Mï¬ YHIDM Ovmlnm too Im mummy Ion lumh and Mann Mm nu Jlm LMclmn J5 FmZf i1 mu Mavle mm qumm ml rim Novznmln no sum mu Fancy Im nu nmlo may mnd Tombxlom Tummy New Wulhu Spam Dr KHan Cuunlry limom Tm Tammy Amhrnu hmpxn Mrs Joseph Beleouri conduc ted the Cathoiic Womens Lcai gue monthly meeting Thursday evening Among mp0 given was one by Mrs Crndduck convene radio and TV She distributed material on series of Inquiry re radio and TV ieriswbcusediaiuinn panel discussion Mrs King eduealion oonvener reported 20 members taking the leadership course prizes ior the nrulorieai contest in grades and were discussed Mrs Joseph Minningl was appointed on ve er in Christmas gifts or the patients in he mental hospital eon test by Mrs Jamu Kenncy was won by the team Mm Frank Kenney and Mrs Rose FathA er OGrndy spoke on the course on psychoanalysis given by the Jesuit Fathers in their new House in Viiiawdnle Miss Leona bioéféï¬ié By MRS MARLEY cm MEETING The November meeting oi Sil ver Maple Womens imtitute was held at the homo oi Mrs HWhlie 15 members and three visitors present The president Mrsvaohn OHalloran presided over the business session it was decided to give odonatioo to local hospital or Christmas gifts Plans wormmade or cord party in the near mum and tickets turnedin on draw tor the quilt Members werew questcd to attend Ihe short course that will be ht Mrs Hallorans home iho mom was given by Mrs Rich ardson on gmmbling spoils more meals than poor cooks The lucky draw was in favor oi Mrs Don Mchth This be ing grandmothers meeting there were contests and games in their honor la the as and Indians WI contributions at pennies Int rinndship can help all over the world whmvrvmulb nn nrganiwllon in WI work She also told how WI came to Alas ka by one wha once lived mm the present lime they have ll group which are bganiclul May fluwlnok Illl nlmlol oi wovd tumour yoopln IV MINI UM clun um mm many linO IINNKL mum runm unmm unmmum On Nov 16 number of member met at lhe ham Mrs OHallnran or the short coursev conducted by Mrs Jelly mlANIW WllKLV MRI w1 sup counsa WATCH Members were rcquesled lo attend WI convcnlian in Elm vale on Nov 23 and 30 The next mcellniz will be held Mrs McGralhs delicious lunch was served by the hos less assisted by Mrs Schiller and Mrs Johnston AROUND TSIMCOET COUNTY ms mcnmnsan WI REPORT ll pm It unlud In Nu pinr 79m And Cow IVlll Ila liqllnnd Tu lnuv llam THERE NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE Nun Wulhu snou Luvml nunxv iun uman Luv11 yuunl I1v NI Avmu Nrwml rho Nam m1 wmhn rluu llrllnn mu fa 111 Tn Tth Nm wmmr rn um mum 5mqu HDVIIH xlnm Cey Hull Alth Tun nm HE Mnnfll NIWL WHUIH ï¬rfllll urqu Inxlmfnn um mum my miivmbunsm cm Arid mocks PHELPSTON TELEVISIONPBOGRRMS PHELPSTON CFTO CHANNEl CARRIER MISS YOU VALLEY TAXI ol Dlerlnn prvumxn Wnum 5pm CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE PA 82433 in nu In In law no 15 II InUnnAY Novmnu IM IIfloan PM 1000 Mm mun lulu mm TH Mn HUI non Huh Ina nonnu Inuml Ihmmun tul an Winnlw Ilnn Audrmy Irnonmnu mm mm Inn Mill IV on ul VJ Im my fuw WHINI Kpom lHI An In lmka loo on many nu IN um cnc rv Nun ma wnmu Nun snarl 1115 Mum Seled Vomit mva Novmnu 11 Tu hull HM my Gullllh Cmoaul Spulml mm Little Hill WI will Inch In Holly School muday Nov 27 Topic education under cunvencrship of Mn Prlcm pnhï¬ifllma nfwnhng sh spchX recovgp jg himi Members nl lhc various hunt clubs are home and well sans lied wllh their hunt and good wealher lhls past two wetkm Now came are comlng home from pastures wood bglng cut and snow fences being eluted for winter 11 MRS DOWNING wgfm MEET rs cc spent Sunday with Mn and Mrs Bruce Wicc Knock The occa sion was he birthday of Mn Sheaninwn and Mrs Wloe twin sisters other members of the Inmin alxn attended the blrth dag supper Mr and Mré Ralph Hayes and children spent Friday at the Royal Winter Fair 1mm David andflelh remained with their grandparent Mr and Mrs McKenzie see the Santa Claus pagagc Sagurgny Sundny vxslkors vnlh Mr and Mrs Shelswcll were Mu Nevlls and Mr and Mm Nevils Stayner and Mrs Ar ngld and son Harold New Low bl Deepest sympathy ls cxlendcdv lo Mrspvinlter Howell and am lly in the death of her mother McAnhurIMonday Nov 12 in Orlllia Inlérmnl was at Knox Cemetery Wednesday Sorry to report Gordnin Bldwell at acted to the board of ï¬rm Clarence Hayes and Bill Stone to the credit commlltee James Kcnney to the supervlsnry cam rnitlee Hjlnry Alexander div ldend 01s pgr cent was de clared and discusslnn on th tens followed Robert Murphy gave demonstratlon how aavlngr Would ulate ll luans were repnld with llttla added to then total each month An entertalnment mm tlee composed of Mrs Clarence Hayes Mrs James Kenney Mrs Frank Marlay Martin Bax and Murphy warn appointed to look alter special soclal evening Several members volc ed their intenllon of attending l3 Mnnte Carlo Nile ln Harrie Thursday Kennedy wal the winner Lha League magazine subscription Lbs cum umpN Tbe nnnunlmeellng at Ihe shareholders 01 Flu Township CreditUnlon was hgld in ma auditorium on Monday evening The ollwring olflpery yam el Ma mnnm am nna mluklyl mum TV Nwl Spuhnl heath mun country cmndu NH nowII SI Llwnncl leh Clllxenl ramm PM Doclor It To In Iluhblek llaa sumun TORONTO Ia Ntwl mu Iul Hullv lour lllvl Gun Will 1ch NHL Mil luUllll ynglmum By MRS HAYES HOLLY EDGAR Four henna llnvlng lImlL rd nur hand In In it palms by lhc nolrump Icsponsi wu cnn Hard In jump In our hum wllhuul Iho flak hav kindly Observed 40 Dunk This means course lhul North has 2w lnl hand on Mulch base Ill jumpshm Those pnlnla are mostly In the arm of Mg curds hm some of lhcm 1m sum to be dislribw Iona The reason or rcspand In lhrnn hcnrln rather lhnn our cm he sull we really relax as lrumn ls Hm he on rlck game mom likely ln ho mndu than lha IlAlrlrk men In lth Imuan Nunh pm llcnlly mm hnve at lens llvcrmrd hour nuIL than Three hoarlsrfim might be best lo discuss be running the three club bld Being jumpshln it arcing Nnrl slain In effect Pm ncr realize you may have only point or ynur nulrump response but those palm are enough to produce gnmc op posilc my hand DAILY CROSSWORD Am Imp 23FAlry Qum 4mm Mflhowlllkl rum Wrfloolch 141a vosz mm mm um van 9552 uu 4Q 15 9935 mm 41mg um um km 2064311 cum wm wwuld 3w now ma WH each of the allowing on Iulda Mr and Mm nyloltand Mr nd Mys Shnrples have arrived You are Soulhv both side vul name The bldding has been ne the Ang lican WA ls as follows Pres Mrs Muriel Oflricn Ist vlcc Mrs Chrl Cuppage 2nd vice Mrs Jane Leigh Recording Sec Mrs Muriel llnrl Treas Mrsr Peggy Dunn Education Sec Mrs Chris Cuppage and Mn Ella Pugsley flawmm Manda mm mini 109w of Congratulations to Brenda Jer may on her 9m birhhday when she entertained few of her friends at her harm EXECUTIVE your gm Scum Wun VThe Sunday School supper and concert will be held on Dec 14 The Messengers will meet at the manse onISalurday Nov 24 Sympathy ls cxléndcd to Mrs Tom helswell id lhe death of he smer congregatlnnal meeting Hawkestone Unlch church was held Nov 19 to discuss renn vntlng lho church committee conslsung of Tim Jamey Lorne Johnston Ophic Leigh and Frank Harrison was appointed The daughter uf Mr and Mrs Lloyd Banhnlcmewwns chris lened an SundayMith relatives lncludlng Mr and Mrs Tcskey mtgrnndpamï¬s attending are sorry hear Dnï¬g Leigh In the Hospital or Sick Chlldren We wish hlm Congratuiaudns tn Mr kind Mn Ndlcs on arrival ofa daughter ur his summer Motto Get Wi54 dam knnwledgc hglln all that get nz aetmdmlandlugï¬ Roll call an outstanding educa tional act LunthiMrs John fon Mrs HuwcranMrs Luck Would anyone havlug necks chlela of he cubs and scout nl Allandala pack please um same In lo Mrs Wlllls These nreurgenlly needed as thls mal edrlal can no longer be pnrchas um unli wunlo mmlnuon AUHOHH HAWKESTONE CONTRACTBRIDE wIkmg Jenny ell umupml 255mm nu 1111 can 210 lruLcd um mm 10 Vmun nrvn wnlrr nnl mr Mm of um um Hka Warn my IIer III Ionlvrl DOWN Lilalllh walkm Indlml By JAY BECKER Pu wllh runw TN Ooul flnlnl 21 Fin nï¬hd mum 23 Tim 15L Huck Id only our clubs would also do hat with Iva duh In the queen lnslcml Ihn use But wkh lho ndunl holdlnx partner Ila lo he npprlzcd HIM he club rnlu la hm not Just mailer ol uly but Will xenulnu cnhnxl Tomorme 11 in lvlck Five clubs Our slack wen up cansldcrnhly when North Jumped la Hum clubs The hand didnt louk lmpaslng lhl slnfl when game seemed doubt lul but tho Jumpth put lrrnnd ngvylvalun on nu hnnd The chief purpose of lhe an heart bid ln cncaurag pm ncr arm slam with aun ahle hand cnurse hes no ed Io 9rgck lhnl we were Three nolrum Thats all WE can do with lhl hnnd Thu nlncAtrlck game In nolmmp look more nnmclivc lhnn the elevenrick gnmc In clubs pnrtnnr paws that should be all right bu hu rcbld hum or clubs we carry on Io ï¬ve clubs willlug earlier In play he naming om Ilolrump pols we have are ail work ing palms and will undouhicd iy prove in be highly useiul With parlncr having bid bolh hearts and clubs these point are ill better to have than say the KJ ai spades and K4 oi diamonds which are nisa point but might bu largely wuslcd lug 3h hidmlsundcrslpod The Miss Manly Moore llunw ville and Mrs Tom Forbes and daughter are Walling Mr and Mrs Harald Mom Lu FEBértMm We aré hpr hame aner her Eon Massey 53 In Mr ma Mrs ch ChurchBar He were Sunday visitnra with Mg andlh Clgenu Brawn Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrslmne Jury were Mr and Mrs Norman Brlslow and am jly Barrie and Mr and Mrs EricGaniener Mount Albeit um um mumuy Mr and Mrs Wallace Gaugh nhcndedlhe Royal Winter Fair Tuesday mgd Wednesday wBet 32 nilthe home ul Mrs Slnn Walsnn Mr and Mm Harm nmrstan and Mr Sluvc altmcd ihe Rw al Winter Fair Mom1ny per son and daughterJnlaw Mr an Mrs Lloyd Struchan in Brazil Mrs Ken Dicker led the worship service mm Beglmhxg Again Refreshme were served by Mm Gilbert Baldwick and Mrs meetlng mns gift will hesenltoflob Hall who akin hooon at the University In Edinlmrxh Scotland Mrs Gordon Jory In tmduced he speaker Mrs rgeV Shaman ql Orillla She sgoke on rccnuï¬hg Vworkefl for Unilod qhurchflSba also The November meeting of Dal ston United Church Women wnl held at the home Mrs Mark ponagle Prggldgnl Mu Sign Watson presided an was In charge Io devollonsMemhen were in favor of bringmg silk mental palicnk at Penetang lolhe Vgexllglqeung 01515 Dalston HICd held Lheh reg ular meeting Nov 11h tha church basemenL Miss Mary Anne Pcdllhgham introduced the speaker Mrs Maxwell Var fle Hcrlaplc was Whatjs ChristianT The next meeting wlll be held Sunday Nov 25 in the Ullllnd Church hasemt Mrs Clarence Brown swat few days last week whh her daughter Mrs an Lowe Barrie UCW NEWS By MR5 STAN WATSON DALSTON 31 illï¬iiéw 11mm him menu as who gm umm HWRIHIIIIIIIMIIIIFI wLT ï¬ArJéW Mangauoumrxmm imam mama IE EAL HA mm Waugh WbséEIEWWuWEFgï¬ was 41 may mouaff mmm mam can mm mmme