Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 Nov 1962, p. 13

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All bumlllz apvllanm luch null clothe drym um Mum luclncralarl re mlzeralan mom hzalm um Jen and commercial cacklnl equipment are mm lha Cnnadlun an Amdnllon lnbv arnlarlel mulling uric cl tan or construction nlkly an momma mus be yaw Alter Lnspectlu ha up pllnace €95 enzlnlneu mu mum push lnl Ind londln it down wllh welsh to test It Iturdlncu Gu oonlmll Ara given 12 up ulu check or may and per armma anvu In put through limb lost In cyc llnl madllna which Iuml them 011 Ind on ol umn WM anmmmm mumer unndpaku Since the at lnduslry unu cam me gm consumer who buy an npymved nppllnncl mull be Ialiiflcd customer ECClES NORM Gas Appliance Must Pass The Most Exacting Tests The diploma ll lhe approvnl leal ol the Canadian Gal Ab mlallan Thl ual II he lym bol ol one hr most exten Iive consumer pralccuan and Applianeo ndvnnumenl vnr gram evn monsde by Can ldllll Industry The eunu gas appllancu mutt pan to earn lhe approval ml mull of hundred atrium tens or my dur nblllly 2nd pedal1111mm 151 mm or camp mull pm more than 00 main at be fore ll nnduatu tale floor will It dlrloma All la bum Annlltmutl Gas appliances with mum diplomas wnrflng or numb make throughout Canada mull mm flu 5pm onvmknra Ind mm lhal ml anurnl flu Chum Dmn run In mm on It mmul Im Royal Al melth In let lqu mu behind Villa in tanker tn CAll U5 IODAY SHORGAS LTD GAS DRYERS BEFUELLING HT 20000 FEET um wwut on line Manama The mory Impede whose with Ira usual unannounced may duck ayp anus at tho dlxphy room or In homel to Ice lhal they do not vary from the an 11ml roduct Gr um born to min work with research walnut In devtloplnx range lmpm manta to delight Ihe heart my and go make lure On the ma of Clnadian Gas Almlallon loam of me aulgned to check the nil For the lake olbolh My and customer eomlort ten eng lncen an temperature of walls and floor adjacenl to flu mam whlla they an operating capacity mplele wllh large pot of mm on each Lop bum Wall Ind floor amperatum mun remain far belawvthe dun 12L pom fan um Thou an Inn himlighll the hundred trial by In lpetllan and chemlury ha cadl an appliance must W934 thy helm win the Ippravnl Bumeu mannatau andpll on urginst minutely and tuled undtr condition In more min lhun lhole Hwy an up to mm In the home or safe operallon III mulls lea are at Canadian Ga Auociallon ayynmd appliancu tricky drunk rentalan or trnllan The aircraft were fly lnl 20000 kn when Inseam Fag Bmlo Smart Sunias Give Mum GM naunnca manulncturerl lhrnuzho Canada are nnxloul lo have lhclr lwllnnm win lheir 85 degree11w Canad lan Gu Association be cause he gm consumer who According 7th Nathan Bureau of Standards lhepro gram of testan and reward curried Iorward by Iha an In dullry In beta major actor In the marked Improvement of ham quauly and Iaer pm entday Murals equgprqenL Before they make final decllv lam on appllcance changes all propoted rtqulremtnn dlu tributh Human lo lum nled pawngal ullllflel ap pllnnoe manulacturerl home eo onomlsu node malarmmu ugde and many Man What film the Canadian GM Association scalynan Io Ill cmnumerl Thll ualdlrplnyed on any gas appliance evid ence am It will perform lately and ullslnclorlly for many yea The mu have mnlrlbulw ed lo the lac that in ll al most Bl the bollam ha NI Donal llre Prolectlon Auocll £llonl llu In use ln build EL morn than 1700000 comumm throughout Canada the many expert who are membena Illa Approval Bequlmnmb Comm fltee and In lulHommltlees are ulecled mm part he wunlry Lwnlng flied mm with kemene tCPerephaw PA 605 53 Youll AlwayslBo Glad You Chose Natural Gas 67 mnomo sr BARRIE PAMSSB Pa 33 wammmmxmmmmmwmmmmmmmummmmy mm APPLIANCES lwv dumlu and Imineueu pay their own way underlhe com peullve enterprise systemthe nundann Canaan mm natlnnél denies aid 15 07 going expense HI country government at evuy 1m lnveslor owned gm comp anlu nlnnz will many nther Up at zrlvnlelyyperated In Ga mimics dont depend on tax fund the public or on The milllanl of dollarl spent by 11campanles or tam help to build and In munialn Ichavln Ind wads and they were DI cm of polch and rt rmucllnm lnlddillo ullfllea taxes are or delenceql1d 0r lhe the admin filéfihafi onomy Gm ullflmn vhllp In the bqrden of am they SPEND MILLIONS In lhmands wmmunltlel across the nulou laxpaylng gas compan carry their full mar 01 the respomlblllutl of service and ma gluzenshlp They not only henna raise the Clnadlnnl mndnrd vi Jug by serving mllllona wflh modem ccunamlcal fuel but Hwy Auk leg fivle ml summitmu slim1 Canadas ecun mum EXAMINER VHATUBDAY NW IuI Aid 197 E66119th Gds gloymgnz onsumersfldas 111g employeeInvest team the an Industry no example of mmpetillve enter Drlxe in luion The gas industry also fimves Jo benn esseniini community me by allraciing morn indiu iricsla lire areas il nerves by promailug the establishment oi new industries and canlribuiion in heir gram underline com peiive enterprise system he gas companies or ihe nation at true new businesses male new job ummiunliies and provide new inceniivea ior community pmgreu véslmenu oI lhnusafldsol peo ple froman walks Me who gnvemrnent subsidiex Imusd they are bull mild on 01 in put their saving wark la pmvlda the nallqnfluh mp erlar fuel Amlhc mu mduslry ls airl eclly mpqnglhle or making vunlvwnjnbuuon community economy Thewnxep Earned by menand women lntha gas In dusky mm in community they and stores and are used to build and minimum hnmes Further gas company employ support national and heal dlarltymrograms la help pm lecl lhe wellare of Mr lellaw citizenswAnd equally lmporla ant theypay their pm 119 tax lam lhlm more normal dnlly mlal rputlne as well treatment The John Howard Sbclety Is an organlzallnn that lrles lo hell prlsgnen releaud from prlsonl Earlier Juslln Clale rolesgor crlmlnolagy at the nlversny Mnnlrealrcallefl or dIISr Ic révlalon from every poinl View of Canada malhods dealing with can cud of endflL Both speakers called orlhe bulldlng at small uniu when realmlnl and be helped In re Erisoners cnuld recelv bengr abllltalu lhemselvem Mr Cumax and pulling man In prisonand we knnw Ms at times Manny hnuld bx gtvlpg um on criminology and dellnquency that such an approach is Almply lnylng Into an ofenders ands VH1 altack an Canada pm em penal system ya the see day presented the gayeljence jDNTREAL CHPullan man in Jail wimvcomldermg his Individual prablems In the lures way Inkeehour mm laurel aHhulr present fan llc levelf Stephen Cums ex ecutlva dlreanr of be Que gahn Howard Society said Fri yv meangh cgpfemtce Svstém SaidiNeedngRevision if your heart is in your gift give the gin her heart is set on gas appliance lo iighlcn her work There are no many ways in which gas Ippllnnce can make household tasks so much easier or your wiia no wonder sho places high on her Chrlaimas wish lisi Shou hoping youvo been tending her mind Because ii you have ihorn will bu no doubt In your lbOUl what to give her this ynri Youll glva now ease Ind now ioisuro or yum lo come by giving her gns appliance for Chrlximar For Further Information Consult Your local Gas Appliance Deolor 0r Your Gas Company Judge John Currelly as judge the comply court Nonpumbefland add Durham Ontlreplaclng Judge Moore Miller who rem this month Judge Warrender fills one or now flexible court posts by amendment to the Judges Act at the last ses sion of Parliament Three other appointments Newman of Sexkirk Man as judge the county court the Northern Judicial Dishint of Manitoba replacing Jugs walter OTTAWA CPJusllce Mln Isler Fleming announced Frt day night the appolnlmenl Warrender member Tina Ontario cabinet Iromwsa unti last month as Judge for the county and district courts of Ontario basically ls seekhmlu be shut awn from 501er and lo lose his denmy because his firm baliel that be Is worlhles and ilatailure fWe have Ma now ma this demand hisjby Incarceration 1n uvercrpwdod Impgrsonal secumy InstntuumE Name Wanendér CwnixJudqé Mr Richardsbn 46 $19 at Campbellrmd Ont Ha was calledltva the Ontario ha in Judge Emily native Toronto was appointed Judge for tho counties of Victoria and Hpflburlan In mm Is 48 1945 taking up practice in Lindsay yeqr liter He was elected to the Ontario Iegislalun in 1951 and later served in our cabinet posts He was named minister at piauning Ind developmenlin 1953 min ister wimow portloiiu in 955 minister ui municipal aiiairs in 956 and minister of labor in 981 Rlchamson oiundsay on Io replace Judge Currelly who until his transfer wnsfiudge or Ihé47unllex nlVlclorla and Hafibugton 09L yriugqun IN HAMILTON Judge Wane ex 56 native at Stony Creek on was called to the Oméria bar in 1933 nndyprncmed law In Hamlllan One allernnthefiiludr an ap proach was much wider use at probationary gervicei Mr Cums said Hula man driven to crImu wants to be pgplshcd and to escape lrom Mimnsljglmy This Iswhat he wants and Increase In crimBjhls we have giygn him Jaw Jimz 64 Mg

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