tim and to interpret the AH Iesament Manuel in manneri training as assessor vice he mayhov obtained from County guidance In that it will contorm not with Councils opinion but be tair and pveniy divided valuation Dnnnts The water course through Etroud is occurding to the hrlot report tabled by the engineer whomode rough nurveyknogg goiog to cost autttctent tomake it project its has come to an am with the tour or live interested parties and made ntttahla suggestionat which the greatert cost will be it cui vert under the driveway into the mill property water oourse may he opened along side oi tho mill and the Fox property back to pick up the water and clear it back to where it meets with what he alrenriy been done By deepening the point on the highway uido oi the mod sut flcimtly to put the water over tluhump it to believed that the Mable minus mood is con corned will be eliminated HYDZAKA DITCII This in the water course which bring the water oil the West thtttmbury doe otthc two line and Wth it into innlsiil where it formerly won turned down through the iinidx in zigznz course till it reached the outlet under thehlghway ustd by the tnnlsill ditch Engineer Ainsley suggests that instead oi taking it over the smzemd comm It be continued westerly along the lance Una and it the culvert them under Highway 400 ll Iuliicicntiy deep enough to take this on it could be rid oi there it not then it the highway department will provide the land needed It curl bu laken north segs operations Reeve Cochrane gr£cd In meeting when no flrst opportunity altered when the CouncilMill meet behind dosed duan lo discuss mallera assessment and ML Sproule lnllmnled nwnuld have to do with thejreassessment and hand wig and Mar nssessmenl Cominmung on thJs we eel In any buslness that the An selsor needs In dim with Councflzhauld be upon In lhe MM and Jim Br5lk can learn the Assessor 13 to be fee iron any Gouncll 1315mm County Cauncfl to do heir pun II when In hclplng lo prevent the abollahmcnl 01 lb Ilccmn Klan Cammlllcc It was lyplcnl of Ihu ccllngl that crule ram many base whn were punn nunday mornlng Vxmm pm domlnmcd In the aluminum whlch hem were probably hm hundrcd Loulxc course II lulu Culley Hue dinclot or he only County Rmreallona Commlflce In Ontario and om 1mm wth many bars lenmcd tho wayl and mum of doln Inmy thing or Ihcmsclm BBL AlsessorRcbert Sproule of In nlaltl came to the regular Cunn ciI meeting an Wednesdayevei mm In mkvthe Reeve lo ar range special mccttng when erCoullcll could meet with Mm ln his ofï¬ce without any puhllc rlncludtngr the prom In attend ance He qunled from part Dnlhc Act whlch hmclalmed allqwfed the Cqunctl to meet wtth Mr Humiihm Ill mkevl III Common by Doug Hahn Nlll Im Anhun whalher ll nu lmo lhnl Iold Ihe Dnmlnmwmvlncxal agrlmL uml conleranrc that xlmuu In lnvunmml pullry In MIA dlllfll lmllar MI umlrr wmlvl nullnn ward along the nghMlway lo the double nullct them lie aug xnwd lhnl the wuler course buck through lnnlalll be cleaned l0 Um all the surplul water can be csnled all the llelds whlch lhe ownm haveclalmtl me nnw unfit to produce crops 1119 recent weekend at raln was In example HM need lar mlon on Ihls water course whldl wax llllcd lo madlldo wllh Ipparently no oullcla open uh away We own It all In Loulio This remark was um by mm llw delcgnlu who came to Incl lloldo lllelr pnr mi haw hi3 he ommmuy In lmm had Mi boon tar lhn kWh provided by Um Corn iNï¬ISPII NOTES dnn mm um ma drug udln durlnu prrununcy hul In dodlncd la mch Inflow llon lhnl ma ll be unpendrd In ClngAdn OTTAWA Azrlrulluu Mlnlllfl Nnmlllon lnld In If Commnm nxumlay that ullnb um private tnlh mm held here Ill writ wllh lum ar uninllan and prurlnrlnl mam InlluVIZI willl mnnln grlvAnlg Elrllrr lhln ynnr when the Commlllm wlu conlmnlcd wh In nddlflnnnl rmemllhxm Mm VITth tClllenllh MIII Illcr Mnnlrllh Inn hinruluy nu hmllh xlrparlmcnl ll lnvor uqu rpnrll almul Ipflnllbla Manlnllh rrplylnl In Jamel Wnlkrr ll York Ccnlm mid all lhnl Hm plmmnl hu mu ghoul lm mum mJlr nuwlpnpu mind mmdtnl Um Amg Probe Drug Talks Secret Agreed To Discuss Assessmgnt Privately CAPSULE NEWS on the reason than Re creadanal Servlcaa should be conllnued The Department of Education sent along repre unmuva wha brought new by law which he luggesmdl It greed tn would knpracreallan In arcs and alsq enable those who partlclpalnd Ia help to man any additional canal Thla bylaw which was moved will became abarfofilllicanunllteer rt It had many dausel cl whlch alloyed ha mnllnuatlon nlrlhe servlces under Direc tor andcnded up with the llnal clause whlch Counclllorrlleckv called he penalty and which he felt was the reason why ll ahnuld be successful The follow lng lhellnal clause or the la ln carrying out fllepro report was ï¬mented from the Committee and another mm the special committeetn Connell before the large delegation rc presenting citizens who had also regdflbriefn tn whtch tygy 901an the usual allolmenl and lhay lound thermalvu with an aunt an for whom they had not bud Mei them was Milan mada that the commlueebe abollshed at the and at lhls war and the Committee Wm requested lo cut back their expenses mittee shall at all times be the agent at the County oi Simme and while acting bona fide with in the limits at the authority Wï¬ï¬BiBWFTékhï¬tb6Gm1k mliiee nor any member thereof shall incur any liability reason anything done or undone by the Conunillee pro videdhowever that nothing In the paragraph contained shall authorize or empower the Com mittee or any at its members to incur any debt liability or obligation for uhldt the Omniy of Simcoe shall become liable without having previously otr ined the consent oi the Coun ummum wmhadlell mug their lronlng and household du Iles there will be some changes in some mumdpufliu when the member Look annctlve par Inopposlng Chg oontlnuauon County recreation CHURCH PARADE Thwn lump the Boy Scouts and Cub Pub three Girl Guldc nnd hm Brownie Pucks wm parade la St James Churchv Strand at 1110 am on Sunday next or Joint service Prea cher Reverend Fred Jackson From thy qï¬coqvgrpn Adm Ckï¬iiu Mm magma our mg olï¬gngguéi cagrgnfldniuyihq irun mjw Adnniu 01 Ship It 111Man Ilnvéumom gurxbéagtom Iin imparting xynrké graich wingkg yoli buy mun lumddfgoxéxEa £01015 fiéfï¬gu objoyltflkégingflmour mum Mummm Roman 13 belwnn the our olllchI par ties AWE atlon ahmd at having such wmflssfml was made Wednesday in brie by the Canadlml Fadem Hon of Bushes and Pro lemma Women Cldbs Pm ldent Elsle GregoryMnch Toronto anld the meeting thatMr Dlefenbakera reaction caused her to think establish men of royal commissflon In mg In Federal Winks OTIAWA CPlLA reported lavnrahle attitude at Prlme Minister Dickener lawnrd it royal wmmluinn on divorce pay will cufren Maliqu helwcen thi tour deal talks wllhlhe same end In view The latest move was hunted by Arnold Peters NDP TTimlskamlng wllh direct appeal to ML Dielenbnker for esmbllshmanl of cbmmlulan Ala result there have been lhqujevelgpywn er Lender Pearson msorted to have expressed in terest and requested an exam lnaflon constitutional point involving federal pawersovarr maintenance allowance or varced spouses and custody of chlldrep nu develo men came in the FP° beh 122m v9 Social Credit Leader Ruben Thompson has raid the 30 MP5 Ms party have estabilshed committee to examine their Man with respect to divorce and njoyulfommlsglpn OTTAWA CPDThe federal government will employ nmvhr clal labor department lnspec ton and services to ensure safety measures are taken to prolzcl neopie employed In ted 1311 warks Labor Minister star snldï¬ilprsdï¬y night This would be done he told ha CommonV jln provinces which unwrhava gmduclden prevention service mayBe Gianted Plan To Inspect mm George Davies CONSTRUCHON LTD PA 13 varabje sgclx c9 Andraw Brewln 4ND Tor onln Greenwood Tampa lawyer who has specialized in civil rim and constitutional quesï¬lons has mepazedalmn orandunion the maintenance 3L lo fang angled qxesflonl Mr Peters who with Frank Howard NDP Skeenn hll spearheaded drive Sn Purl men an changes in dlvarce procedure has had draft term relerenca or royal com Willem drawn up and cite iriwanca and auto question whlgh being then sled to nll Dlvnrce now In handled In two maln ways in Cannda In all provinoes except QuehAecnnd Newfoundland provincial courts one kInd or another luv bran designated tohold tha hearings and Issue the decrees pgmgoN PARLIAMENT Residents of Quebec and New foundland petition Parliament or hills of divorce which so through long and costly pm dare The only ground ma ngulzed parliamenlnry mm adulleryf Periodic arts to widen these to Include lncurnble Insanity and desertan have proved unsuccessful Considerable attention has been locused an the parliamen tary divarcu system in recent years by the campaign of Mr Howard and MrPeten Is TO CALL FOR THE BEST BUY ON YOUR INSURANCE HARRY PROMM STATE FARM Imam Mum 551th mga 01k 52 Barrio PA 61453 mu rowan Victoria Day Pérad In Ear tie in ma year my shown an old photoponied min OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY an SETFOR SAFE WINTERDRWING Ar CANADIAN rm 5mm 4WIHTEHEXPRESS KALLIO PHOTO PLASHBACK ino humor 51 Edura nolturd The parade panlnz the old post office aquare on Dunlop street east the corner of Owen Jamel anrvnnd Companys general store is intentg annulled mmbu where Zellerrand the Tomato Dominion Bank kwnu tumqu In 70 all WulflnMII wmmwm mum Mnlflnbulh Hypnlon by mm and llmlhd FEM Man ownI n1 UnfI In 70 INSTALLATION AND GUARANTEED wnm BALANCING INCLUDED AI mes CANADIAN m5 SAVINGS mini up NPR 25 AS LOW 33 nuanced tean orbs 52 Vlilfrom Fteeku Eflck Yard leading local Indumy lhaLllme heated on 1hr east kid NowisLheumuomm install Heat Cable 011 Wm N0 and bava to yojd m9 dam um JEWEEEW PARRY ELECTRIC Elechlo Heating Expert Eelvice and suhlacllonv Callingwmd SC PA Mass wmtms HAVOC PA 418