all The Imnmlallm said In My men nch await In rll raunlriu ban nmd mm It ch chnluiemlq Inlly Illh alum lMdf in with mna made MI Ind unlm la hurl Alu QUENKC CPLTM CEM dlnn out mednllon wmn day recommmdrd lm mu nml mare mm lnr mph wllh Mnb vwl cholnplcml In me Mood or wllh Inmlly hhlnly ul coronary hem dil ONO Judxn mnIr 0mm lm mi memo Mm Mu Law an wllc ol ndor lrlcr lawlunl plrndad millly to char nl hlvlnu wllh an phr driveru llccnce ï¬lm will rhnrzrd Ecpl um hrr rar WM Invnlved In minor lrafllu accldm SANTA MONICA Cam AP Pnlvlrlu lmwlnuL ltrnldrm Kcnnrdyl mm mm unlmtrd by lrnfllc Judu Wrdnudly tn rhlmrrn Inlurrd In mu llc nutrient and lo mnku on wrffkcd mp obwntd Il urwrccklnl Mr Illnrr OTTAWA CPICoroner Dr J4 Cross mid Vcdnuduy he qupcclcd IInylnl llosnlru Chnrlcbnl Im Friday mny have hm llm work or moro panama Thu cnrnncr mld ll uppMml lhnl the 7flcurnd church urnlnkrr wm knuckcd down an Hu mnd lhIn dmgurd lulhlmi once and hlmlgemml In danlh wllh Hum luslrumtnl on ll snld Ihu rule no dcpnnmrnt In lho public hanh fluld dld nu exlcnd to rctommcndmlom on such subjects Tho dnpmlmnnt hm mmlu number srlcnllllc mrvcyl and mount the net wllhoul recummcndmlan More Greens TORONTO ICEThe Cana Idlan law regarding deductlanol business 93mm for tax ur poses In 11 state of autumn lags a1gon¢olayvye OTMWA CPchllh Mln lalcr Mnnuilh Indlcnlcd ch nudny lhc govcrnmcnl wlll no zommll Ilse an lhe pulley question whether Hubrldnllnn municipal water Iyucml In gem lhlnu Dr LaBrie oium law faculty of the Unlverslly of Tor TORONTO CMUm Lnkin 62 whn said he lost abnut $43 000 In burlesque show was sentenced Wednesday to No years for lines olfencn under the Bankruptcy Act and the CrImInBICodu TORONTO CF Brlln Thompson hree monthsold victim at thallclomidcv In hos pflgl pneumonla MONTREAL CP The St Lawrence Seaway Aulhorlty has announced Ihe dcadllne for nav lgaflon to clear the nyslem will be extended three day to mid flight Manday weather permit Re lnld lhn annual meeting the Waterloo North Liberal As sociation election hnv been tough on persnnnh flies but tho next election will In determined by lundamenlal luueL Unusual Sentence fie had testiï¬ed he did not tru banks and carried the sum with him when he went to tha show He dcclnrcd $20 cash nsv acts at bankruptcy hearing In yen Brlarfï¬smpson tamer n1 lha armless nnd leglcss boy said Wednudny the chlldl tamper alurn dropping and WE hope he worst is uver atlll ln he sÂ¥slcm Wednesday night and it was reported moving amomhly KITCHENER CPIOntario Liberal Lender Jahn Winter meyer Wednesday nlght pre dicted provinclnl elecllan will ha held wilhln st manlhn Suspect Slaying CAPSUL NEWS Monteith Silent Ships Move In Six Months BurleSque Loss Baby 111 Are Unfair WALDO MONTEITH STANDING TRIM OVER DOCUMENTS Huhm Jam Hume Mi woman clle 5mm huhy 1ka In gm rial EM mu ma in mm nthlnd the nnmuIymhallzed In movie by man min glznnllc Ranil Ihrcwd nmlnhle twain farmer Sunday Ithvolteachtr and lnmlly mnn The big bualnm emplre in lunged whan nank WM middlv Hz and hll lnle bmlhrr rntrhmo owner wm will at Nnrlhcrn England flour ml lcr droply dcvaut man and wrllknnwn lluq In the Muno din church nnln aayaltha law an deductions dmlcult to gauge and has at rlved gate or untnlgnesx In which the Injulucas of the results achieved In daily deck alonl are appmnl to even the casual observer woman who as gene on loud for Is dnys wan appre hended under the Manta Hana pltnls Act Wednesday and tnken la hospitnl to receive treatment 1m her own protection LONDON Rculcn Ar lhur flunk lhe shy deeplyre Halon Yorkshlra mlHer ton who thanked the ace lha nrlllsh movie Induslry has handed over his vast emplro lo tucccssnr and mired Mull mllllanalre ll year old Daron Rank Sultan Scol my wha ball up and far lime virtually monopolllcd he Brillxh lllm buxlam an oddly paradoxical Maura In world of while Imam and per Ioaalfly culls Kora 130 CPLA 7zyear old Sam Fsemu ledpbor OSHAWA MONJohn Keyl 421 Second World War disa bufly pensioner Wednexdny wan flngg 1000 wiggn ha plqagied lltyyto recqrdlng or glamg ng hats hmeracesu Crown Attorneyv Brucé fleck said aucabmfleve wall mown Os awn bonkmakcr getting wonlo Io nfcratcihck end on his behal without in volving hlmselL He said he pre sumed would not hava to guy the fun and that It would paid by means Justice 01 the Peace CS Davidson Ernnltd the order to have Mn Tina Emanan aken to hospital on an application by Amlcl director lhe Up£per Fraser Valley hull uni ORILLM CHWaller HM vey King who Orlllla wqx ï¬ned $50 court here Wedner day or pninung firearm an Orlllla tul dflver Cab driver Willred Palms teer 32 testified that he wan called In Kings home Nov 10 When he saw Klng came an of bndruom loading slngla barrel shalgun he rclused drive him PERTH Onl ytarold bay driving car that had landed rlfleln lhe Iron teal wn minust Injured Wed nesduy night when he gun dls charged the car lull the high way near here The boy haddriven the car Ihrough policu roadblock mm the car had been chased by police crulscr Poll mid truck pulled out urvlce ruck pulled out urvlce Malian arcing he bay lo leav the mud The gun went at the car bounced In ï¬eld To Hospital Rank Is Not Gong Striker Fined $1000 Gun 0n Gabby Rifle Iriiures Mma tuned um mum Winn dommmig unmlaw lImlvauy olan mm nu ma hum Yu hm were lnlerJLcled Stanley Knnwlu NDPwlnnl pcz Narlh Came rdmnu Not In my knuwlcdge Trude Mlnlslcr to mid In re ply lo Lucien Lumouuux Element Pnul Mnrlln bEnu Ens lulud whdhor ho government would nnnuuncvl federal health Insurance rallcy wllhoul delay The Onlan Liberal pnrly hm prodded Prrmler mum at Ontnrlo Into ncflon In MI mud Irlmn Minlslcr chlmhnkcr Inld than hmlnl hm Ihe mmn prod when ML Mnrlln wnI Iod ernl hcnllh minlalcr YIMWA CmThe nVLnh men wax asked Wednesday whclher Ii has rccclvnd any ex prqsslons concern 1mm nrll nln concernan he Ontario Buy Cunndlnn cnmpnlgn Unconcemed With Campaign Department My Lands and Foxjest will have new home or its tree seed plant An ll sclentlsu hull an elec lronlc computer as complex the human bruln would have up lo 15000000000 luhcs Bunlulu we can do wlth out For $2000 Brlllsh gen ealoglcal scrvlce will tune your lamlly Creel Presu mably Ilslinz all the nuts ll produced Lucky lellnw The only man aulslda the royal household who ever vlslled King Snudl harem In Saudi Arabia wu Peter Kmher German masscur gm muss Our vquahble notables have great fnllh In Koala 54 conï¬dence my Manda call II dear Allen Poe NEW YORK AHThugs whim might never know he didnt open his mail VWhen yo anlgwmkone whose Intel once you doubt fnthead you show your awnlsnorance Emln ï¬lls contain little or no real You cant measure sold lera pamalism by his pay The nlrklsh Army is re named or high mnrnlc 1n The good old days In 1947 televisionl int year on tha popular 1155 market only flow sell were made In the NEWHOME 0F TREESEED PLANT THE LIGHT TOUCH Not Fathead No Fat 111 Head py HALl new In reply In another quexllon by Mr Mnnln he prime mln Istcr snld he hoï¬c lo receive Um mm lo Hull 9an cammlsslon nu hmllh Iorvlcu mrlIzr lhan he crfainnlly unlic lpmcd dale July 1963 Mr chfenbnkcr said an In nounccmnnt would b0 made when Wu appropriate In da anlve drink Did you know that In the 17th century Can necllcul Indians favored bacco juice as beverage fad they not all Ll up from SIIIMNG EXAMPLES In Mr Knuwlos Mr Marlin when were1n mice soon Work on the axle Ior In all but complmd wm thev elk planth ready It TRY EXAMINER WANT AD PHONE PA battle yet Turklnh priv te gel only about 32 cents month Pun of lhe ck She II tar ram being her old sylph vgagtlollc Digest Unemployment problem Lore lanlastlckn Now tells about the cowboy war who lost hls TV show He could nuldraw everybody except those on the mgrnms appear lng appnsltc ml gm mnl whlmx Slr Wlnltnn Churchllll Vlo Handing rule In home that nobody sits down dm ncror lunch unlll MI two pct dapuwho Illa Un the dln In room an first Ilerel III odd Muse bene In the amce of tho El uireShno Polish firm they antxhava collce breaks They havu polish brenhs during which lhe empluym ihlne auch nlhcrs shoe mu Iklen Rowland lhu churned When you see married couple coming down he stuck the one who Ixlwn or three steps ahead ho nnu hnlt mud DUNLOI 51 mummy 1mm My Tnml WWW MNK porulllu Illlmtl lop Ila door Illkh vnlud proletlor hllpct qulrl openne Ilu rluully 200 will Ilflflll elrmenl Mlny mun oflm mlmvo MtCln Eny mum McClARYEASY prodding lha Liberal DRYER ELECTRIC BLANKET with your Wintermeyer Plans Medidal Care Bill TORONTO CPD Liberal Leader Wlnlemhye gave Hoe mud heplnns Io bring medical maullance plan before the mslnn the legislature which opened Tuesday In press release Mr Win lermeyer said ha bill would bu one at nvean has given for anal name that he will intro HCE The blli his agalement uld would establish comprehen sivg service plan of medlcal can Insurance for all residents Ontario1 allow prevlnul anunnncements by lhu Liberal Leader of his partys Intention to press In such leglalauon One would establish public utility to su iywaler at mi in municipal lies industries and films limiinr to the Ontario HydroEieciric Power Coixmiis lionl operation will be able to hwymm 000 he mdllngs per year Examiner Plum me nlher six bills are simi lar to one he Introduced last year Another would amend the Mlnimum Wage Act to set minimum Inlary $115 an hour iur men in mcimpaliinn areas excluding ngrlmliural workers and providing for xlonal variations my EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE mu Yon pimm lfl Ire you Your Home Gwen luxurlncn Aunt DONALD mum PA 66085 ANDERSON CHARLIE SEE OUR NIW I963 MODEL DISPLAY STORE mu rTORONTO 0P3Cornncr Dr Marian Shulmnnvaccusgd the federal atranspofl departman Wednesday nltrylng to prom its repnlaunn by relualng la withdraw appmval Jrorn Kerry 111 helm The whole situadon Isa dlsJ grace and fear that more unnecessary Vdmwnlnzs will oc curbeora wehave any mien mmollawafl henld let ter wrlkten imbepuly Transmit Minister Baldwin which hgmadg Euhllc Slyulman melded hm last Anal lhglnquost Into Says Life Iéckéts Sï¬llrrrfDangerous Eeorge llgmies When you give The BurrloExamlnor for Christmas you not only get outstanding value but you give 305 days of reading ploaruro EstIts particularly thoughtlul gift or former residents now living clac Gift Subscription Rzrtes BY MAIL CONSTRUGHDN LTD Lllfla PA Hm lO CANADIAN POINTER Ono Yur SIG00 TNT Slx Monllu 3550 on On MonIII 00 Hmo Monlhl USA Ono an $7000 Mm lulu to upply In Hum In tom no willn when nu mm litmin mlnhln nnln when You can lend lllt Inbucrlvflunl lo lulu Enmlnrr with nnn nlcu And this Is gift you dont have to go out and shop foror gift wrap and malla gift that can be ordered in quiet comfort right now Each Issue of The Barrie Examiner ls packed full of Interest lng and 1nformative news boih local and world wide4 More photos and feaiures make The Examiner 10p readlng for more than 8700 families daily AN APPROPRIATE CHRISTMAS CARD INFORMS RECIPIENT OF YOUR THOUGHTFUL GIFT 3min mum Minsk now9 1m thede at manth dmvmdvin Lake Ontario while wearing aD0lf approved rhcketThaiury lound that am proved life Jackets are not sale and mammeudcd tederal Int qulry la evnlva nnzw design Mr Baldwln wrote In reply thatDrzShulmnn had not per mitted department specialists to make full explanation and the result the jury receiyed wrangrlmpreulnn and an un warranted reflection war cast on the deparhnentï¬ HIEATING PhonePA 66531 Hm In low um coop BARRlE OUTSIDE CANMI GEMSYEATER No panth wmx ncom th red squirrel game mushroom and letglphem dry outr wtm let um wow MOVES so no way CARTAGE STORAGE Now at 119MHz 51 PA 61863 COOK ï¬g