncdccm er People cannot be mtlxlicd lust with knowing that lhe church In which we worship part ha 0n Church unlil lh universality of the church llrully mmj He messed product knowledgu when selling my all times Im at you 5011 flag ability and quantum Ano er lmporlanl luncllon ln sellan polnled out by Mr Holl man wu lhe lislenlnx lime spank by the nlosman or sales clerk The blgml execullvcs ln lha world normally Ipcnd t5 Indicating an of the way this tauld dune he mentioned We are not all mastennlnds but we can put ourselves In line Miler allow 11 Mr Holtman queslcd Ihat Barrio people aster undernanm ingnal only of their work but 5135 peoplg Ha laid by urea lng proper ntlllude We mi ablhh our awn mental magnet and ntlramliku that people wh 0111 be mgoysive In ugi The in of selling is mar meeting business nnd Iodnys economy He laid Ihere was nothing new in his remarks as the malarin of the nudience had probably heald thix when they weru young One of the most import ant things about attitude he said is that good aililude de veiop good telling climate So many people lack good hu man or public relationxi lame me the producuon of ad vermin need breyity smcgrlt the prapér Attitude the left Jack Forster phair man Ike Retail Sales Clinic guestspeaker Charm Bud Hartman president of the WEATHER agssu33==g if mumxm Mr ohle al MI Mary mm has mnmd In Imria my lolkv Um Ianab lnlmkrlthnmyw Imhy 1M Manure 11va lha my loHrn Inwt satin hmHn on Mriu mm mkn CONTRACT 77950 canrrnrl wnl awnnl ml lu In Ilcrlrnm and Son Ltd Ilnrrlc mnlrntllnu llrm lnr In tunnlmcllnn hay uwlnl pnlrul gun Crnlzhurn or Onlnrn Dc pnrlmrnl Hmhwnym 1111 van nmmunml luy lnbllc Wurlu Min IuIrr Huy Countll nm to by lo hm nmru mllrm of to by 00 vol lmlldlng will cunllln In Mice lunthmom wuhrmm nml lndrr room Rnrl npnc vr loo Ilnrnur PERFORMERS Ennr1ninm last mm St Gmgc Anglican Churrl wm lnpdnmvn Kkn Humor Deana Arhullmot KnHIy Caner with Rosemary Hon on me ncA cannon Danmrn wm Mn Ilolmmn pupils Thr KY lnmml far no IIan of llama City Band GOOD ATTENDANCE Allendnncc nl narrle Cnnad Inn Club mnellngs has Incrlasld la the polnl where Llhrnry all In no longer large enough Ln nlghll mccllng was htld In the auditorium Johnson Slm Public School The speak cr Sydncy Knlz Maclcanl Mnxnxinc was hlrd on what Ive weaken schcdulcd lo mldrm 1h nnrrle Canadian Club during lhc unwn Nu nonlan will he on whm Kenneth Han Dcnn of nnd Sclcncc nl McGIIl Unl mlly wlll npenk on Science 1nd Cnnndnl Iulum LOCAL GENERAL Annular Rem stressed by Mr Hoflman was the Importance conï¬dence displayed In every day activities and In role it played In being We Ln product Be confident in it and your company And xmlIe He said mm doctorl rc pnn 1n Barrie tea It takes 75 muscles to try and only 54 mus clu In smut He also emphasised canqu of temper should be exercised mar than it is now In ad dressing every mnmbcr 1h audience he sald Action on yaur part esmnllpluYuu must numb thmnn rcIaUAns Anather Important category is lnurlxm lourlltwlll make mistakes like any other human especially in strange loca tion In Barrle they make mla takes Mr Holman stressed that talcsmen and lalcsladiu lcarn how to accept an apology Too many person do nnt ap alozlu because the other person doesnt know how to accept the aggloggr The sentence All can Do Check which was brwghl out in the two lflms wns emphasised by Mia Hoffman two or three times throughout his dellvery The Initial lather of each word mean attention Interest con vlclion demonstralion and dos in of sale all applying In 1cm Chamber of Commerce Rel ert Sarjeam paneflxls Bob Duncun BillShaW and Bill Henry Examiner PM per cent bl lhch lime listening he said Some the thing that can be accomplished by thin could he In cut or perwn without be Ing offensive and Ike lame um 55515 that wrgon on miss grealjmd las glqaflq part of We you dont Discovér Tuberéï¬tgigjui LUng Cancer and other Chest Diseases HELR SAVE LIVES BUY CHRISTMAS SEALS Danie My Mum hcld IL annual bqu Geor gel Anglican Church llnll ymtminy and lublo mum lndudod 1mm loll Mrs Siuhblnus Mn Wyllc 100 presenialion NS Pas iura Improvement Competition Award 25 Awards Pnnei Dih cuuion Pasture Praciices on Simone my Farmsf 130 Presldentl Address and Vclcame SecretaryTreasurerl Report Morris Darby Be part OSCIA District Direclnr Henry Davil Twentyï¬ve NS Paslun lm pmvemenl Cnmpclitlun Awards and 19 Plant Food Councll wards regarding Study at Pus ture Values will he pmenledl The complete program allows 115 pm key cllnlns tree pass to the OSClA Convenllnn nvallalzle at the door total 41 awards wlll he presented Friday at the annual meeting North Simeon Soil and Crop Improvement Asmclu lion in Elmvnla Legion llall The program begin at 130 pm Bm Oliver Gamma who 11M me afï¬ne oldm members of Banlo Valley told 01 meran in the Parry Sound part of the Valley wlm had dune mnra TICKETS $175 PUBLIC CORDIALLY INVITED The meallnz wax well attend edwlth over 150 member at the bnnriuet at St Andrawa Cllutdl Ill Em All shepherd Introduced lhe head tabla utter whlch the teammate called an Ill Em Eldon Great pm pose tho toast to Supmme Replying tb the toast 11L Em thllam Cannon admonished the members ta keep In close work lng harmony wlth belt 13ch bodies asltwas from them that candidates oradvance to the Scottish Rite were oblalned He lelt that each member should brlng forward an appllcallon to tbeChapterfornnewmanbm annually as only inlhiswayi could the ravages Ihe Grim RaglanJae onset Soil Crap Impmvémentflssoc T9 Present 44 Awards Saturday 31133 Mgrnbeu oi Barriefluiiey 91 5er Gram Rosepmixmeun their lodge room to aittnd the Fall Assembly and in pass clan af 21 cgndimaie to the 1th degree with Butler SIMMiWSi presiding ANNUAL MEETING At Collier Street United Church On Tuesday Dec at 630 pm Barrie Vaney 5er Chapteij H°1flsfï¬rinual Fall Assembly CANADIAN RED RT CITY BAND DINNER Barrio CROSS SOCIETY Branch Nu ohm maMn Ilolller Back Stub mm Wylie Helm llullin m1 La Mum nu 02me mm Discussion and Quuiinn Peru iod re Simcoe County Solis Questions as in use 01 tortilla era manurev tillage and an on will be amwared 410 Summary of and Land Use Projecll by Slewm PueDtpartmenl 330 Address Profllahle Land Use Practice for Central 0nl arlo Thomas Lune Depart ment sail Seizure 0AC 315 Nominatlnn Roper re Township Directors Arthur Gardlner and Earl ParnelL El ection of Directors moo Bmk Enrolment 1963 Paslure Improvement Cam petition 231 Presenlallonla Plan Fund Cnuncll Awards re Study Pasture Vaiuea Comment and Discussion Pasture Val ue Dr Stan YaunE OAC Thrppflng32 was In structed to lender the thanks atthrchu er member Io Ihe lndles church who had eatery for than with mxtrbwhdlnnen Following the West Bro shepherd Introduced victor Knox of antrélCollexlate Ind his accompanist Miss Mary Wm director muric the mun ace The members we land In thclr applnure nl dun enlard lalnmeht Am are James Poppldbn degree r1mammal the was to them idem nnd felt um Ihey along with thomemberl were enloylnz the demonstrat lom as exempliï¬ed before them He honed they would become ncllve members and Issuing ithelr share of the dude of the Chapter The reply waIglven by Rayner McCullough who told at his nppreclnlion of the thing revealed him during the ln stnmtiom and an Mall at the class proposed but tn themembm or the beneï¬t of the chaplen than most men said In his callmnllam he wu the oldest Ilving member anduked flu respeg of we member at 11