Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 10 Nov 1962, p. 8

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hockey layers in tho Na onal Hockey League they mig may artistry only its hardest sknlcr In the league KEON SUREIS KEEN friend montlyasked whyl hadnt ertten any thing on young Dave Keontopnotch Toronto Map Lcaf centre It suddenly occurred to methat had pulled on we mm almost forgotten Keon ha pens to be one of the best HI an early season slump the slightly built cedball has had some difficulty lnfinding the net but his hustling bustling style hasnt altered one bit Ciub officlalsnrent tooconcemed over the slump since its no secret Iherest of the Leafs arent ex Asa matter of fact actl erforming upto par maringliircoach George Punch Imlacb is rather lad the slumpl came early instead of later in the year en need Keons aggressiveness Leafs brass couldnt be more pleased with Keons in mind twoscasonshadhalscored 100 goals ndedly wonthe Cu all when idrnakesthe ump fromJunlorhockeyjtoihe NHL he could boforgivenfor anything So far there hasnt been reason to forgive Davey glance at hierecord since joining the Leafs will show exactly why the experts have tabbed Davey for greatness Keons arrival in the NHL was ratheriqulet and inconspicuous in comparison to the ballyhoo when big Frank Mahovllch first joined Considering his lim itcd hockeyexperience club off cials werent expecting too much first year But once he got going every one know of hispresence Aliyear long ho hustledop anddqwdthe ice in and out of corners back and forthin front of the not setting up plays or spoilln enemy attacks With the exception of slack perio aroundChrlsImas to con serve his strength Davey carried the same pace throughout the 70 game schedule Anothor strong point of Keons makeup Is the fact he never missed single game all year of 6061 For fellow of his build 59 and 105 feat its known fact that little in hockey good ones that is ihat same freshman year he knocked in 20 goals andassisted on 25 others for total of 45 pointsrat ing him near the to of the league scorers His sur nslng output plus is allround play earned for him he Calder Memorial Trophy awarded every year to the top rookie of the season Now all eyes were on thehandsome 204ycarold guys are pretty rare who tore up the ice and gave opposition players night mares Despite the fact his bosses didnt expect quite so much from Davey so early in his career it turned out til be what some would call beautifulvdisappoint ment fuTad lo sop omore on be thcr him and last year went on to even greater heights All season long he kept ace with the strongest players on the team and when cy altered and slowed down Davey played harder He was also given berth on the second All Star team His thrilling performances brou Blckcll Trophy Toronto award gven to the most valuable player on the team Keons name was placed alongside of former Blckcli trophy winners Red Kei ly Ted Kennedy Harry Lumlcy Tod Sloan Gcorgo Armstrong Bobby Pulford and John Bower Fast com pany for youngster to be travelling with but speed was never problem where Kenn was concerned lie is one of the fastest players on skates and has covered milcs since first hitting the loop Built along the lines of Camille iicnry of New York Rangers or iicnrl Richard of the Canadiens Davcy takes back seat to neither of these veterans lie has been compar ed to lienri ounger brother of Maurice another form or hockey aycr noted for greatness but there are those who think Kcons all around ability surpasses that of lienri Our thing Koon does have over ltichard lr tcmpcr amcnt thro end has Ilaurlces fiery tom for Dave is probably the caimest player In the league to Is also tho cleanest player in the circuit and has last years Lady llyn hicmorlnl lmfliy to prove It Anyone who isnt famiinr with the dy Byng just has to ask iIciKcin KcIIy gentlemans dentlcmnn had been oing steady with Lady iiyng untl Keen come along avc served only two minules in the penalty box lost ycar bettering Kelly by four Probably tiie biggest factor in Daves style Is his ability to check player cleanly and take him out of tho play without receiving pcnalt when he first rliowcil up of St Mikes at age 15 Norandn nnilvc couldnt liavetiocncaiicd one of the better checkch in tho scllooi Coach Iathcr Dave ilaucr explained to him that his rlro war suited for checking yle and they went to work to Iin rovo Dave learned qulcki and before long ho hm developed into topnotch cracker Have not only learned how to check properly but how to do it clounly him Ar rookie he was put on it penultyklllln line big job to be entrusted to first year man glint his checkln tiliti and he developed to number one pcnnlty Iler Keonn style Is hard fast and clean amt he will proban take over from Kelly on th the rod ieuil dccldts to call It day Them Is in doubt he will reach Kellys stature and probably go right past Dave is counln of Slonn furntcr Ciiicn to Nick llawk am Maple lmafr nlnr He admits that ml was his idol and he learned quite bit from him He even resembles his cousin wllh closceciuppcd dark hair ltarcl eyes and face free of rcnrr Opposition roach fciir liayoyr ice because the little guy Ir nlwayr rock and Cottsinftiiy turn his stick on it he doesnt leave If like ulllcrn wouhi he goes right after it again and more often than not retrieve it Ito hounds orpttltcnln behind the net amt makes hn bit ofvuptclt ng cncrny attackers Overrhaduwing Komtr rnrslcr on rkaicr lIo skatcs am Plcstlice on life iiiiliillg for flu Viltm he Itiscn wllh the stick is his rkalns and II prob murderous lcibhnnd rhot makes him more dangerous when hes In full flight fllcro it trally nothing to worry about because of his riuinp 3a pounds its quitea top ccntrc when Football Conference games out reason which at prrr on Nov 27 tho EFC television committee announced hAftor nixhour session herd whlcb also dealt with ateport that ottowa Rough itidcra were breaking conference regu lations by offering bonuses to their players the committee raid thewtandera are being basis This means thats network could makcan offer for many yearans It would like to basic TV rights to thogames The successful bidder would also havenn option on theTV rights to the Grey Cup In the East held the rights In the can for the last two nation It iI re VANCOUVER CPI Sev entyone Canadian athletes flew away In the rain early today bound for the imllritlsh Em pire and Commonwealth games Their chartered aircraft took off 12 minutes after mldnlght 17 minutes behind chcduie after nearly 300 relatives friends and shers had given them noisy scndoff from Vancouver international Airport They were scheduled to an rive Tuesday in Perth Austra lia site of the games which open Nov 22 making stopovers In Honolulu and Brisbane en route The victim described as the bestbalanced Canada has ever assembled for lntérnationnl games boarded the lrcraft In By THE CANADIAN PRESS It look as though both Chl cago and Montreal may bl nightr battlcTorFecEnd ace in the National Hockey lvcnguc standings Glenn iiall Imn man of the Block Hnwka camp with 551 consecutive NHL games to hlr credit will definitely be ride lined for the game in the Mont real Forum and Canadlcns mainstay Jacques Plante in listed or doubtful starter ltnll was forccd out of the liawks Inst gnmo Wednwdny midway through the first period by the recurrence of back in jury ho had snifch in prim flca the previous day Conch iludy Pliour raid Fri day night ha plans good rest for his firststring nci minder Ilc Wont be back In the nets until hes absolutely right and able to move without ruf fcrlng DOUHTIUL HIMSELF Plonta himsclf war doubtful Iboul Itorting lf really dont know whether ill be able to play or not he said Friday night lily log still taped and dont dnre try the split for fear of making It worse HfIH would be replaced by Ills Worried About Money MONTREAL CPI llloni rcal flourtth on the eve of their ruddcn dcth Eastern Football Conference mlfinal pinyoif with Ottawa ltough llld orr wero rcporicd to bc worry ing about money the Montreal star In mod page rtnry by ion MacDonald rnyr lhn blggert conrcrn among the Ainucito plhycrr il moneyor to be more specific the lack oi II MacDonald cm the Air arent happy with the monoy they on to he paid for tho game They are dircnrlmnird he rhino they know that It lcnri one other club in the Ilnalcrn Conference in lcllilil conridcr nhly more ltr inlewmrld huvr it that club happens to be Ottawa ilough itldcn Cohirrcnco rrguintlonr roll for tho paying of two to each pinyry for dun gniuc th vlonriy this considerably cui to pay for most of the Im portl Ilrvulnllonr gn furlhrr In disallowing tho ruins of tmmic mnnry or winning aanirr Ilui ltio Aln player know Illffnirhlly ttiik lohcc for insttlnrc the forum Almiclln who pinycii six games with tho ltnuglr tild on More bring dropped thin ornk rlaluu no Ill promlmi bonur by Ina Illderr should the from make the playoffs They didnt nirntton any IIKCHIC alumni of nanny io Im war flutticd or laying Thursday ghi uol nunr piny crr told me it could be 131 Thu on who have horn on the from for while talked about in rpmwy for ntnnlng the playoffs or writ Montreal Alouette wiiltotttthelrlmnrncn in 15 president of and spokes man for the committee said the highest bidwnuld not nccessari lly be accepted would like to emphasize that CIV didnt get therlghla only because of thetnonoy in volved be said There were other bonsideratlona which we oooaldcred veryimportant He did Ted Workm say what these considerations were Workman saidconditionr of the tender were altered from previous years but said he did not wish to thechanges He said the committee has discussed the Board of Broad cast Governors ruling requln go into details of IrtgftboCBCtooarry tbel961 The private CIV no work has Grey Cup lclecnstas It origin ates from the CTV He said the EEC committee hope 30 Ar lens Far BE Games the glare of television lights after spending 90 minutes in tbc terminal IIlnnthlctes with 20 officials and coaches who also are mak ing the trip stood out inthe crowd their red blazers trimmed with white and adorned with an embossed maple icaf crest and their light rirnw hatsprescnting picture of lively color IlESTBALANCED TEAM They came to the airport from provincial government dinner where Jack Davies tcnm commandant had stated This II the bestbalanccd teem adn has ever scnt abroa Sprinter Iinrry Jerome and shotaputtcr Dave Steen of Van couver didnt attend the dinner and Top Gohcrltenclersx May Miss Games Hornets 54 Friday night while JACQUES PLANTE Denis DcJordy Mycarold native of St iiyaclnthe Que onlch up from the llnwks MIL and team at Buffalo Ccsnro Manlngn would rub for Plants suppose lll get ribbln in Montreal tomorrow night was lhc commcnt Friday by FrenchCanadian DcJordy Itoro In the promising Frcnch Canadian who playr hockey for rrnyI NHL team crccpl Mont Ilr Mess Co sport becauseof lack of public morin to go into report that the Ottawa club offered bonus to Ilr players Iffhcy win Satur days EFC semifinal game here against Montreal Such bonuses are not allowed by the confereocc and Work man said reports of them have caused romc unrest among Montreal players Workmun said that Ottawa ofv ficleis had ttdtltltted offering travel allowance Itr play ers provided Riders the field Saturday and II the box office The EFC decided to allow the arrangement to stand for Satur days game pnlyand rnlcdthat any other such offer on the EFC club would lead nary action conversation out team general manager harles Waylandrrold they wero not obligated vtoat tend The games end in Perth Dec and most of the turn will leave there for home Dec possiny carrying medlls In the sprints the shot put pole vault middle distance runs rowing swimming dlving wrestling weightlifting and fencing Wayland said he leaves re diction to the team coaches but added The prospects are much better than they have been for some years Davies who told the dinner Canada has been backward in NIPPON summed up the feeling ere of departure time the whole country in watch ing us now Indians no ToIamiliar Spot By flIE ASSOCIATED PRESS Springfield lndianr off to slow and are back In their Io cuslomed spot It the top of the American LeagueI cinnamon But the lndianr winner of the race tho last three yun have to share the top rung with Providence Reds each with it points The indicns beat Pittsburgh Baltimore Clippers turned back the Red 53 At Springfield winger Enron Cline scored his lith goal in it flames for the indiaru Cline and Jimmy Anderson each fIl lied twice iiili Sweeney added single Lowell McDonald of Thorburn NS got Pllhburgltl only goal In the Iccond period Dave Creighton and Dune ftupp cftch scored pair of goals for the Clippers It BIIII more Pitt iinnnigon Iddcd single Stove Krofichcck IIIrry Ottcnbrclt and Stan llirluik worn the Providence mnrksmcn Four games on on tap to night Buffalo at Cleveland Providence nl licrshey Roch ester of Pittsburgh and Dialli moro of Springfield SundIyI battles Cleveland It buffalo Iicrrhcy at Providence Balli moro of Quebec Ind Springfield It ltochcrtcr niesses Hes Coward fly WILL GHIMSLEY NEW YORK AP Stirling Moss tho lirltlsh nuio rncing are who for to yearn hnr pinycd constant hldonndimk game with death ndmitr hor coward llo hrrakr out In cold sweat Ihott he tins In go on ocrlpiui trlnvlilon rhow lsornn lilghwnyr glvo hlrn acorn pimples And hes pclriflcd norncitmrr by tarlcnb cspcclatly Iituso In Tokyo and llurnnr AIMs Im as chicken or the out munI think Iliantt um mu slon you Ainrrlconr usenitric rrnl dnngrr Ir lnvuivrd and imagine fllflfO Icnrnil lhnn most the wiry Ilimictli raid during Ilopovcr bcrn Irlilny liiil the MT onrn hrcn nrrvuun or stored IKIlilth lhc nhrci in on little rnrr The rent sonI dont think thorn in any root peril In II Mun won nllllmi klllmi Inst spring Minn Id tnr huillnl an llf limit If in miles an hour In flrnluomi Iinglnnil 11m ftyunrohl Iritrl one of tho nlltimn Kitxfil of tho rpmt spout wrrkr In hostillnl Illit hruil InlntiM and cuts on funk and lcrpi Now oimnri fully rrrmcrod he ir nrrparlng in turn shortly to rnclug IIANfIfiitf TNT 11th It isnt harardnuo at nil or wholllnt no In II he said If wlmt lot hrhiod nvwhcoi thought there who llvopch tcnl rhnmo of my roiling kiltrvl rtntt nun norowl rhnore notrr do it It say Im Ilrlclly mm nrd Iw brou In mm than 500 ram Ive only had hidi itorrn or to ntcldrnlt two of thorn what you would call lon Whnt tiucl that mhkr lhc inIdII Itlfiniicslmll Itulhy on tho statistics to merit danger offs lie lliINi To the auto racing It some thing of In nrliiha printer with oil or rlollnlrf with bow dont got kick out of spool for Ipmlr Ink like the riiallongklhat In of moir log noan curve It iii In an ltuurur In mmllc curve If BetterSM oy rrrr CANADIAN mass it would been Ihhl Hulli Ottawa Cunad car and Kingston Frontenacs longtime rivals in tiieEastem Profoarionnl Kingston wins in Kingdom Hocqu League have anar rangement when the teams meeLqull winsln tlull and Canadians moved to within twa points of the leagueleading Frontenac Friday night with kwin at tlull and Sudbury Wolves playing before their largestcrowd of the reason or SAM snEAo 8am Goes Hot lim Blows cold sandstone insertion IAP M065 Hot Sam Snead and cold Arnold Palmer stand off Australian and Argentine threats Friday to keep the United States ahead at the halfway mark of the 71 hole Canada Cup golf tournament Sneadfired flvounderpar 65 and Palmer whose putter foiled him came In with two overpar 71 on tho ti7t6yard Jockey Club course on the out skirts of Bucnod Aim Their combined in coupled with their firstround aggregate oflugrvo them ooholo to tal of arr seven under pan Sneada 65 Friday and or Thursday sent him ahead In the Individual test forthc Interna tional Trophy with lbsalso seven below par for the first two rounds British Open winner Ifcl Magic and hlspartner Peter Thnlmotlpfircd $5 and 69 re spectively to put Austrth gilsbtn striking distance of the flrel total in with their 111 Thursday left them with or only three strokes boldnd Sneadandialm he Argentine Fidel do Luca and Roberto do Vinccnzo flolshcd in third place De Luca registered 843670 and do Vinccozo wound up with 31M two under par FOUR OFF PACE ibo Argentine irs oom bincd along wig previous iSEFgmthirfrwhoio total of 277 four strokes off the pace Canada fell out of scrioul competle for its namesake cup Friday when George Rnud son was nine over par ot ONE 79 and Alvle Thompson went two over at 353772 Knudson Ilso bId firstround 7t Thompsons was to That gave the Canadian team to total and put It near the end of the list of 33 countries competing for the trophy first awarded In Montreal in 1953 Both Knudsen regular on tho ILS pro tour and Thompson the CanIdiIn PGA tltleholder Iro from Ibronio Emms Ilyers Share First By THE CANADIAN PRESS This has been producllvr wcck for Niagara Frills Flycrr in the Ontario llockcy Associa tion Junior series Tho Flyerr edged Peicrbon ough Peter It ictcrborough FrldIy night for their third win of the week and it moved thcrn into flrrtplnce tie with bioni rcal Junior Canndicns In other Ictlon thc lastvpiocr Guelph Royall iooklng like chm that should be highcr In tho Itandiagr rapped St Coth IrIneI iilIck linkl tiS II Guelph Ilooklc itlli ioldswnrthy of Waterloo rrorcd the lying and winning goals icerngnro irlll within ono mlnuto Ind to Ice ondr Thr Flyorl rpollcd irlcrhnr much too unnnrwcrodflrriape rIod gnnlr both by Tom Curly but fought hark with goof by Tony Crisp Ind two by Golds worthy In the second period TIE Ehl III The letcr were re tied up by Ningnrn Folir rhcckrrr they managed only flvr affair of the ilycr not In tho llnni tun po rlodr John nlnkln finry Satnnrin Ind Bordon Smlltr rmml two goals npioro for Guelph nod IliI itoyIir other Icororr worn Terry Icmhrnko Ind lloh lluI lcr lircnl Hughes Icnrcd twice for the link ilnwkr on rrrcrnnl Ihofr both aftcr quprh had built up on at land Inhn iirrnnemnn rcoml the turf ill nlhnrlocr goal 0y Iintlc Account If ANDERS mans wean trr Dunlop St Earl Nc Money Down Months to Pay took 42 decision over Sy cuse Braves Canadians league champions for the lost two years were outs pluycdFrldny night but look advantage of everyscorlng op portunity before putting up an tolrtight defence against Kings Hobs rolled to toylcod and led 3d going Into the third Tho monmg goal wna scored In the second period by John Rodger in his second year with Iuk Canadiens and other marksman werellrian Smltbrand Keith ary Dick Cherry Kingston pub lic school teacher when he isnt Home OUTSIIOO IIUL Frontenac outshotitolt 302 to make tlultgoaltender Ernle Wakcl busy manllngatun iSstlli nslng moho oaltendcr Wayne ltuiiedgc brought up when regular Bruce Gamblc wnsbénrhed lnrt weekfor be big too in pick up lie when itult received penon with less than three minutes remaining but didnt pull Rutledge and couldnt son the Hull defence AtSudburya crowd of 5300 Matched Morc Dlflalll pace Wolves with two goals The win pushed Wolves to withlnono rim of the second place Cnna ens and loft Syrrg cusemlrcd in last place sir points behind Sodbury Gord Labossiere and Dav Frontenacs had trim to Richardson scored the other Sudbury goalsand Merv ifurya and Murrayth scored for Braves Wolvco led tirs Ind li going Into the third pea riod They outshot Syracurc 5620 Mu irw ChangesWay can DeieatsChatha ny rrrs CANADIAN rnnss Kitchener Waterloo itgors have changed their ways in the Ontario ock ey Association senior scriesbut keep bumbling glong Tigers with temporary coach Eugene Bun Martin handling the team for the first time won their first home game of the season Friday night as they whipped Chnthnrn Maroon 71 Sarnia In last place lost It sixth game In six starts at Woodstock Friday night when Woodstock Athletics dumped the items 64 Tigers fired coach Phil Vllrrlc after loss to Gait torrien lids week and started off on the right foot under ilinrlln it was IIgcra second win of thuwoensonw fivrrpointlnheld ofSarnIn Only in fans saw the new look Tigers oulhustio the third place Maroona to take land In the first period Kitcha charWaterloo scored the only reoondperiod goal and com Not So Much EDMONTON CPI Edmon ton Eskimos of the Western Football Conference are not bankrupt nnd the 1m loss will be less than expected club president llastings tiled Mo Mohon sayr Iichinhon at pres confor cnu Thursday mentioncd no figures but In Inlnrrncd source unofficially placed the likely do flclt at $15000 give or take $5000 depending on tho playoff pool revenues in was Sis 000 less than earlier estimates The 156 loan was 113000 and the two deficits almost exhaust the cornmunliyowncd clubs fl nIncIai rcservo Samln Rams and proved thorn in Memorial2 Forward Lou Angottf scored twotgoals and had two assists for the winners and Bobby Foo goals Sonny Osborne Bob Rob inson and Mac Dubols rcorcd one apiece lIinrsellla scored for Chatbarn Afhletlca win over SurnII moved Woodstock Iato second place two points behind the un defeated Golt Terr were idle Edmonton Drops Third Straight nLrun consummation Edmonton Flyern suffered their third strnlght defeat in the Western Hockey League at the hands of San Francisco Seals Friday night in other action Seattle Iot cm downed Calgary Stamped or to before 2519 fans at Cal gary and Vancouver Conuclrr In overttnir befoioia capa city crpwd of 5012 at Van couvcr Nick Mickoskl scored thrca times for tho Seals Torn Thur lby Duke Edmundson and Len ltnloy rounded out the soaring muck Holmes scored two goals fer Edmonton and Sid Finnty had single Jim Baird gave the Conuckr their win on lttloot shot It 541 In overtime it was his Ico ond goal of the night Bob hfc Cusker also scored Art Jones and Jocklilqndascorcd for the Bucks George Konlk rcorcd twice for Scuttle Jim Powers and bill llfIcFarland added singles tau Junkowskl Ccc Iioekstrn nnd Jack illonda scored for the Calgary han olsnregisteredo pair of Hnrveyanhand Frank St Bowlers COmpete For Free Dorrie Ind Disirlct bowlcrn will once again be in tho run ning for holidays to the Carib bean this winter when the Play cra Howling Festival got un der wny Sponsors of the llnafYourAv crogcACornpo tl announced that two llnrrle csinbllshmcnlr hnvn signcd up for the lcrllvai Registration opens Icrnrr Can Idn on Nov and Ill typcr of howling nro wclcomcd this year to pin flvo plnl duck pins and candle plus The to so league bowlcrI who beat thc nvcrnge by the great ost number of plus through tlin lhrccricp compcliilnn will win fliibxltulhfl pnld holidnyr for two In Jnmuica ncxl July Lost season bin Marion Young of bfrourl nnri lion Armstrong of ionic won holldnyr INTI lellflfiil Tito iirtl Itdivtti drcw Mil Icnguo howlrni the largest pun ticinhtlnn event In Canadian hir lory The lulcrcsl on for India colo this your will be evcn bigger nod licltcr Tho Irrtlvnt will once attain dccldo Cunnilnc most Improved gflwl ions bilitiltt MOVING THE WON MOVE OOKE Ill IN WHI casinos sronaoc NOW AT II ANNE RT PA MB Holiday bowler an honor won lost you by Doug Ogden Doug funcrol director in Agincourl Improvod llI plnr over hll registered Iv Irngc The competition Ir open to all ndultlcngue howicrr who have on average or of Nov The basic idea is to bcttcr lhcso Iv rrugcs in each of three Ittpr league lny houro rolloff Ind Iinol mlhlfr The llrrt lcstlvnl Ir proof that Ivcrngo scratch and low acor Ing bowlcrir have equal chonccr of winning fine too winncr had rcglslcrul fivnpin nvcrngc without handicap of or hurt im othor had 225 Sixty pcr cent of the winners wcro women The format for thlr ycnrr for that Ith burn rlrcnmltncd clim inntlng minimums and all team play In ndditton morn bow on will Idvnncc to the final roiloflr on Mny 21f tiffp am will he held during Iinycrr itowling lrstlvnl work with tho Inn to percent advancing to step two or thrco houro finolt 11in top to nor cont rompclo In tho tolloffs for tho Jnmnlcn holidays cum USED TRUCKS It tnrunritout llurrip llll totruriionI itwrltp kill Illnnllnnll III ll irir rhinoInan rklup Ilia tam Itt ivn lnlnnllinnIl Itu Ilttll wnui lnlclnlllnnll Hunt to wagon VII hurr ltulnl 1min rim tumour Ilnn berrlr HART lelithAthtNAl Dim Hlitlttt Iluninp Ii tomlnl IA IM plclcdthe rout In fhoflnal po riod defeated Portland Buckaroo

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