Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Nov 1962, p. 14

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notvts who we British sub Jectsand others who make up thepapulntlon at that small is land the other otthe entity is very real head ol the house hold in China along with grand mother They have tine wny otgettlngnlongiogclher rand llving in harmony llong Kong was elven to Grcd Britain by the Chinese as trading post in 1542 as they considered It useless iillle island It his now very dense populntton with 1500 people to the acre The speaker mentioned the growth at the churches which operate unr der the World Council ot Chin cites Mrs McGuirethankcd Mr Hawirnrthen spakeon our part at the work in that land espec lnlly nmnngthe young people Mrs McLenn conducted the el edion ololticeu and all last yenrs otlxcers were reelected Mrs McGuire presi Mrs McAuley with hlrs Fred Ritchie trea sum Reports lmm secretaries were appmved We at 43mm wuvrecdvedlolmvhcw elin Jeffries Home and Scott Mission Letters of thanks for flowers were received Members are asked to provide gifts or patients at Pcnaang Mml Hospital Thbse wishing to can tribute may bring glits to the next meeting at the home of Mrs Reid Dr Harvle showed mm at Alaska in the school room on Monday Nov 26 and limit was med olflthe 1964 an janes Thr umny lrlunds ol MrJlnw kn IL luluh uhoul III will he ulnd la hear lIva pnwlnu nlcwly hollowan nn ryc urnum In Alldmvxn Hm filial Tournan ExecHon mngml II brim mallo on Hm humn Chum lrnch lmnc Kurd Mr and Mn Mann lnz wtnl llm ohm In Tar HI Wnlmvlay Nov Trn inn mvnlu nnd Dislrlcl Church group anoytd My VII In v4 LOXIA EUCIIRE 0n Frldny nlxhl pleasant evenlnx wns cnjnynd nl lhc Orange Hnll whcn Kahlua or euchrn hm mm pmcnl Door rrlm won lo Hen Trunx Ind os high Mn Ali1n Pinch and Mn Alvin Archer mm Clar cmc Turner nnd Mnnn lnx llclrcshmcnlu tanchldod Um evoulng On leaving Ihn hnll gm surprise he mm noes Vlnlcr Womlnr land rmy mo nnd bush cav ltd with mow DKPIEF STATIONERY Mn Duh ll PA HM home Mn 11 Stone Law son 51 INW Mum and were pleased lo welcumuw many from tho villnge and dis Met Most of the guests cum pd dainty rclrcbhmmu wlth cup or Inn and pauonlxcd ha booths In lhc lucky draw Mrs Max Slcclc Jrl won the doll and do housr Lndlcs H12 Catholic Wo mens League held xucoesslul bazaar and bake sale at the homaal Mn Rune Law The madnns home of Mr and hm Phbn Slbbald was the sen Ing or dellghflul pnrty Tue day night Nov 20 when Mm Sibhald enhmlned In honor Miss Rosemary Tem 12 who 11 lo be mun1M an Erday Rose mary received my Sim mm 24 or her nssoclnlcx The recipient thanked her many friend and wclnl hour with refreshments brought thll happy avenl lo close 3924M TEA an nlversarycelcbratlon an la In by December 15 pleasant soclal hour wax 3111 wimp SW as as must by Mn McLean and M11 McGuire BRIDE GEE SIIDWERED ensnn with an attendance or 18 members and one visitor The president Mrs McGuire pre sidedand opened the meeting by quoting the Aim and pur pose al be Missionary Society To unlM hemmen and ehlld ren lbs church at home and abroad Singingland prayer fol lower lhe senplure was read by Mrs RM Black and Mm Reid led in prayer from The Glad Tidings The pragrnrn far 1110 any Hong Kong wusxset lerih hy means of piclures taken by Mrs Hawker when she we sent In that part inrlhe Brl tlsh Commonwealth to take charge oi government hausing afier lherwar Along with her pictures whleh were beautiful and lull of lnlerast she laid offline many haAhingand ts The November meeting oilhé Presbyterian WMS wnar held hagneo Fmdslgph 13511111511914 wms fr All Murllkul 1IIMIIII mm NEWS OF ELMVRLE and M11 Robertson nnd Mr and Mrs Kluge of Hanover were weekend guests ofqu ayq Mrs Paul Roynt Compu Mr an Mrs Terry Mouldcn and children olTaronlo spent Saturday with the latters math er Mrs Herb Ritchie AASImday guestsmrrflnrbr 130me and Mm Gow Aprel ed took place the Presbyterian nunse In an evening ceremony Friday Novl 23 unitingyln marriage Murgdre Rowmarydaughler of Mr aud Mrs William Temple don Rownl Orlllla Mr and Mrs McCaleman Stayuer Mr and MJS Roy Rowat and children Markham EqEIiHQRDIfilfIIMPLE Mr and Mrs Hammell and children Toronto spent be weekend wifl1lhela¢tera Eaffnls Mr and Mrs Maurice TEAR DOLLS M11 Ritchie ls visitlng her daughter and sonlnlaw Mr and Mrs Campbell Spring uegd us PYJAMA Mrs Mnhrice Whilth visib ed her sister Mra Walter Narlh graves Mr and Mrs Clifl thgrnvc of Ecllcars Sash Mr and Mrs 11 Slms and chlldren Whllby and Shannan Parson 01 Toronto were guests during Iha week at Mr gnfl Mrs Thoma Cooper Bell onlo with relative and also al lendcd lhe christening ollhelr grandson Donald Rex snno Mr and Mrs Rex Manning In SQLGeo Angllfagg Churph Mr Wallace Bell rammed from Woodhrldge where she vis Ited her sonMaw and laugh ter Mr and Mrs Russell Eathe GIANTW SANTA CLAUS 795 Wllh Chlmnry CMDIu ma Compute 980 LIFE SIZE FRENCH POODLES For your connnlnfico wo hm Added Com In and mm Mr Skull and THENMOMETER wth your pmcrlpllo ullh fluld Wm MNKMIH SERVICE STATIONS CHRISTMAS WRAPPING Comprs at ulna LIGHTER Luz flolll RONSON TVNIOON Mnnn HAVE YOUR DOCTOR PHONE US FOR PROMPT SERVICE Milo 77c 298 99 79 98 SAVE ON PRESCRIPTIONS BOL Sin Rug 150 M2 Ind AGI Camparo 131 SPECIAL Cam2 LOVELY FIRST QUALITY PR SEAMLESS MICRO MESH BENYLIN IEE EVERY WEEK FREE Hm are This Wukl Flu am HOT WATER BOTTLE TABU LIPSTICK Trinidad Rod mm 300 pmhm exrrpt clxunllu THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 25 DISCOUNT or All VITAMINS eonmm Scletllon lntludluz EMINMS IMYALETS IMlDEL ALPHAMETIES OSTOCO ETC COMPARE 89° 98¢ PR plqueknil wdol suit with mink um and brown accessnrlesA tonne of human comma menled her ensemble The brid esmnld chm brown wool null with orange MR and brown accessorlosand ware carnage bronze msea Followan the ceremany dlnner was held at the Llltle Red Hgn Restaurant Colllngwaod The waddlan arty wtde Hwhrlhs and recblved thall lriendsLal er the happy couple ldtnn molar lrlp la Nlagara Falls On Ahelr mum they will reslde at Wang Beach Mn Mrs William Wald Mr and Mrs William Eiiini oi Taiicnhnm and Mrl and Mrs William Presi oi Waadhridge VISA lied Sunday with Mr and Mrs Wesley llamm rMr andrMn Barnett spent last Thursday with their daughter Mn Geuvnnnllla ol Thilletown Miss nnmihy Ann wHson spent Thanksgiving withfriendl inuaoston Mr and Mrs Walkcm Mr and Mrs Runs Delaney and Mr and Mrs Wilmer Pa mcr spent Wednesday evening with ML and Mrs Harold Evans Barrie FLASH BULBS BMLBREITM EImvaiata Willlan Harvey son Mrand Mrs IVL Eber hardt Waaaga Heath Rev Wal lace McLean officiated Miss Carol Slbbald Elmvale wa bridesmaid an Rona Gerrard ol yarne MOVIE FILM Frouulng Inuilidld Added In um plnrmulu in our II and in will provide FREE FEVER pmcrlpllon TOTTENHHM ETIIEL wm LARGE TUBE 288 COUGH SYRUP GUARANTEED 99° Gllforrl lnslitutemet at the homeni Mre Frank Keii Tuesday aveninl Nov 20 with 28 members and five visitors present Mrs Frenk Rail and herihoetcss Mrs Sawyer dressed in aidtime costlunes welcomed the visitors at 0119 door One of thi highlightsof this meeting was the Sunshine Sketch by Upper Canada Vill nget given by Ihq Hlstnrical Research committee Those who had travelled to the Village gave VnJew pleasant remarks coneerning their trip Mrs Neilly gave the history of Crysler Park and Upper Calm da Village and MrsJohn Rich ards told nboutthe buildings and all the interests in the vll Iago Sam at the members dressed in old costume gave few musical numbers tothe tune of Do you Remember Those taking part in the ring ing were Mrs Hughes Mrs Frank Keil Mrs Richards Neiin and Mrs Mrs mm SAWYER mmwnwm of Fraser Prey bygerlan Church held very tuccesslul hazaarand bake aalu under tho direction ol Mrs hard and m5 Mr and Mr Joseph Bel lord moved Monday their flew ham whichthey bum Ihia past summer Mm Kaye Wadd llng and Belly hava moved to the home vacated by the Bel oids Queen AStsoulh VEHICETWZE of Tumult wal in town Saturday but shad afle on wifilhefi mérs mama MraJJE at Ark Eden Strand yawnu TOILET TISSUE ICE CREAM BRICKS flux 04 ll 75 Vllul GILFORD POLAROID FILM mo Spud No Comm Ru flu 19x10 Beaded Glnn New mm blu CHRISTMAS CARDS 1x 04 ll Y5 Vllul lhmlm Wolluln CREST rTooth Pam HiAUTlFUl MOVIE SCREEN SAVE 250 MULCIN AMIP oz 11 lid 23I 97 H69 41 Recent VNNHLWllh and Mrs Frank Rchll were Mlj Wnnd Mrs Gordon Jnmieson and IamlIyLof UsA Dr Agnes Jamleann of Orillla Mr and Mrs any Kline and boys of BanIa and Mull Jamlcson of Fame DUNLOP ST er Garfield Burton and Mrs Howard Crawford spenLu few days inSmnln visiting Mr and Mrs Andre Gonna and their hazy seqKcvin Mark TfiVeVlocal Farm Forum rnct Allan Todds on Monday ev enlnl Nay 19 ono sTAhoN Dunlap St Wu VS Neiliy accompanied by Mrs Bah Goodieilnw at he piano iiirs Rn Kali prqiidehi was in the chair for ma business par oi tha meeting Rallcall was answered by showing family heirianm Mu Cannnm com veneroi the Rug Course uld It would be held inGilfoid Hall Jan 3rd and win or Valhall days am suitath wrapped inr ludlinx me to beinken tavthe Dec Illih meeting to be given in Simgoe Muilnrlhc Decem her kneeling is to be pot luck supper rinGiimrd Hall at 6530 pimv Those wishing to bring gliia or the menial hospiiai in Peneinng are also askad to bring them lo the meeting unwraxr penMrs It Keilcondubicd singing name after he business meeting social timejwas en Joyed By mm JoxmsiONE Céngralulauans tannin and flauwp Gentle cleaning with allnew Somersnult washing actionwithout blades or beating thnnks to Frigidairoa patented 3Ring Agitator So superior to the oldfashioned pushpull method which drugs the clothes through the water Weakening the fibres and shortening the garments nonnnllifo Faster clénner wnsh cycle than other makes Rinses extra clean in fresh runnin water Spins clothes driest ofall Economical because you use less water less detergent less electricity 0NLY FRIGIDAIRE WASHERS OFFER CHOICE OF ALL THESE SERVICES Forfastercleaner moregleconomical washes ACT NOW SAVE MONEY 1962 FRIGIDAIRE WASHERS CLEARING The Frigidaire washer was designed from tho very beginning to be an auiomntio madeover vrlnger washer Only Frigidaire has this iRing Agitator which gives Mpnurch Bgirigerulion PRODUCT 0F GENERXLMc BUILT BY CANADIANBFOR CANADIANB flee the sturdy Frigidaire Wnulxcr in action at your Ivrlgldnlm Duulem BUY All YOUR FRIGIDAIRE APPLIANCES AT nnd gonol Enly WA to wash diapers grimy ny clothes wnrk cIonnnnd the oniy way to wnnh wool safely and automaticallythunk lo Frlgidnirnl Ipochll Fully Aulomutic Souk Cycle Durnblllly of runroumnnt wrcnlnln wlwrnvnr water uchcn he washer landing convenience of full widlh lolp opening with skin inqnmcmwd gluon and moaned null guard on Saw The Frlgldnlvo Appliance Now Wu sh swcdrliezumr mdlie But Mr Knowles Isak ihe government has already indi calédfin the House that lhe in formation isnt avalgahle He cites as authority reply given hy nu Minister Hugh John Flemminguml de mled statistics are not mnlnv tamed pcmlnlng lo 012 appli cation the surcharge on ign pnf qucr Mm Graham who are celebrating their 45m wedding anniversary by holding opcn houseDec Besi wishes for peedy IE covery to the inilawing Mrs Morrow Mrsi George Moore Mrs CrawiordLMxx Johnston my Finance Minister Nowinn said in line Commonx Monday ihat SunleyIKnowies NDPWlnnl peg Norih Centre must wait or the answer mm the public accannts are published next spring MTAWA CPI Parflamunk has become Involved In new kind gullhanger Whobene Med from the cabinet mdet rc milum wrunns extm cw toms dulleslevicd as part of the zovemmeuta postelecflon austeritypmgram niE nil 3mm whammwov EBIGIDAIRE Whvfisk 611 NW wanJror swingSaysnowlan Knowlei also drew atten BARRIE This section was written lntn law so that no gofiemmcnl could rem taxes without tho fact beenmlng known publicly The ablep was to ensure na Envernment could benefit it 01qu It calglnetorder Myfi BEHPUELIC unlemcnt of each remin sionnl one thousand dollars of mine granted under this seclionr shall be reported tolhc House of Commons in thmpubllc my counts Mon to bisectionfomhe Finan cial Administration Act under which ghe Pgderlnr duty and IiiYear Lifetime Tentin Yriuhinlma lbchr Lifetime Tut wnnhcm wore nm day And night to cqunl 16 yam of homo mm The average lrlgkinim Wanker cued llllkd the equivalent your hefom van in mint rcpnlr wnn nccdudyour nmumnm Hm n1 Prigidnirnwmlimnmbuliilalnnlnlonnionglim Knowlesasked Mr FEEEFEHEEEIIJIfifi FRIGIDAIRE WASHERS DEPENDABILITY Lint Chalet rnmovca lint din and soap scum No filler pan to clean Clrculntor Ring keep suds working nnd domes movmg freely Dolnmont Dispenser distributes any Lypq cl deltagum under wnlcr nylo Inuncally orml at Just lhu right hm HEATING FUELS Phone PA 66531 BARRIE mnuc hmo CUICQJ Emmy mm umpa auday wntcr th unh nvcry without heating an automaticnot just which gives you TRY EXAMINER WANT PHONE PA mu wowuon sums LONDON MutualLondons ndrnlnlstrallvu cnuncll hai drawn upplanx new sub urb un sfllb aver marshy ground In Kent southeast of London was leanm today The lawn would accommodate 75090 persons In private hnmel andmswrey apargmen Mackl erected on mm lArm mum mm my man arm avefthe mm Mnrshes The reply alsa said to me Iann complete answer would entail careful examinallon appraximnlely2205fl5 Import enlrlesyassednt pans of reqtry In Canada Flemming to say how many ndssinnrrwere mad between June 24 when the surcharge were lmpasedpand 0mm he received the replywflml detailed statistics werent kepL MOTORS PA 60331 PA MOB

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