NEW DELHI RomeroCom mnlsl China has replied to 011 Indian request for clariï¬cation Chinese proposals last week or ceaseIra on the Chinese lndlan border and the reply ls under mnsldemtlon an ex ternal nflalrs ministry spokcs mun announced here Iodny an government lodny 12rd flu lo ulnhllxh nn ccunumlc dcvclnpmenl nurncy mn or Mop In cmurnglnx ndum rin cxpnlxnlrm Jn Ibo pmvlncu nm movo wnn annuunctd In Um lpbcdl from he throne mm the openan Um laurlh lonlon Hm MU lbghlnlum The Onlnrla IMvrIomenl Au cncy Ilu mrh nld wnuhl able llm wmvlnro la pmle nnmlnl nmnnzrrlnl lrrlmlrnl Ind nlhor mlnlnncc lu Onlqu buslncmu and rmmnunillr lhnl um qunlfly mu cnn Inm nmlrma rm nhlmy In cunlrlhula Ilunlllcnnlly Inwnnln Ontnrlnl mnnmlc noth on In llnmwlnl arm rlnu Um nomumrnl nmmlmml ll vmmml lu numnnlrn loam lo vflnlllylnu lmdlru up to luInl maxim Inlllnlly hut Hm Wfllllll Io lMllll II India had requcslcd the clar mcallnn on palnls In the prepay that were said In as mtedly obscure Chlnn inst week declared unllnlcrul consolim In lhnbor dcr lightlnx and said would withdraw 1n troops lzAmilcs 1mm Hm llno control that ex lecd In my India has msislcd on wilhdrawnl mm line of last Septembcr SIGN AGREEMENT barller today Driialn and In dln signed lendlcasc arms agreement lndin cunilnucd ii military buildup despliu ho Alxdny lull in llm border wnr Thu agreement mum by Britains Commonwealth Seem tn Duncan Sandy nnd lndlnn Dc nncu Mlnlllcr Chnvnn call for Britain to supply Indin with arms and milllnry mum meal for lhu purpaxo nl de lcndlng India ngnlnsl Chlnm nunqu Few detail on Um scopu n1 Um ngrccmnuk were Immcdl ntcly nvallnblc but call or nmmrr mum why mm now rule mHIrJrnl In pm with he Jubl hnl wll be qumd In the mmlnu mm In growling labor lnm nml II III name lhrw lamnu an In mum and llvn Ilnndardp mmv mmrs fro mum llu nu mmlnl innrlha nnmmonl Would umlwvlnkc mam cnnlrrrncu and sluva go at manummltrp and Ir mum flu Autumn The FM uh It overrid lng mm Hm Imarrulvu Comrvullya avolnmrnpn my SOLE SURVIVOR 01 WATER TRAGEDY 96 Your No in For Examiner wm Ads 1259 phom Phwu Thu telephonov number in call or the Byline or WA Dépl Ll PA 66537 Economic Development Ilgency Plans Provincial Expansion Michael Diller midhaal Call is the only known mrviwr of Bodega Bay mm mm my Mqu folg gm Awgm capslzéi 10mm CI AThu 0n India Considers Chinese Reply 0111 Telephones mllan ram med IMIUICII nnlurla Hrltlxh observers to watch tho Luse LBIItlsthnSJmactInna as United Stale ohscrvm now my dolng with American army Under the agreement India wlll nnl transfer the arms to nnothnr country without British consent and will after to rclum lhem lo nrllnln when they are no longer needed The U5 nn Bnlnln have been unempflng lo lmprma lndoInklslnnl rclntlonl no that Indlu will be nbln la use an or llmnlcd 500000 Iroan Ilnllonod nlnmz Um lnklrlnn border In Knshmir naulnsl um Chinese but lhrlr mom nm merely hnmprrcd by Pnklslnn Ian flimul Weslcm Inn nld lo In In conlmnco on nulomnllon mud min rhnnue Mom by llm dwnrlmvnls cdnrnllon and mmuxnlcx and duvvlnp monk would he Inunclml In Hw Influx ma The government nlw Iuld will umnwr producll mu cchnlqlm umhltlnn In pm molo new pmducll and MA Vnncud leclml nu dewlam um nvnllnblo in halo Il tlld ml clalmrnlm was evidently designed to allay Pakistans our bill Anglw Amcrican military aid in India will he lumed against Pakisinn inihcdispulo qverKnsimir awni pindl Pnklslnn today lor talks with gowmmcnl leader and Avmli iiarrimzm us nsslslr nni secretary of sinie for int casicrn affairs in indin with an American air mission in to an lhgfo VotingMimi Hurrlm man In fly in Pakistan In an Marl to cm lcnflonhclwcen tho lwo coun lrlg wm nnnouqccd grimly 1191 To CALM PAKISTAN am the boy talks with re poflers and armor yestm day abmn tragedy Hd took lives of his father Don Dill or 35 and younger Mather Rm Mlduel was washed whnn Sunday night AP VhcpMo Dan Tu 01km mm Imch hy mnmr ONLY 23 nuo mammal wm zlvm dny In Ilw flmma npccch nl lhn openan 01 lhe Inuth mslnn mm 2w Marla lrzlnlnlurc The warm lnlrmluml In Duluth llm yrnrl nun an pm vlntlnlmnnlrlpnl mrnmrr ln vulm lmlh munklpnl mmlruc Nun mu umxnlannncu work mu wurk nl pmlntlnl park and plmlc nmnl Lnnllnulng mrznnlxnuun the munlrlpnl nllnlrl drparl Imnl Indmlinu mnllnn mu Innnch ln drnl wllh all my pm munlclvnl llmmro wuultl mmlm mum mmwy ram 15 lrzislnlym Iumnml nml ulmdrd In mm lnr Inunlrlpnl mil pcmlllum wm Purimed nu mu man av mgl marl pngnm Tle mnlmml munch and ulnllulrnl ladlfllu ol he Muir may and tempo drumlmmln nu In he made nvanMe la run dud slmhu In runlundlnn wllh Ilm cummunlllu twcarnnl at rmnmnlrr mvlm In lb Mob lnpfllllnn rnrunin mu mum mm mm Ilnlu pun ll um TORONTO cmMann will cunllnuo In pnriklpnllon in Marnlvnmvlnrlul wnlcr work program l1w snwch rmmlml lhnl the munlclpnl nlnlu dvpnrlmrnl will pmvldn Inrnl umnmcul unllq wllh llm arr11M p09 Ilhln mmnnru In lhclr mm In mNl lhu nudx 1er ril Imu Tnlnl pmvlnrlnl mm In muulclpnllllnl would he In muII OTTAWA CF Creation of two cencral organizations to handle purchasingnnd to man age property for the Federal government recommended in the second report of the Glos sco Royal Commission on Gov ernment Organlzalian Issued to day by Prime Minister Dlefen bnkcr The 200000wnrd report takes careful and somellmes erm cal look at Epven Held In which Hula govegnmen pmvjdcs my wllhgood unisexvice Ibis divich into jeclions dealing with will pmpcrty purchasing and supply transportationnde communication printing and publishing the make or buy prpbiem and iegle serviccs VINNIPBG CF Thu Souumm lellcd pmprictor ol the Winnipeg Trib une has been convicted in the ï¬rst court test of 1959 Crlm Inn Code amendment that puma limits on tho mmrtlng WWW new oposals in long list at recammeudaliun are that the public works department he re shaped as the central body in charge ni pmperiy and hate department oi purchasing and suppiy be inshinned out of the prcsenl defence production dev paflment ng tale Dublcnskl llncd the comp 9125 um mu Monday on each two charges mm In connection wllh glory carrlcd by the newspn per Aug 22 an Um prcllmlnury heating of Clarence Russell VGlaSsé61RQPOWWdfltS report result more than twn years of study by team of experts goes mm de all on how Ihe government spends $1000000MO year on Winter Works Will Continue Hamper Companmgmqted For Carrying Court 3le PLANE CRASHES WITH 97 ABOARD Public Works Changes LIMA Im AP Wreckn or mlulnl Vnrhx uhllncr WM pt MM nbonrd wollrd 75 ml Null len lodl nrnr flue lnnAmcrltnn Illzhwu Lima alryort 01 Hull reported There no uldtncu ol Iurvlwm Richardsin Wlnnlpeg rm cap lml murder Tho Tribunes story quakd lcslimany by pollccmml that Idahnrdson hnd lold him after his most Illcllnrdlon lmd kllled his wife alter anlerlng aulcldn pact with her Magisirnte Duhlcnsk ruled ths was In vlaInHun he WSH amendment which reads Everyonu who publishes Ln nny newspaper or broadcasts report lhnl any ndmlsslnn or conicssion wn tendered In avl dcncc in preliminary inquiry or report oi the nature oi such so tendered in nvidtnce unless ihu accused been dis cnnrgw or ii lhd ncnuscd lms been committed or Irlnl the trial has ended is guilty oi an oiionw punishable on tumman conviclio ON 1101 COUNTï¬ Prosecutor Jnhn Hum uld lhe Crown dld no seek nch penalty Maxlmum urnlrncu $300 Hm or nlx monlhl Im prlsonmcn or lmlh Baffle Onlhrlo Qanhdnfusday Novelï¬ber 271961 supplies and sérvlces These range ram shoe to ship and 1mm lawyers lowimrgomle It authors are Grant GIM sco 57 Taronln chartered counlnnt and business exocuuve whu heads the caynmkslun Watv The Tribune was dmrgnd on boll mllnlkpubllnhlng lhnl MI ndmlsxlan or conlcnlan had hml lcndrrcd nnd glvinx tho nnlnru It My 01 procwllnnl wnl cnlcml by Iho Crown an Iden lIcnl fllnmu ncnlnxl non Munro lrlbunn publisher dem air Ihey Ami my the thy mmr GLASSCO Kama 1M1 KENNEDY WATCHES COMBAT PLANES vie Dcpuly Premier Am in iiiikoynn mid ninnday nigh liml sharp differences over mba llili exist batman um Unilcd Siflill and Russia He indicated hm was no uoiloning oi Fich Cnslml xinndi son Seller 63 of Ottawa re lired nudllor general of Canada and Euuena Thertien 59 Man lreal insurance company exem ï¬ve who heads ha com mission They recalled 1V7 spwlnllsu to make detail erlI studies gavernment open On But 1h Ilme Auggesls ha solution of the problem lies In more no less centralization It argues thnl department head should he reed the spam slbflily or many suppoan vices whfcï¬ nrékcivndï¬ry mall Job gqvcmm 0n construction axJasmine 1119 report lays There on dis cemlble tendencies In some de partments In 1110 no busi ngsglbemselvu Thls criticism auo ll diml cd Ignlnst govemmcnl ncuvlly In lrnnspnrt printing malnten unto work and other fields gave EIr lnitlal report In Septi ember dealt with the broad ly sues Dfflnnndnl and personnel manngementl ll set nut plan or strlpplng away much red lmmudmultlngï¬eachrsovernzi menl deparlmen on llaownl role cumbersome central con lro The ï¬rst repanls still under study and it Is cansldered un likely lhere will be any acllon until after the coxmnlssiona m3 ream One of the main target of todays report second of ï¬ve again is candy red tape stresses that many at the Jobs belngdone by government icnn ha handled at less cost by pd vate in 1m US Ambassador Adlni Stevenson wlm Also nllmdcd 0w dinner mld ha cxpccla to trauma llscumans on Mm Vcdncsdny wixh Hovlul Drpuly Fornlzn hllnlmr Vnilly Kuz nclwv Stumun Ink be ex pcclul the mccflnl lo be qulhv Important Mikoyan States Castro Is Firm munu mmuw ibfï¬ieï¬mf Meal Mr hm hm mm amid ma ï¬umww UNITED NATIONS CPSo Vigorous program to dis pas of surplus land and material Messenger and truckan serylcepoqltqrlnlerdep mental usehultawa and possibly other major centres Wltlldrawal of health and revenue department from marine overaflons 1553 Deputy Reeve Davis Four weru nominated for council three to be elected They are Eugene Smilh Km nelh Blanchard Stewart Der mal and Samuel Johnson Election will be held Dec Mnomï¬uuunmmr Essawown will gs did Deputy Reeve Genie in by Mlkaynn said very nnrp qucsllans were dlscusscd at tho dinner with Stevnnson nnd Juhn MECID head of her dent Kennedys Cuban mrdL manna mmmillce Blikay In possibilin his 150an Washlntmm or In men n3 with Kennedy was no dlscusstd 11m lusllnns enrllcr were ulld In hnvn pm out nclcrl concerning While Hausa vlsll far Mlkoynn and Shannon hm lndlcnlorl would bring lhn mnucr up he dinner nlk wllh rrporlcrl MI koynn cum out strongly for Castros Impoan xlamnndn In winding US wlUIdruwal 1mm Gnnnlnnnmo nuvnl hm nnd Inn and la be US economic b0 roll Culm Hut Slcvrnlan lhu Cnslm domnnds Wm not dimmed lhu dinner mm was no Harrell um SaquIlLqdcr Reéve Acclaimed In Essa Twp HIGHLIGHTS OEREPORHOFZ= Integration of RCMP and Trnnswm manta mninlenance and age facilities In Ottawa Greater ruse of pï¬vate In dustry or government print lng needs Lcsrréllance on govem mentstall or maintenance wnrk or contracllng out OTTAWA CP Key re commendation of the second report of the Glasscn Royal Commission on Government Organiuflpn New role fur the public works department central agency In charge of Feder al property and buildings and civilian conslmcllon Creation of newjepm men of purchasing and sup ply an or the defence pm dunnon dapartmenl Highlights Oi Throne Speech 51 Opening Oi Legislature 7500word speech from the throne read by Lelntennnt Governnr Kelller Mnckuy the Progressive Conservative government also fledged Itself tn set up pmv natal councll of the arts clvll service ar qn board vnsoryé6tixigil TORONTO Cl Illflhlllhll ol the beech Imm lhe flame and loday Um upwind ol llm mmh union the an on lulu ionslnlura I1 Amtmanl ammor Kamer Mac ny Atlnlnllen In In lnlmducrd mm medlul hum Insur nnu tram lumm nvnllablu la 11m pmpnsrd Onlnrla devel umncnl nncncy wnl ennui on Imponnnl pan cl mm mmll ncunomlc polcy In lrmlnl In nchluve growth rnlc sulflclcnl to pmvldu km or growing labor um and Ontario dmlnnmenl new to provide numnnu lo rnlrh flu and mmmunmu quail la bl mum Juular 1mm Eulnblluhmm Jung Au to be nlmuud rnlr mm Tfl Mflféfllï¬ In mid on Illlrdvunmm mm um In din mum at My um and of ml Imam up fEDynamic thangeii Is Ugedg xTo=ImproveGanada5s=Econom imoizsas mmcmz In addition lhn government would accept rcsponsibiifly iur ymvidlng coverage or how poisuns who may be deemed no to be niiiu in provide for lhcmscivcli Below any considera iian can be given in bunciiis broader lhun Ihnso mentioned lho report oi Iho inderai man commission iimlih and any rccommcndnllonl it may coninin pnrilcuimly 1n mum in participation by in federal government mun be ex nmincd lhc pravlslons of tho medlcnl Insurance bill 10 mm enact the spccch Inhl lho lop human wlll be cxnmlncd hr cummlllco rnrdlcnl hnsplul labor and mhcr rcprcsenlnllm Thu cummmcc would receive rcpnsunlnlluns rom nny Inlet oslcd puny Um ho KDchmtnl ro pom conllnunncc ur Hrd yunr 0000000 grnnl lo ulqblllu mmlnml or flu lnhnx hvxpllnl mm plan at their prcscm MEL 10 AID GROWTH RATE uhment pro he eco nomle development were among measures prom sell by the Ontarla government at the opening 01 the fourth 525 cam 01 the 15th lexlslature to ay xpreased Elie that wlxh Um continuation our present Brawl pollcles we may look forward to further improvements In production sales employment and income InAoIluscctors of Iho economy 0n the proposed medical care leglslatlon the speech sald the gavarnrnent recognized lhe present duy concern our people about the crippling punch cost of ncsnr and lhelr dcslraflto be able Prqpcrmgdlcal endorses themrlnclpla or medical health In and leglslnflan we be Introduced whlch wlll ensure that medlcal health insurance mm lnsnmrl by ar rnnncmrnl wlth the lovem mcnl will ho nvnllnblu ronll uur purple regardless age or physical condlllanJ Hum ui med Mm on to mm mm TORONTO cm Médlcal heatl1lnsurapce lgglslallop mac Med need for arderly and dynamlc chnnge In period when world trade patterns and Industrialmelhodl are shlltlng In ways whose full Import L1 not yet clear and when complete effect may take some time lo work out mm whim Mr bu mlme nmdedxhlldmf tumm mum nnmgmrve Nov Mero Thlp par Copy143119 dash Wm 49 ImWankme Igocalweather rccmnllnn Ilm mug nld 1n lmmullnlu Ilnvl will ha mndo on smomoo cur nlnn nmulre and have on flrent hnkm xlmhmy and Mlm lrnvk or mun park ml mama Plum In acquire ml bl nml Lulu Ihonlnu and nlher lands or nun13mm and rocnmlonal mllmu duccd lance miuufly r6 lnrdcd chlldrtn who do not r2 qulru can In an Ontario has lnl Home or new rd Chlldnn Atl lo lnlroduced would rnnblu rank 500 prr bed lo locnl nuodnllafll uhlch yrqvldn rcsldcnlhl acn um to such chlldrcm wall mnlntcnnnco nulstnnm Jnlnl nlrm will ledernl mu ammenl ul marine lesnums or Hm Inuml lmlunlry lo In undertaken abnr depu men ussmlng lha need will View to bringlng Into tiled necessary mlnlmum wages hr the prolecllon ol the wglfers of flu prnvlnc Tho cllnvu Inn fnlr wnges nm essenthll to healthy economy In order In pmvldn lendenhlp In Hrs Instance wu wlll ulrn lnlr mum to be paid on govem men conlmcl Dr lho conulru Inna Mnhwnyl and bulldln Th3 RowanIon erTncd lavernl measures will lnln neexll Cmtlnn Ofllnlln mumfl far llmarll Axtlmnlluml II ï¬lmon um lmelnpment AM to ln llodmd bill In bu lulmducud In an un lmmllon Mï¬rmp my To support cultural advancu in the province and in order in ensure that our smaller cen ms 01 papuinlinn will beneï¬t 1mm these developments til government plans to Le up pnwincini council in Ihflji udmlninerguyermn¢pl lrnntl pruducmprccesmn and common loud chundlmnnid be established in pruvidg meeting ground or pregam iivea then ihreo grown and advise the government on agri 1cultural and load indmlry prob eml SEES NEW PROGRAMS The speech Indicated host of new measure and program involving almost every sevenh mun department would my up during lho coming mamox Packed to he the lm for men government now near us the end at the ninth year out hickyegr mundale pmhm um mnsunml Wm In mama ï¬rmgkd nlnl mam He mm flmc incienm our lnl copies 1141111va stapling loam up to total ol 00000 000 the government agape would provide managerialhtechn Initial and other assistancu to enterprises and communitiesvm the province that can unliiy in such assistance an can demonstrate an ability to con tribute significantly to Ontarios economic growth Communin developman cab parallonswomd be mourned to assist In local or regional de velopmgnl nnd woulg be up In ma mm to port able penlnn the speech de claredlha th House wlfl In asked In pass the Ontario Port able Pensions bill embodyhg the results ouggesllon made lo hearings or committee ap poinlgd In study lho lublect The report the conamine has not yet been made pubue following summer of Iludy reprcscnmuona on he dralt but tnllltd In the Housa Ian winter tum momz Ma Iwn