am $22 COUNTY MUSEUM On Oct 25 Harvey Corral ol lho Telegrampionned his Town and Country trip to Simcoe County Museum He drew particular attention to the poster oi 1869 olfering 100 no res oi roe land to anyone over 18 year at age who would emi grate Io Ontario irom England Mr Currull rays This ls one of lho hes county museum have seen From Nov 120 the museum will have line dlsplny entitled World war Monywarlioles willbeonloan lrorn Camp Borden Military Museum Christmas cxhlbll ls also being planned During the Winlcr monihs pioneer drug store and room display all early guns and equipment will he set up The curatorï¬oss Channeli tellsus the mend nnce hos passed the 10000 mark No doubt this will con tlnue to climb us the museum is open all year except on Mondnysl GONE HUNTING This week New out our community are missing from lhe homclires They have gone huullng On Nov Mel Ayersl Albert Third and llioniy Sharing went to Manitoulin Is land Ken Gould joined party oi lour whose comp is at Doe Lake Mel Martin Jock and Wchslcr Hooper and nunAr Nnv mum an mm mm my IATUKDY NOVMIBLR 3w AW Xiartn mine whose camp ls ncnr Parry Sound Elwood Webb Hob Mc Dnnald Crcemarc Ferguson Blythe Black Bob Gilroy and Sheldon Bowmnn left Saturday mornan for their heqdquartera nunu NOVEMBER too Sculul mu Yopm Pm mule ml Fxldly llllnd Tnmmlun Tenllflry Newt that Spam DI Klld Calm Home Tm 2E musF999 338838 Tummy Ambrnll mp1 nanan CBC TV New lel Wulmur Spart anlo Cluhhnu == =83 all rem safely Last year Ihcrc were 22 hunllng fatalities Iniontrarla AROUND SIMCOE COUNTY YOU MEET THE NICEST PEOPLE Rélphqind Ronnie Conk EIE my cm in III irqlnl by pm pluu 93ml man Is No cmmou iii iMIs sansch um EVANS mqu mum buv mo CHM nrmly II man ul many lnlnnll Slnau autlnbplnm composeV wulo ml mm 04 amully my wu Jlm my ho hum vnnmu limnl cl day on CHIIJ cununuy he hu bun Iuhlmulmz or CH pnucnallllu on vncalmn ammo mm mm Tnm Emu lel anuV Spom naval Illllblllm Rabin um To Tell Th Trulh lllvl Gun Wlll lrlnl Sign WuLhzr Imewnumm Foolblll nowmuz mum El 911 Dawnyamser cm ANDTflUCKS listen hero TELEVISION PROGRAMS cw To You Ilom VALLEY TAXI CARRIER MISS YOU STBOUD CFTO CHANNEL ckvn CHANNEL BARRIE PA $2433 1000 min CW pam ml Nuwozk 20 Man Nwn um Woulher 1130 mm unun Hour IATURIMY Novmlmm Im Cmnun mm moo Mm Prennu mm 0le Eluuauh To NICO um Tn Sn link 11 Inn at Chlmplanl nun Fool anKul roomn 11on Wruuuu II Tim WIIDII Tnln meny num Audemy Plrfomunu mum Anny Hm Mlm Nut um In nu luv lel Wlllhlr Mam Amwulnl luflcn IUNIMY NDVIMYIZI HIM Mall Pmmu 511 erll Ml Hill Dmllll 1M Arnund TM Wand Aputlll ancmbnnn my Fromm My um um mm mm I00 Te vol I30 month 60 no anr tunnu no In mmm no Andy xrmlm new mm vaa nnnmy Jnmnll ma ltTV Nu In unnu HI Mum an 5me ll Mull Imen crowd 4M year was little dlssappolnflng nwlng lo Hallaw ecn Prankster in the comm unlly were very well behaved 1015 1045 um 1110 1115 Thursday night old and new lriendslor ll tablesarrlved 52 the weekly euchre parties all to good start The all nwlng were prlze winners lane hands wlth Mrsï¬Murdock Banla Maurice Mlller 15 and 2nd high scores and Ey dle Trunx and Caml Mlller Klm Nyboer and Gilbert Mc Master mnsolntlon Luella Mc Fadden and Baldwlak Wednesdaywas busy diay In the cnmmunily with the hat lurkay supper gettinglunderwny biograiaï¬s Mm Russel Caulaon and Mm Bill Gran are altumflng Bell Telephone meeting in Royal York Ham this week 310 Mr and Mrs Fréd Parker Barrle and Mr andMrr Will lam Parker Max Mn and Mrs Elwood Jennell and Heath er were with the Allen Mlll ML and MmHcctor Tlirn bull spent Sunday with Mr and Mn Gary Yaoll0ranxevlue EUCHHE By mm MEN MILLER Sunday and weakend vIsllma were Mr and Mn Jack Frost and slslemf Scarbumuah with Mr and Mn Jack Ellis Mr and Mrs Jack Ems Jr and chldrenEarrie were aim at home or the weekend In Guelph and Toronto this week Judging cannyswine and gain with other 4H memberl Mm two day DAG they then go la the Royal Wlnler Falrlor two days Judglnz In similar events An oxelflnu nmlnok It In MI Ilollu no menu peoplo my Mum pm mm cu mm In mm um um cmnmu Mum mm Immm mmvmxuu WATCH 1n paw wuxu 1v mun Punch Ind Johnny Show Jlm Column Nll anu 6mm Lulmll Cnunlly II 10 Sun In It Lon Youn crv Nun pom Nuwork Mun lel um Wumer Pluto lllrku Hour UTOPIA TORONTO Ill purposc In cover those hands partner mlghl hnv lhnl would produce Ilflm Thus Ills hcnri bld mlght conslsl nnd lllls would be enaugh or lwzlvc Irlcks Ohvlously parl ner would nu be able to do mare than open the blddlng wllh uul hcnrt on lhll hand One nalrumpl Wlulaul ha nrl Icon he rcnpunn would cllhcr npndu or two dlu mnmll but wllh In an scare lhn only proper hld one no lmmpl 0rdlnnrlly he notrump mponsc nlmwn In polnln bu lhe range In usually 11 In the pmscnto cl 90 pm neural Na hearts The meaning of bids change considerably when side ha par acorc Thus whlla would bopropcr In respond lhrcn hum with this hand without purl score mlse to we hearts rul ilclent win the pun scare Slum we are bidding htyand game nlrendy reached he lwa hm bid um mild slum try Mrs Edie Jnnsone we win net the prize be 0m cen wives Bridge night held In the Offlceu Mess ECAF Camp Borden Mm Mice Moat took home the consolation prflc Lungh lollnwpd Partner hlda 0n Heart next buyer passes both lldClï¬lB vulnerable and you have part More 90 What would you now hld wilh each of the allow inx live hands um on on 4154 um on om mm mm one Mm Mesa oxm 41092 um um xx153 4o IQ Dmhh 011 pub 0m our all DAILY CROSSWORD I5 nuunu wt mu mam Wmï¬leï¬fï¬Ã©iï¬fcfwéte damage was extensive lhrauzh the wire house and talks returned home to Ind everythlng In good shape tar which they are very gratetul Everybody had gmtlmeet the masquerade dencé lntho evening Ind Mrs Dela John nnne Angus won the $50 bill Ah the drawn Misses WTrnple and Guinea Toronto are student teacher herethil week HQUSE FIRE Em Carson could have had disastrous house ï¬re on Satur day hm or the quickresponse Vespru Fire Brigade and oth most 11er Obuï¬hlln Tomnlo spent 31min lffanlg Capghllnsa Mr Duck ï¬nd 50 01 Parry Sound visited over the weekend at Hawdenn Mia Ciï¬Ã©ion Cook spend 1113 lew days with her sister inenetgl Mr and Mrs Doug Jones and son andMr and Mn Babe Adam vlsflzd recently at Mr and Mrs Joseph Brailhwallea In Tomnto Mr and Mn Georg Cox arrived home last wee from ana and Ira naw in to reside 1n Barrie Vémnica ilowden pallent Iornlewdays In Raye VI to £59931 MRS scam Mr and new woman and Mrs Gilbert Heightq mov edlinuf their naw hnmes SM rm and Mrs Don Howcmn held family dinner In lhu gammunlty hall Sunday Nam The gentle art or judu hold CAMP BURDEN ANTEN MILLS CONTRACT BRIDGE 11 OM MM my 901mm Hart lawman II noon $190 is VIn By JAYV BECKER um ill Elm Am um 44 Pom pung m1 Jumpuhlfll have no celllnu They may Ihow l7 polnu thcy may have in polnu 1m upcfl In hlddflcr remand nnlurnlly showing bolh the dllrlbunanll nature hln hand Ind exlm valuel ha hlll lhcm Tnmnvrm percentn pro wllllon Note the disiinclian bclween Ihi hnnd and the lira on The rniw lhcrc Io iwn hum shaw ed only mild inmost In sham which is all that the hand war ranted But here with belief hand in bolh dislribuiian and high cards the 11am pruned are much brighicr Th diiicr men is one oi duxrce only and In reilccltd by lhc doubie with or than lho lingio rnlsl Three dlnmandl Thls bld In 100 per cent arcing Part Mr cnnnot pan The dlxllnctlan ll um his Sump5M not merely Jumprnlsc Jumwnlb mcrcly Ilmil Md rcnccl lng the dcgm Ilrnulh Three hearts Th ll also lnvlmflnnnl towards slam bu unin Ihn Jump response in not forcing Partner expected to pass with minimum vnluu Na noirump Thil il dearcut slam lry The two trump response them 11 15 paints in lire absent or pm score but siighiiy mare in the presence oi one The bid in an arcing Pariner may pass with minimum vniucs It in manly lnviluliunni Wimoui Ihe pan score the proper response would be gee ngirumpi We welcome Mr and Mrs Gwynne Timothy formerly of Shanty Bay who hnve bought Ihe residence at Mr and Mn Bidding Bmck Cline 15 away on his annual hunting trip to thenonh Fwd Salisbury spent day an lwo noth hunting Mr anli Mrs Stewart balmy called at Hnndya Sunday qflemoom Mufti Smllh want day lq Toronto recently away at Anderson Park with entnnaiaam end auccesa judga ing tram award recently r9 oeived by the exponents at this art This club started inJan nary 1962 has grown into going concern Andorran Perk town ooqull haa tilted the inn Ior memberrwiih uniforms total at to belts have been won by the aturienta and two med ailiona Under the watcniui eyes of three high ranking Black Beiia Bill bladder wan idl YellowBeit at Oriiiiu in June September aaw Pat Dale Win hie Yellow Pelt aiao Duane meant was promoted to YeiV tow Belt Brion Weetell Jerry Deveau Dan Couaina and Eve iyn Cwaina are mud wearer oi Orange Belts the inst three named being graded by Dave Dudenhoiierh Bmvm Belt imn Ciinton Ontario Mr Frank Hat aahitna Ali degree Blneig Belt held grading tournament tor the senior members Out no in Toronto Rte ioiiowing ware wtnnera oi their Yellow Bella Act Oorrezni AC1 Roy and Am Boyd flw man at the evening was AC ToneroBiancrwiro taught ten men and Jumped from Yellow to Orange to Green mt not Iatlaiied with that eat Ito ai eo won the judo medallion the second time in as many atartai that member at Camp Bor den Club has won these awards ms Ava Mn and look number 01 ladle lo the Golden StarLDBA ten and bazaar Wednesday in AHandalH WONDERI VALLEY mMva wnL MHWI lETMfllE 34 deam 525 F1F mi man 02 ma21mm2 mum km 53 HERE EAY THESE MARSHMALLOWS AND GIVE ME THAT =EANUT ERITTLE WT wnwur AV WINIR 1mm mmmtn minnfnovmmnim 010qu Mm MI WT 541 luzmrgï¬ow ME KM RIMV mum emo EEK WE flunk LYmMmrj if