Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Nov 1962, p. 3

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Dav Arrmistrcxé OTTAWA Special with the Conservaflve Government sur viving wantalconfld mo tions by Illrn margin In lhe fourparty House of Commons the pracUca palrlnghlq be coming more frequent amnng members of III Conservative Party and lhe ofllclnl opposi £103 ubemgs Ion tagaher with the ilrst Di vleon he two divisions invar iably moved together were in the vicinity of Canal da Nor For some days belore the declaration oi the Armistice we heard that negotiatluns were be ing considered ior an Armis Llcei Oi course we didnt be lieve iLlt just seemed impos siblelt was Just too goodtn be true Nevertheless whan the 11m day of November dawned we Iliad sprcliic orders thatnoonc WEFIGTfiEflYfiE polnl lhls order was allowed by another order lhat there was to be norilrlng Alter 1100 hnurs At this time was with an unit Sunday momtng It 11 oclnck will bé exactly 44 years skim the Armistice at World War Wu signed and bnltle cezlscd III then another WorldWar has been laugh and November 11 Is nfvw tailed Remembrance Day In honnr and remember who were killed or mud in tpelgwo world wars What was in like fur the men in the ram lines on the battle field when Armlsflce wax signed the Ighgingaverz Pairing Practice Commonjln House IWIMMINU Ahmed nwlmmlng mum Var Mln wlIl huh at Rev 64 Sherring lrlnlty Anglican Church knows hr he was the Army Pndru or IE 37lhBauallon INNING or 13ng beginning the spectacular victory at the Battle of Amlens From then on the enemy was in constant re lyeatlermlnaling in the Armis lxce9n Nov 1913 Thin It was mu Iha same was In flu gully LIMEIIMJ Lllwn Mumallow slm ma 14ml North and Come will hold llnner mwlnz at lhe nlm mu umuum nul Thuuday It 515 pm Thin week which saw the overnmcnl Iurvive two umen dmenu lrom haul and Soc ial Credit parties also saw the Conservative MP lrom Simeon North and Simcoe East paired in the crucial voies will the result that the names oi ilcb er Smith oi Barrie and DL flynnrd Oriilil do not slycaninuihe young misuilg Sml we was nun house wen Du lwn close votes were held Ion he chamber and rammed In 111 fourth floor at Ice when the nclunl vntlnx took place He did so because of prlgr pqlrlngb grrnnxgmcnl be had made with erul MP tar Spndinn In an nnlo Dr flynhrd who wax not In Ottawa this week wul palt ed wllh lecral Jamel Brawn of Brnnflord who In nounccd the conclusion both vale that he had been paired with Dr nynurd and Hum did not vote II he had volcd Mr Brown Mid he would have vnlul In war bulb the barn amendment um Ihc Saga aunnmendmenL CANADIAN CLUII Ernnl Mnclfiwnn ormor Dcnn nl Aurlcullmc nl Uulvernlly Mnnllnlm lmll uulhur hook nixqu lhe Cnnndlnn chI will mldrm Hun Cmmlflnn Club In lemy Hall at 31m lodny all me Iulljocl Thu Trnnltur mnllun Canndlnn Wm Among Mr Mncljwnnu eluhl hook me Humen The Ilrd And The llnrklu The 50d hmlm and Eye Upunor mm Mrmbcnhlpl Cnmullan Cluh an nullMe nl lhu drmr GOOD NIIHIUNHE 5m Taylor chairman nl lhl Grey Cup Flml mmmlllec arm Juulor lhmnhvr Tl Imumlrra nnlul yrIonlay Th mmm Jhoun Ilr Ihn mm mm mu mum lar fund lvr Ill NAIL hm hm wow mun rommmro nlll ha uan va I5 to gather the Mummy nnumm mo llunlo nch lo 0an Cnnndlun Mllou klckcd all NI lwadny Puppy Dny drlvc lo dny Anyone wllhoul poppy In the Inpcl durlnn lhll drive wlll be lnnmm us an Irluh mnn wllhaut Shnmmck In mum on Balm lnlrlcku Dny llul lulu alllcluh uy hm nrr enough in go armmd 0423 Bureau zflle Enmlfier Mr bmllh uplnlncd lhnt Air nynn had nppronchcd him houl the possibillly ol palrlng and Mr 5mm nuncod lhnt ha We were not kep long In yy 1mm yssgmoy LOCAL AND GENERAL POPPY My suspense to we watchedan wondered we saw very larga grey German car coming In our dlrectlan and wonder of won den flying large white flag TM car carried number officers and alliclals These werelhe plenipotmtIarles who were carnan to sign the Armis tice together with englnaers who were comma to remove explm sives all set an blow bridges and other strateglca lnstallalions to storiour advance We were all too busy with our thoughts Our homes our lnvedonu Behiierrthe day was aver parade was tailed and short service thanksgiving In Al some emergency arose which did not pennit either MP to be present Howevar he made it clear that he was opposed in making this regular or aut omaiic nairlag in which the one memberwouid not vote any time the other war no In iho hoascLast Friday Mr Smith had in be in Toronto to allead ceremony ai Upper Canada Cniicge when his son was prc sented with scholarship 1A vnlu did not lake place on Fri day but ii it had hire Ryan would not have cast vole Mr Ryan has been absent lnr raveral days this week includ ing htesday whon he two voles took place Under his agree ment hir Smiih had in reirain irorn voian in relurn or hir own absenca oi Friday it must be understood that ihia arrange meal is only or emergency ab xcnces and each oi In must request the olher to pair or Ipccllic day Mr Smiih cx pialned lie said that bciare absenling himsoil lrom lha chamber when the two valor were called he had noiliied Conservative housn leader Gor dan Churchill and lhe whip oi the two panic about ihn ar rangcmcnil ow was It received Not shunt Not cheer Absolutely no demanslrhtixm what even would do so in any case wbgry Mu rnlh In duuxh In In KM Mr and Mn Willlmn Ilrelhf She In nurvml hy Hvu All Icu nan hrnlllrr Clllrl Um Cawnnl Mnle lltlllh and lnrn null when Slvnml and Hanna Tnnmw ml in JalmaTrmlIery 54mm llyv Mr lnk Thomtmry pd Ilul Ihe lunml game war ra mun numl llnwnul ml Mlhm Neal cur Mm mm Mwm Farm rm Pr Iank FARM 11mupwl ml Yuk Mmluls hImrnl to or BIL ml MILhull whn Ill4 In llnynl Vlclovln Hnwllsl nllrr may llly Illnun wnl hold ll Jtn nu lupcral Hum mi 115 munqu vl 7le United thunk The prncllcc pairan has been used only Ipnrlngly In re cent yam bccnuae oi the lnrga Conservnllva majority ow will the Government clone dclcnl on any conlldcnco val more MP5 are likely 19 um Im It at time when my am not In pruan but do not wnnl la knpardlzo lholr own pnrlys lncllcnl position lllln lur locnl mxdenu ll So lhll ll Scounml will be Ihown the Emlmm Andllonum Nov 11 The wehour color muvlo WM mmdn wlth mum at Fllnu ul Smlmd Cmngnllty IllIC minnd Ed ucmlnnnl Film Board anlonnl Trust In Scmlnml 11mm Works nml lurk Film mudlo lmuow enough lnlcrcslcd finrllu na byNovL lg he 1min Arnor llmll yuan and over con SHERRING Hm qn scormnn OBITUARY EDNA MrIHMHI wluw He malll art We glve The most hum and hearty lhanks or all Thy goodness and loving kindness tn us and onnll men mlgh Gnd was held In Jha open Padre Sherrlng conducted the service 0n the first Divlslénnl from there mad Padre known and loved by all the troops Ha anI seen wrlUng mmelhlng In field note book This what henna Over In broken dead over the trenches wlre angles of and ran out Ceasefire Woe to base nalions ur men who Inrlhelr ham or desire Break lhafiarn nrder 01 God Cease Fire POHCARD Rev Cal Shemng has as end dated at anre JlNoyembre191 It is just simple postcard showinglho Sacrlszy thetr parish Church and bearlng the seal of the ma town and sinned by La Bourgmcsm dHavre Randourl the mum at the nhabl tents of Havre we wish to give ynn qur prolnund gratitude to lhe brave British soldLgfl who have deliveredHut district at unlflze b1qu pcpupatl The 23rd day August 1914 311030 hours we saw the brave English encounter the enemy and on the nth November 1916 mgsnldler Pldre Sherrlnz lays The way 44 year ago And every year line that daleflhe devemh hour theelavenlh month has been observed mm of fine day has been thaan 1mm Armlsllca dny since the signing the pence finely In Remembrance 01 Ermfiitianaalan DM an drove away the 130511me our locality and sent them back to the other side the Canal when the hostilities were fin lshed nvfavor the mmlstlcev The memory of the officers and addict the British Army Is engraved In our thankful beam Also not only those whnl TC is been describing an ex vgxghl magnified YorlgtWas ula nsewo ouz nnr dled in World Wm II and Koran leerals In Line rfinenéhaffi tamlle prafiru Th mnere true er of 69¢ CEASE 1ran may ays ompson never ngnin be brvkn WINNIPEG fCP5Wlal THEY DlED LEAVING U5Crcdil bender Hohen Thump AN EXAMPLE son said Thursday Liberal back mum Tm Seam Lucy 17 Internationally known mm uvm rims mHK Aldul In umvmy man um thch lemilq rrhemu Tmm Adam Tnmrr L14 lunnrr lmrrrlur ol Hm nmllnn lhmlx Cummrm wlm mlrrd In 1m 1mm Cnl Krnrc llulua MMnhIH ll lnnuvr rlunlrmnn ind pmldcnl nl Cnnndn Blunm nhlp Llnu Tmnln llumey Ehculm 10mm mum 17mm mnwr wclnhl lmlnl chumplml mu known Nu Canadian Hunt in lur mu Should public loll rlcl he the hospitals dont get loo much legallzcd In Cnnada mglgoy Ten ll person asked this question hy The Examiner this week antwmd Yet Last week Ive person parlldpatlng In Ibo Inqulrlnx Reporter femur answered In the arm mauve weeks mmmcnls with he cxccpllon at he lone d15 lenlcr were ulmnxl lndcnllcnl lnMwmgol lhe qucsuun posed Wfim dlsmllng puty reanal ed Ihal her common bu will hcld 1mm pnbllulion MILE GODDHEAD Yam Canadian maney la be 1pm lhll way to outside humus we mlth as well kecp humuney Cnnndlnn nm In favor Canndlnn Im plul Iweepslnkel but under lavtmmcnl control bonus lmuxlne tho lrllh swcenslnku mull bu quite huslnul And Mamy NJ Wnllcr Colquhwn dlloulur nl lhn Cnnndlnn Nullonnl linilwnyl Hun Anlonlo Tm my ntrlmnn ll lormcr vaudevllh Ilnr mm ml Mary Ellvnr hclh Hull 11 who had bcrn In com hr 795 mu ImTIM Innldlm Inlmu an have lnr Imam nulhuru Severn person refused nny cormmenl Dllln Dr Man In tr so depuly mlnluer 01 mm Ind luhnlcll Iumyl Ilnre ma mm hurt nllnck Comull Duncan Alexnnv dar Manquxlun as Pram Ilvo Comman member ol he Onurln Iouhlnlura lnr slur mun mm mm More Barrieites Favor Legalizing Lotteries By THE CANADIAN lllll In likizlyrnrn ham hymnMM mum I1 an vnn nm and wlulqul lnr lu1 DEATHS MILK In lllmVZlL think my Ilmuhl he lonnllml Many people huy lirkfl rm lvl lulu anyway and II nmmh do urn could be mad lap nnallnn Alwwnh ll buhad nlmuhl he govern mrnl unlmlloul mink many Canadi wuld mo of leg Hun In Emmi Nom cl and Il urmmi more Carr llllnns umml pullripale ill mm Wu and my rummun rum Then Im mud mumy belnl ma air way lo Tulcldy de4 gmplmCnanInr gale nan yielgld MIIIL llOlllIllT l3 WALTUNI VII lhlnk the mnnny uvrnl nwrml Ihuum mnnln In Cnn mln Hmemlmnlcunlrullnl Crmmllsm lmplml lwmuum wuuhl lu nlcr and xnwrmncnl umlml In mmlnkly llm ml or all It Inlr vdlmu fink mow Irulvlo would lulu ndvnnluifl Hm unulllm lullmlm we runWmI hwy he by general plcblscilc also eel more people wnuld tnku Weir chnnccs Iotlcrlc wcru made more enslly nvnllnble to cm IOIUIUN SANFORD wnuld me In Icnullxmx pub Ilc lollcrlu pcrlm would ha um mm In lm llnn In dlvklunl club hencllllnfi And no ndlvhlnnls unplug vmllln lhlnk he mnnoy men In lho lllnh kupflnkrl mm Cnnndn rlwuhl munln Iwm Why Innd lhu Inmwy oull Im more Inulln nl la fluvemmrnl mnlml ol nnndlnn hmplm wmnnlnku loan hum would bu pm In load usu Ihcn lhll ahuuld bu pnnnlulhlu In CM mln MIIS IL BONNEY lhlnk pcuplu nro buylna lollcry llckcls unywny and ch the many shauld my In Canada fur Canndlan hnspllnl lwccpslnkcs should be gov cmmml continued Money ram hln could and would be usu In to the hosplluh lndlvldual conlrul mullcr liko mlxht mull In loo much monny urnbblmz Mr general nlcblsdle goes mm It qum demmlnn Canndfud let111mm JEIHIY flUllKE You Why send money out Hm counlry am in lnvor cl Itlllnu up Cnnndlnn halpllnl Iwmpllnko but under govemmcnl control Id Ml mnre mun know whrro lhe mamy wm min general uhMama lhe only ml way llw unvernmcut wlll Iver and out who lho people mm Inxnlllcd more mu In wauld nku chancel Tm ny mnny nre alrnld at lullnn their money through lnlpccllnn SOME OF THE Jaycm are shown scrutinizing nn ex hibit at he CFMS Museum CAPT GOLDSMITIL Quartermaster or the GEMS TC is been describing an ex gent CampEorden Amiy Ias night From left are Dan Swwart Larry Perth launcher do not want topple the Dlefenhnker government He said many the Lib arals whom he declined lo nameshook his hand alterSo clnI Cred members voted with the government out oi Hi country to when lhcy ore lcunlizcd We would no doing our own hospilaisj lol good in establishing government controlled Canadian hospiinl sweepstakes gcncrnl plebiscite minhi help in dolor mininn wilnt ihn Cunndlnn Yul iic wants and think lho dc would in occupied Mus W581 You All poapln mm In be In Innr n1 dulnu lhh nuywny llul thnuvcr peaplo hnvn rim lo da lhinu like IMI Iamclhlnl MM lhcm buck TM II pain lm my enrnlnn money Fth blnxul aw nllowcd Now hull hero aw wnyl lell lnr rlnbn churrlu cl Mm In turn mnnny lhll would he wrlcvmo man III wmnlnku In Cnnndn nrl lly Ipmd Hmlmunuquql in wrlwmo mnvo AI Iwmulnku In Cnnndn why lprnd Hm manuy Um unmlryi pie wm mmnled and IM pulllvo mnny mam Cum uaulll pntllrlpulo and can oppnf MRS DANIEL MEFADDENI Lollerlu are lcgnl In Eng land 1011 why cant be the lame hm Iu dn no wnuld retain In CnnndIun money SIncu lhm II much mnnuy Involved In Iwnc lakes am or would ha In nvor Governmcnlconlmllcd lottery In Canada general plebllciln would cerlnlnIy convey he Inch Inga oI llm people It Ialtcrlu Wm chullmt pmhnp mm pcaplu wauId pnrtIclpaIe Mflfl IDIIN 1mm You eel me money wnuld ho much holler In Canada lhnn overxcnl If my nvor an Cnnndlnn my Ellnl nwccpllnktl doubt wlll anylhlng oUmr lhnn navrrn mum cantmllvd In lhll way all would at Mr Ihnrc Im ccrlnln nonurnl lohllclle would help datum nu the cel lnxl nnndlanm Even now mm pcopln would be buying Hrkell may know when lo fut lhcm lunarch wm wallxcd ank lMl wnuln be nppnalinu Cnnndlnns hum to Jaycee Doug Moor hotue at the Canadian Forces Medlcnl Servlces Mmeum hr uh mm Rum and Noel will mtwi nhlo prim MASONRY CONIRACTOR rm numb PA 60966 SPROPLE and IM mm on Cnnndlnnl and cum mil mi of pjehllrllc Forlylive Junior Chamber of Cammercc memb or turned nu for lb monthly business meeting Camp Bo dannLnlxh The Jn cee werotukcn an conduclc tour of kha Cunndlau Farce Medical Services Mus eum following lhelr business session Jnycea President Blll Brallll wallex and vlcepresldcnl Sld Taylor reported on the meal denls and vlcepresldcnls can venllon held last wcekend Sudpury President Brallhwalle and was one pl the most lnlor matatlve convention have ever attended Am certain we Mission In maids yui be Allan Wallace general watmwnmm ch guest speaker at monthly dln ner mount the Christian Dualnmjlenp Oommmee Barth at Burton Avenue link led Church Nesday at 930 qre hwflgd sd ihq ymgea kinkjoifx by the late John Gearga Govn in HM far tho purpose of even xclhlng the tom and village of the 01d Land nnd was mad In Canada In 1927 by Mlaslonnrlcs sent from lha home bum now operating in Ontario British Columbia and Nova Sewn Gaolgo Neal mu amm waIle Doug Grcene Ted Slosne Hamid Hawla Eric Penman Ron Baflrarn Terry Reeves andBob Hodper Exnmlnzr Photo FortyFive Iaycees Visited Two Camp Bbtden Museums filled Wallace To Speak Here Thu Inlmnllonnl nudinz Au mlnllon Simon Cnuncll held mcclinl and panel dllcuulon on Rcmcdlal fleadlnu nl Slmud Communky 1111 recently Pnnnl member wue Mrl Mnrgnrcl Smllh Iupervllar of Remedial Rudlnz ln Burrle Smllh prlnclpnl Steel gum Publlgr cp Cccll Mu Smllh make on lho Ram edlnl Rendluu proxnmln Bir rlo Public Schools Mr Smllh clarified or Ihu Audience Inch erm ll Ilnw Icnmr relurdcd chld under nchluvcr nnd ovornchluvcr Cccfl French and Mn Hell nmy wake cl work In oppor lunlly chum at Camp Bordm Don McEnchcrn explained the cm ultd dhcom Ihe lovcl of mental cupncfl and mulan mgnl hm ch ldrm French and Mu boll Bellamy Panel modernmr Glenn direcud quullnnl lmm lhu nu dlglcollo merpbprl hp pnnglx Tebchm VInnlellr Knm Iervevl rclmhmnu nflur In panel dlncuayn Reading Assoc Holds Meeting The Faun Mlsslon WM dumb wnu my hm IM Mflnllhll um 01 mlnld mm what mm In mnblna your man Imuhlvlum mmlnlo In common IDIllllly mm mm minimum mmuon WM nu mm you your nut ham unuul 1101mm AM Inn no nulldlmh um um dmnmbh mm mu no mm mm nu mun hum ma mm May mm mm rank mm Whom our Day on gum Mum cum nu ma UM no pawn In ml by In 1min nmu an mum Mama Ivglpld pull wha apocllflrn In SmcpeCounly jubilnnzblan mm with palm calllng an 81mm County Council to res cind decislon made earlier lhla yonrllo dlscanllnue lha vslmcoo Counlyfiammnnlty and Recreation Servico council To Keep ReCredtion Boardf have derived good deal or vital information which could be immediately employed to better our own cub JheLmembarsiwer91fxofifiedf um 11 Unlled Nation Organl zatlon re resentullve mm Tor onlu woud bu guest enker at lhe next dinner meelng Nov VIII tullhe CFMSTC Olfch era Mesa ended tho evenings ncllvmns manna Mflififipmlpfl unimam NH Appointed ciiizenn through out tha county in neuriy every municipality aro Cllflflj laiing peniilinns and writing inner to flu editor in mg count weekly newspaper urg ing thaicnuncli nview Ihu de cisim mndn ins May liw pr iiiianx will continue to be cir culated lniii council convenes or its November session on Jim my coonnmmori Caordlnator of 111 commit teo which is responsiblbm clrcmmlns the Willem II Hughes n1 1mm Tom Plnns we made or square dance Fun Niuht at meeting loa fleeting com mllm ol the Bmlaand Dis Irm Square Danes Association htld be home Mr and Mn Bud Wm last night The Fun Night wlll be held at Gmhrte Community Hull Nov Chung and Pam Murray of 1mm will dlred the cvenlngl activluel llckeu for this event may be ambled It the rank hlesday n1th classes Instruction 11 John son Sued School Commltlce members movcd Lhnt latter thank ht or warded to the Barrie Recren tkm Committee or the gener assistance given tho asso clnllon Square Dancers Plan PM Night They canhe Iound In aImusI avgy munlnlpallty In the mung ty hunglnu on community can In bullclln boards sunor marktts or near chmChen and at many Mherconvenlcnt poInInI lhcy can also be Oby IaIned from commuch np pnInIn In each the vIlInzcs lawns andlawnshlps APPOINTEES At Slayner 115 Dannld Fronchhas taken on the tagk of clmulatlng Ihe petition Mrs French anauve Slmcaa County and the feels that fxq much would he lost tho mi Icntlan mvlcu In the count was discontinued was ulnwummuu 51mm County the only county or am In tho pmvtnca that hnl recreation setup for everyone It has been raised by recrcntlcn and plnnn n2 exv pert throughout tho provlnce mlp Some members 01th committee report that nllhough lhu pellllons have only bceq In circulation or aw days nlrcudy nenrly 1000 names hnvabeengnleged era French mid So much has been done and are now mnan owe the mulls at he pmgmmfl Mn French hagjhcmpelmon posted nl the Elmvalei Whliiieldh the appointee He feels that the aervlcu should continue on the same broad nope We will continue to circu lnle iha pelillon unill council meets and llmn we will aiiend Ihe council session said Mr Other who have lho 59 tion Include Yemley Mld land Mm St Amnnl Pen elnna Mn Wllllam Slbthorpe Wyebyldge Mist onandaley Orillla Rev Mitchell Hawkcstonc Mn French Sluyner Mra nyon Glen culrn Mn Reynolds Ene lon Mn Maillom Tol emnm Brown inflow and Hullcs Innlilll Tawmhlp Winfiede cm PA 06505 an my In Am Van Um mm mums YOUR CHRYSLER DODGE IIICA RENAULT VALIANT DEALER 75 Hudlord El PHONE PA Mm mu EXPERT REPAIR WORK

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