Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Nov 1962, p. 6

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The recolnlllon ol the Impor unce ol womenln the economy influenced Min Armstronxl ap poinbnem the flu womens flnsmmmdmikknowmlm that women Influence many banking decisions Not only do they handle the nmlly innncu in great man case but they control large aegmon ol wealth helnz Important Inves an In bonds common Ihllu And real ulna Yau wm hasty Wcll Ihl was nluw She nhnuld ham ulvcn you Hm nlr Inn nun COLLEGE KIDS Du Mm Landry My hm band and mu cnllrgo Ilutlcllln who have rcluml la awn ll nundnl Mp ram rtlhrr of our taunts tunlh ntlu nl pmnu wollhrrlrd and wllllnu Wu lha In crawled npnrlmtm drhu MI oh hrMuu cut my IXIHI umk in noun Ni ndrllunu In currylng lull ml nl nchml All nmuml nu an new young mnrrlnl muulrl on uumvm him In hnvlnu ball Thrf Mu In lowly npnrlmruu drvu mm can have nlrc clmhrn and 54mm MINI have partlimo mam nmn km me being III lhmuflu Ichonl by Uer pmnll um mllhrr nmn nnr wllu cum dime hzn lho wnl tedan your are hcr npnrlmunl Hvo hll week And hon wan nhl have lime Inr wronl num pom Persbnal LMQneY Mgtters TopiCiOfl Banks Consultant How could lulu wamnn hm hm nnlallnlr lgchigd your hnck She broka dawn Ind wept nml gxked In lcnvalur good phuncd her lwlcu lull week but Ihn wnl very dislnnl and un friendly guns was lllllu hany Flensc help mo Ix lhlnll himfled Dear lltd Ilndinn mlnurunl 0951 hIlAcxpcnalon Den Ann underx Im bachular and have been kennlna enmpnny or lhm yam with pleasant but nnl beaumul widow who 38 law week an we bmka up aver mlsundermndlng WVa live In the name art men building About flva ghu week shbd have me ln or dinner must any aha was fine llltlu tank Thus lime In the last month shed answer an lulcphona and My Im mm but you have the wrung number Once mod near Iho yhonc and hcnrd mnnl volcc Mlcr thew call she nl wnyl seamed fluslernd began 1n suspect nha wnl hnvlng an ab air on the sly lold her In lllfln lnnzunup Joan garrlck 4qu 313nm Mil Armanan nu ported lhll claim with figure at showed 52 per cent of the wealth Canada in ha hand wow In Canada wnmen are the moneyed lax Miss Armstrong consultant or The ToronloDam Mon Bank told member the Sompumlat Club The Topic of her address WII Porwnll Money Management MI Holly Armstrong Wo mens Consultant the Tax ontoDominion Bank was weak er It the November dinner meethlro the Barrio 50M In Club Inst ovenlnx Tho meetingrwuheld at he Cnm munfly House Toronto Street ANN LANDERS to Mrslflugh Wallaceth Holly Armaprpng M153 KayYasunaka President SHAMPOO AND SET $119 PHONE IA um ASK Im TIH lllVIJUlII IAUIN Mm 7nd OPEN EVENINU Widow Is Right Hes Wrong Number II he Itlrnnilhlllly of nurrm lu lean and uulflo Ihelr rhlldrrn Na mm IhauM Injur lm uhelhrr Hm nru he ro llxlnn munnm dlaclnllno or Inlrylnlrl Dru VMI Slncu II In your hulbnmla mnllwn hu Ihould hlu mnlhrr In pluso my he mbjrcl donl wnnl her to do III In our chlldrm Soon enough my wlll loam whnl II ml in In and whnl lnnlnly Do ynu on him Ihu rlshl In loll my mclharlnlnw ln plum my of tho uIbJrcl IVM nu in children would nol bu laid flu 5h no Ilrnlnlvl Illr awn dnulh ltra childrrn and lhh cnund some trouhla In lha Inmlly Dear Ann Landon When wns chlld bollevcd In San Clnun nnd ha Tooth Fairy until Wu yum old enJoyed lhu nnlnsicl and It had no Ill much on my dull llfn mr clIHdrm In and We hnvu luuuhl lhom Io bellow In Snnln and tho Tooth Fnlry Hy husbandl mglhcr lhlnkl HI mluhly Iwcul la bu Ibla do on your ownhut on two sound rmnlful nnd bllcr l0 whmu the mmncnom léllENTs GUIDE mm il um Delu Enldx Nobody avtr died Irom working his le Ihmuzh collexo you klds llndlnl Iho nlcddlnn loo louxh give up Pcrhnpu you worked 10 hunt week Ind amplcd loan from your lolkl you might let Jul hamic but holler ruled Ara we crazy Somellmu we think my are paying icrrlble Erica or our independence My usband and are both ex hausted and we ham tough tlma draulng our weary bodch Imund Do you think wa would qul our My tell tho am to send tha moola and relax like Um other professional undenm Eald 0H1 One reason or this concent ration wealth Iccordlnz In Mlu Ammonz may batim Kennally women outflve men by approximately mm yearl In manInga where husband and wife an the mm on seven nhMavlvcpwllL oulllwzzheir husband and onyhau of all wldawu Ire younger than 56 when thelr hushlndl dis Women In and manager oi mnney because they hm to in Miss Armstrong clnlmn in molt Canadian iamilies aha pointed out income mayhe the responsibility oi lha man But It usually the wmn wim Commenting on these alallk cs Miss Armnrong nld They may explain why some oua said that up to 13 man need good arenla from 18 to Ah nee good look ram 35 to 53 she need good nationality but from Is an aha need on CONTROLS SPENDING menu per cent of all adult nhnmhhldm ol compnnlu are women and Ilaper cent olvall Welmuranne benequ axe paid to women WALTON unos lunuunwuuuu nu Thu enunmnenl hu been nnnnuucnl Min nlrburn Marlon Wllllnml dnulhler 01 Mr And Mn 0mm VIIllImI Dutlmofih Stucl In Our dnn nrlnn Dnvll Inn Mn Vllhur Damon llnrrlo Ind Um lulu Wilbert DIVII Th Itllan lnr Hm wrdrllnl wlll he Colllcr 81ml Unll Church on Nov ll clnrk llholu by Erlc Cum an Lrum RIDING HONORS 5T BRUNO Qua CF Denyu st Louln 1m ridlnl Inslructrcm won Indiul hunter chnllenzo cup Ihe lndlu working hunter honor at nwll Cenkrll Canada uhlbl llon Ind ha rand chnmylon my Fuller Qua Folowlng the dlnncr meellnl MIL Llawella Maclnncs enlar lalnud calico party at her Waxslay Slrcet rmdencc nests at Ihl meeting wan Mn Rich mundI wit the mungar the Barrie bunch ol the Tar onwDomlnlon Bank Mn Peg More Mn boil IN rt Mn Mn John McEvoy Mr Flor ente Lockhart Mu Donna Tay lor Mn Russell Vnmlcn Min Mungm Gnddlellow and mu Evelyn Hunlcr Fallnwlna AI 5h cancluded by uplalnlnl how IntelUgem we ol the many larvim nvallnbla through Can adian bank could be anon mom Assistance to women In lmstad in good penannl money mnnuemem According mlm coun sellorl maney the number two mm marital atrllo ln Cnnadu Min Armstrong mint ad out Senlibla handling money wilhln the Inmlly would elimlnnle much dlmrd uh mun Ind unuble handling re quim mum and mumfie nvinu no mallet how small to build cmhlon ulna fin anchl Ikur Personal money manna mend Ihe told im nudieuce invoim planning your expen ditures beioro you spend and no limpiy keeping mental Jigmgrdiergymuhavezmz Planninz in this way make you undersiand him when your money in going Ind ilaipn you decide whether it in min when you want it to go SAVINGS PLAN THIS IS THE LOWEST PRICE IN ONTARIO LAYAWAY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS Mlu Armstrong believes wo men could da even better they flawed plnn or pemnnl mqlnfy mmyazemant am es respomibluty or usifig that Mame wlnly and wise ly sha gm loo BRIDEELECT mm kgtmeijn NIB RCA VICTOR PORTABLE TVs THE KING OF VALUES I7995 naxaar labla wu In charge of Mn David Hoay Mn Lloyd McDmmH and Mn Ed Hoop ar Dallcnlemn lab conven ara wen Mra Dun Mnrlhall and Mn my Swan The up ron tnbln wnl 1n charm of Mn June flownl Mn Frnnk Tea helium worn Mn Olndllono Currie Mn Gordan Spencer Mn McDonald Mn But Bnpkl Mrl Wllllnm Gales Mrs McClure Mrl Her Schlnht Mn Dnvo Shela Mn Jlm MurIcy Mn Cccll Frlnzle Mn Fred Smllfi Mm 011m Cameron and Min Nun um nwrburn Duke mblo con vene wm Mn unz lun Mu Inn Dobwn Mn Enid McKlmmIL Mn Prince My Tum Gynham Convener 01 the Chrlnmu lea wen Mn Alan Gundry and My Huh Glbson reminder that Chrlslma Just around lhb comer wnu ovldcm ns women Ahonpm lcunjlcd and hurried to plck all the wondeflul bargain There worn balanr Inblu laden with home knng aprons 5qu ad toys Chrlslmal decoration and navclllu and wide var Iely home baking at An dmwa Pmbytarian Church ChrXslmn Kent Nu Ind Una ITHE BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY NOVEMBER NMES T00 HIGH WINNHEG CWMember Manitoan United Church Women hlve crmclzed ha churchl hymnnry or hard Ming high note and lack ol movement In the muslc They also called or more hymns 3mm the vain mu chil ren General Convener him Ele don Ball Teaiahie Convener Mr George Innxltniib Town in 1eaMrl Chsrln Picker ing Mrs Matthew Mrl Murray Milis Mrs Nell Serving ieaMMrs Louis OCon nor Mrr an Jacques Mn Monger rs Graydon Rlch ardsan Mrs Gernld Mandlay Kiichen Convene Mrs lfrank Jones Mrs Bob Ross assist ed by Man McKenzie Bakeiahle convener M11 John Partridge unlined by Mrs Wes Alllappin ran Tubie Don vener Mn en McGilvray Jlslsiedby Mrs Mountain and Mrs Linn Gin Table Convener Mrs George Lume den assisted byMrr RJ Bab Tabla Convener Mn Sci Jul Delicatessen Convener Mrs Rel Adams Candy Tnhls Convener Mrs Clarence Had non in charge oidraw Mrl Harm Coles in charge of em ling game Mrs Glen Gil rist Decoratini he ni tee Mrs Glen Gilchrist Mrs Rohari Bezznht Mrs Wes Alisapp lie ceivlnx mm were Noble1 Grand Mrs Ciiii Lennox Vice Grand Mrs Galloway First prlze draw winner Table Lamp Mrs Phyllie shrub lair Davidran Street Second prize draw winner Eemuad Blanket Gerry Heels Essa mt Third Prize draw winner Chest oisiniionery Euler Inan Duilerin 52 Winner at Kuessinl game Colin Poi Beth Sweet mu Barrie St Andréws Woméns Groups Hold Annual Christmas Tea Lodéé Mem1jeIS Hold Bazaar Beaver Rubekah was memv hm Ipanbnred an Illernaon and Chrlalmn Bazaar bald It the OddFellom jflnll Collier Strut on Wedneldny afternoon Amongflhl member who alsked we nUSlNliM MACHINE il Dunlap IL Hm JIMQ XIIMl 33a $7950 SIMCOE Thu en commluee mun bm wm Mrs Allan Aym Mrs Norman Daugherty MrL Clark Appleton Mn Noah Co ton Mil Ema Christie Mn Plul Meier Mr um Plul Maser Mu Dec Youn hm Wilton Knlpp Ind Mn Cownn Pmldlng It the In table dur ln he allcmoon were Mrs Churchlll and Mn Frank Perklnl Gmuni ucsu wen Mn Charles Crnhle Ind AM my Adams 1e Sulhcrlnnd Am Smith Mln Warnlca and Mn Alec Mcxlnmm Mn Ivan Jory and Mn Viola Graham were com vmm ha flown um daughter of Mr and Mrs Eric Wehsker Cook Street In Adult Karloln ion Mr and Mn Karleln 01mm Rev Skully officiated It the ceremony Oct 27 The manm wu Lloyd wr Tuflord Olven marrinzeby her mher mo bflda wan mind In length gown ml Comu Ellaeat United Church Autumn Ceremony At Colliers United mums runs nmla hm II III In Imam WI lulu ham In Nu Uhllullv onunmu OIIIAIIHNO our uunAan mun fluullul Dlrllhl nun rnrrlu lha mun And all turn only Cnmvm In In NUALIII Inu owmuuu Mgr lon My Dunlap mm Pholo by anero Mu Aryn mas ADOLF KARLEIN mum Guml nllcndcd mm For IlllnmTlmmlrga Sharon Elm mm ululuulfl vnlo nnd Tomnlo mum nus LIL ce lypc£nc=vcz aid SWIM lklfl of nylon over met mwn or pearls and sequlm held the III zgr Up veil of lulle Illuslan The hrldo carried while Blblo sur ad will cascada of red For travelling lhu hrldc wrong lurqublsu double knll sull tn hnmd wllh blnck ntccssarm Ind cnmxu plnk and whlle ngums Tha newlyweds will mnke lholr ml Apflys remptlan wni held at lhe home the hrldua parents He celvlnl tho guests Iha brides mother were own green embroidered penu de sale Green Ioceuorlu and carnage yellow and whlto mumx mm pleled her enslume llw hrlde moms mother mlsled wear lng printed sllk gown ln green and black Green accessories and eorsnne of nm colored mumr complemented hm ensemble The lmamsman was Nlck No wlk Thu brldel brother Robert Webster and Horn Kancln bro thnr nl the bridegroom were when bridé was invaded hy Miss Mnrgnret Rae an maid of honor Thu iunlor bridesmaids worn Ml Sandn Karlaln Min Helen zy Ihe brlde moml Rims and Min Linda Walnut the bridescousm The lower ml was Miss Gllllan Emoluheamln the bride Thanuld of honor was at reg in Am length gnwnu moss mm new de 5010 Her bouquzg wa yullnw and white lnumn The Junior bridesmaid wen auwnad alike In Mk roupenu sole They carried bouquet pink and while muml The flowar girl were boul fint Jul detp pink Wm umu She carried bouquet pink Ind thla mum and worn headband of matching mums lOWEST PRICES EVER mm qcckcd Coinplm Stock oi CROWN DIAMOND PAINTS LobkTdhsibnTHERiND or FRIENDLY EXPERT ssnwcs THAT HAS BUILT oun REFUTATION ing lhTsTBsTfis were co was Mrs Ivan Henry and Mrs Ran winierhurn The guest honor was seated under large while snowball iilied wiih com leili and decnraied with pink and while streamers Her gifts were pusch io her in Wishing Wei andVa pink and white basket Guests includ ed he brideelecis mother Mrs George Williams Mrl Wilbur Dobwn mother Ihe bridegroomaleci Miss Shirley Williams sister oi the brldo Mrs Ken Davin Min Marian Davis Mn Mervyn Franck Mlss Barbara William bride elecl was enterlalncd mis cellnnlous shower Wednesday evening the home of Mrs mo scholarship is awn ed to the student with highest gen eral pmflclancy anlcrlng hls Ina year In Chemical Tech nologyo Bany who obtained an clan honors lara gradu ale ol Barrio North Colleglate BRIDAL SHOWER Barry Woadmw non oi Mr and Mn William Wgodrow Ora Station Chemistry student Ryemn Institute ni Technoinz Tamale rtccivud 4th liProii ency Scholmhip presented at Iheflfiye Awgifds Night Ngv The annunI nynler flag at the mens will he on Friday night Nov 16 AnnualNew Years Eye dam will be on Monday night Dec PROFICIENCY SCHOLARSHIP Each the Saturday even Inga following through the wine er will haw anuthex couple mong the to associate or hon orary members of the men an hosts 011 special Saturday la filannodtnr each month wlth Va music for dancing although reamed music available each week Squadron Grey and Sim me Foresters Rellment BanIa Armoury at 930 oclock Host for tho upenlng evening are Mr and Mra Walk and Mr and M11 SInclalr Flu of the igzulpr Saturday ovenlng social will he mid to thy ginger Nisan OFFICERS MESS Dc um lhl Ulmou Ouallly lmllt Nu yuur Bulldu um Domam Bm Praducll STRANSMAN 429 BLAKE ST Baum PA 60254 QUALITY STYLE BERTRHM BROTHERS Mnku necessary repalrs now the oulsldu your home See us or quality nsbcslos nkllng In your favorite colors We also stock qunllly aluminum sldlng wqod and lnsul brick You wlllr be completely sallsrlcd with nur prndllcla nml everything in cmnplclc Iy gunrnntmt STRANSMANS DRESS UP YOUR HOME THIS WINTER WHEN IT COMES TO COATSCOME T0 DUNLOP ST LTD and Mrs Raberl Leeper land family have moved from Amelia Si to the farmpmpcrty near Midhum purchased from Major ll Howard 2nd line of Vupra Np Mr nnd Mrs Gordon Paumon have moved 9m5hflmyEYRonddoz1h8 Leeper house recenlly purchat ed Mr and Mn William Judges and family three child ren have moved from Scarbarn lo heir new home at 122 Base Mn Judge manager oi Underwdod Limited Simone Plaza New hnusel for Mr and Mn Millet Seller and famlly and or Mn and Mrli Leon Gar rick and inmlly ara nearing cum plelian ai Midhnrst village Mu Hugh AndfluLMnl Bar barn McCartney Mn Mel SLI hbnrd Mrs Greta Farragher Mu Ber Boyd Mrmflomlq Luck Mrs William Collum MIL Gordon Rlx Miu ShIrley Rlx Mrs Jack Roberto MIL liaron Walwln Darla Davies nndMIu lmDavh The hrJdMlecl ls thedaumer Mr mud Mn GeorgeWlll Iamq ol Duckwoth streetsrha bridegroomclock GordonDnvIu II lhq son Mrawwnbunnab son and the late Wilbert Davis will be the selling or the alien noon ceremonyuNav 14 Mr and erGeorza Lang slnffunnd family have moved fromfiledn 5L In the mldanu purchased mm Johnny Jnhn son corner Wellington West and Sunuldnle Rd ngsmauca qmnaza mm JEVEMBERTOMJ 399 ll MARY 51 PA 594 sstscnon PRICE

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