bemEmLNQM mbnm and meme nl Qupbru Irpnrnllu mnvemznl Inn nlghl hnnued Donald No drml olllzy and Muml ll MI HM Ln gm mnnummkm dut in uhlrli QM pmon wulin YOUNGSTOWN Ohio AP The aulcrbnmbing that killed Charles Cavnllara and ll yurald son six days ngo dlllm ln lwav ways from nlhnr un solved boobytrap bumblngs ln Ihls slecl city nl 175000 since 1M2 For the ï¬rst time Imlcrul Inw enlnrccmcnl machinery at the pcrmnal urging of AuorncyGcn crnl Ruben Kcnncdy ls work lng lo solve the crlme Secnndly public Inclined In Ihrug of mayhem perpetrated by one gumhhr an another has been movcdrto nngcr and sham because two small boys ware In nocnm vlclim Ihis Howell bombing In nddilinn to killing Thomas Cnvnllnro 11 the ham smashed lhu hlp hl brother Charles Jr 12 The injured buy Russian Deputy Premier An as Mikoyan samples merlqan hot dug during in termission performance of Robt Kennedy Urges Probe Of Bomb Deaths Our eléphones F0 Examiner Wanl Ad Tole Phom PA Hill Tha mlcphnna numberw callor the Business at Edmn lupus PA 95531 RED TRIES RED HOT CC crnllons chmalcd lo produce $00900 annual nkc here have closed up shop Icmporurlly or 1411119 mm on Ilw Imm In dummy my GurkaI Ipeahr far he ANMJIANE In 05 msillnn will flu melv nnmlnnl Um nrvhun carbon lehl 3N um um mhnn nnllnual INA Mann ulna CI Wiyqvhnla Whnllrer th IEI and the aroused lndlgnmiun of ma cum munily will keep lhls crlme from gnlng unsolved like the other lll ls cunjcclural So far mu old pallcrn has prevailed hoodlum nlckcd up or question lug hnve wrapped lhrmsclvcs ln nlany rilcnce underwent urge In ï¬ve hours was an Ihe huspilal crill cal in until Wedncsdny and may be crippled or In Early In the inves nation Pn lice Clue Willlam Golden pleaded could Just let one break II that break has come the tnw Cnfnrccmtnt pea ptenrcnt talk about It QREAK Moscows curing Bolshoi Bal let in New Yorkl Madlmn Square Garden Inn night Miknyan was In party lcnllm in nlhr nlnug wIIh In only Mr Onnlm QUEHEC CWme pcrlonn worn Injured Wnlnmlnf nlflhl 01 rmulrlng hnxlvlla mul mrnlwhen Itmrk hy car while nllrndlnl nhmnnxlrnllun ninlnnl CNH lmkIrnl DonId Gnrdnn Rome am pvnam crowded lawn melllu Mum whim Mnmrnhm hangon md humul Mr flordnu In rmny TnkLn in homullnl mu Wynn nIIl Jrnnn anud Ium dhm Inhllcr ulnuunul nl mmhy 11mm antnrllor luHro L111 mm llw lnluml Iprr pmk mm In Hi mam hrmnnslrnlon Ilcllnlml llm llm vl Hm alfnullna car uh one man lmpml In ma lap lrmk In rxhnxl Hw whllu no mu uurhcc uwhrunn Tlu damnnnlmllnn awnmlly mu In hy muler nl la llnmmblrmanl pour llndh pendanto NMIOMII group which mlvoculu Iv Mnllun In QMle wnvlnm Anny dumm nmlnurmr dmlruln 0n school days Cnvullaro 60 normally draw hla lwn son and some their ncluhborlmod lends lo school um bended downtown lo hln huslnm ol mnrkallnz Imp nut lhcrn wns no school lust Thuradni and Irldny bcmuso Thnn xglv Ing Thu Iromher may havn planned on ml when hooked tho uphslvn to he nlxnmo ylloa Ixnlllnnvnn ncl pollcohcllovo Innk place name llmu Mlnr Wrdnculny nlxhl The chlldr vn vcmcnl was namnlhlng an which lha hamhcr hnd nal figured when ha plnntcd dynnmhc in lhc 10 model car pnrkcd In Cadilln Chnrllo Cnvnllnroa lwn cm gafuxe onlhu north side There are pulplo not dlrccuy Involved In Illa bombing who know why lhiu wm done can concclvc no band at alle glnncn rcqulrlnz lhcse pcrLbnl In rcmnln nllcnt under Ihn clr cumstnncpsql dqalh nnd lnjuryr in lwninnncmfdlildrm The FBI has 591 ibecial telephone to take call from In lormnnts between 315 am and mldnlglll and some resldenlu have called he number Edward llnrgcll agent In charge nl lho Cleveland FBI ofï¬ce and headlng tho lnvesllgnllan here has promised complete prolet lion llpslersl Caroncr David Bellnky Issued an apnea to decent people 01 Youngstown In wake up and help he aulhnriuc bring an en to these unsnrnknble nlmclflci and added currymg an In limiwd ana lnconspicuous way wilh only the most trusted dlunyele AntiGordon Riot Injures Viewers Volm In HM mud Ihauud UN diplomats Including US Ambassador Adlai Stevenson and alher by US and Sav lel representaï¬vns ThuV nrnlor urgrd hll nmllcnrl In use In Mrdl Qurhoa mm whnn Ilnulnu Can trim ulanl wnnl lo lmrn ln dull In llm rlmrrlm Illu lha palï¬lnlnnn 311 now Mr Ilnbaru also pmmlml lo do lot lluhlnr umelmhllnx lhnn In ho pnsl appalllkm membm camplnlned mu Ilon lhnl much committee ka had horn lel unlll Me In lhn union with mnny lvllll ho lnx rammed Ihmulh nl lhu Ian Dull In Ihu wnnl lllmly and Siva mu vlslllxi Premier flnbmu old the leu lslnlura Wedneldny he Ila de cldcd lo do away with prac tlco bazun In 1960 by armcr from Leslle Frost In conflu nu House husinm on chnck dnyl lo commlllce mcctlnu Thu Home met whola Mon daft Tuesduym Thunyduyl and Frdnyu Mr Ilobnm said he experi menl had nu lunctlancd It should have Many mtmbm hnd mm In conllder Wednu day an exer dny on Th Progrmlvo Conxrrvnllvu premier nnld he hoped that by mccllng Wednesday the leg lnlum will be nhie nvald mm nluh aminns The commute will bu naked Io handle all lhcir wmk durlnn lha mamlnul Another story in another nuwmnpcr meanwhile has In gcsind um the Canadian dele gation did not have the back ground or experience In do proper job But it was the story by Jun Chammtler parllamenlary cor respondent or Mantreal La Praise that stirred UP thing in the Gammon Real Cnouctte deputy leader of the Sada sitedit partyh dgmanded that TORONTO CP WM Onlario gavemmcnt studyan the need or mlnlmum wags law ï¬n flu province lhe oulloak or many the provinbcs legis lators longer work week at the um pny Blank Dm Hum agaiflneptiL Story Irks Commons OTTAWA CHA newspaper my that says tome Canadian delegates to men NAK par Ilemenlary conference In Purl spent their nlghls 1n Plgdle and dept by day has churned up anger In the Common Mr Chirpeilcr be summoned In flu lliyil lnr mien Wednesday Is Not Holiday Bobarts Makes That Deï¬nite 11 demonAll country newspaper In no apololleq In give when It expressed op lnlons even then opinion onend certain polllldnnm nllo doe no 1m to telnet when It pnhlhhu Information MI bu every mun to believe ll exact even the puhllutlon al Ink Momnlhn Inpenrl lo oflend cerhln pol INCIIIIL Gemd Pe ldlhfhlchkt ol LI Prinz Barrl0hflrloCInId ThundayNovomm 291962 SLEPT BY DAY SzANEMI uk ED RA ONLY 21 Mmmunm Wan mind TORONTO cmeuwm Dunn knivka hm mom Maynr mam IMlllm mm lo mum ramrwm ol ï¬lliï¬mhn my me the mar mm In nu ma tor Ila marwily Mn vafllo In radio and Wov mulay um rvl In mum mkflm mullnl clnhn 111 ha ha iriic Hall Tummy Im The pmmler alw 2ch hi plans lo atreamllne the House publlc nccaunu commuter n1 lhaugh not neccslarlly alnnz lho llncs suggested In the report meet commlllu lull lprlng lle auld cammlllce ap rolnlcd or lha llln ol lfï¬il nlure an mommnndcd would remavo from ll leglllnlurs ll aell lhc power In conlral mem bcrlhlp al In cammlllce lmm union in malmL KESWICK 0M CWnun anph Dnlu NM Gwllllm bury TamMp Manor oppmmu at mm mnrmnkkh mammn lcfl in Um municipal demon mmmhm nwyro IMAM nnplm Mu weapon to modum lmtmu he laid In mmh Wde msdny In mm Mum nunmor and permth mm In Lake 51mm M1 Tmio hwytr mm Mr bin or new mmk Um nus13 Ax cure lor mu may in lllgw um humming mm Amllillfl Mm muralTim Mle han pmy hm hm Imam Idmmikm MinMPr Mdmnnxd Ilndjl nnnrnnM todny He gave no mum for ha but cald In my vmkly mum luv nln hm harmed AWMJINN P1ka 1101th nl Amtrim MW Awmll Hurrirmm L11 frowned hlh wit MW Ayuh Khan AW hm ta can NW lm om mill nu In India mm limo Damn mm nrflm Im why ham lmh on milk mission III Itmhnm nrw back to Now Delhi Imnvodnfly ol Iathflcd hat cant he pmhlcm wlthfn ho pmml Ilruclun Icglsln lln cnmmlum ha laid Imp cfllng he cammillu he held to nbaul nine members lmlend flu usual 30 In so The llfl€l Inn met wllh n0 armalllan mm LIMMI nnd New Democrnllc Parly tnnlu ttory in the Ottawa Journal by Gordon Dewar parliamen iary corms ndcni iur tin newxpapcr also accent pnnied the Canadian delegation In tho NAN meeting unit the delegation lander Wilinm Skoreykn 1FCEdmanion East an laying um trip was noihing mom ban lunkct with 1mi ians on the dcicgaiian handed nui by panic plum lot the member wim have don lha right hing mlnulu and mvml commltlcel 1min simultaneously The central wth other delegate was pm he wrnw On Ihe rare occaflonlnwhen one of our delegnlu spake uxuafly ask question It was all that only modesty and campaislon ed Iho Briton the American or the Dutchmen from giving stint lug nnlwer Summerville Levels Phillips Cdlonel Arrested In Spiogol Mai Mr Chmpander Imry laid Canadian parliamentary delega tions to Intzmalionnl confer ences vnre always illprepared often disinterested and some Ilmes wllhaultalent Sandys Belums To New Delhi AnathervSocla Credit mem ber Raymond Lanxloll Megan In mid thevnnry was not only an Insult again an men hm the House but ngalnlt the Canadian people Calls It Marmalade Mathematics Algerian Bed Pafly Banned balm he ImamumY privilege and elecflons commlllee NEWS BRIEFS Starting ncm om ccu lanned aul ova he Metro polmm Monlml um to ram cum warehouscl npnflmenu min Imum and prlvm meeting at lhe Security Council II belnl arranged pm ablytar Friday The General Ammny then muldm Immo dtatcly ta complete the election MONTREAL CHA cache of uncut nurcoblca valued at more than $1000000 In lhe underworld market wal salted by Iha RCMP In min cIIywlde daylight mid ch nngdny Fuur men were nrrdutd in he raids which also nrlled three unruhlmd firearm Ind almxanllty with Au vn us 01 $5 andSaï¬ï¬ï¬‚f An RCMP Iwkumnn Add the lwup wnl the man oxtrmlve cnrritd on by ho ledcrnl arca Innfevgrul xegrl Russia Agrees Thant Election UNITED NATIONS AP Tha Sovlet Unlan wan reported Wednesday lo have agreed to go ahead with election of Acting SecreLaryGenml Than 01 I119 United Nation la lull ï¬ve yenr term The Euulau badvbeen ex pected to gï¬ve lhair approval buthad beenhulding all pend Ing Iome agreement on um Cuban nroblem lnIormnd qunrv ten md the quenflnn glecflon was dimmed Wednev day by us nnd Soviet repre Icnlalï¬vc duriqu mu on Cuha Daylight Raids Uncover Narcotics lflANT Tho luslnnnl Common cam mlllm umbildxtd Ia Inmllnma In CNfl TCA and ccrlnln thlp Inn lubnldlu cancludrd In runny with congrnlula Mann or Mr Mcanor and MI Iltllno Burl MP1 lhowrd some dll panillon to regard TCA an nna OTTAWA CPIHope or prom next year by TranvCam ndn Air Line depend on TCA retaining ils exixling mum without nddilianni campelliion irom Canadian Pacific Amines Comman committee wnl nd vised Wednesday The Crown camomllnn when aperallam wero nv raved In mom commune henfln ran uprmum ammo do Id In 1061 nllrlbulrd In pm In CPA ranuanllnonlul tum ptlmun Mr llcuvcxur callcd CFAI lower transcontinental ecanamy grant thorn In our ms CONGRATULATIUNE mm mm mm mm umwmm annauncunenl did no llale how kflflul um Pope tnnditlon will But lLIndIcated that Roman Cahalluwauld not In conical with Ilmpla wishu for MA rgcnvzry and would un President Gordon McGrcnnr made the quullllcauon In 1m casllng mill 1962 daflcl undcr $4500000 mmun que made no mention of Ihe prostate candl Uon the Blyeawld pond has had for mm and which Rama newnpapcn on Tuuday re wmd Ind 911 migration tomes had denied hn report lnlannaJJy mmy night Thu communiqua also made no manllonol surgery or the Pope 011mm caveman Since in Tuesday the communique said audi ence have been iniemlpted be came at the ancenlualian oi mum of or which Papehas been or Kama lime under necessary medical and dietary irtaiman and which has provoked ra tbgr inimq anemia Gailiopathy Illa mural lerm lorlamach dlmrden Competitiohs Eéonomy Hates Great Thom In TCHS Flesh Vaï¬can Announces 7Illness N97 Mention 01 Operation BARR NOT INTHE DARK Mouthf Than7uï¬ur66py+23v Pléoi maay might HE F9 mg Ibcal Weather Commillca Chnlmmn Earl Rowe mld Glue Grexnlra 5G Lapoime wnl nlmml In my lcml at lhn commlllcc Jznr Inn whm he lune pmn ehme Tuudny ankln lnr Mn Gordonl rcllunallnn IIr Grczalru was In the mar Inma whcn hn Maud oul Ml Ilnlcmtn but ha dld no nppclr Wedncldny hand currler lhn deurvu medalwnxlderallan Ind on tha other hand an an npmlion should have competition mm private carrier Dauglnl Iilhcr NDPParl Arlhur laid the arm ulster Crown tarpomllon In TCA wont give em laym charm to make lnlnll gen dcclllonm Huber Smllh PC slmcoo Nurth lure rated Um rem2k 311ch on the pennant Wm CNN Prexldznk Donald Gordon grained by the mm cammlllco lull week and sub uqucnlly attacked by MP on ground he wu nonlymph thcllc Io FrenchInnxunu These varyan ylewx wgu presenlcd mm mm mummm mé vhwican vlult chum Jail holpltnll Ind Keillloul nhxlm gledake palmada prayer Inf Pave Jalul becnme II We day and cancelled Jules lo allernoon audlenw wllh pre lales alluding the Vatlcan ecu menlcnl Vicounclll Vallcan mumps nch thallni ha wll Mmlng from nodbut 0n he planned lo hold regular Wednesday 121nm audlmce Wednesday um audience wan cancelled luddenly allerhun tired of perwnl Ind gathered or The Vallcnn pm om lhan announced mat the pan um cold hadlgnno Into influ enza Later official told repart It would bu more correct to reler only In an indispoflllon but they did mt Imfly Inc In musyul svmmv awoke lull ol Irlt loday but that he vm IH 1n bed In HI apartment under ï¬n clan quthAplllLl uncle Valium some uld tho Popel persunal physician Prof Antonio Gawarflm 44 minute wiu tho pant todly One report laid anblrrlnl had advised he Pope ha mun take things mm mm on reserving hlmul for Inch neo euary rdlgiaul unnllmu ll nanlzaflam rutrldlon 1W saw wnuld curtail thn fluent trip gmth 1ch wlgido ment