Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Nov 1962, p. 6

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Atmouou TIIE Chris ariasiisexéswiilnot heplaced in the local stores until Thurs day gtttarhave already been received by the Barrie IAWardsiHighiigm YachLClubdDinner There was nautical and car nival atmosphere at Kennys Gardens last Saturday night as the Barrie Yacht Club held its annual banquet attd awards night amid tastefully arranged wall and table decorations on heating theme The head table guest were piped in and Included Com modore and Mrs Fair Mr and Mrs Campbell Rallies representing the penleidt Bay SaIlIng Association Ccm modore and Mrs Bob Clifton ol the Darila Power Squadron wmadmand Mrs Al Sorieant Itear Commodore and Mrs All Ilaughton Immediate PastCommodore and Mrs Barre and the capable Toast master at the evening and his wile FlightSergeont and Mrs Paterson Antigonish Student Does Gaelic Thesis ANTIGONISII Ms Iis almost like being at home tor Kathleen Lamont MacKin non Scottish glri studying Nova Scotins Soottish tradition at St Francis Xavier Univer sity here tind the countryside the people and the general atmos phere so much like Scotland hardly loci that am away The uycnrold Miss MacKln non comes trom Oban Scot land and has master at arts degree tram the University at Ahcrdcen She Is working tor similar degree here and plans thesis on the Scottish Gaelic tradition In Nova Scotla lint ll Itntlitonish Is regarded as Scottish area she will probably had even closer re semblance Io her native land when In the spring she travels through Cane lireton with tape recorder It Is there that Scottish culture has perhaps been better preserved titan any where else In North America Iler studies here will be dt tcrteti liy Mn Mitc Icntl who hernia the universitys department at Celtic studies and gives the only Gnalieinngun Instruction at university level in Canada IItINCliIX WINE LONDON tCll The Port Wine lrnders Association has presented pipe at vintage limo port wine to Prince An drew 1hr Imtilrn will be stored to eelinrs at Ilutitiligllnln lsl ace until time when the Irinco pit 7nd hallltlw rend otAthe CMIIA Abe white crosiwolunteers oi the Barrie branch Mrs Ed Browne Ieit and Mrs Ar thurMurray rIghtoIacs one Following dinner the Comm adore in short speech review ed the progress the Club had made under Its various Com modores and ether eIiIcers irom itsilocorporation ten years ago Toasts to the Yacht Club and to the ladies at the club were proposed by PostCommodore III Barre and Maurice Park Thee were replied to by Vice Commodore Al Saricaat and Mrs Browne The highlightoi the yachtingi year arrived with the presea lation oi trophies under the dlr cction at Chairman SailingDoug Manchester to the Ioilowing sue eesslul skippers The Col Lee Trophy to AI Sariea Trophy Larry Monkmnn Rowe Commodores tro phy AI Sarleanl It Wei ham Commodores Trophy Wil liam Porter and Larry Monit man MacLaren Comm odores Trophy II Drowns Calvin Commodores Tro phy Macbaren Barre Commodores Troo MacLaren Past Commo dares lhophy limwne Ladies Committee Trophy Mra lion Gremmo Ii Barre Tro phy Jack MIlchlnson Jr and the II Barre Crew Trophy Larry Monkmao During the dance which loiI owed members and guests dan ecd everything item the waits to the twist Noted among the dancers were Col and Mrs Brenncmah Mr and Mrs liar rIs Steele Mr and Mrs Iiobcrt TarDush Mr and Ed Myers Mr and Mrs linger Iluntcr Mr and hits William Porter Mr and Mrs llamid lIitiI Mr and Mrs Eric liter cer Mr and Mrs John Denney Mr and Mrs llana Ilrunner Mr and Mrs Ilowe Mr and Mrs Calvin and Mr and Mrs ll Murray TEA IIAIIVEST Pakistans iiitiZni loo cropis estimated at $0000000 pounds about the same as tho previous reason Currie Street Fall Irirs MORR Exclusive Agent eithelr giits in the spool Christmas boxes which will be conveniently placed to local stores Examiner Pho to Help Make It ii Happy Time people know you care or them You may not knowthem they are among H000 patients In anadas Mental Hospitals But you can bring them cheer at Christmas the true teciIog oi lm not torgotten Under the Barrie chairmanship oi Mrs Ran Gremo the drive Is on tor gills tor these people The Harris White cross voi unlcers who assist the Penetang liospital are hoping shop are will add another name to cir list and bring joyous light to the eye at mentally ill patient Over twenty iiarrte volunteers 11 ere readyio wltipjlfllfltlhcAii lbreladlvlduaiiy wrapped and ribboned with attention to var Icty Patients lost love the col ors and individual wropplngs Here Is how you can help Please do not wrap gills Gills will be wrapped by the White Cross Volunteers The right gilt tor the right patient will be sal ecled Your gilt will be given to the patient at Christmas party arranged at the hospital Gilt suggestions socks tobac co pouches tobacco cigars cig arettes pipes pencils pens lock boxes cops wih car flaps up rons candy tomes painting or drawing sets scarves gloves shirts lingerie slippers sculis stationery mailer urses knitting woolknitting ags dolls for bed decorations GItt depots are Wrights Cleaners as Dunlap Street East Allandaio Iiartiwaro to Ease Iioad Iiiliite Dmg Store Sim coodlasa Plaza Drug Store Wellington St The boxes will he in the above stores irom Nov 21 to Dec 20 They will be delivv cred In tho Penetung liaspitsl Doe II For iurthor information vntart Mrs lion Gtcmo Pa ltOYAi COLOR LONDON CmThe Queens airliners are being repainted because the scarlet fluorescent paint previous used might intcr tors with the instruments The Bianca ors being redecorated in his and white with diller enl type at nlnt FABULOUS NEW HOME French Provincial Styling Featuring tour bedrooms Ilttl sstrs washroom on main Iioor Exclusive In llsrrle on Ottaway Avenue at Milt lislsaes to NIIA Marissa 0aIy H900 Itolsi IS CAIT CONSTRUCTION COMPANY LTD Carson PA 664 For The Best Deal in Town and travellers ot Interest to the women readers or this page Your help in supplying this news will begreaily appreclat TORONTO WEDDING wedding at local Interest was solemnized at St Coorgea United Church Lylton Blvd Toronto on Saturday when Miss Sandra Eleanor Bailey became the bride ot Douglas Frame The brideelect was tonnerly with the Barrie branch of the Victorian 0rdsrol Nurses At tending the wedding tram BarI rle were Mr and Mrs Harry Partridge Frances Street and Miss Agnes Lavery ot Eccles smu North ThoBarrio trio also attended the reception which was heldettha Casa Loma Other guests at the re ception included lion Donald Fiemingand Mrs Fleming and citcontroller Mrs Jean Newman The newlywedswili lionemoontadntigurandtha Barbados WEDDING GUESTS Among the outotclty guests who attended the wedding at Miss Frances Foster and ite iand Dobmn at Trinity Anglican Church on Saturday evening were Miss Mabel Corna pbell liomilto Mr and Mrs Ronald Kaigh Scarboroughi Mr and Mrs uGood ieliow Mr nnera Graydon Cole oi OrIIiia Mr and Mrs Frank Powell Dan and Bob Midland Mr and Mrs McCivcm Mr and Mrs Ken Dobson and Gail Mr and Mrs Stuart Scott Mr and MijdhAinlLe rice Foster all oiTcrenIot Mr and Mrs William Dohson oi Windsor Mr and Mrs Donald axweI borough Mdfidfiflmmfwbiwrflw town Mr and Mrs Harry Ear Iey Vyandatte Michigan Cop thin and Mrs William Bookey Ottawa and Mrs Peter Bel eskI Centraiia Mr and Mrs Dick Powell Mr and Mrs Will Iam Dobson Montreal Mr and Erie MissDorothy Shea and Andrew LaVele Elliot Lake Mr and Mrs Allen Aitkio Win derniero Mr and Mrs Gor don WaitPelawnwa Mr and Mrs Frnati Muilhoiland Mr and Mrs Gear Mulholiand and Carol Mr an Mrs Fred Mui Head Srnlth DINNER PARTY ego the Rev It Owen MA PhD DD and Mrs Owen were guests at honor at din nar party at the home oi Vcn need and Mrs Read The Rectory CIopperton St Mon nor were clergy and lay me art at the Archdeaconry at Sim coe including Rev and Mrs Delaney Midland Iiov and iiioioiiniai Mr anti rats Dr and MrsDovId Chamhers menu nosiaaivr Mrs Streu Mrs John McMurtrey at Fort the Provost et Trinity Can day evening Attending the din Mrs Flynn Shanty Bay Sinclair Mono Mills Roy and Mrs Doug Gill Crecmore Miss Bessie Qulrt Mr and Mrs Ciarit Mr and II Cree Nov and Mrs it Symona Allistoa lien and Mrs ii Doug Srooke Midland irb and Mrs CoIIey Edgar Dr Newman Craigiiilrsi it Osbnme Pcnetan It Ward Victoria Home Atfle tin Coliiagwoo Cook Bradlordt Mr Mrs Ii Crowe Elmvele Mr and Mrs William Jones Wyebridge Mr and Mrs Lonnox stroud Mr and Mr Mccabe steyner Mr and Mrs Siroker Waahsgo Mr and Mrs Stephen Humphrey Camp Bordcn Pier reMi and Mrd Crawford Mr and Mrs ABantingand Mr and Mrs Donny Dayall oi Barrie Following his lecture at Trtait Parish Hall DnOw on and rs0wenwers enter tained at rece tlonat the Castle Drivorest enco ol Mr and Mrs Bruce Owen WEEKEND GIJESTS Weekend guests at the am at Mr and Mrs ilarhcri Brow Napier Street tnoiud edtheir it John Browne and their son law and daughter all at Tomato W0 and Mrs iIm Paterson at Duckworth Streetpleit the city Sunday on route to their new home at Deer Lake Alber ta WESTERN IIOLIDAY Mr and Mrs George Danger IIeId oiDundoaald Street have rammed to the city Iollowtng twowecks holiday In Vanoonv Etialld Victoria Brihsh Colum bin The Barrie couple hayclb ed via ICA ltlr and Mrs FSander son at Torontowers weekend guests at the home at Mr and Mrs Walls Theresa Street ANNIIIEMAIW Congratulations to Mr and Dunlap St urtt wedding annivorsory The couple were marriedot Collier street United Church parsonage on Nov Lots byvthelate Rev Ii rFaliis Ralph Snelgtovs tows CBC meetings toIIowtng his re turn irom South America on the Toronto Beard oi Trade tour PATTERN The pattern tor Christmas doc orallona which appeared on the womens page at The Harris ax amiaer yesterday Is available to readersby sending sell addressed stamped envelope to the Needlecraft Department oi The Examiner and arequest terpattera No new On Wednesday evening mom beracl the Catholic Womans Lea ties at St Marys Church are aiding the annual llolly Tea In St hs Auditoritun ul inor oacp caster Stre progressive more will be held at St Georgaaplilaxlli Burton Avenue Wednesday eve ning commencing at oclock Auspiccs of the Mens CI TEAMME Wedneada iTin active day tor women Iii the city ttthey planvtosttcad all the social events Members at the Essa Road Presbyterian Chinch WCQW KitchenAid PORTABLE otsttwasnan astweek lor the EEG and BarnevKineltesCom1EtTaPlansj for annual Chlldren Party The Novimbarmcet rig oithe Barrie Kiaeite Clubwas held to he Green Room at the Welling ton iiotel lost aveningPresId tag tthsmeeting was vice president Mrs Gordon Teskoy Final arrangements were com pl tad for the annual childrens pa ty to he bridal st Georges Church hall Burton Avenue Dec 15 Convener ol the event Is Mrs Farts Sinclair The ann ual event is planned torthe children at all members at the WV WA are sponsoring harder tea and bake sateIn the church hall mm to pm kinsmeos Club and arrange meats bavaheen made to pur chase gills tor each child Reports were given on the hairs sale and the masquerade arty held since the lost meet an Proceeds tram both pro jects proved favorable Vicep at Mrs Ross Appleton reported on the presi dents contereace which he at ftended in Toronto and related manynew Ideas tar money making projects for the Kinm cites An cveningacourt whial Was enjolyed toiiowiag the business Now available with Itinulss capacity for i2 and Guided Action wash and FioTbsu drying that scrubs clssnsr Aritsbrishteriotealsloiotutorn and lid Doublewall construe tion for cool quiet operation Gleaming white with ebarooal accents Were featuring this KIlebsnAid portable disb washer valuepriced Theres KhehenAld fer mry hliebenu Now Only nounsons QUALITY HARDWARE JI Dunlop an asset ROWANWOOD MODEL Ct hit intuition GUARANTEE Iii iiiiiiillii You aha got om exceptional Philiptfcamra World famed eiiittrs quality Deluxe Monmon Long Life Iliassis lbwcriiii Philips Nova Sonic Twin Corie IM Speaker 26 Tube Functions PHILIPS Long Range Tuner Lighted Gianth Indicator Noise Suppression Switch Generous Trade In Allowance On All PHILIPS TV and STEREO We Service All TV Stone and All Makes oi Appiioncos monarch Raft croitou irsountorsm visarots ele Remember during November the Rowanwaod is your best television value UNTIL YOU SEE W©©itW©RTiiil$ BIG SECTION iN WEDNESDAYS PAPER Oltilitls into the iiIIIt in ilililti lilt itti

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