Lquers Clash At Mdrifléï¬Pf65é rMIAWA CPlThe gloves um 01 Monday at the led ml Inquiry Into labor vlolmcc Ind flllpphll dllmpdou on the Gran Lakes In rnw ripping words law ym or lbs papal Lapar of Canada 1nd Ind em Wu tho um um that the $11me Mr befallad WW 14 4°85 W9 gum ml lunar armEHyuked DE 27M 139 hll public inquiry In HOME cheadquaflefl the SIU iiu judge Ihilied Ml hearing in 0mm but week in in middle oi lho SIUI cue nmlnlaininl gm mm vm in in public in well hit dint The mm cam SIU Mun uUsawh UN M99 Mr Nuu canunded 01¢ 81 laced great hardship bo cmm had to transport In recon Mllclnl and witneuu In 0mm flw SlU lam law yer Md olfldnb have been wmmutlng cam day belwm Manual and 0mm by train Ipncflca the Judge lm pub Hey deplored mm It mum wtth Oppollnl he BIU bid to re turn to Natural wm lawyer Maurice Wright or the cm Ind Geller for Upper We Mr WrIKM bald ha SIU and Ill lawyer Are trying Io do Ihow on the commluion hurylnl major luuu In Imlo vnnt ddnJl prolongan lh nonr Ingl and Irylnl to provakc lho £9319 he point when you normal human being will make name unlcmml which wlll glvu coun cl for the BIU an opportunity In apt la lhl court or flu Imponon mm Mn up min mm In do It In pmuulnnla and pm long rrnvaka And vorvnl Ihll comm ion Ilr 0er mld um 510 trying lo lho lnqury bn Ia Monlrcn may ha plnunln to neck court Injundlon la Mk walk um mm flhll II reccnlly erected on the Me of hymnsell Freeway In Winnipeg ll drnw Ing vnrloul lnterprotntlonl mm motarlm some driven chnlkmzui BIU Inw Null repudlnlv nnlvn nl Ham Man and minimal on Ihu pm Mr Justin le DIAMOND RI EGS Dunk In In IA um Wlth IOYEAR SECURITY BOND ll Our Vii0 dd we MW Emu Yul Humm DIG THAT CRAZYSIGN MAN was angled to reply but In dead mm um to consult hll unlor before commenting Mr Justice Nani reï¬ned the to quid The Jurlll wlm nvrmnlly all In the Erltllh Columbla Court Appeal uld ha would glve hll claim an we place mm Alder the named exchanges the MU cauan prewnUnl In cm with Leonard Mo Lnuzhlln txecullvn vicepreli dml the union tracing Illa Hilary bargnlnhz reiallonl between the SIU and the Upper Lake Line Ha Indicated flu bad ftd Inn were at Ihe rm ml MrNun obviously an ry at he gempn auackl gag pe EDMONTON CmCommu nhl China may well bad out payment In Canada at when sold under lentmm sale agreement Canada Km In Imflnl lupporl In harder dlrpute wlxh China Social Crcdll Leader flabcrl Thompson laid Mandny Canada cnnl dam Com monwealth member bul It flu luppanl Indln lhu Chlmu could mallnla by Iloyplnl rnln my mentl he lnld arm conlcr nce Nal only doc loopardlu future wheat payment but All other Cnnndlnn when mmm hnvo dzluiomted In In last cw ycarl Ind the CMnm markd In an flu mqu Mme tould be dlmlroul hnve asked police It menus Lock Out or Dmnk Driven or Wald the Fathom we owe wshs an10 Drlvlnz Forbidden wan iï¬e Rgd China May Halt Payment DIDYDUKNOW mum FOR FIRE PROTECTION EQUIPMENT OR FIRE INSURANCE urwammns DO NEWAlKNO mm ally reach climax dia ruie over the mamdng of the rambler Wheat King awned by mblidlnry of Upper Laku T115311ch Twulked vflv lhf Ihip In June 1961 sgyvppq Lakesutroublm n1 SE 5H cry when Thghllgp gha flnt orii MB In mam 371 cy wmhow What Kg 1wa mégm PETER SELLERS STRIKES AGAIN IMPERIAL now snowmo snows AT 100 AnMImmm Meredith Denieé uQuitï¬ng Rumors Th flvomun Jury urged 113D ma Trkuljn nndVnsa Kav Home vboih Hnmillonv ed 01 lhockrnnd hemorrhage 91w gunshot wounds olvlhe hashlynching the heart and ngs They rpcammanded lhnl HAMILTON CPI young Serbian couplea trellgloul he flehMhlzh lorbld them In marry led lhemflto mutual pm of murder and mlcldea money Jury ruled Monday Mmdllh has said hlmnclf that the prmurc on his poslllon ha bewmealmnst Intolerable He hfll objected lo hls constant plan in the Ipolllghl MEMPHIS Tenns AP Amid numerous repnrls to the contrary James ii Mercdilh says ha plan to stick it out ni thapniveniiy oi Mississippi Quufloncd here where M1 spends man hls wcekcnd holiday from Iha campus Meredith old reporter he lnn and to remain In the school where he knocked down 114 year of segregnllon pulley monthlugn Baék nnthe campus at 0x Inrd Mlun Monday Mcredilh remand to dlscuss the mnucr or anymlher questionsWm reporter There have beenvreparts Mer tdllhl lrudu are below lha panning level Nellher he not school ufllciall will comment on Lu mhohstlc standing BéliiétsrorbidMarriage5 Cï¬uplelTakeTheir9wnLives close mung be given to all person buying Ilrcnnns ALlctcir wnmn by Mum shortlymernre the lncldent des cribingrthc circumstances sur mundlng the pact was read fully during the hearing Illa and Van became tnchcd to each other sold De lccllve Roy Karma in giving hls man as In the cause of the ling an mountainside trnll OcL 17 Thl attachment was found outby he purenu who oblected 1113 was godfather 01 WSW bmlhur the danctlve said In their religion this lie closer than lhe pnmnu them sclvu in lhoachild ThM was truwncd on by the deceased cmulex parents he addpd 50 hey decided by mutual ngroemcnt they should do away with themselvet HNUMBBIES 15 REGULAR ROUNDS SHARE THE WEALTH DOOR PRIZE éckpot $240 IEGION HALL 71 COLlIER ST EVERY WEDNESDAY lEGION BINGO uckingham BOISE Idaho muted klller nl nwyuarpld glrl Monday slated lhnthejllagl kllled Walnut and hertwn last Aprll Another man scheduled to go on trickle murder the Aprll slayings Thzodore Thomas Dickie 21 had signed statement admit ting the strangling and rapq of Carolyn Oldham Rejtun Boise 10qysusy Rick Raphael IndiaTV sla llon KBOI In Boise was at 19 county Jul doing nature my Honda when Dickie asked to see 11 Atter talking wllh Raphael or an hour chkle laid Sherlll Myron Gllherl Ihal he killed Mrs Nancy Joy John ston 22 and her twyeawld sunlnnnnyjn Admiftédixille ConfeSseSfZMbref Take out that tuutoful now Bucklnnhum puck and people know you upproclulo tho roul thlngo In llound ouch time you enjoy lhak roal Bucklnuhum tuuloyouro glad that Buckingham In your brand So youre not completely uulloflod with your proaonl clgurollo lhon mnku It Bucklnghum noxl llmo In the luololul now pupk Mrmnn Gerald Andmnn Yuu phone Ill Ice you Your llama Genera ï¬lmInca Agency Gel the real lasts roalclgnroflo DONALD mam PA 66085 ANDERSON CHARLIE 24515 smi 111263 céim vm n5 Abe Med ln January km the Johnson killings Abdermn And Mn Johnsmls hllzabnnd Alec hgd heenMII II THE UAQRIE EXAMINER TUESDAY NOVEMBER 20 SH TopAv AND WEDNESDAY ME OWED HIS LIFE 70 THIS HIRED GU tlunszHEUnéjgnhiy Mountain Holmaer Force Base EXMHNER WANT mom PA mu Clpe Fur 700 1010 mack H911 ul mm