mm xpSTHEinARIRIE gamma FRIDAY Ndvaylamu nu un Youratmlyï¬umad on the box yesterday after noon expecting to see Green Bay Packers ofthg Na tiunal Fookball League weslern dlvisldn hash out victory over seqondéplace DetroitLions in their an nual Thanksglying Day Hookup he onlyproblem there wag that someone oigot t9 clualp the Houses to what wassupposed to hay Ken The mighty Motor City crew didnLexactlyJook kea team beinglled to the slaughter As matter of fact allthe slaughtering was done by the Lions to tha tuneof2614 It was hard to believethatthe Packers werethe samo team whohad kriocked off 10 stra ht victories before yesterdays 1L To be more prec se they re sembled tho lowly Boston Bruins oirthe National HocFéYTJeaguo The Llonsnxhlblnd adefence so mighty the Green Bay boysdldnt hlt theVscorehoard until there were 10 minutésiEmainlngththeflnalqoorterr Ontop of that both Packer touchdowns came as result of De troit fumbles Willie Davis dropped on loose ballvln the Detro end zone for the first Green Bay major Jim Taylor bulledjuor yards tor the second touch down aiter mlxup in the Lions backfield ended inn recovery for Packers on the oppositionlb secondary led by ï¬e 441 miFBï¬vhï¬nu leFflmEfmmmnmugmw Green Bay line to throw quarterback Bart Starr for tremendous losses The Packers had trouble organiz ingany kind of client at alluntll latetn the game Milt Plumdirected the Lions with the perfection oi ï¬eld general tossing two nifty payoff passes to Gale Coidili and continuously moving the bail deep into Pac ei territory Earl Morrail came in to share pivot duties with Plum late in the game but wasnt quite as effective Jim Taylor Packers answer to Jimmy Brown was held to minimum of yardage although he did con nect for major The touchdown was Taylors lï¬th of theiyear three short of the seasons record held Emily by Jimmy Brown and former great Steve Van ismer Gmn Bayl MrEveryihing Paul Hornung re mained on the sidelines with an injury and his air sence irom thefieid ywasvery much in evidence Pic ture Roy Rogers without Trigger Amos without Andy and there you have Green Bay without Hornung Sub Tom Moore periormed impressively but just couldnt ï¬ll the Hornung spikes While Detroits offence did its job practically with out flow with the exception of the two tumbles the deiensivesquad deserves all the credit for the vic tory it was getting kind at ridiculous alter awhile when all you could see was Joe Schmidt Roger Brown or Karras bursting through the line to throw Stan or loss The Detroit defence played it so tight the Packers had little room to breathe letnlone operate offensively CHATTER It marked the 13th Thanksgiving Day meeting be tween the two clubs and the victory ushed Lions edge to 103 The triumph also move Detroit two points closer to Green Bay in the standings and tight ened things up considerably Each team has three games left to play this season and Detroit has very lglood chnnce of catching the league leaders Lions ave 92 record as opposed to Green Bays 101 It could be tough race to the wire it Packers should lose one and Lions wln Should the two wind up in tie playolt would We to be played which could develop into sluglest so to speak In tho mltrn dlvlllon the Washington Redskins play host to leaguelendtng New York Gtants on Sun day and wln for the lndlans would glvc New Yorkcrs somethln to lhlnk about The Cleveland Browns take on the ttsburgh Stealer tn the other blg clnsh ol the dlvtslon From all pcmnccs allhou deceptive at limes the Giants loo to be stronger an the Redskins and have the better chance or meeting clilwr Packers or Lions in the ï¬nals Bui Washington has been me bif surprise of the car and they just might hnvc enougx saved up or aslditch stand Your truiy ls looklng I01 chance to make up for calling Archle Moore to stop Cnsslus Clay In five rounds and this just might be the right spot Any how you cant shoot fuy for tryln land have In Idmiremy spunk so take New ark in Ihu cast and Detroit In the west TORONTO Cl Hum Twinklunul Selklrk he nn llve n1 Ilunllvlllr OnL who was named Hm murmur Wndnnxlnn Sennlvu Wtdnu nliay hn tome lonl wny Ilncu W1 Wm an Iayurold rnlchcr hm wllh um In hln yr and warn ugchpl George had mmrd lo Ilo chum NYu wllh MI llmlly an Mn Ill Irl 11 mu on nnnnlnn no Am Ind nun nImnvd llv Cnmhrldu Mary land In tho Eulevn Shun Louuut Ila mlved at Itmnhrldgl will on xlay ol the um Em manual lumchow In an lnm Hue drqu mm at rlllllld Ifam ambvldul up rt ml hm uul hm by flnchulu 1min nnnuunrrd tn Lrlulleld mmurr Dun hm mm IL mun Whn that yau we at In th huy nahd lnvmulll my mm and IM lmrxr Mollv himrd lqul don wmt mu In nullleldar Belhivk Ihnuuhl qukkly um gun the 1th Nats Twinkletoes Comes Long Way By JERRY GLADMAN fly PA HIRINTEMI MI can with ha lomd lVlll lhounh he had nuvcr been In lhn nulnrld In hll Illa Okay huy uld Inmltlll You an Inln unllurm anu pluynl lnr Crlulleld Ihl aller noon Doom hurrawed glove am null hnl ll hll lucky day Not one hull wu hlt hln way and quII 51 mph Hm IIIla Mm mm Illl Julmmn mnnuuer Cumhrldu lum termred hlm Say Iald Jahmnu umnt ml Ion down hm mm thnlul ï¬vlllvk nmhled Well whnl dumh rind ymxv lunml out ha Youll IIUI lh maul 1mm mln lupde be wllh mum MA rumm II mm war batman the mm but 3mm who nodded it didnt um lo rkh anyway nuyd wnh rlnlleld In Inm la Ihnl mu ll MM II MIMIle Innd lan Hulk In NH mG Anhm wlllcld Selkirk dldns play Imulmll In mm hul In knuwn lhc Chunk In hlt Now mk Inmmnm Byinck EULLIVAN Candiam Prui Spar Edlto PERTH Australia CF Harry lemma of Vanpouver and sprinters 1mm Kenya dig Bahamas and Australia Detroit Chicago Tatum Montreal New york Boston HOCKEY RECORD ThundlyI Result Monlreal Detroit Toronto Chlcaxo New ank 80mm Glmu Snurday Boston Montreal New York at Toronto negall at Chicago Gnmu Sunday Montreal at New York Toronto at Boston Chicago at Detroit American League Eulern Dlvhlon AP Hershey ll 66 4922 Quebec 10 54 5322 Springfield 13 601 Providence 63 5719 Baltimore 60 631 Hershey Quebec Springfield Providence Baltimore 11W Wellern Dlvlslnn Bullnln ll 50 1112 Rochester 59 57 Plllsburzh 610 Is Cleveland 415 50 90 nursdnyl nun Piltshurgh Providence Toulzhll Guns Springfleld Rnchesker Eukm PNCIIIUIIIL LT API Klngslon 10 55 5213 llull0nawn 11 55 4221 Sudbnry 65 71 Syracuse 55 lhundnyl Runnl Sudbury Fort Wnync Minneapolis Syracuse Tonlzhll Gnmu Symcusc at Sudbury Mlnncapelk ul HullelLawn 0min Junior Pclcrboro Niagara Falls Monlrcnl Inmlllun St Catherine Guelph rhurudnyl Ruulu Guelph Hnmlllnn St Catharine Pclerborounh Tnnllhll Gllnu Pelerhomugh nl Guelph Hnmlllan ul Ninunrn Full other more lhurldny Nou 8coll Senlor New Glasgow Manclon Windsor Hnlllnx cm nuum Srnlnr NM Sydnay Sydnzy Nnrlmru Onllrlo Stnlor Tummlm Sou lorcupino Huhlchcwln Senior tfllnu Snnknlnnn Is Hukrn Lulu Cllnlvn Jnhnuuwn Knoxvllh Nnnhvlllu lnkmllnnll Mun Port Huron Muxlrxon St Paul Omnhn Mrlm Talonlo Junior Knob Illll Io nlnmplun ml Ind DIInlrlr mm Ilnwhnhury Mllwn Thunn Ollnwn lnmwm Hull Hawk IIcklnlnm ll Thunder liny Juulov ll Arlhur Wm 1an Manlth Junior Wlnnlpu llnnxern llnmdnn link Junlur ll lnmian Tillmuhurg IO lmlulnglon Ilhmldc Specializlng In BODY WORK or MECHANICAL SERVICE smcoa Mdrons 1mm nouv snom Tlflln It PA III 5le JEROME anlonll Lulu mun MWï¬B wwwu 1425 asmw 79771 All equalled the Varnish Empira Games record 95 seconds In wlnnlnzthelrheau in Iha pm liminarm hplwynyrddash Inday but the records wewnn disallowed because all ind more than cur mlle in our wag blowing prlnlm ynn Eaves of Snanlchlon and Bob FisherSmlth 0t lawa nlgn qualified Eaves came lnthjrd in his heat in 93 while FisherSmith was within another heat in 10 and flat The ï¬rst four llnIshi er In each the nlneheats qualiï¬ed for the mend round mums EASVYV Jerome consldered the warm tastes human breesz 10 an easy vlctory in the int heal wlnulng by yard He advanced go the second mund sclleduled along with the sendo nal alga ipal my Saturday The uyeara Jerome hrnlio ouljn Hammer abqnt 50 yard nqd gnmkgeq ham gasfly mg and even 11 adrsela record it wouldnt have counted Jerome sald So look It easy Saturday will he differenl1fl an an out Sparked by their blg smooth skatingHm 1ne oLEarl Insert ï¬eld Andy Baths1e and Andy Hehenlon New York Rangers have quietly turned the NHL windings Into litreya iaiiriiigfxitiimLBattle mm Rangers pounded the hapless Boston Bruins 71 Thursday ulghl heiorc an incensed Boston crowd The blazing Ranger have won our of their lax ï¬ve games to pull nu oi Inca or this league collar with Brulnsi Baflnn centre Dan McKenney scored Emins goal with leu than two minutes left In play spoiling Ranger xoalla Gump Wigglch ahuinul bid Chlcncamove ma 1m plaoe He with Detroit Red Wing by blinking Toronto Maple Leafs 10 while Monkeul Canadlens Inspired by masked goalie Jacques Plume shut out mgr Red My 10 mDel Manlrc lhu moved point at Ihlrdplnce vTomntn lnznrfleld wunlzd two goals his new and eigmh of the season Bathgnm hl lincmnte nn right wing scored mice when Bomn was pressing In lhe acc 111E CANADIAN PRESS By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Thu on rushlng Providenca Reds apexling hllslerlna al luck hnva pulled lu wllhln am palm he mmrunner In ha Jammtd up Emmi Dlvlslon race In ha American llockny My Jeromea Vneireéir éompzmér Red not goal ilom le pinycrl In lrlumph over Pittsburgh Thursday night in he only Mil anmu scheduled The outburst pushed 12 the number oi goal line Red hnva mm in winging lhrcu slrgighi The rump gnva 11 pub or lhe season one loss Ihnn whey and Qucbcc lhc unnlcm colandcrl Spran lleld only ulna buck ol the lead Rnlllmngq only hurl Red HotVReds Close To Top PP lId Manueen and In Joynl hulll load or Prnvldcncu and In Red canslcd mm lhcrc Plcrr Drlllnnt and Larry hath not lhc other Pravldcnco K0311 Smlnullcld In nlllochulrr lhe only game nthnlulrd la nIKhL Blundlnux Dclrnll lull Llcd polnll mlmuu QUTOMATIC DEIIVERIES Iolnm Delmrhlo uamx Mnclhnnld mum Aulnln Delvrcrhlu ll ulnnlnx Sumhuk Drlmll luulllu Ymmu Detrull NHL LEADERS PA 82563 5mm mnowum 5u MIL Ii ANNE NY lllll llama luluIn won In numxh was Alslnlr McIlmy Scut land who ï¬nished In plum ï¬nish or secondmplace with Australias Bob Lay Mcxlroy was clocked In 95 and ï¬nal the runnerup pnl Jerorï¬Ã©a leiï¬lng campelltors for the gold medal also came Igoqu yvllhiflylng gym phlnn Antau ya 25 yeamld Kenyan who lg comm end one at the main fluent to he Cnnndlnn cnholder of the world lwyard and loometro records and Tommy Robinson of the Bahamas also wonthelr henlarln 94 secunds dld Mm Cearynl Australian But all had help at the wind and their por nrmances did no go into the record beaks JUST MAKES ll FisherSmith just made into the second round with hla mirth piece in the heat won by Ahgy In 97 second Ken NfigTdFTomnlu man agelj the grnck midï¬eld team commenting nn lheCanadlnn pcIQJHnaqges an van swcpx peeled We qualiï¬ed lhreé men or the next round Thall what we went out or Nnne small out The IngaflieldBnlhgaleHch enton trio upset Milt Schmldll debu as Boston mach Wednes day night each ring goal in the second period In shoal Rglzers my win and period and added two as xlsls lhey lmd as llllle mercy on Sehmldt Thursday nlgh Balhgnle moved lntu tlelnr second place In Indlvldual scor Ins will Parker MacDonald ol Mail Each has ll polnlsdwo behind Maguslending Detroit cenlra Alex deecohlu New York delencernan Larry Calm also not lwn goal and wlngcr Dave Salon and rookla delenoemnn Jlm Nellson added singles Rangers were held la 14 lead during the first rlod on lngurllcld llrst goal but opened up 50 lead In the sec ond and riddled Bostons rookle goalie Ed Johnston or our more markers hr the ï¬rst Thirtysix ha 49 nitric hv plyunmnu All mum HINDI mm FWD IIIIIJND In 015 Jul All SIREMIDUHII VIAIIIIIVIMIOflWMI line Adiahead Vlév The Game had hardlybgen lormally by Prince Philip Thursday when the ï¬rst rhubyrb crapped up It was re saiied 19m The leader of he Ghana learn Ohene aid 11 was assured South Africas Nat Harshmann would not blflcinla any hunt in whlch Ghana boxtr panicquyes ï¬oiiwnomsf DJ Imd xald earlier he wouIdJodge strong prolcsl ahbul the appnlulmuï¬ or the South Alrlcanï¬s ring ofï¬cial and would withdraw Ghanas boxing cam il Hershmnnn offl dated at any Inmllnvlfl Ghana team member In prolestns mannn ap painlmenl Djan said We arq not against Hershmnnn persun ally or begagsg hl 50hr but we nre deï¬nitely against the obnoxlnua system nyattheld luwhlch he lmnrrtedn 5w Rem which 13 against the South Airica which Ieii the Commonwealth last year after criticism oi It racial grega Uon policy lsnaiiaking part in the Games Chicago Hawk defence man Pierre PAlutel powerplay goal during the second period was the nights Icoflng but xix ï¬veminute mayo for ï¬ghting were given ouL our rorg EIGIITING Four of hem were inr donnybrnok which broke out secondsbeiare iinni imrn between Chicagos Murray Bl four and Torontos Ed Shack benis flm Barton and Chi cagos Reg Fleming Joined in Fleming drew our of he games 25 penalties spending 11 minutes in the cooler Montrtnl put on strong show with centre Phil Gaye mgenym study 15 1411ng 51 onwards flexrue 330kin Huï¬ddblckio Moon mm in the Plants fielded 24 shots for Ike fllulnul gum1m 5mmqu $1 Dimman pf Curhicud Aged Whiakiua BUSSIANSAMUSED BYEABTHYSTORY momma cmm mur lng Ruulan at team Ibroka inlo me smile Shunt day night when woman In vterprelet stumbled over an earthy section speech In Ihem by Oscar Binoksyvet reran coach of minar jockey Brooks mentioned lhntCaV nndlan boy unce used lumpY val manure on pucksiwhen they played an frozen pm The grins cement runn Euet sponsored byv Ihe Cannv ian USS 11 Association when translal Alice Jorawsk mught woxd rtu eipréss the term manum Soï¬a player Also led when Brooks told thc story at Red McCuker Regina goalketper who way Wm towel around hll neck canan Prince Al bert Sash or protedion frnm lnnswho uscdvnw npl tqbnbo tfulneinf hlm MONTREAL CmA inew jun system nflmingplaym graamlngï¬mmflunmr fink will he submitted for approval at medium National Hockey League clubs In Dem Nov It was mmmced Thursday night Tho mlem II based on the order llnish of the club It Ike and the lselvazmsom This was onlreal Canadlenlllin rfoXXWMFTarani HIng NewvYori Range Emit had Wings nndloslon Bruins Clnrmce Campbell NHL pm ldent said the proposed system probably will be gcceplcd by the club representatives At present hockey Mayer gradw sung mm junior ranks an considered the property at spent negjug N111 clubs Draft Syétémg Comes Closet nunu mm nuns Under the proposed lyslenL Baswn wauld havo ï¬nlvdnu 11on this year Junction EL PA Hm Trade in Yourold skated on New Bana Skntu or Reoondflloned Skates New AND USED SKATES GOLDS SHOE SERVICE MIAMI AP Mrsï¬ Reinemuqsv Blue Tesszl the first seclinn lh am Handle at Tropical Thursday IwhllalspriLSkles and Royal Julian wound tp in dead heat or flu the second upcunn cmth 01351991 fumed out arrthe upenlhg of Florlda wipter nuns season Blue Tassel lavorltc in the st urlong Jevcnï¬hm mlumcd $510 AprlFSkles puldwuu whileum 2501 shut Royal Ration rammed $1790 Swecn Schrlnm one lb Naflonal Hockey Leagues all lime mm says hockey club management should take samr otlhgrhlame for poor ofï¬cialinz Blld nagging attendance Clï¬KMéhéggrï¬ent Theyre complacent said the Wyeamld former star ma old New York American and 1mm Maple Leela ol the Nathan Hockey League Eccnguked none ol Ihe hem left wingars lo ply his trade In thg NHL was guest ThursdAynlzht an dinner huIi oring his meinbershlp in the Hockey Hall at anm inlo whlch he was Included In Au gust Should BeBlamed CALGARY cm Davie Sweeney Schrlnur one the INSTALL 76 Aim F481 INSTAHATIDN SERVICE DEPT PA 66418 Dunlap St MUFFLERS 011 The