MAM HEM Nrmly rxrlyunr mull Tim liwmlnrr mum In my tiny Hml mm mun ml lmluuin winn you mm In null unwantul Manurth anodl rrnl In In 7mm lurnlr last PHI lllru Ila1 ur my JIM nlmm nnylhlnz llrut vnr ml by plumng PA 241 ILAN FIST LAW WIND ll om CWSuh urbnn nndwluh Em Tovuuhlp council next Mck wlll cmuldcr hyluw placing mil an nu number pm nlluwnd In hutchum lrrpnrnllon of flu llw wm nmoml nflrr he eropolllun windsur health unll pulled lhul une unman llml murly loo cull nrnuml har llama Inn nunumr PLAN ILIIIHSCIIIIH HAMILTON lcl Clly can 11 npprom hylnw Tummy alum xvmrlrllnu In plrhlnclxc an llunvldnlmn MI Ibo Dec munlchml rlrrllnnl llyluwa won ulna npprnvnl Mr plrhlr elm nll Sundny muvlrv 1qu In wrnnnn In lrnnulvlu In pcuvlo mrr 21 mnmn HZXAN FONT IIHIII Jul WIN Julm Kopvlynxkl im wmlr lrxul wu flnrd 9171 Tumdn and nulurd 1r mrlul rum Cunnde ulml plrmlcdl uullly In mnwnlnn Iln nmxrmn nrrnrm ourl wu OIII Knpcnnul hlnhlmml an Imam thmmd hul nmr hm hy lnlnu Ihfll lnla An unply ullcr mucu grr wmunl unnHur uann um Hmlmllnl IvaI mner WIII hnhy on My hum wonnb NEWS IN BRIEF LONDON Heultnl Pur llmmnl cndnrled Tuesday nlnhl he mum ovcrnmcnll plan or merger or the nod Sea nIuny Aden with lha Saulh Arnhlun Fulcrnlkm by but Murck nm vnllng on government malian la approve Ihe merger was 253 to 181 loremmcnl majorin at 72 FIN 26 MIA SAIGON MUAll 20 Vlclnn mm alumni South View mm ummorcinl nlrlincr lhnl crashed Sulurdny were nund dead today Military ground party hnckrd In way up junulcd mounlnln plopu la rmrh be mush ICLm Mm wrrtkngo Tummy In cwlml Vch Nam WISE GRENADE AS BALL SALERNO Italy AP policeman watching ax down yungstcr playing mm In mm fluid Monday beganrlo wonder why they were booting about Inch small ball Heln happevd ho TURN DOWN BOOZE ORILLIA CF Vaicrl in this town near the Laka Sim coe and Lake Couchichlnx col lage are mcsday turned down liquor lounge and ii ccnscd dining rooms 60ch cent favorable vawwm needed to passciilwr question Thl dric llad 51 per cent oi tin eligible Valera and the well 46 ENDDRSE LOTTEMES mNDON om icy joint resolution from Prexcnil and Russell counties asking ii lcdcral government con sider llm ndvisnbilily oi nmcnd inlv the Criminal Code In par mii lullarics was endorsed Tuesday nighi by Mlddlesu Cnunly Cauncil REDUCES FINE TORONTO OP The On aria Court vi Appeal Tuesday minced in 53000 lmm $6000 the line impnstd upon Mn Aurnrn Ellis 357ni anonlo qr lvkialcrinu and mommy hell Mu Elli ciaimcd hat the unions was cxrushe becauu Iii oilcnm was no lint 2mm an GENLVA AP oral Agreement on Tariffs and Trade GMT ngrccdwlthout lopposltlon Tuesday ta grant provisional GMT mcmbershlp to Yugoslale and the Unlted Arab Repuhllc In other busl hen the United Slates Brazll Canada and several olher Com monwenllh countries expresied disappointment at the con tinued allure ol the West Gor mun guvnmmcnt In remove aurlcunural Import restriction regarded as violatan the GATE ormsl READY TO FLEE MEXICO CITY AWCuban exiles said mesdny Fidel can re has everything in readlnm tn rich the inland The Student Revolutionary Directorate said it turned from contacts In Cuba that Britannia Elqnc in by Cabana Allhm km lute of preparedness the Rancho Duycm Alrpor near Havana fame The children wcrcvkick nl around livo hand armada l52cund World Vnrrox laslve left from the Allied lan In at Salernm HAS WINB AGAIN SALEM Ore MP Th foul1h set of twins in as many lnps In Ihehmpltal was born Mnndny In Mr and Mrs Shun mun King nearbyJuml vlllc They hnd three children below lhelim twins arrived DESECRME GRAVES VERDUN Francohl eulem Vandals1uesday ri pad up 300 crosses invn cemetery nearby Buullgny which contains the graves 1200 Gbrmnn so dim klllcd In the lwa4world mjmm zxmnmu wapmnm NQV 1m liNDflflSEE PLAN LOAF DATE GREEN GIANT FANCY NIBLET ICORN 13 49 Asparagus Cuts 13 29 DOMINO FANCY FRENCH CUT Green BEANS was 19 DOMINO CHOICE FARM HOUSE OFF DEAL CHERRY PIE SOLE FILLETS L12 45° BOOTH DEVILS FOOD CHOCOLATE PCE ORANGE PINEAPPLE WHITE PILLSBURY DELUXE CAKE MIXES BALLET OFF TOILET TISSUE PRIMO MACARONI ALL VARIETIES Fresh Green Peppers 4m 29 NEW CARROTS NEW CROP TEXAS PinkrGRAPEFRUIT POTATOES ONTARIO NO FLORIDA NO MARSH SEEDLESS NEW CROP CALIFORNIA FRESH GREEN TOP WOMANS BAKERY and NUT FROZEN FOODS FRESH DAILY OZ PKG ROLL PKG man on In for 100 MVle SILVERlEAF MD III M1 VALUES EFFECTIVE IN BARRIE UNTIL yum SAT NOV 20 I961 DOMINION STORES OUR GUARANTEE All mmhlndlu told Domlnlon Sum uncoudmo Iv liarMud la you l0 LIMITgn SAhsrAcnou TRODUCE SPECIALS 65¢ LB PKG 33c 20¢ lAUNDRY RINSE LIVIC NFIJF llltlfl EFF WITH HIW PM DOG FOOD MEAT BALLS IJ 45 SWIFT SPAGHETTI AND IRISH or BEEF STEW 39 RegularMurgurened 100 SWIFT SHORTENING 27c ALL SWEET OFF JEWEL OFF GENERAI MILLS CEREALS CHEERIOS mi oz WHEATIES 1207 mosrvos oz TWINKLES 023 95C FAB DETERGENT FLEECY 1320 PAcK WIFT ITEMS CORRAI VALUES LARGE BUNCHES 50 L83 BAG SIZE 30 2m 29c LB PKG DZ flTL GT PKG 63c 39c Wï¬ 14 yaiéï¬naéervlallmm in your family Many shop 915 prelex lo selecl only the particular cuts ey know and enjoy Other homemakem preier lo allot iheir families the widest pos sible varielyl Whichever way you preiex lo buy your meal youll gel mole personal shop ping salislaclion when you maul the man PREM ROUND TIN APPLESAUCE IOMAIOJUICE BRIGHTS FANCY SIDE BACON lUNCHEON MEAT CLARKS FANCY PORK SPARERIBS 49 SODA BISCUIIS 48 CHEEZ WHIZ PRESSWOOD COMPASS BRAND RINDLESS RIB LOIN LAMBCHOPS 49 McCORMlCKS PLAINORSAETED KRAFT PLAIN CHOICE MEATY WELL TRIMMED THREE MEAL VARIEIY ROAST CHOPS AND STEW LAMB IN BASKET Zl CHOICE MEATY SIDE CHOICE FULL CUT VALUES EFFECTIVE IN BARRIE UNTIL 1mm SAT NOV 20 I962 DOMINION STORES Behind The Meat CountdrAt 100 GUARANTEED MEATS DEEP cur SPECIALS behind the ma counter DOMINIONI Hgar lralned expert who at you aervicean elliclem friendly adviser who wlll gladl help soled Ibo an your chelce and you ow to cook and serve ll When you mnslder than his oxpan annual amnllon plu Domlnlon Meals qualll coal no mora its no hard lo undemand more Canadlau ahop at Dominiun than at any olher Elmo OUR GUARANTEE muhmdln uold your Domlnlon Sloro It uncondlllaml Iy varMud in 9le you 100 SA ISFACTION HI PKG 0L JAR 12 OZ TIN 10 OZ TIN FOR 01 HN IOKr 49 41°