Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 10 Nov 1962, p. 5

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mnuny Mr helm nllurnlcd by Ina lhlllm govrrmucnl lnr um lmplnvcmtul llrlllnll lnmu Clnhlvmhrr Snnmu mlnlmr nuritulmm nnvl Aunnan Sir Winston Chllfllllll lm nnnmmc nl Ilml sum In mllllnn lml lwrn lull lur lho huh all of IIIHIHI lu Illdillun la Hull unulhpr nmnunl 90 ml 1n norlhern Europe Ihc gnr dcnm cxnerlcnmd very try lng year Few ll ccmclcrkI mvo wnlcr suppllcl lnld on and lho uustnlncd droughl ulllcd to Um cxccpllnnnl hunt award much damage and loss on lhe heuvlcsl as well lho lightest will 0n the lormcr vcryhnd cracking occurrcd Farlunnlcly mall at he Iosm could be rcplmd lrom stock held In he commlnlnnl nursericl and In mos cases lhc urns mndc wry Hood re covery In In nulumn lhu dln Loss wtm most severe on lllw sandy will of Holland und oust nclulum when lnrxa num ber omnmrnlnl hcnxhcn luccumhod und Hm lurl dalm orchd bud British Govt Supplies Rid Of $114 Million For Farmers considerable measure success has already bun unmoved ln Hndlng nnd lasting wimhlc machines 13 Imnll mc chnnlcnl cdgc trimmer having wt buwccn lhem In acuson 1500 mllcs oi lnwn edges Constant dn lo duy can me graves nn ccmclerics has nlwnya been tho principle guid lnz thc cammlssiun hurllcul uml work un 11 Remembrance Day the pause la remember ha 100 000 anndiuns who died in war since 1914 and It 11 perhaps flulng In quolo cw excerpts Irnm 1helrlnlcslucpo at In Camhonwnnmx Vnr iv Commission H15 711mch LONDON lluuu Mum ul II MCINIYHH H001 5th llnnln lnmnrr OPENS MONDAY CANADIAN TROOPS look up turn muddy trenches in Flanders the Flrsl World CANADIAN LLERY MEN are so to launch an Ittack mm rulned vllala in the battle of Vimy Ridge during he First World War Time To Remember Those Who Died SATURDAY 10 5n AT THE DROP OF HAT ONE WEEK ONLY DECEMBER MY FAIR lADY DECEMBER IDn Hov mnp OLIVER rcmlulhvn In woman In llvlllsh nudmllurn and mm mm In Mrh um lnnnm will In mmlnu Ilmr own heavy Annuumemrn me pm vhlnnn In Hm gavummrnll new Alrkullme mu hm been wt ccnml by lhu NAlinnnl Farm llnlon umkumnn ur Hm Unlun unld on lo be npxullul In unv rrnmml rnnh um will In used over um um llvn ycnn Inanrm lmprpnmenll 11m comminslnn Ralnlnlm 247fl7 cpmclcrlra Tho reglslcrl lnr the Plrnl World Vnr tun lnln HOLES munch Khan hr the Second World War 570129 numcs Cons hurchllurnl lm mvcmcnlx worn mndo In Yngnhumu wnr ccnwtcry In cludinn lhn plunllng nl msu along 1h 91 plaqu muuuma In Greece Ihe hurllcnllurnl standard at tho ccmclcrlca In the Snlonlkn area will mixed to very high oval and slrlk 111ng successful lechnlquc Inr planllnz lhn pedestal botden wnsrovnlvcd experlmcnla IndIKenuul strnIns or grnxsc were to timed and very ran Improve mulls were mndc In lIm qunIIly ol the turf In mmn the masl dlIIIcullAccmcImIcs The comelcrlosln Nor mnndy have reached purllc ulnrly hcnulllul slagc matur lty now um um trans shrub and cumblng poxan41 plant have grown man exlunt whlc hay pmvldc the germ allu he buildings pale Normandy slonc In um major lly oi hose cemeteries when there some shelter mm the strong saltladen wlnds nmwlh has been crnnrknbl rapid THRU NOVEMBER 24 The lnsk nhevlewlnz Im plnmlng In hose cemeteries of lhc Ianm wnr where the tree were no longer smislnclory Mm continued play nfr ve allyoxellcnl dléh éérvicémifi were kllled he war CF By 1016 Canadian artillery under the command cm McNaughton wu recognlzcd ns Lhe mus pmflc on lhe Western Flynn WanA plal 0110661 capllnl mnlrmullunl will help In Ihl lunar modcrnlzallon Ind mnmuml lncrmlnl ulfltlcncy ol Ihu Inrml flm mum arm Improve mcn mull mu Ilnrled In 61 Slum lhcn 128010 larmm hnva rccnlvcd urnnll lulnlllnl mllllon SUI an hand am nppllcnllam whlch In been INWVNI or mull NQ©EEN wgmfifl ll did uld Jlm Minx u4 tmfiloyul lmtk drlvcr was hm ml now no ha buck and pack make He 110 mm clglrcllus 00 and dmpptd In occulanal package The crowd om flawed he nlda wnlk and milled oul Into lhn mm Po llce look look and old tho holul management In pul flap to Huu phllnnlhro by did by cutting ofl MI 11 hop mvlcm Hun lflld he Ipenl about $50 Vhy1 Wha look on tor lho bum Hunted lhnl three wlld ham ennlu mm henvcn would hr Men helr dny ERMNSNICKELS FROM HEAVEN Nellhu he um um cab édver Edward Cheny of Manhattan was Muted Dang was mL nnr Gamay whu gained me as the humbling sewerworker Ed Norton on televlllonl Jackie Glonwn Show ml 11an lhl me of the accldemfl mu when called thc hellhap and sent hlm out for roll of nickel and quarters said mm on Oak Harbor Wash businessman Police said Cumey refused take all Intoxication ml The mun lmbhed Ihcm up 0mm med moving In mm ho cityl lkid mad Area on block away Soon about 100 men were under Huex wln dow looking up The actor surfing role In lha Broadway play Take Her 6115 Mine was layed Thurs day night by un mtudy Don ald Woods PORTLAND Ore MP Hnl Hue leaned out ol hll yam mm winduw mud across lhexlEeet dqwn haul of silver colnl The actor was held or nlghl court where he was released In custody of his lawyer or an olher appearance today The arresting policeman told the court the cab drlver had asked lhaHhe charge be leld nxalnal Carney NEWYORKMPLACM Ar Carney was arrested on chargu ol rll drlvlng Thursday alter police said his sport cm and mlcnb incl 11de II Broadwnynnd 70m In he heart of Manual KARLSRUHE lneuteu Thai West German constuu llnnnl courl relemd Fridayu requestr by the now magnum VDer Splelel lohlmmedlnle re law oi lgavflamburz 0mm Jrnmmcnupnflon by govemmen security ofllcm Investigating charge of transom nsrlnst its mnnnzcman and amployeea The new magazlne llled lll appllcatlon wlth the Vconslllw tlonnlcaun lust Week The mrgnxlnus lawyer mid In court Thursday um lolzure olilsi dl lorlal omens was clear In fringement press lreeddm And clnlmcd Eur Splexels work had been practically paralyzed hy the dccuyallon amLsearph mgzazlnal 7000 1123 Carney Held In Accident Th ruling was hnnded down as chanccllor Adenauqr mocked the West German Parr llnment by nnnnnnclnghnt hi pflvnte telephone was tapped Adonauer made the dlxclosurv In the midst or debate on wiretapping In connmlau um Der Splcgcl case NEXT THURSDAY bill PIRIOIMANCI ONLY 51 PM VICIOR MERBEUS JEANEHE MucDONAlD NELSON EDDY ERIMWA JEERHES NAUGHTY MARIETTA IOML All flama pollca ch1ch lho floyll NIIM Club or llvu day Frldny lor ovar charllnx an American laurm Tho loudl who name was no dlltloud lald pollcu llll nlghl club mud Mm nic WllllDRAW PICKEN VANCOUVER CP Pick cll wen volunlmly wllhdmwn Ftldny from he llllled Enuh ncerlnz plnnl scene al ylolcnca and ml cnrller In lhe week Unlon olllclala nld they were wllhdnwn lo provide holler Ilmmphm or mewnn bo ween Allied minimum and lolllclull ma xlrlklnll Mnrlnc Workm lhd Dollormnkm Un an CLCL STUDENTS MIKE PARIS fleutm Sludcnu and unlvmlly leather mm on mllm throughout Func Frlday to buck demand tha Torn money be spent on educm lon NUN IS ELAIN ALGIERS AWThe mother Inpcrlur Roman Catholic convent wnl bulen ta dmh by Na Algerian allltkm who fled with her puma pvflce said Friday DIES IN FALL JORONN CmMm Marla Anlan Tomnlo Wu killed Friday when mm from In ovuvass Inlo lhe pnlh cur Harold chall old palm he ell bump flopped his car andound th wnmnn on the FLOON KILL II PORT AU PRINCE AP Flood wnun ed by weeklong huvy In Idlled person And causpd Ihnnnndl dollar of damm In Part dc Pall the lamest town In norlllwest Halli 0mm reported Ffldly BRICKS KILL BOY NEON CF Wililam Camth live we embed la death Friday when pile oi brick neatlwhichrhe haibccn playing opple over um him The tiny rock search plane lost power After dmpplnx mm think and McKay had in make an amcrzeucy Ilndlnl It Mud Lake Nov us Space Agency test pilot John McKay was flown to Ed wards All Farce Base Cam alter um mlsha He was fismu Inn and tall nz us Alr Fom soulyea laid Fnr nearly hquru after the xlfi dammed down In mm cloud of dust his run had been uncertain DOS ANGELES APD The x45 rocket plane lost power high over the damnde and 7111mm um searing amcmcncyfi an on aNevadn dry Inn no pl at pnrenlly mvudwllh out cu hdlgry 1116 comment came In pan mentaly quesllon nesslon wlml legislator naked ll tele phbne wgre Illegally lapped durlng lnveslltnflons lnlo Dar Sglenlicase lnlerl or Mlnkler Hermann Haechorl said um wimlapplnz gated nunst 44511211 rhe 95¢ hmka open when federal pollcu raided the 0mm and pinned Der Spleuel pub Hsyhen Rudnlfi Auxsuln and our staff memberslon mam thawsfilter publication Oct to gurlbianest Inparllnmemp Adennuer told Iezlxlalm he 0qu no mum discuss canfldmflnl matter an the telephOnn tom hIs pflvale house becausp nthers amal wnyl conngcled to It X15 Slams Pilot Unhurt can German Allegedly boml per turmance Iq NATO mllitm axerclse magazines uniteshave been handed back to tho gin but Mum pmsmlorrlold the court mom remnlned be We wig and the search would conynugfnr mother week posnx nvrran ng NEWS IN BRIEF Lad Tlmu Today or 0Hqu nu av 10 on Immunization of Industry And Agriculture my may dc dds lo borrow mm capitalism and lulrodum pmfll lnccnklvex vxsn FALL 19mm cm Fourteen RETURN CAPITALISM MOSCOW AHThe 50v Communist party Friday nn nounccd llx central comm member Imm all parts 01 um IS BEST DESIGNED LONDON Raulen lhe Observer manual Sunday newspaper Friday was judged Britains bestdeslgncd newspa per by Printing World trade mnuudna The Commw nlst Dally Worker wu mound commumsw AMERmu won 00mest osm AmNorway has al fmd the United Nations 11gb antifilm balmy about 300 men for tho UN ango Command tbs derem mmsuy inuoupced FIN TM battery should be lend Ienva or Thu Congo In Jam nry supper bul the check Wu SI 500 He and when he molested he Waller pundned him Ind Ihrew him out Western GRILL XO PLAY RUSSIANS WINNIPEG CF laur Inx Russlan hockey am will filny Winnipel Maroon here av 29 during the vlsllm twwmk Canadian tom vm announced Friday ltwm be Ru 1y nppenranca In No one can say yet With us suranca which of the hm pasr albillflulhoPapé will adopt Eslimaies all along hava been Um he cynnclla second phase wuidhegmmiler Easier April Spin991910 npw saying that manyhishnps wnnt tngei iha council going again in January other sources say thinking favors iomonul lapse wi regympiion next Ociaher Popes private studio The punt thus has been able to hear lhe afipruxlmawy awfulclaws who ave apoken so nr leou liberty the mwero llallsllwlu and 1h place of the mlcmphone inside St Peler Baslllca has carried avery closed council msinu gout by Ladn wa Pope John set next manlh recess date But he did not an nounce whenrlhe muncfl would reasscmble to go on wllh some they will barely have llnlshad discussion of the am opio lltnrgy or public worshipby Ihen Their nexMoplc Iron d1 vina ovulation and IL lourcgs ugs 50131 10 TOPICS The yrospccl now for min mom months nmnlnx parhnps lnto yam belmtlhe 1200 caundllalheru have lhelr llnnlv debate Pope ohn openedihlyblz esrcouncll In mccmurle at 3£LJ¢Q¢HA Basilica ceremony Since than the ammo lather have met 11112 working ans lion um hours cgchmim out Zcompleung discussion on lhn lira logic baton them Tile go lpto graces Dec lntofined estimates are vihai hugely hqu nlshcd vmcuvvcm AP Cnlhollc ecumenlcll cauncu mum1 month Ioday brer 1mm wk of hrlnzlna the church up lo 19 mangodemyqud cam Pihishéé Its first Month REQUJEM ron AHEAVYWEIGHT IMPERIAL STARTS SUNDAY lnrl wlihw WIHI Anthony Ovlnn Juko Glulon Hair The xmup WEdHNdny fiver1n uwqunm I55 vmmiune Juoéinn TANK FORCE TAKEOUT ORDERS IM0281 iii BENNYSGARDENS There was no Indication whclhar Mr Justice Norris would sit or only one day or whether ho vmuld continue the hcmminmlaw Ha laid reporter Inter how ever um he would mnka statement on several matters at Um otlnwn scsslnn which would be open lo the mass smofl manan Frliday mung was dreary sen Only the lawyer or the var Iau parties need appear in law ha mid No whmse would be called The Vancouver junIsl made the announcement at the and at his45th session Friday taking all parties appearing belore him by surprise MONTREAL CPIha unn mAn Inqulry 01 Mr Jusdce Norm InIo labor strife and shlppinx dismpllons on the Great lake reopens In Ollnwn hmsdny after Men weeks hearing In lIonImaL CampaignfAttriticfi $C1YS Justice Norris Downtown hmnto became more than mile gnyer Inst nigh when Chdslmas fight EHINESE 001 FAST DELIVERY Dunlap SI Wul DELICIOUS spmxnma SIGNS or sums AandAEfi 0R Cfiada phlfipflié BIKES lice Norris la 10an ha lhe YOUNGS were umed nn Todayhtho ads just week away dlya annual Santa Clam pan Wimphnlo omuihnhmum Mull Minnally MMMMIMI SUNDAY cofifinuous FROM mo Dunlap MEIRme MAYER nun WM cupauon High school xrndu mes ll 35 find out if WI can qualify Allnnua School Canadian Hch Officc Canada Bldg Windsor Onlnrin In Barrio write alving cducann and phone number la not In do The Barrio Examiner human or xslanr point Help tamrate Ibo mHonl nir linca Imllmlnnry mining need not ilh prcscm 90 CAREERS MEN AND WOMEN Tn min or steady llp111 positionx Airline Station Agents Passenger Agents CommunL cauunlsxs Rosenmlonists Hos may cc9brillu MM AIRLINE At 19 beginning uf Flldayl sitting he harried SIU lawyer 70th Nuss from making puth statement on tho mundl that Mr Nun had made state ment Thulsdny and that an nunekrjulcmenuwwld me no blher end but publicily Several limes Mr Jusflct Norris said the SIU was was ing time by reading long pu suges ol the documtnts Into the official rmrd he SIU has filed 88 bulky uhihils In the last threu days all 11de at relullng early last mouy hy Michael Sncehan head of tho rival Cnnadibn Maritime Union cm SIU appeared to lie waglng campaign of attrition FEATURE MES DAMON II 300 620 SAVAGE ll Lll

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