Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Nov 1962, p. 9

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GivesTabbiésrvietorv Hurry In BE Games Trials HL lnu he Lnnmtlnnl wue Inn lhnunsl ner lnnmmca by Man Emllh In 51mm ml he Salnlu Krilh Mrfimy ml Unn Srnlnr mud lhn nllm Manon null Sam at the Mantras playerl laid the ban was klckcd loan by Hamilton centre Ron Walton Imr lacklu Bronco Nagurskl had hauled Learn down But werent sure Cane JInfiTrimbIrloélF it qlflerenll lyrnmn loll Catch flu Kyle Hymcme Him clmlr an ha ks In lhn In mend llu Huler rod In prolul over panl culled mhul Nick lolnnm ICON IIIIIEY 10AM Inllualmdlng mm nohhy him nddud lwo ion and Wu lulu MI lulu Bulurdny mm to pit lho Klnwon ul luk Ila now ha polnln nod Ourllcllo hld two gun Ind lhm uniu Ind Iln In an worn red Ivy Drk my Ind Don Blackburn MHIn Mum and new mmnr llnl Oulmal tllllcd lnr Syncnm rough Kama wllh lmllur nml lnlur lonl he llrnvu nuina Innjnn an Mghllnl In Ihu lhlrd wind Pall Pnnuuhkn Klnullunl hunky wln ur wu lulun lo bnupllnl In no Int pulml wllh mnnhlnr umrnflon nullan ihcn Merv urylul 51an Mm with rth In from Ibo Syrntugn 5m Tho Canadian ml 22 mm IIVI anly onemolnl lead over the anlanncl wlm could nanln om alum Wednesday whnn hey hun Mlnncnpalll Mlllm film IIII wMIu llullOllnwn II alum Thlrd Inca Sudbury Wolvu mndo be llm vim Io lha HIL Sunday nlahl and were Ilrelrhcd la ovnrtlmo la wln 76 vvtr Muakuon erhyn wagon puma only om nmo ache ulcd and they wan 02 Saturday nith unulml Sy mum nmvu ho loazuon wank alum whn mo in lnsl INN011nm 15an Sl Paul Enlnla 5A0 Salurdny night and IOrBEPInJ Knllhll 4Az5quny No of Ihc vlclurlu wcro dur lnl tho weekend and re lull Hull01mm has tlalcn the EPHL lend tram Klnxstan antcnaca who have yet to my an tum Hull minwn Canndiena are using the International Hockey Lulu lprinubourd lo the up oi ihn Ennlcrn Professional Hockey League Handing Tho CAnndienl now have riayad our znmu ngnlnsi IHL mm In lhn iculzucn interlock in uhcduio Ind have won all lhcm mattrackflm the meal wan Tomntul Bmcu Kidd wha want to become Cuuudul In tnubmlnulo mm and wants to do It beloro lomeano else bcpll me It But the loose not and undu Iling truck qulckly dissipated Morningline adds made him the henvy invarite in become Camdn iirsl dnuble winner in the 32yearold hiuory oi ha Games whtn he made hacks lhe field in halloyard run It Eunhury Ovnliu iallnwed Ihll up with tremendous anchor leg with Canadas 40yard re lay team Ihat last by inches in Augirnlinin predigmg avent TH 7mm In mercuryloot mrry Winslon Jerome at Van convert BUNBURY Australia damning warmup Pm turned out to be an eyemppnr or track expert at Ihla Brlllsh Eryne Gameasite By THE CANADIAN PRESS HullOttawa Move Toward EPHL Top Ha was given he of belt by fullback Bobby Kuntz he said Tack le Gino DzNuhile plckgd up the bull and lumberch 15 yards or the muchdawn that put Hamil lnn ahead 12925 17 mu Later Kunlzplunged or an other muchdown from yard lmrn laid later hgvdidnt Eh human go undifitha inn okay caught It Then not hit and Um nm on Tiger Cats ca vemd II Into louchdawn planed second Mnntrenl blun der or another touchdown and went on Io down the Alauelles 2917 Thnt gave IheTlcnlo an palm which or Ihe second am the Eastern Football nmenca finals in Hamiltnn ZfimPWu Going Inletho lauth quar ter Mnnlrenl led 1715 and cam¢ ha Hgmlllqn syyxe MONTREAL CHAI Mont mll Edr Lam among the moe tumhanded puntMew era In the East season 1e th ballget awny from him once 55mm um In an NDHA Nnruwm Quplmc Senior numb Nnnmdn Alourllu Immlrd NarHI Tlmhkamlnt llunklm nu lnu my men Irr Now Furlong And Val Mlklull ml unml lulu or Hm Mmm will lnul Ilendnm film nulhlor and Jnrquu In mlmx nddcd on mh flnulh lnrcu 1m Jot nun led lhp Ed muc wllh Ihrru gun and mm Fovlln and Illll nlvln mldrrl nlnulu HI Mmlu um Ken Hull mm 1M Hm lovklrl Knpnnkmlng Hmum wr larmancon rum Hum mm lluu llelllvrnu Wnyna an bean and Ken Va Each Irond Iwa will with mlfllllt nm Drum ucnrvd Um nflwr Knputlnllnz MIL lid Kullk min mu Hwy Ed lwlce mm or Tlmmlm nm lrst Mn Kupn Icmcd lholr Iovunh mnmuuvo vlc cry Sunday wllh dadIan am Ihu Flynn Ablllbl Elklmnl dawned 50th lorcuplno lnrklu In In oUur unmv Sunday 5m In Knpunknslnz Knpl II the maul thnllrnun In lho Norlhnm Onlnrln Hockey Am clnllon Scnlnr Icrlel Tlm mlnl Flym um lha lulu In try nml lhu mm In low mu Pomr one on And an anal and Hayden than Inlul Dclcnremcn Garry Glnudu and Moon Lullo mod ha olhcr mull It Wu annHnn Ihaw hr MushRan Comm Lyla Porter Ion Winnr Ken Hayden and mm winner Stun Konrnd rltkcd IO Icaran points m1 mm null nrgd twp nI Dave Mc was the hero or Sudbury He noted In 112 ol the Iuddcndenlh nvcrflma period la Klvc Walven lhelr vlc tory om Muxknlon wnl hll wsond ugly lhujnrpe Mme Dunur Pnul Andm Deva Richardson 0b WWW with and Gard Lnbosslerc warn lhg ulhcr Sudbunf norm Flyers Fail To Stop Kaps l1 THE CANADIAN FRESH Daluncemnn Bob Ellell stand pair of goals In Cull dleni Mn Sundny uvcr Omnha Bob Conroy and mu Mchnry ndded the other and Grey Jab lomkl and null Morlucun allied or Omaha Just nipped at wire by the Australian The Aussie team was mad In 117 and Cmadn In 413 Jerome wu In this category but he won in way that Im rmndjhurveu with dock ngnl 116 In thefl0Anhour Inter he handled down this straightaway alter spotting the Aussie nnchor mun ubogt 10 yards and Dennis Johnson qupalcgfibout lhm 1813311de past Johnwn 93109ymfi gnfinlerfi nnd wp was Illa same or the afflntm with times or nearly pl the Games album were about second slower than lheh but marks any chance of this Ind Kidd wan In our mlnnm 83 sec ands over Ausslen Trevor Vb cznt and Alblu lhnnuuv sum ronspnmzns Both are peeled to be for Saturday So are Manlreall flabby Jack Oliver Bobby Lea Thompson and Barry Hansenfoliver nut ereglu 313 injury fivmvson laggmvaledrarcharkyihamtand HallIlsa had slightly sprained an The name was played on damp Held bars of rasl Ianvlniz looan uncertainBe are nearrecord crowd of 25675 The man here was set In 1959 when the same two clqu dreyz759 regime rmcxi Hnuhuck and de fenflva halfback Billy Wnyte also were rnldallned from the second met on Clark with Iwhugurlght knee and Wayle Willi sore left knge Defendva tackleled Elabx of the Ala who left hejlmu In the mond quarterwlth shoulder Injury 11 doubtful 85s 1° Hamllfnn emerged wllhno major Injurlei bu Monkell had three slung with rub 01341101 ones Bhnhlng with Jemmo on the guess dldnt help the cause any laid Hickman sourly out hurling ldrnsell Into the nlr over the Montreal defensive llne That came raven play alter Ihc hall was humbled by fullback Larry chkmgn of Montreal and Ike llull azaln rccnvered within and Dav vtu ml 81 tamed by llalnln Hllchlo fikyveck who gradual Ill car In mum make Ml pl leaving hll mark In In mm In MI Hull U3 tolls Ian lmll umn Ulm run lvd Cormll In In Upul M6 wln WK rum SIM Iledmnll who hold Muller load of and lmml Ulnlf athnr point up Held Ion nm conved hy Gevru Tomb mil lam lmxch dull 3246mm dwnplom mm lhrlr In on lmldr down 111 You apd hm mum Wllllu anlwrl Iveyard unln mu to yank In Eric Wnllbr lu mum lar III In Waller Inln or 1nd than 15 ynnln tn Lambert In me my Lune nu Skyperk mldlnflor the mm dldnl think for mlnmn he would lam moved Um bull Um math lho Md nn Iva leyI lo pmlde mm nl he moot utilan Hnlnhu Bkypcck Wu yng hla Hnnl name In the co Icno league and Mn out wnncr by comm In llvn IllanM puma or wlnnlnu louchduwn wim only In lelinllll the 1am Gull had Mnl Innm hnmolawn crowd lnla lrmxy when they Iaunhl mm htth lwlm lo link load In tho lourlh qunfior Egmwn FINLHI KINGSTON CmTom Sky pcck 24ycnrald qunncrhnck who makes huhll going out In 1on ltd McGllI ncdmcn In lustminim wln nvrr Qumnl Golden Gncla Saturday In the lercoflqhto Senior Football um luddcndenlh dunmploqshbp llqnl In the 300 Don 11mm cl Roislnnd ML was mum and Jim Irons nrnmplon Ont last web look It may Crolhm wan third In this Bunburyl lruck ollcrnchca my Canadian lrnck um man ager Ken Mn Toronto Inld lha Clnndlnnl enlered lha menu to the up their appeal Unn bcloru um Games open am clnlly Thursday ll luvs rhnncl mm In ha lights the couner and at the same llTeilvo our guy flood work ou In on 71 mlny runncrl dmpr nnry nvold he flak And Hylko Van Der W31 Dutch born Hamilton xlccple chum went Into lha inward run or kick and won In 1561 Goraldlun Bob Wilson of Langley ML uucnrked the but vale vault of his Ill 10 win that event He toppedule bar ll leek llx inchu but previous titer was 14 even Skypeck Leaves College In Style In the 220 Jerome was the winner almost from he start Ha started on with Inc sprinnjetued down to an my oping 5mm and let down al most lo Walk he crossed gm Inhh no way ahead of the The men were held In 1111 coaxial lawn and at Geraldlon Bunbury In about 300 mile soulh Perth and Gunldtnu mosque guano north Janmi teams ave man an on games Iprlnll WLINNERV EEQM mm relay team were Bab Fisher Smith unllve n1 Vulcan AM now Ilvlng In Ollawl and Bill Crglhen Toronto neilrcamer the mu Sqqgny Times said In passng the Ticnia netted 197 yards against 180 or Mani reai Bmvihay hnu oniy is find rushing against 245 by animal Luger compieied seven 15 pnss attempt and had iwo in tercepted sentino made good on ihren is eight tries and had onu interception Stephens iried l9pnnses and completed yielding one intercepiion The Tlcalamlled furllfirsf down to Mame1 17pm the A13 led In Mal offenslva yard age with 25 yards to Hamil u1 bolh Joe Zuger and Front Coxenllno at quor térback and each throw one Ryan pm Zuzer hlt vm and sanUno hooked up wflh Clleb The A15 so two touchdown hothconvened by ollver who alw kicked 27yard field goal Saudy Stephens threw Morv Luoler or one and Georg Dixon scored the other slant Inuit axdown of Cockle Dlxona touchdown came afler Hamilton ptay that ml flxed Oolentlno triad pitch out Io Caleb The hull went astray and Montreals Dave Gmsz recovered on the Humil tcn 39 xon took it aver nine play scared and tauchdownuar the man an long pm plays and Don Sulherln rounded outtha oIIenslve wllhll aLngIe and lhxjeq mm In new mph Ian Youm In buslnoss wllh lhls duunlless snow loam Jenp4whcol drlvo Inkus you through doepost snow mainlytho Moyur Snow Plow qulckly gleam ltl Mayor Snow How an lho only onos approved for use with Joup vehicles Rugacd sluol construction gives them slwnulh woarroulslnnco llghlnu wolaht and handling am Bolh Rwonlblo Bladound VType Modal attach qulckly cuslIylhoyro custommade lo lit the whole tamlly of Jnnp Itwheul dtlvo vehL mm clot Come In for demomlmtlon todflyl in lim VnncouverScnliie gnmo Gmruo Ford noted in other Cunuck gun and Scullio mnriumcn worn nob Darinw Guyio Fieidcr and Jim Pawerl Powers wn credited with goal which Vnncouvcr Enn lender Glliu Viiicmum knocked into his own net mmmnnmmunWmt Id 300 vtmcm amp umm CENTURY AUTO SALES IIIMITED ll null Mull In mu on In other games Saturday the Stampede were blanked by lho Scull at San Francisco and Portland Buckaroo dawned lhu Comm Spokane Thu Sénlx led by Duko mundsonwllh three null Boana scored twice to give Cunucks oycrllme tie with $931110 Tnlcml Somme Snluh day Seattle wln coupled wllh the Tolems 94 victory over Calgary Skampcdm nl Smile Sunday night would have given Scnlflo sham of the lead Snrnln Rm Sunday At Windsor Lloyd Mercer neared or Galt cafly In the um period and Bob Brown fled It or he amides at the 1015 mark Jack Costello scared two and Walla Pawlyahyn lrwln Forward Buddy Boom helped Vancouver protect Ihuk allm lend In the Western Hocko Lcnzuol Nonhem Dlvl lion weakend That with the weekend other Iwa James leaves slight Irwin jam on lap of the On tario Hockey Association Senior standings The Bulldogs are first with 1L points Chalham Maroon second will 13 Md Woodstock Athletics and Gal 2515m gm with Galincdlcd mum 55 way Chnlhamiddwcd Buddy Boone Bids Canucks In Win BY THE CANADIAN PRESS Bulldogs fled the score llby the end the first mod linen sent Gal victory pen down the drain with three goals In each the second and third ptde or 74 vXctnry Gall Terriers may have felt good after drawing first blood from Windsor Bulldog Sunday but It didnt Inst long By THE CANADIAN PRESS sqian Imam Bqtigg IMLFBACK GEORGE DIX 0N 73 or MontrealMml ggtcxjpxakesranvend run with Haiiunon TXgerCats John scored two goals In each period mm Ca The Buckaroo were paced by centre Gerry Goya with goal In their game agnlnx Spokane Orv Tmlcr and Tom McCarthy mm mm apiece fm Portland and Ihu one Spokane Ml was fired by Gerry Er Trhrere are no games tonight night GM is Wood stock OrlandRafieribach may 6w and Moe Manlhn counted ha other 1051 or San Francim Barney Krake nnd Gram Konlk Inbred two goals apiece lnSenIllaa win over Cnlgury Jlm Hay Rudy lion Hurlaw Bill MucFmlnnd and Gerry Locumd scored one each Bob McKnight also noted two goals for tho Terriers and Alec Keeling am one chamam marksman were Frank SUM selflo Jae Mala Don Barron us Parse unwo Snmlas lussathama Sunday wan Mom comewlive Dnva Luduk George Allkcn Blll Smyth and Elmer Ska mined for Chnlhnm and Ray mum mind or he Rams Gall goaltender Dnvn Dryden made 36 saves In flan game 18 in the lhlrd period Matter storm the winner 55m Chatham Saturday nigh 01 only 56 seconds loll to play we the second goal of the night or Moron who was maklnl his first start of the season after recuperating from offmason lmoe carfllage opium Grass Jean Asselin and Lou Benda one each in the second Redgds Bamvg 61 and Peta Nan mum 74 1anle iduring acllnn In the Eastern Fant ball anlmuce playdlf in Trade In Your Old Skich an New Bauer Skate or Rmndllloncd Skates NEW AND USED SKATES GOLDS SHOE SERVICE 1M Clippean EL PA Mm Ibno IA AM Gaye Strntlan oi the host club erased Bah Flaheru Canadian standard or the zonde back stroke going innitsecond Inner at 1110 His setwccond lime or the imynrd buck stroke in an niicmaan heat was an Ontnrio mark Hamilton Aquatic Clubs Don Sherry posted Canadian native rue era 554 seconds in the 100 ynrd butterfly Hla llmn the 200 yardhreut slmkrwnu an on lnrlo Open remrd 12 wand slower than the Canadian mark hoflpnssgsseg Nelson established In open time of 12017 or ha Wynn breast stroke eighttenths at second better than Iha Ontario Open dy nwncd Bill Farley and chk Nelson of Michlgan each broke Cann dlan record and Ntlsan Im proved an an Ontario Open time be bid 5e before Farley Awam um 40wde reeslyle In 405 and later wan the ynfidbuuer TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA um TORONTO cwFive Cann dlan remrdsidlthi weekendr in the mens division of ha an nual Olympic development swimming meet held at the Salli pooi University of Michigan xlui dents dnmhlnled the mens divi sion and the Eiabicakn Memo rial Aquatic Club iris swept lh xnels section Records Fall Ht Swim Meet eropholo Montreal Satulday Hamilton won me Ilrsi the imamno ggaIgalpt series 1847 CP Seagrums Star Rated Best mud undu mu umcIhvwmlononlumnq nunmu bruntAllan Pidmmni Hut smoother mi honormuting in more mustying Man gonuinoly tinn whisky popular price In con nitor tout nilor toat ngnlnnt the three landing brnndl in it prion olnns Cnnndinns liked tho tnato Bnngrnms Star boat Have you tried this grant whisky yet If not do so soon Soc you dont 3300 with the verdict thounnudn other Cnnadinna and min it bout smAcmAMs FIVE STAR QANADIAN RYE1WHIBKV passes and Billy Earner run ning gave Washington 216 Infd unex thme periods but usbu hl 17point outburst In no Hnn quarter Wm on much for 1h Redskins Both touch downs cams on tho passing of Ed Brown who mm of the The Eagles Howard Hop lanz Cnssndy sulfcmd Mr ken flgm leg In the second half Ho will play no man this season mime had boots 87 IE and 14 yards against the Steal may Mm Sneadl laid goals were from 18 30 31 and 15 yards out and cam one in each period Tommy McDonnldn touchdown mn with Sonny Jurgcnsenl pass on plny covering 66 yards and Tim Browns 61 yard Egrinl gava Philadelphia 1413 nmimc ndvnntugefbu Chandler third lleid goal lull in the third quarter put ma Gl en will swi Lou Mlchaela 2+de uefd Held anl wth 18 monds left Eulled leburzh Steele lmm 1nd gave them 2321 vlctory ovu Washlnxlon Red skins fluently he BlankIla challenger or top honors In the Ban Michaela 2mm of the name And Roger Icelml Iz harder wllh 51 seconds telnah save Chlcagoilaem am declslol over Dalla Ind dmalped the Cowboy gm mu ln Emem atandlnga IL Houston Ollen numbed ahead of Boston Patriots Into first plum in the American Football leagues EaMern Division by beating them 17 Dallas strengthened nu grip an the Watcm Dlvlslon lead by heal Ing Denvers Broncos 243 Bul fnlo Edged Oakland 10 in the only olhprfilL iconic tha Packm lath of the campaign and kept them two games ahead andAplaco DeLroll Llans whn rhmckedrotf Minnusothfldngs 1743 San Francisco 49mm scored La Angeles Rams m1 1n the other game in the we 05m TOP SPOT Cl and Bmwns whipped St Innis Car finals 3514 grGreeanay as expected can llnued to roll on unbeaten and untied In um West althmlgh the NFL defending Champlans had mush lime helm they finally overcame surpmlngly stubborn Ballimoqu Com 1741 Field goals and wider gap Sunday in at was tight race or the Eastern Division championship in the Naiionai Foolbaii Mam Don Chandler boosted our imminer in the rain wind and snow at Yankee Stadium and lifted New Yuri Giants in 1814 triumph over buckles Philqdelphil Emu By IKE sebum mu Figld thls Open Up Gap In yEaSt The Dnllnq Texans locked up lheirVlctary over Donver In Denver within Ihroe minutes of Ike fourth quarter when unny Dawson fired scaring aerial 92 and I1 yardl Tommy Brooke scored on thu play covering 92 yards and Axhanan the 41 Arden George Blanda nsscd two touchdown passes 11 Houstons win over Damn nl Houslon was more than lemming loss or Boston In that BaMPn rIlH Panlo star who ranked No In AFL pawns brokl his leaxbana early In the no and parlad Blundna payoff heave Wm or 25 ynrdl lo Chnrllu llcnnlgun and yard to Bob McLeod San Francisco spoiled Lo Angela an opening quarter fluid goal before John Brodla went to mrk and guided ha 49ers on three longrange Look In drives Brodlu pamd three Yards to Bill Kinnor and 37 yards Io Jim Johnson for six pointm Zeke Erntkowsld like wise had lwn scoring aerial for the Rams 21 yards to Jim gum and 10 yards to Dick Ml Band on 23de Morin dash Tom Moore In the fourth unfla and urinalditch goal no emu with Ulree minutes her to get their lath strum lrlumph Includhu exhibitions since the 1961 campnlnn Bam more led 1310 going Into the fourth on Jammy Uniles 3+ yard pass to Jimmy Orr and NM Blelskls field goals Quarterback Earl Moral Med We manage oxrencraml Nded lrom behind to down Minne sota He threw two thirdA eriod touchdown passes to en JIm Gibbon or the 14 sink that erased lend Viking held on field soon by VJXm Christopherson HEIDI LEADS WERE uéhiaaeueymifia WES defensive stands helped Gmn JnJll 10 do Fullback Jimmy Bmwn mndt our oude in Cleveland any verdict over St Louis Ha Ind quarterhack Frank Ryan were much We much or the Cards Brown collecmd as yards nls Mu Ryan oom ed 18 21 passes or Steelar bend uterfiobby Layne was Muted Dallu am with the But at Dana we close until the Cowboy opened up nine polm gap In the fourth quarter when Arno Bulhcks bmko through and ramped7a yard or touchdown club record The lend didnt last long hwy ever Wade put his pan lnn arm to apexaunt for the Bean and moved MA club 71 awe1491am did 14mm ckon Ireurn by L5

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