lanh Iillurmo IIWNrI mu In Hm Inusl will nml uh llnmlnnl mmuurrmrnli and Zlnrh ulilmrmr In hip mu uruncnl 0n Hu INnmI mm mm mm lur nmxk lhn will nhdomrn Imd lvml mummy menu H1 Imhns mmlkr man nur prmnl wulmrllunl and um £1le Inrlml mmllvr Vllh Ihll mange In ynur nmimcmmu run will be alm In In Imp rln IIIMUH AllMm lulu Ilarva llm Inch In mm Mn lnlmh um Um II In ynnl 1110 ll hard by Hm nth In clnrln Apply MI uyclmlngy In Allmmlnl duwn uml hhnilng Im prun nsl In In rrp lnh nn lhu lnrhu on um ha ullmulnl Inglpur U56 lwo an nwnsum and roloml rrnhrm On nnu tnpu mall hurt walnl uh domrn nml hlp uwmumnrnu wllh ml Lmynu Ibiclev Mate Den Same Not all pcopio urn willing nr ablé to make an acmmmadaiion his kind he ralionale works or you bravo You couldnt beat him you joined him STAY PUT Dcnr Ann Landcnx My mother and dad were divorced three yam am The court awarded mu my mallwr n1 lhaugh my dad wanicd mu Ina the Judge said could make up my own mnd an my 14m him day will be In January and dbnl knuw whnt in My molhcr remarried his year Her new hmlmnd nice but Im uncnmfurlahlc around Mm He always mm In ho Mllng In flu snmc housn Wm LEI 151139 humble than lvn lnlkcd hit our with my Iavnrllo lunclmr nnd slm MIK ï¬cnlrd wrllu to ynu Can you rip mufHWIINDOLYN Dear wrmlolyn Slny hm nu um um lry to Do morn rimdly In ynur slvplnlhcr Ill hol In time lm mm am Thu Illnnllnn In your Inlhul now as many Ina qualities and no bad habits He In an excellent provider mmmunfly ludar interesting company nnd he treat me with consideration and respect We are hnppler Ihan many can plus wha have nothing to my to each otherexcept in tho bed My xlnd mnrrlcd nnollwr woman one ytnr Her and mom wen dlvnrccd like hll new wife but she has very dnuumcr wlm my use In as cax say without hit tomcss that sex isnt what in cracked up Io he lend full and snuuylng Illa without BERENE Then the soulvscarchmg be gen Perhapsll was my mm mm trylng all the Mcks In the book and cw on 01 the beak Lkncu Lcouldnt change hIm sted my llglnkinx Dur Ann Linden had no idea here were so many rigid hunhnnds armmd until their wives began 10 mnï¬de In you Frankly feel better about my Wu us and developed icicle tendencies shonly after our marriage was bewildered and conIuscd He was moron dur ing courthlpevpn eaxpr Simplified System Cinches Reducing pmj Huwnrd Green wife Canadaa external alrnlm minis adding In her lohï¬luma trilhlï¬g In sclehce ANN LANDERS fly IDA JIIAN KMN our Inuw MPs WIFE EXPANDS KNOWLEDGE M61117 mm a1 nlrdmnlnn memlvm Bum My Min nlzc ha Illsl nml IIKInmPn wltlon mml Hm lllllurnn II Iluruugh un nhdnman Invlm mm mm mm wnmunl Ill hm ha mm by ï¬rm II lwo Anth lerrrme In Mth lhn bml munumnnnll mm mu nlzn to Ml lhmu Am Hmly nwnmrmwuln ur Hm mulch mi av MIN 91 For nnmplu Hm um Ivcrnun body prapnrllnnl 1M Illa 10 Inn 117 will Mi ab domlnn ulnnllon 361 mm to 71m Ilm allowancol Am ml or hummun l0 dander lull Mm alum lluum ununo an can can um court may mmurcmcnll or AIM 11y nulxlmtllnu Inch rum llm bum unis nml nbdm mm and lnrhrn mm 10 Mm lmt she In llm mllm rnla guy here ilnrh IllHnr rnu lxchmcn aim In Um mm lunm um hlpl ly lhnnkn Ia all who cnllod thln lhlmry lo my nltenllon pox nn ha scoundrcl who pulsed ho walk an Ml awn and for ma lo Mun with we noodle In hten Ia mdlly born Communal lo nnden Doz cm slmrpcycd Ann an5 wrllc lo lell mu hnl lellnr vubllshcd Irom Anuum Mnlnu was as nun bll plnularum III has over been slipped over an lnxsflnl col mum Augusln asked What Woman and hn want on describn her cnprlcu and her lalblnl Thu culnrfl Htled musl verballml wvcrnl porn xmphl rom an old way whlch was klcklnz mund number cmnpusr In lhn early 40 not all my campus In 39 Just Innflmg omlu ll If Iha man felt about you you do about hlm ha wnuld have let ynn know It Obviously hes had every op Borkunlly Naw you at lam ave your nullrespect Danl splll tale of 22 ycau n1 Imm qulled love It would sound bl mm and mnka lh man un comlormbln You an bcller all in Icnvequlclly SWINDLEIXS My bo he hand nlflla business H0 is an attractive wclilHio bachnior 68 years oi age ivo been in lava with him for 22 year but he is unaware oi my leelingsruut relationship has been closa pne pmiey sianaiiy and ho real me with the greatest respect am well raid and love my work but is gutting Increasingly dliiicull iar ma keep my iava or this mimldisguiscdi know now should huva made my feelings kuawn year ago but than In no point in try ing lo relive the pasl The qucsllon Is would be making tool of mym 11 told him now Yes am prepared lo leave II he lhlnks It hm Please give me sumo advice 0LD FAITHFUL home has all thu Ingredient for Instant Trouble Vhy your head in that meatgun er Denr Ann Landau Im waman past 50 who has given the better part of her life In her job and her company was never married and in moment you wigl know why UNRESULTED LOVE cum cnlllic Ilzlnl mum history More hgr marriage In V1956 groan Interest in Canadian WIIKM FINA hylhlr min Jain davrlumd by In 011 De punmanl at bmumce under nu dlrrcllnn t1 Mnunlkhl Lanll Tlum 0wa hennurrmmu um mm In mln Indy III wur Inllwl wlw rallmu Mmewhnl nprnlng rerrmnnlel lynmxlm mumbm and welggmujby Mm Man Amount um Illnlnnulhml gunm wm Ummld lnlhmllh xlllln lml Grand Ian Mn lnln Kuhl Urnml nn duclmul ol Um Urnml Thnvler 0mm MIL le Wllmll Giving ward piciure oi lime mnluming work oi In person in television Miss Cooper slrcssed tho ducnlional conlcnt oi brand castlng Spenkinl oi the mil chunnti she said they no well qunlliicd educationally lo bring good pmzramming hi the people The sinllon she added receive my subsidy and its only mum railing necessary fund for overniionn in Lhruonil tho lulu oi nir lime PUBLIC SERVICE liowovnr in great dual oi lime in duvoicd to public aer vice yrounms ilm lpcnkm mid During he recon Uni cd Appeal drivu channel gave $100000 in air lime in Hill use Ind during the iinl six month ui I00 donnicd 750000 in air limo to other timrlinbll causal nddrcu wnx lnllowzd by quelllon and answer IMHOI when he nudlnnn vaccd op lnlan and made Inquirch abqu lolevlllon Am er dwll wuh nll quullanl it lncudcd Imam An lmprmlva Inllnllnllon mummy wu held In In My 0w3nlfllrgg Nov when Mu Dorlnn Ulu wn Inxlnlled Worthy mum and my mime wan lnulnlled ll Worthy Palm Iluyvlcw Chaplet 106 On ol um Eml om Slur It was annaunced at he met lng um memorial cards are now nvnllnhle through lha Can cer SadelyTnesr cnrdl mny bu sent In lieu of flowm By MR5 WILSON ALLiSTON Special High light oi lha annunl banquet lmslce oi lho Allixlcn Union Public School Board ha llb rnry llnll wan nn nddmu by Iris Cooper oi Channel Ton onlo School leathers and oi ilcinis ha bunrd Wm mm Mel CMVTWE am In nur ny Whlllng 005 Executive Hold Meeting zCAMPBORDENI Anexecu tlvo meeting the Camp Bor den branch of the Canadian Cancer Society was bald at the homeobmnrdahnimuoo Tho cancer enmmmeu announ ced that nld Ind Inlarmutlun are nvallablc lar anynne wishing lo secure the material tom com mmea members 1119 mm olflcen for the comlng year as follows Pres Ident Mrs John Malcolm Vice President Mn 13 Purdy Sec relary Mn Marjorie Johnmn Treasurer Mn Dorothy Fltv Jerald Chairman Womens Services Mn Marian Reed Educnllan Mn Elsie Scolt Puplldly Mr M1 aney Installation Ceremony Features Bayview Chapter OES Meeting mlcmbgy at the Unlverslly Bduah Columbia Since muvlnl In Ottawa Mm Green untamedmanning many book on history CP Photo Tells Highlights Career At Trustees Annual Banquet haw yuu 1m Man wllh am rulr kml nmr nruto Null In um lullawn PM Mlu Mnrlnm Culdwrl IMl lmtnlllnl Man lhnl Mn Mde IM lmlnlllnq nln Mu Joule Mnanll mlIll Flam Manhnl Mn len Wllwn DDGM Inltnllln Orunnm Mn llonlnlcn chnrn IDIXIM ln alulllnl Wank Mm nuke lhmmurm IM lnllnlllnx Ben an Mrs hrrflu smrlu PAL wflplllnl mum Mu IIn lnllawln he Inglnllntlona fmhmrnla wm mvod by Mm Mny Gum Ind wmmlllu ANIIENT AND MODERN YUHK Enlllml lCIl TM wnllum nut ml Ymk rvtlvnl Am wll Ian tom Wirrnrnld mymy My lo mmrm 1m nw MIMI vulll mu Jam ll la Jnlv Vlclar Emu chainnun of the School Board extended we camu all prcxcnl Includln Mayor and MrL Mitchell uhao Inspeclar And Penman Town Clerk and Mn Whlluldu not Ford pmldcnl ho llama and Schoal Auocllllon and Mn Ford Marvin Pat ton rcpmonmuva Io unmlnl Mcmarltn lth Smool and Mn Palm Mn Drum AndA orwn rcpmcntnllvn In the Iubllc Llhrnry Hoard Ind an 11m lmlnllnllm board conduc llnu he crmnany Includw In qlliqzflhlnlyon go New She II permanen CF10 mu member with role 01 lm lervluwcr newr rrpnrttr and Ieller chlldrenl norlel on he program Small Fry when Iho known at Aunm Irll Her nun mlmmenl II to II rirl In lhe broadcast ha Grey Cu larger Vnmon Ireland lhunkcd the lpenkmn Eggmum WELCOME Derltl Deputy Gram Mmmnx Emu nmmpwn Grand Chap lu ncncvolenl Commllln went to know told mllllncr Etta Saphlre who me this description aI manly as dud nu mod head whuta the best and good flan in the ml nary bull neumdayl WEAR MORE HATS Gel women back to waarlng more hats Em Saphlre An Iwmd ntonco with wanna mg smile 5th tell them she Addedmora Mom as we at man tho roser hat bore in her Madison Avmue New York 13m Magnum they know dvelr trade Eu on 931135 moist Impqmg thing or Eilihjalering to the women who come to them for mu havew understand peo TUE EXAMINER TUESDAY NOVEMBER Wat7 Rabi with thir hats In order to succeed in this business AN 011 mm Actually Eu Saan has been mnk ng peopla happy with ball everInca ma wan 01d main to hold tumble on her ME mother was Inllllner In Ylgnna 5h inxplalnedh so was lucky enough to Inherit In Innate talent or wing and style mm her By ch um could thread needle was mgklnz daglet hau minim um ombud mund and tralnlng than was never any question In Vow Ellal mindnbmnlha the co of career As soon we In beed blah school she wm In lnlmduclnl the uker Mn Wilson nld Mu Co oper wan Ihe um wnmm to be regular nawuukr on Can dlan TV Previously ha had been radio commcnlnlor 1n cludlnl so Important 3151an men broadcasting lhc open Inz the SL Lawrem Sew WAY 79 get an answer to quot tlon mm as pmyalont In mail as mink ulls ontull hm hwa to cull one day 1m week 61 an energetic womun whola tlxlcceuflumflllblernby day end tucceululh1lllbler day and gh he hupltafulld char ltyworka spare Um night And alwayl made list to go with every than we flylcd the pinned with lIEX medal love or hall Ipukllnl In her eyes lea advertising pm thole Illa up Irenlly neglect rural mn an ghey ch30 luau and how huslnesa ur ea qryolgng pcoglo HAT 10 MATCH AisubbessmlHat BiiSiiiesé In nanmAr nouscn Mnyur Mllchell hrouxm gm Imu rum Councll nnd exprcl ud rallludo nr Hm work he lnl one by lnulm nnd lull In In lnlamll In chlld rep In ha cagglrnunlly Inmuor Ferguson npoko brlcny Ilnllnn llml llm an bonnlIlull rulnllomhlp wnl ml mlml Ind npprccinlul Mr uwn Wlll ï¬rcunlcd with lavcy floral In nnnuzcmrnl ho anu of Um Ivmlnu anmu Shillon chalmmn ol lha Mlnlsltrlnl Anxwlntlon He then lnlrodumd lhu member ollrhu Banrd hunters William Bendoll greeted louchen nnd Harvey Slum uhnal prlnclpnl vulccd than preclnllcn the lonchln m1 whom he lhtn Inlmdumï¬ MAYOllfl ml211ml Durlnl tho ymumm llvely nlnxdonl wu Injured IN by NIH ï¬lcwml public Ichml mun lnllrucioi School of Public Hank and Dr Paul Dull vIayWhm Buml intumnziom ally wn hem pcclnflsl muted an Idsh heart study about tvm year am By mum of Intervem and mdardlzed quesflonnnlm ha cnlode Intake and energyï¬xpuxdllm of about While she wu lull in this hullneu the work that lhfl was doing game to the caution oi Graceand iiuien Mencken Andi whun the lumen Mencken lit ion went in Hollywood they uked Em to do nomo oi the hats and dream that won used In their work This in tumacquainted hard working Em saphlro by than wild and mnihar wlh other Hollywood osmium So when Iha id the dress business to join her Inter Ram in tho ai rnady eawbflohed Snphim Milli nery thop some oi the biggest namel in Huilywood eon mle locomo in kg iothau Dauldltba that our wide spread corona heart dim overweight tha extreme len Ilona which undermine mental health are all connected with the QXmlahm0demlVf has Facts an which lndlc our mfemqry way at lite pnrenï¬‚ï¬ nature never 1n en td at us to lake in more food umn we need or energy rqudrenwnu No efficient way It pmvldedw cm care of ex ceu calories Instead being thrown all axlra palatial are stored at and too much fat burden the whole body An excellent my to study lhu eflccla odenlary We 13 to compare blood bmlhm or peopla In mu mUva environ mant with members of the some milks who live In mu country Dr Roderick Stara aMha De Emmeqt ql Nugrflloq 7917 the Heart Disease And Obesity Linked To Sedentary Living Tow Tami lhel grand CASH AND CARRY UMBER 149 STEEL AT BLAKE 5T PA BUILDING MATERIALS THORNLEA HHS COOPER unllnu Iodn dlunlvcd In wnrm wnlcr II nrclerrcd lnr odarlm clunlnl Mnkn lura Illa box or conlnlnnr In llmrauhly dried elpeclnlly lho Mull II hmclnl Slrny crumb can mlvple mold Imth and muld become problem wnlh hm cumully wllh Wlltl in which vlneanr hlu hun Adda Family at In NOT Inherited but 010 American prohlcm overnutrition ls duo our 11 hcrfled lood hnblts Ono hun dred yeuu ago Ihe struggle was to enough lo cal Forging the lmnllen of cm new cum lry required lremondnul encr ulu Slncc survival men do pended an Ilured body Int than was mu emphnsll on load our 11 on wnl mld tn bu lI led Inld Dr Margaret Mend nmcd nnflxrnpolonlst at the th lnlcrnnuanrllr F904 Any canlnlnor used nr or nue and bakery food thould b0 Imp thoroughly clean The brand box than be wmhui an AIM mkly HHMT IIMVK FLIGHT In an day um hnwh wm counted lying IOU on mlurm tlnn mm lcnnlylvnnlnl Hawk Mannan Innclunry Our lamlly rum to lamented the mother of ha lerr yearold fully who couldnt run ins enough lo keep up with the ball And lhcro in germo lrulh in thll alalcmenl on were encouraged And cnjalcd In slur lhcmselvu and an evcrylhlng on their plum and nvcn bribed to do so with entlclng Iwem Thus no Illudel were handed down Irom mention In nonunion and were purllculnrly reinforced an an allermulh of our Dcprmlnn oi the mldm when age Mp1 VCcngrcnlï¬ 1x month added WM no lmpnrtnnt In Ireland wen hair recrea tion pmvldes vigorous examine their weekly block dnnm they bum calories In 11 time Thu deflghllul pm is that all use particlpnle from lha youngster In the oldsten And nary cover charge The key to lhls mystery excrete mid Dr State In Lhe 01d Cavalry physical oxen else doesnc hnvo to ho mm clnlly manuhmured built In not H19 If youre well oft You ride uvhicyclomfl youre poor you walk you live up um you climb step Food comes an energy fuel noi producer The trick 1H0 Ikflm balanca between lnuka and aulput believe that exercise not calorie counting In tho mat eqynfl ho aimmad their broum mm mm won calculated These mm were correlatedwlu the results pla amm Tha facts Tho bmlher In In land eat more and waldhs less than Boston kln Ho eats 300 calories more and weigh 15 per cent less The Irlsh brolhexl serum cholesterol lovel is an average 540 per cent lower than that the IrishBostonian sm nmcanuy than appear he only hall at much coronary ham diaeua man than examined In Inelnnd When start 3mm Mind have more time give lb customer when they amt coming 1n he said gelunl buckle her original llamme on how on mm so of ma mfllinery business You have In make In over pooplc and mean It And you have to mnka sure every woman get the right hnUorher Irishyon 1395161115 and Bread Container Must Be Clean inolher nowmho mnnagna he buslneu hem am often be lna as early 730 5111 cre ating hat or the ï¬ne spoclany shapn to which she aellrwholo me well or her awn div crlmlnnuhg an no In on who comelo her retail Ihap Inherited Family FOod Habits Create Problems For Dieters By IDA JEAN KAIN Now York 15th PA $972 Our ecllnzl nnd Hindu About and are of tha urcMcal lmparlnnca Fond Ihauld hot bu um III bribe nor nu wh ullutu or alhcr Inliutncuum Food In Ihu mum at Imman daul enamel to had In excll In Illa Meal Umu lhould ha tun llmen but noI lho mnln ren Ion or Iha day Snnckl Ilwuld bu purpmml lo rrplcnhh wan many not lupplrmcnl tank nIrendy ndrqunlo daily in Theres the challenge from one oi the worldn lendlng l0 clal Idenllsll And Amcrlcal mulhm are the one to Inks up the challenge Thcy cnn help create now let load pul lcrns to meet ladnyl needs Time In nothing won with the Clean Pinie Club but try Iamclhinx now When Jane nr Johnny all to cicnn up hnir pinicscut lhu lcrvinga Thin one Iiw can help in prevent chiidmn from ntquirinK iha habit oi overeating nriy in ille VIUI good and plcnllful my la ohlnln rcpnro and um Um bl um um II to manage tholu and In 1mm how much load In ennnuh an eating large quantities Well Today the cnnlequencen are well known Dr Mend con tinued Our abundance and penchant lor nvcrcnllnz llnvn maria obesity urinun problem lor about 50 mllllnn Americans Tao there are many who In their ellorts nut to gain wel ht hnv taken to reducing dell lhut no not nutritionally Ade quale Both Iypcl al eating hub ilslhaso mulling in gaining weight and than aimed at lay my weighthnva created mt pocket of malnutrition in nur mlrlrt ol abundance Excellent planetary 1n luenml This In the lime to try and put aver new ideaespec lally ll lhey nm alunz creative or scientiï¬c lines III good day too ln whlch to glva ha other fellow boos wherever you can It could prove highly rnwnrdlng 1n the Mum FOR TOMORROW Taxldrlver Gerald Bohse who but bun chaufleurlng handicapped perm or sev on years uslm one his charm go his cab II hud VHELPSHANDICAPPED WHAT THE STARS SAY Dont be Inconvcnloncml by breakdnwna and sadly ropnlnv you do no lhlnk your prawn cnr or lnlck wlll alnntl up Io vlnl crl blller cal drop In or call my our ulna nlnl to gm BILESIRELLITA RI Cown Chuck run Juk lylov Gnome le nullon 45 BRADFORD 9T PA 931 Tlvo Homo Guilty Cm Truclu BAY CITY MOTORS lTD Look or good monetary break In Mo December an yen and In Sepiath nI nnL Between May And August than ll pmmIIe of highly nUmuann adventure In the Ilnlds oI luv and mlnl and both May and Juno wlll be IInn Im unil monInl rtlnlIamhlps also Dr camber ol IhIn year chlld born on this day will be high Inlcmcd and will ha mat ovt the outdoor and or animals it tomorrow is your birthday the year ahead promises much in the way oi lob gnin you are willing to tnknon some Ad ditionn responsibilities and put forth maro oiiort than on how in tho past begin as nowl Keep your oyss open or every possible chance for ndvnnoe ment and do not bypass oppon tunitlol just because they in vnlva voluminous detail or law distasteful tasks It change in activities could no tha very spur needed to hasten your suo cm hetwgen now and the end of February also in you will avoid utrnvnn gnnce and emotionespec inil durina arch and April nn allow eneruliy conservna tivn policy you should find yourseii in bettcr iinancinidplo Iition when your next birth rolls around Imo of La Tax den Handicaps whose 20 drivers nerve seven organization or the handl capped In Montreal They an no nald or the extra work involved CF Photo olmvidln CALI PETROLEUM IImm PA 85226 SAFE QUALITY FUEl CLEAN PEACOCK DEPENDABLE nRUCE