Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Nov 1962, p. 9

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NHLuason Since then Plume had been sidelincd with re ralory all menl and only week lg ured he was In condition to Tama nfler the game when he told reporters he pulled groin pmsde In practice Wednesday and aggravated it during Thun daz Khtlugma This In mllf wl lleI rlod hu uh In xermlnu lo Rum nlzhln llul Irnrhml hum In llmi out can mm mm wl be Hm um um have lemlul In turn Ilnrn lhc awrnflnn vFaloney Back With TiCats um um ha aulhuuyol bo Inz th In lvlay In the lime Foollmll Cunhrrnru plnyufll ro mulnu 1m III mum iumllnn mlrk ll when mu nrnl humn allnr Hu lunml Sop lonllmr gums In mlmvnlon la III npernllnn mnml dairy um emmm mm qu Imre Oplnlun Hm lrnmn um ul Ila 11 um mm II Men llml In TlCnlu must no rm he mmupUun lhnl Fnlnnry will Ml plug nznln Mu va Fnlnuey mull ml lml iurr This In all mth lvlfll VANCOUVER CWAIMEch and 0mm tram urns Cnn ndn urscmblcd here Thursday In preparation for departure hr night Cnnadar loam In tho Drillsh Empire Gama In Pcrlh Auslmlln lnrc lhls month Inum up Invxr on HAMILTON CI Quail wmklnn an delcuu bud Ilomlo Fnloney Joined Milant rmh Hamilton Tlxchnlu In pm llcu nmmlny nlgm or Um mu llrgolqylahl wait Hnnlnr Wm THE xnmu llnfl Ev And znd Dec NIncIyon Including compclllau 1mm lrntk nnd mld nwlmmlnz bvxlnz cy Inf lencinul lawn bowllnl raw nu ciuhllmlnu Ind wm lllfl klnu mo Irln Manager Bob Vader who an nounced that Eugene Bum Lang will bu Vllnlo temporary successor saJd Vilnle did gaod job for lll last season but obviously he hasnt been gelling His best out of the team thin season 111011 strong on papcr hm managed to win only one of nix any n1 Vsalsan Wilhln hauu thtlr nrrlul mon of mu nthlnlcl worked uul onlmq oul travel anI xpert Mon ho compelflor mm Enslcrn Canada arrived here by nlr during tho nllcmoon Jolnlnu olhm who had coma Irom unlvmluc In tho Unllcd States Prnlrlo nnd n0 palnll In nqunrlcrl flu Unlvcrally me at 55 pm by chartered nlrllnrr will no ovemlxhl Hnnolulu and Erik ham and In scheduled to mlvo In Fcrlhhnfcsdny Ono report said vekeran de enccmnn Ted Mall planned to rellre But Vcdcr claim Maid mnde Ibo alnlemam when he was upset an the ion Gail He said Makl will definitely may with the team Athletes Prepare For Trip To Perth Mler Wednesday high lost to Gal Terriers ha exccuA live me with lhe player In session whlch luled unfll mm decision to In Vflala wns mndn at an extcuuva meal charmerWaterloo 115m lo ldlsappulnflng sun In the On larto Hockey Alsoclalmn Senior lulu red coach Phil Vfllla flngrsduy Hockey Tigers Unload Coach wllh lhe plug which shut ofi Delrolls power In Ihe person oIPlanle ll was the original marked mans first game slnca Montreal dropped so declslon In the opener at the xlnfizusgid he stretchedrlhg mmdim the third period doing The er shouldnt be two PM lorthpoming CAN BEAT WINGS Canadiens have finally provcn Delmlt Isnt invincible Golng Into Thursday nights game due only one scheduled in the NHLMm had Jum ed to lhmbest start in ther history wlnnlng eight and tying the othgr gm Meir first 10 starts figsiljliiamzxn retum to acflgfl one penranca And how wlll Curran Black Hawks Ian without Mr Goplle Sign Hall By RON ANDREWS manila Pms sun Wfluy There an three big questions In National Hockey League cir cles today They are aHns coach SldAbel got patch the will seal Denan Red Wings bubble whlch was punc tured Thursday nlghz in Monk lien when the Canadians hacked by Jacques Plnntaa brillianl gonllending defgglcd my gqr Kn ll wellhod mu pound nun brhm armed ml lnml or wvrk lixpnls oxllmklu Hm Ihvlnhnza and mnnrnl Um nmna luck lllllv more Dun mo pound Illth 30 Mar LAiumnrlnllnn uo nbnul loo mlln mm or Mn ml MONTREAL TII Tom Jnmu Mnnlml hu kllled rim llml Imbnhly Mluhed mm Inn 00 pound Mum nllve wan lonmed 11mm Is lltllulml Ihh muhl ho mum fur whllolnll am In Nnrlh Alnexlrn The buck wllh All anlkr WNW Inch wu klllrd wllh AM In lwnod rl nwy mm 20 mlnulol nhnrp mlnu up Mr Warm and do kl delcufo gncu nusId For 00 mlnulu halaro nmrm dly nlshll laid drill lhe Mn wnlchod 111ml Guam In nt Han Ihnyvo an phyllcll laugh ncu ha 311le may nlxo llnro Ihnl hll Idaho in wln plu overnll uncrlcnm And mm the plyrholaulcnl Advant In of hnvlnu bum In lwlco In lhn Ihm name we played ngnlnsl lhrm Ml ymr WATCH FIIMN Hunter Knocks 0H GiantSize Deer Perry Mass the clubl head couch and general manner ul lered nn lmpnslng llAl lo vir qu whm nskcd whtro he thought the Rough Illdcu could hut the All was evldcnlly ell In lak lnu lhem dawn pen or Iwo without disturban lh nullook laa muchmight bu ndvnnlm com Tho Alaucuo lronl alllce our many In players are nun Hush wllh the menu In Saturdays kvy wln over Toronto Argonnulx Theyre wnrrlcd ubqu lhnl old loulball bulnbom overcon lldcncc Dy MARVEN MOSS MONTREAL CP Book mukcrl here have made the Rough nldcrl Mpoln lnvor Mn over Manlrcnl Alomlle In Ottawa SMurdny and It ch vlously ltn well wllh he men In the Montreal Iron ofllce Ottawa Favored To Whip Montreal Arnold Palm lees OH on 6th hole during first round play In Canada Cup matche at San Iaidm Arzmllna yzs In what seemed to be rdml Ienge to Detroit goalkeeper Teny Sawchuk Plume brew himself Around his on are lmnfindhflmehagrn the D2 to com pzpper him wimzlwshols The unly one bar fol put him was fired by make Floyd Smith who gave the Win temporary 11 Us in the last 11 ha badly pa that one ha said Ell Head the lam vphyalolhemplsl ls Kain lo look at Saturday But lhu way it feels now Im definitely going In mlss Saturdays pTBO llca and well see about the H91 sssurw Es the Iplm on hllmrlnx mp shg hyfiprfil Howe LARGE GALLERY VIEWS THE MASTER hi um lhncluh will have nmhlnl ndlcnlly new In mm nanlml ho Illdm The All wlll probably nlm drm nunnl Mnrv Me In III In or Don Inqueflo who roln um his 1mm and II though or Hus year 11m muler word II Uml more lhnn Ilkrly nursery wl1l ho rrfmlmll lIIilWhII IH NHL IIIII Chhpmnn wotle rmlncc flan Hucklo who uxllured an elbow InkA11 unlnxturumnlo Mon nldhu plum lo ma Chnpmln Sllurdly MI kickerIn pllcu at Dave Iron nnd backup man at al lcmlyn end Hi cnlchcl than pruuy loud nld P0751 Jan Jntohl Moss olhur ns xlslnnl had In dcknxlvc unlk drllllnx Io cope with hp rc Wer and minbuck In 01 lnwn um In In nllnck with Ernlu White and Ronnie Stow ort currylnL cymmfi To KICK an mlnl he snapped run and Mnrv Lunar look II yards downflcld wiflmnl breaking Ilrlde Sandy Slephcnn Monlunin Hutyear qunncrbnrk seemed lo be throwing well nonclhr lus That map is mlnlnl Thcrcl snmdhlng lacking or tum Im not cerluln whm Maybe In just that theyve not thing down pat now and dont want must handled he olfcnslva unil and lulu In walking to the drenlnl room he ramnxkcd terduy lonmmme Sam Snead wearing M4 watches Snead and Palmr represent lnx the us each wand 68 lo lead lite Held at 84 two The victory boosted Montreal Into mic possession of thlrd place Intbe standing with 13 palm one fewer than second placa Chicago and two more than tho fourthplace Toronto Maple Loam minute the Ilm pallad From then onPlanle was un beatable whlla Sawchuk who donned mask wueauon and has be creditecl the man behind Wlnxx great start was bdng beaten more times than In any brevlouu gamu this am GUI lrembhy Billy Inch Ralph Bagkxtrom and Claude Provost smred tho Monlreal gqah oo AHEAD Burl FREE CITY PICKUP AND DELIVERY Mug president ha PGA Iald the association In sandan our now pm to the winter cir cul lhiu mm They are Hobby Rose Wnlly Eye and Doug Peacock all Toronto and my Mcllro or Humlllon ban veleran Iinclusion lo ler in he led 5mm told no Onlnrla ml Thundey nlgm Cnnndlnm ave lo play 11 months of tho year befaro they cln expect lo becomu lhmu ln0ugh lgurpumcgnti ncllan Canadian Golfers Need More Action mnomo mcm 1m him rm up I63 mom uudy lo 96 In ouuupvy lax cm man pmfesslonul golf team from many nations lha ourday may set to end Sunday AP Wirephoko V13 radlo 1mm Bucnos Mm streak In NHL mum 17a been aldallned by altnllwd bnck ligament His flats will be taken by yenMd Denis Duordy who look aver fmm Hall during Wednesd rfama at Gllcngo which an ed 11 tie with lesion The vpteran goaltender will mm his flm NHL game In 1315 team when Hawks lel Montreal Sflurdly Tha alycaroid $me Humboldt seals vwha has com While Plant absence from the Montreal net Saturday 11 null In the doubtful enemy lhoral no doubt about Hall BOATS LIMITED BOAT OUTBOARD STORAGE DElANEY PA Mill Len Haley scored three goals or San Francisco single came lrom Duku Edmundsan Ed Fanaanbkn and Orland Kurlcn hack Sld Flnney xavcd ho vh Ilm ram being shut om SAN FRANCISCO AHSan Franciam dlzcuvered lheron no Iaco Ilka home Thunday Mg by mapping Ivema lollnz llrenk wllh Wasth Hockey League vlc cry over Edmonton Flyeu Hall started bkfimd suc ceulve NHL game Including playom flu Max night against Boston Bndnlhcre but Ind to have midway In Itha lull period because of his all Thu NHL lron manrecord ll heldby the rellred forward Johnny Wllson who plnyed in 680 consecutive scason games Hall has played In 503 straight game In the regular campalzn Wednesday night was Um um time In his NHL career that Hall had to be relieved He left the game at 102I ha 1m Period with the score tied at Seals Break Losing Streak Hawk General Manager Tommy Ivan aald Halls Injury haa been diagnosed as strained hack ligament Hall will no accompany tha cam Montreal and alga may mlu Sunday nights game here with Tomato Maple Lenla lightYear Streak Over For Goalie Jordy 13 called up from But mo him of the American Hockey League no game ended in He Richard Montreal MacDonald Detroit McDonald Chicago Geoffrlon Montreal Pennington Boston Dzlvecchla Detroit Hay Chicano CHICAGO CPD Goalie Glenn Hall of Chicago Black Hawks sidelined by back in iury will miss his um Na donnl Hockey League game in eight years Saturday night when the Hawk play the Can glenllil Montreal By THE CANADIAN PRESS Henri Richard Montreal Ca nadlens hard rakaung llltla centre picked up an unis Thunday night In Montreals Mwln ovenDetmyfl Red Wings take oven sole oasesInn of first place In National Hoqkey League nearing race Ha hal 14 point an goals and eight asdxuu Boom Geoffrlon gathered twn mm Mmuve Into liveway Ua for mend placemlth points one point behind RI chard fiiehlairdiiw scoringlfiage Itleamm Bernie 90pm flu loadem umgmlurc gunrd he flavour of owcvcry mp of he wn until the cap 30 on lhe ball Uncap Dow or gulmnttcd plcmulc convincing proof that bccr at ils cnsydrinking but You can nlwnyl count on Dow bwlusc ill COOL CONTROL BREWED This exclusive names our 1m am qnu 31h ii nougiifigersna for Opening Game VCAWAEYACFD lidsan chewumughrlderl were due to hit town today to prepare far Sulurdayl opening game lbs Warm Football Conference semiIna series against Ca 353 SIralnpuden1 Slave Owen who éoached ma Rider to lhlanlnce finhh in the regular campaign bring his squad Into territory when the sick bay are MI 01 Stun pedar start mlflflflm m3 FRIDAY NWJAIMH nu um mu ey men Includlng all The Iwwnmc Mahala Ia rm will be decided Monday night In Retina when the let ond gums will bummed The winnzr mceln Winn Blue Bombay In beam play all or the western phamplnn ahlp and the right In represent lha WesMn the Grey Cup at Ttgonlolsalurdgy Dan mm teams have their share Injuries but the Stampede apycar to have milered the In setback wgthfihg Inn at The weatherman call or clear cool weather 0115an dayl battle start at ZWp 5151sz pmEST salkalchewan dcfwud CaL gary Wine 17 anus1511 flu three league game 01 club played lhll year The other bab IIa wan tied 747 The Stamp are evenpain Iavnxlm to win the Hm flame and 11point favorite aka the serial ur guard Tony PalackavakL

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